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Unit 2 What should I do ?Language goal: Talk about problems and give advice. 谈论问题和提出建议。语法:学会使用could,should提出建议。SectionA Period 1课前预习内容 阅读教材第10页和第11页重点词汇和短语记忆(看教材104页)播放 争论,争吵 使惊奇,使意外 wrong ticket 不让.进入 不时髦的,过时的 call sb. up on the phone 提示1. -My clothes are out of style. 我的衣服过时了。-Maybe you should buy some new clothes. 也许你该买几件新的了。2. -What should I do? 我该如何是好呢?-You could write him a letter. 你可以写封信给他。要求 试做练习1a(看这些问题。他们严重与否?将他们写到相关的表格里。)1c和2c。知识点拨enough a. 修饰名词,放在它所修饰的名词之前,也可放在它所修饰的名词后,意为“足够的,充足的”。你有足够的时间做这件事。You have enough time ( time enough ) to do it.他有足够的钱买那本书。 He has for the book.b. enough修饰形容词或副词放在形容词或副词之后,意为“足够地,十分地”。这个房间足够大可容两个人住。The room is for two people to live in.他跑得够快吗? Did he run ?c. enough.to.足够可以.那个女孩足够大可以去上学了。The girl is old enough to go to school.这个箱子足够轻,你可以搬动它。(light:轻的)The box is for you carry.Whats wrong? 怎么了?Whats wrong?是用来询问别人发生了什么事最常用的句型之一。Whats wrong with you? 你怎么了?表示“.怎么了(出了什么事了)?” 还可以用:Whats the matter (with) ?Whats the trouble (with.) ?Whats wrong with Joe? ( 写同义句)Whats with Joe?Theres something wrong with . .出毛病了。我的单车出毛病了。Theres something wrong with my bike.Theres not anything wrong with my computer.情态动词should,could的用法should + 动词原形 You should stop smoking.(你应该诫烟。)could + 动词原形 We could write a letter to the headmaster.( 我们不妨给校长写封信。)should和could都可用来提出建议,表示轻微的批评或遗憾,但could语气更委婉客气。should“应该,应当”,could“可以,可能,不妨”。你不应该和父母争吵。You shouldnt (= should not ) argue with your parents. (argue with sb与某人争吵)你可以再仔细些。You could be more careful.当征求别人意见时,常用should。What should I do? 我该怎么办? Mary 不小心把好朋友给她提的建议搞乱了。请你帮她整理一下吧!从建议栏中选出合理的答案。Problems Advice1. My clothes are old. A. You should ask the teacher. 2. I have some questions. B. You should say youre sorry. 3. I dont have any story-books. C. You could borrow some from the library.4. I argued with my best friend. D. You should see the dentist.5. I have a toothache. E. You should buy some new ones.当堂检测:短语翻译。(英译中) 1. out of style _ 2. in style _3. stay at home every night _ 4. have enough money _5. play CDs too loud _ 6. argue with my best friend _7. say sorry to sb. _ 8. write a letter to sb. _9. call sb. up _ 10. surprise your mother _11. talk about your problem on the phone with your friend _Homework:句子翻译1. 怎么了?2. 我昨天与我最好的朋友发生了争执。3. 这个女孩足够大可以去上学了。4. 不准如内!5. My clothes are out of style .6. Maybe you should call him up.Unit 2 What should I do?SectionA Period 2 (Page12)课前预习内容 阅读教材第12页重点词汇和短语记忆(看教材104页)好的 也不, 任一的(两方中的),每一方(的) tutor 烤烘 付帐 兼职工作 Teen Talk 句型:1.-I need to get some money to pay for summer camp . 我需要为夏令营筹备一些钱。-Well, you could get a part-time job. 噢,你可以兼职啊。2. I think you should borrow some money from your friends . 我认为你应当从你的朋友借一些钱。3. He doesnt have any money ,either. 他也没有钱。4. I think you should ask your parents for some money.我认为你应当向你的父母要一些钱。要求 试做练习3a,3b和4。句型讲解:1. I need to get some money to pay for summer camp .我需要为夏令营筹备一些钱。need 动词 意为 需要 在此句中为实义动词,其后名词或动词接不定式随手练:We need _(speak)English as much as possible.pay for 固定词组 意为付钱,支付;为.付出代价随手练:She _and went out.(付出买书的钱)2.I think you should borrow some money from your friends .我认为你应当从你的朋友借一些钱。此句为由think引导的宾语从句 变否定时要前置。随手练: I think you should get a part-time job.(变否定句) _ borrow 动词 意为 向别人借,借入。与from连用表示“从.借来某物”lend 动词 表示“借出” 与 to连用表示“把某物借给.”随手练: 昨天他向朋友借了十美元。He ten dollars his friend yesterday.3. He doesnt have any money ,either. 他也没有钱。either 也不 用于否定句中。在肯定句和疑问句中用too.随手练: He also likes volleyball.(变否定句) _.4. I think you should ask your parents for some money. 我认为你应当向你的父母要一些钱。ask sb for sth 意为向某人要某物随手练: If you have a problem,_.(你可以向警察求助)当堂检测:单项选择( )1.- Bob,may I _ your MP4?- Sure.But youd better not _ it to others. A lend,lend B lend,borrow C borrow,lend D borrow,borrow( )2. I need _ some money.A.to get B.get C.getting D.to getting ( )3. I _ ten yuan for the book. A spent B paid C cost D took( )4. The man came up to me and _ my autograph.A.ask for B.asked for C.to ask for D.asking for( )5. How much did you pay_ your car? A on B for C with D at Homework:根据汉语提示完成句子。1)My friends didnt go to the park yesterday.My cousin didnt go there,e_.(也)2)He could get a t_(家庭教师) to come to his home. 3)Would you please l_ (借)me your raincoat. 4)He needs to get a _(业余)job.5)Maybe you could have a _(卖烧烤)sale.Unit 2 What should I do?SectionB Period 3 (Page13)课前预习内容 阅读教材第13页重点词汇和短语记忆(看教材104页)新颖的 与同样的 便宜的 时髦的,流行的 haircut 昂贵的 提示1. original adj.