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Unit 1-3my mai 我的 my book my deskmy mothermy pen name neim 名字,名称 my name is.is iz 是(be的现在式第三人称) clock klk 时钟 The clock rings. 时钟响了watch wt n. 手表 v,看 watch TV I ai 我 am m 是 I am.nice nais 美好的;令人愉快的 nice to meet youto tu: prep. 用于与动词原形一起构成动词不定式 To do workmeet mi:t 遇见,相逢 you ju: 你(们)what wt 什么 Whats your name? your j: 你(们)的hello helu 喂,哈罗 hi hai 嗨!(用作问候语)his hiz pron. 他的 and nd conj. 和,与her h: pron. 她的 question kwestn n. 问题,疑问 Please answer the question.answer :ns v. 回答 look luk v. 看first f:st a. 第一的 firstname f:st neim 名字 =given name 全名:full namelast l:st a. 最后的;最近的 lastname l:st neim 姓氏=family name George Bush 乔治布什 Tom Smith 汤姆史密斯 西方:称呼为uncle Tom ;Mr Smith 中国人:Li Ming :Li 是lastname;Ming是firstname。称呼为uncle Li;Mr Liboy bi n. 男孩 girl g:l n. 女孩zero ziru num. 零 one wn num. 一two tu: num. 二 three ri: num. 三four f: num. 四; five faiv num. 五;six siks num. 六 seven sevn num. 七 eight eit num. 八; nine nain num. 九;Ten ten num. 十telephone telifun n. 电话 May I use your telephone? 我能借用你的电话吗? number nmb n. 号码;数字telephonenumber telifun nmb 电话号码 询问电话号码:Whats your/his/her telephone number? Its xxxxxxx. May I have your telephone number?我可以记下您的电话号码吗? phone fun n. 电话phonenumber fun nmb 电话号码 it it pron. 它card k:d n. 卡片 IDcard (ID=identification) aidi: k:d n. 身份证family fmili n. 家庭 familyname fmili neim 姓氏 =last namethis is pron. 这,这个 复数these i:z pron. 这些 例子: _Whats this? _This is a pen.This is an English book (五个元音字母:Aa Ee Ii Oo U u ) (a 加辅音音素开头的单词或字母 an 加元音音素开头的单词或字母) (an eraseran English booka girla boya carda book a dictionary)he art.表示特指的人、物、事或群.(定冠词) play the piano/the sun/the moonthat t pron. 那,那个 复数 those uz pron. 那些 例子:1、Is thisthat an English book?Yes,it is.No,it isnt. 2、Are these those pencils?Yes,they are.No,they arent.pencil pensl n. 铅笔 pencil box 铅笔盒 pen pen n. 钢笔book buk n. 书eraser reis n. 橡皮擦 erase v. 擦掉,抹去,清除eraser n.ruler ru:l n. 尺子 rule v. 判定,裁决ruler n.computer kmpju:t n. 计算机 compute v.计算computer n.game geim n. 游戏;比赛computer game kmpju:t gem 电脑游戏 Play computer game玩电脑游戏case keis n. 盒;箱;橱 =boxpencilcase pensl keis 铅笔盒backpack bkpk n. 双肩背包 Your backpack is very beautiful.pencilsharpener pensl :pn 转笔刀dictionary diknri n. 词典,字典yes jes adv. 是no nu a. 没有;不是not nt adv. 不isnt =is not iznt 不是 arent=are not 不是excuse ikskju:z v. 原谅excuse me ikskju:z mi: 对不起,打扰一下 例子: Excuse me,can you tell me your name? thank k int. 谢谢OK ukei, int. 好.不错in in prep. 在. . . 之内 in a roomEnglish igli n. 英语 in English用英语说in Chinese 用汉语说 例子:Whats this in English?用英语说,这是什么?Its a pen.a art. 一 (不定冠词:a an)how hau adv. 怎样,如何 How are you?Im fine./Fine./Im OK.Thanks.And you? do du: v. 做 to do homework做家庭作业 spell spel vt. 拼写 Could you spell your name?/Can you spell the word? How do you spell it?=Spell it ,please. 拼写时要用大写字母,如:W-A-T-C-Hbaseball beisb:l n. 棒球 ball 球key ki: n. 