人教版(PEP)小学英语五年级下册 Unit 4 When is Easter Part B 同步测试(二)(I)卷

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人教版(PEP)小学英语五年级下册 Unit 4 When is Easter Part B 同步测试(二)(I)卷_第1页
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第 1 页 共 11 页 人教版 PEP 小学英语五年级下册 Unit 4 When is Easter Part B 同步测试 二 I 卷 姓名 班级 成绩 小 朋 友 带 上 你 一 段 时 间 的 学 习 成 果 一 起 来 做 个 自 我 检 测 吧 相 信 你 一 定 是 最 棒 的 一 选出下列各组单词中不同类的选项 共 1题 共 5分 1 5 分 按要求写答案 am 原形 hello 汉语 I am 缩写 hello 同义词 I 汉语 二 用所给单词的正确形式填空 共 4题 共 12分 2 8 分 将下列句子重新排序 组成一段完整的对话 A No May I see that one please B How much is this postcard C Yes I want to buy some postcards D Can I help you E Sure F It s two yuan G I ll take five please 第 2 页 共 11 页 H Do you like this one 3 2 分 He often plays football with for of his friends at in on Sundays 4 1 分 It look well 5 1 分 May is the five month of a year 三 给下列问句选择合适的答语 共 3题 共 6分 6 2 分 看图选择正确的对话 A Does Sam play football on Monday No he doesn t He plays basketball B Does Sam play football on Monday Yes he does 7 2 分 is my pen It s in my desk A Where B Where s C What 8 2 分 What subjects Linda this term A does studies B do study C does study 第 3 页 共 11 页 四 从方框里选出适当的答案 共 3题 共 14分 9 3 分 从方框中选出合适的单词补全下列句子 每词限用一次 are fourth when 1 does Amy usually eat breakfast 2 There some kites in the sky 3 The day of the week is Wednesday 10 1 分 I have some e friends in different country countries 11 10 分 用所给单词完成填空 had was by were with visited brought cooked young saw Last weekend it a sunny day My mother and I my grandparents We went there bus We many things My grandparents very happy when they us Grandma fish After lunch I played my cousin He is one year than me We a good time 五 把下面的日期填入它所在的季节 只写序号 共 1题 共 5分 12 5 分 2017 深圳模拟 读下列单词 看图把词分类 panda teacher hamburger guitar sweater dumpling driver piano dentist monkey jacket violin horse noodle dress 1 第 4 页 共 11 页 2 3 4 5 六 根据例子写出下列日期的英语形式 共 1题 共 4分 13 4 分 选出下列各组单词或短语中不同类的选项 A twelfth B twentieth C twelve A birthday party B Children s Day C Tree Planting Day A spring B summer C October A first B eighth C three 第 5 页 共 11 页 七 根据表格 回答问题 共 1题 共 10分 14 10 分 根据材料内容判断正误 Monday April 28 Today was a sunny day In the morning Robin and I walked to Wu Yifan s home It was his birthday I bought some dinosaurs pictures for him He liked them very much We ate the birthday cake and lunch together We had a good time 1 Today was Sunday 2 Today was Robin s birthday 3 Wu Yifan liked the dinosaurs pictures very much 4 They ate breakfast together 5 They had a bad day but also a good day 八 把日期与对应的节日连线 共 1题 共 5分 15 5 分 读一读 选择正确的答案 将字母代号写入前面的括号内 January A Women s Day May B Christmas March C New Year s Day June D Children s Day December E Mother s Day 九 根据表格内容判断下列句子是否正确 共 4题 共 40分 16 10 分 阅读短文 判断下列句子与短文内容是否相符 My name is Lily I m 12 years old I m 1 45 metres tall I m 40 kilograms I have a twin sister Her name is Lucy She is 1 cm shorter than me I m 3 kilograms heavier than her Her 第 6 页 共 11 页 hair is longer than mine Last weekend we bought two pairs of shoes I wear size 35 shoes She wears size 36 shoes 1 Lucy is 12 years old 2 Lily is shorter than Lucy 3 Lucy is 43 kilograms 4 They bought two pairs of shoes 5 Lily s feet are bigger than Lucy s 17 10 分 根据短文内容 选择正确答案 A Football Player Most people make their living with their hands But Tom makes his living with his feet A very good living it is too and Tom lives in a very small city in England His parents are very poor Seven people live in their small house Tom has no place to play but in the street Tom s father often plays football Little Tom wants to play football too So his father makes a soft ball for him to kick It is a sock filled with pieces of cloth The little boy kicks it every day At last Tom learns to kick a real football and after few years he can play football very well Now Tom is one of the best football players in the world 1 第 7 页 共 11 页 Tom makes his living with his A foot B hands C feet 2 Tom s father makes a ball for him to kick A big and hard B soft C small 3 Tom s parents are very A poor B rich C nice 4 Tom has no place to play but in the A school B yard C street 5 Tom is one of the best football players A in No 10 Middle School B in the world C in a small city 18 10 分 根据短文内容判断正误 第 8 页 共 11 页 Yesterday was Sunday Lanlan s grandpa and grandma got up 起床 at six o clock Then 然 后 they walked in the park They talked with some friends It was a nice day They were very happy 1 Today is Monday 2 Lanlan s grandma got up at 7 00 yesterday 3 Lanlan s grandpa was in the park on Sunday 4 It was rainy yesterday 5 Lanlan s grandparents were very happy yesterday 19 10 分 根据短文内容 判断句子正误 Mrs Li wanted to open her new shop but the signs were not ready She asked Bob to help her Mrs Li Please come to the shop early and put up the signs Bob Then open the shop at ten o clock Bob Yes boss 老板 Bob went to the shop at six o clock He put the Exit 出口 sign on the outside 外面 of the door and put the Entrance 入口 sign on the inside 里面 of the door Then he opened the shop Leo There s only one door and it says Exit Where s the entrance 第 9 页 共 11 页 Ann The shop isn t open It says Closed Tim But there s a man inside Nobody came to the shop all day At six o clock Bob went into the street He asked a boy to come in Oh I think your shop is closed Look at the sign It says Closed said the boy Joyful Toy Shop didn t have a good start 开始 It made no money all day Bob knew why nobody came into the shop The signs were in the wrong places He changed the signs 1 Mrs Li was the shopkeeper 店主 of Joyful Toy Shop 2 Bob put an Entrance sign on the outside of the door 3 Nobody came into the shop because the signs were in wrong places 4 Joyful Toy Shop didn t make any money on the first day 5 Bob was clever 第 10 页 共 11 页 参考答案 一 选出下列各组单词中不同类的选项 共 1题 共 5分 1 答案 略 二 用所给单词的正确形式填空 共 4题 共 12分 2 答案 略 3 答案 略 4 答案 略 5 答案 略 三 给下列问句选择合适的答语 共 3题 共 6分 6 答案 略 7 答案 略 8 答案 略 四 从方框里选出适当的答案 共 3题 共 14分 9 答案 略 10 答案 略 11 答案 略 五 把下面的日期填入它所在的季节 只写序号 共 1题 共 5分 12 答案 略 六 根据例子写出下列日期的英语形式 共 1题 共 4分 13 答案 略 七 根据表格 回答问题 共 1题 共 10分 第 11 页 共 11 页 14 答案 略 八 把日期与对应的节日连线 共 1题 共 5分 15 答案 略 九 根据表格内容判断下列句子是否正确 共 4题 共 40分 16 答案 略 17 答案 略 18 答案 略 19 答案 略

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