钥匙;关键 Where is my key?notebook nutbuk n. 笔记簿 note v.记录ring ri n. 环;戒指 The Lord of the rings 指环王call k:l v. 呼叫;打电话 =telephone v. Can you call/telephone me tomorrow? at t prep. 在(里面或附近);在(点,刻) at six oclock/at homelost lst a. 失去的;迷惑的; a lost ring /a lost key/feel lost/get lost(迷路)found faund vt. 建立,创立 例子:The PRC was founded On October 1,1949lostandfound lst nd faund 失物招领 In the lostandfound 在失物招领处please pli:z int. 请school sku:l n. 学校aset set v 一套;一副;一对 a set of wings一对翅膀 a set of keys一串钥匙 例子:Please give me a set.of v prep. 的,表示所属(无生命的变所有格用of) a photo of my familysister sist n. 姐妹mother m 母亲father f: n. 父亲parent pernt n. 父(母)亲brother br n. 兄弟grandmother rndm n. 奶奶,外婆grandfather rndf: n. 爷爷,外公friend frend n. 朋友grandparent rnd,prnt n. (外)祖父母are : v. 是(be的第二人称单复数Thats ts 那是(=that is) Thats my grandmother. she i: pron. 她he hi: pron. 他Heshi:z 他是(=he is)aunt :nt n. 阿姨son sn n. 儿子cousin kzn n. 堂(表)兄弟姐妹daughter d:t n. 女儿uncle kl n. 叔叔picture pikt n. 图画;照片dear di a. 亲爱的;贵的for f: prep. 为了thanksfor ks f: 为而感谢=thank you for thanksfor help=thank you for help photo futu n. 照片 a photo of /two photos of一张/两张。的照片 a photo of my familyhere hi adv. 这里Here be.这就是。(be随名词单复数变化而变化,如果单数就用is,如果是复数就用are)例子:Here is a photo of my family 这就是我家庭的一张照片。 Here are two photos of my family 这就是两张我家庭的照片。知识点1、定冠词:1)特指双方都明白的人或物。例如:Take the medicine. 把药吃了。2)指世上独一物二的事物,如the sun, the sky, the moon, the earth等。3)与单数名词连用表示一类事物,如the dollar 美元; the fox 狐狸;或与形容词或分词连用,表示一类人:the rich 富人; the living 生者;the old老人。4)用在某些由普通名词构成的国家名称、机关团体、阶级、等专有名词前。例如:the Peoples Republic of China 中华人民共和国the United States 美国5)用在表示乐器的名词之前。例如:She plays the piano. 她会弹钢琴。6) 用在姓氏的复数名词之前,表示一家人。例如:the Greens 格林一家人 (或格林夫妇)7) 用在惯用语中。例如:in the day在白天 in the morning (afternoon/evening)the day after tomorrow后天the day before yesterday前天,前日 the next morningin the sky (water,field,country)in the middle (of)在.中间 in the end最后 by the way顺便说一下 go to the theatre 去剧院2、 所有格 (1)无生命的变所有格用ofthe windows of the house 房间的窗户the title of the song 歌的题目the picture of the family 家庭照片 (2)有生命的名词+s变所有格单数名词词尾+s the boys bag 男孩的书包 Mikes eraser 迈克的橡皮擦 若名词已有复数词尾-s,只加 the twins pencils 双胞胎的铅笔Teachers day 教师节不以s结尾的不规则的名词复数,加“s” the Childrens Palace 少年宫 mens room 男厕所表示几个人共有一样东西,只需在最后一个人的名字后加s。如表示各自所有,则需在各个名字后加s。如:This is Tom and Jasons room. 这是汤姆和杰森共有的房间。These are Toms and Jasons rooms. 这些是汤姆和杰森各自的房间。注意a.在表示名词所有格时,s结构可以转换成of结构。the girls namethe name of the girl 女孩的名字my fathers friendthe friend of my fathers 我父亲的朋友b.有些表示时间、距离、国家、城市等无生命的东西的名词,也可以加s来构成所有格。Beijings street 北京的街道todays newspaper 今天的报纸ten minutes walk 十分钟的路3、人称代词 Is that your schoolbag? Yes,it is./No,it isnt. It is his. Are these your photos? Yes,they are./No,they arent. They are theirs.4、 ask sb For sth 向某人寻求某物 Please ask your aunt for picture. call at. 拨(电话号码) call /email sb at号码/邮箱 给某人打电话/发邮件 Please call teacher at xxxxxxx.5、 parent=father或者是mother parents=father+mother6、 打电话时,介绍自己用this,询问对方用that。 Hello,is that Miss Green? 喂,是格林小姐吗? Yes,this is.Whos that? 是的,我是,你是谁?在英语中打电话绝不可以说: I am.,are you ?/Who are you ?7、 相别人介绍某人是说This is.不能说That is.This is Helen.Helen,this is Tom.8、 Have a good time/day. 过得愉快(表祝愿)9、 I see. 我看见了。/我明白了。10、 This is /am not 无缩写形式11、 Family 集合名词 作“家庭”讲,谓语动词用单数 My family is large. 作“家庭成员”讲,谓语动词用复数 My family are watching TV.Family tree 家谱12、 对颜色提问用 What color. 对单数提问用 What color is it/that/this? 回答用Its red/green/yellow.对复数提问用 What color are these/those/they?回答用They are red/green.练习题(一)选择题(20分)( )1. Good evening, Eric. _, Cindy. A. Good morning B. Good afternoon C. Good evening ( ) 2. - Good morning, Miss Gao. - _ Li Ming.A. Nice to meet you B. Hello C. Good morning ( )3 Hello! _.A.OK B. Hello! C. God morning! ( )4 How are you? A. Fine, thank you. B. Hello! C. How are you? ( )5 Whats this _ English? Its a map.A. at B. in C. / D. on( )6-Spell it, please . - _. A.P-E-N. B. p-e-n . C.P-e-n.( )7-Whats this? -Its _ jacket.。 A. a B. an C. the( )8 My jacket is_ blackAa Ban C/ ( )9. -Whats this ? - Its orange . A. a B. an C. / D. the( ) 10. _ is your pen? Its black.A. What B. How C. Whats color D. What color( )11.- _, Gina. - Nice to meet you, too, Li Lei.A. Good morning B. How are youC. Nice to meet you D. Thank you( )12. -_your name, please? - My name is Gina Smith.A. What B. Whats C. WhatsD. What( )13. _ am a girl. _ name is Wang Lei.A. I ; I B. I ; My C. My ; I D. My ; i( ) 14. Are you Mary? _.A. Yes, it is B. No, Im not C. Yes, Im D. No, it is( )15. A: Whats your name? B: My name is .A.Wang Xiaomei B. Wang xiao mei C. Wang Xiao Mei ( ) 16. Whats your _? -Its 555-6688.A. name B. first name C. phone number D. last name ( )17. Her name is Ann Read. Read is her _ name.A. first B. givenC. fullD. family ( )18.Sit down,P1ease _. AIm fine BOK CThank you( ) 19.My farther is a teacher. phone number is 4677892.A. He B. His C. She D. Her ( ) 20. - is it ? - Its letter (字母) Y . A. Whats B. How C. What D. What color二、完型填空(10分)I am 16 English girl. 17 name is Kate. Im twelve. I 18 a Chinese friend. 19 name is Han Meimei . She is twelve, 20 . Han Meimei and I 21 in the same class. We are in 22 . Han Meimei is 23 She is in Row 2. I 24 in Row 2. Im in Row 3. We are not in the same row, 25 we are in the same team(组) ( )16.A. the B. an C. a ( )17.A. I B. Her C. My ( )18. A. am B. know C. have ( )19.A. She B. Her C. His ( )20.A. too B. two C. to ( )21. A. is B. am C. are ( )22. A. Class One, Grade One B. Grade One ,Class One C. One Class, One Grade ( )23. A. 5 Number B. Number 5 C. in Number 5 ( )24 A. am not B. isnt C. amnt ( )25. A. and B. but C. or II.任务型阅读。(20分)Hello! Im Jim Green. Im English. This is my mother. Her first name is Mary. This is my father. His first name is Steve. My telephone number is seven-six-oh, nine-one-seven-six. My friend is Li Lei. His English name is Paul. He is Chinese. His telephone number is 281-5248. Look at the photo. Whos that in the photo? Its my Chinese teacher. His name is Liu Yongjun. He is a good teacher. ( ) 21.-Whats your first name?-_. A Jim B Green C Jim Green D Green Jim( ) 22. My fathers last name is _ . A Jim B Steve C Green D Tom( ) 23. My telephone number is _ .A 760-9176 B 687-9716 C 281-5248 D 706-9671( ) 24. -Whats Li Leis English name? - _. A Mary B Paul C Jim D Lei( ) 25 _ is in the photo. A Li Lei B Jim Green C His father D Liu YongjunMy name is Tom. My birthday is June 2nd. The weather is sunny and hot. Its my favourite season. On my birthday, I usually have a birthday party. Sometimes we have a picnic. Tomorrow is my birthday. I am cleaning the room now. My mom is making a birthday cake for me. 根据上面短文的意思判断下面的句子是否正确,正确的在句子前面的括号里打“”,不正确的打“” ( )26.Toms birthday is on Childrens Day. ( )27.Its warm and sunny in summer. ( )28. Today is June 1st. ( )29. Toms mother can make a birthday cake. ( )30.Usually there is a birthday party on Toms birthday. 四、单词拼写(5分)36. -Whats this? -Its a _ (时钟).37. _ (看) at this picture, please.38. My _ (第一) name is Tony.39. Is _ (零) a number?40. I have a sister. _(她的) name is Jenny.五、句型转换(10分)41.This is an English book.(对划线部分提问) _ is this?42.My shoes are black and white.(对划线部分提问)_ _ _your shoes?43.This is a blue backpack.(改为否定句) This _ _a red backpack.44.He is Sandy.(对划线部分提问) _is he?45.She is Emma.(用Annie改为选择问句) _ _Emma or Annie?六、短文填空(5分)用恰当的人称代词填空Linda is my sister. 46_ is ten. I am 47_ brother. This is a boy. 48_ is Tony. I am 49_friend. My mother and my father are teachers. They like 50_ students. They work hard every day. I love my parents and they love me.III. 将回答选入相应的问题前面.(10分)A HiB Nice to see you, Ben.C Good morning.D Its green.E Im HelenF Fine, thank you.G Its a hat.H Good afternoon.I J-A-M-E-S, James.J Good evening.( )26Good morning. ( )27Good evening. ( )28Hello!( )29Whats your name? ( )30How are you? ( )31Nice to meet you ,John.( )32Good afternoon!. ( )33What color is it? ( )34Whats this in English ?( )35Spell your name, please? VII,完成句子(15分):1. 这个用英语怎么说? Whats this _?2. 他的电话号码是536-7185。 _ telephone number _ 536-7185.3. 她姓什么? What is _ _ name? 4. 他叫Mike. _ _ _ Mike.5. 我是Anna, 很高兴见到你。I _ Anna. _ to _you. 6他的夹克衫是什么颜色的?白色的 -_ _ is his jacket? -Its _.VIII. 补全对话(一空一词,10分) A: (1) morning , Eric . B: Hi , Cindy . A: (2) are you ? B: Im fine , (3) . How are you ? A: (4) OK . Thank you . B: Oh , look (看) ! (5) this in English ? A: Its a pen . B: (6) it , please . A: P- E- N . B: (7) (8) is it ? A: (9) black (10) yellow . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. IX书面表达。(10分)写一篇短文介绍一下你自己,内容包括自己的姓名(Bill Smith)、自己父母的姓名以及自己的爱好等。(30-40个单词)

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