新颖的,原创的His idea is quite original. 他的想法很有创意。2. style n.款式 in style时髦的,流行的 out of style过时的This years style in dresses is different from last years.今年服装样式与去年的不同。3. haircut: 1) 理发 eg: You need a haircut.你需要理发。 2) 发型 eg: Do you like my new haircut?你喜欢我的新发型吗? 要求 试做1a,2c。 1a (Next to the statement, write NI(不重要的), I(重要的), VI(很重要的))When you choose clothes, what is important to you? _ 1.They are original._ 2.They are comfortable._ 3.They are the same as my friends clothes._ 4.They are in style._ 5.They are inexpensive._ 6.They are colorful.当堂检测:根据首字母和句子意思填空。1. The sweater is c_. It looks beautiful.2. The book is only 10yuan. Its i_.3. I hope my friends clothes are different from mine. I want to be o_.4. Your hair is too long. I think you need a h_.单项选择 ( )1. Katrina works in the TV station. She is a _.A. teacher B. interviewer C. farmer D. businesswoman( )2.I have many important things to do. I _ a little late.A.maybe B. perhaps C. may be D. may( )3.Tony studies very _.He often does his homework until 10:30p.m.,but his brother Tom_ does homework.A. hardly ;hardly B. hard;hardly C. hardly;hard D. hard;hard( )4._students do homework every day._all the students watch TV every day.A. Almost ;Almost B. Most; Most C. Almost; Most D.Most;Almost( )5.As_computer games, all my students love _ very much.A. for; it B. for; them C. /; it D. to; it( )6.-_ do you play football? -Once a week.A. When B. How C. How time D. How often( )7.-_did you live in Shenyang? -For about eight years.A. How far B. How long C. How often D. How old( )8.Its raining outside. Dick _stay at home.A. must B.have to C. has to D.can( )9._she is fat,_ she is healthy.A.Although; but B. But ; although C. Although; / D.Although ;so( )10.I try _English well.A. to speak B. to speaking C. speak D. speakingHomework 按要求完成下面的句子1I go to the shop twice a week.(对画线部分提问)_go to the shop?2.My sister wants to exercise every day.(改为一般疑问句)_?3.Do you think Lucy has a healthy lifestyle?(作否定回答)_.4.We must look after ourselves.(同义句转换) We must _ _ _ ourselves.5.My eating habits arent the same as yours.(同义句转换) My eating habits _ _ _ yours.Unit 2 What should I do?SectionB Period 4 (Page14)课前预习内容 阅读教材第14页重点词汇和短语记忆(看教材104页)except upset 阅读3a完成下列阅读练习A)Whats the boys problem ?Read this letter. Underline the problem.男孩的问题是什么?阅读这封信,在男孩的问题下划线。B)阅读这封信,判断正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。( ) 1. The boy didnt think he was popular at school.( ) 2. Everyone in the clas was invited to the party.( ) 3. The boy doesnt know why he wasnt invited.( ) 4. The boy can think what he did wrong.句型讲解:1. But I just found out that my friends were planning a birthday party for my best friend. 但是我刚刚发现我的朋友们已在为我最好的朋友计划一个生日聚会。find out 意为“找出”, “发现”, “ 查出(真相) ”find和find out都有发现的意思, 差别是: find往往指凭一时的直接感觉或偶然发现, 而find out则经一番努力后发现出来, 有“查明, 弄清”的意思。eg. 他发现椅子上有个书包。He a bag on the chair.你应该自己找出答案。You should the answer by yourself. 2. Everyone else in my class was invited except me, and I dont know why. else修饰不定代词(something, somebody, 等),疑问代词(who, which, 等)和疑问副词(when, where等)用在这些词后面,译为“别的”你还会做别的什么?e.g.: What can you do? except是介词,表示“除了”,except强调“除去”(后边跟的人或物不包含在里边)除了汤姆,大家都能游泳。Everybody Tom is able to swim.当堂检测:单项选择( )1. Everyone in my class went camping_me, because I was ill in bed. A. with B. except C. besides D. as well( )2. -When will the train arrive? -You can _ the time from the time table. (时刻表) A. leave out B. look out C. find out D. keep out ( )3. Where _ can you see the sign?(标志) A. else B. other C. others D. another( )4. Mrs Smith looks very busy. We want to help her, but we dont know _. A. what to do it B. how to do C. what to do D. why to doHomework 作文:(P14 3b)Unit 2 What should I do?SectionB Period 5 (Page15)课前预习内容 阅读教材第15页重点词汇和短语记忆(看教材104页)失败 相处,进展 归还 didnt= couldnt= 句型:1. I dont want to have a fight with my cousin.我不想和我的堂妹打仗2. Could you please give me some advice?句型讲解:My cousin is the same age as me .Shes really nice ,and we get on well ,but she always borrows my things. 我表姐和我年龄一样大。她确实很好。我们相处得不错,但他总是借我的东西 (1) be the same age as sb和某人得年龄一样大,相当于as old as 随手练: 我爸爸和那位工程师年龄一样大My father _ the engineer.(2) get on well (with sb) 和某人相处得好或某事进展得顺利。随手练: Im _ my friends 我和朋友们相处得很好。你的英语学习进展如何?How are you your English study?当堂检测:连词成句。1.you why to dont talk him it about ._2.argue you with should not best frieng your._3.call lets up Jane her play and to tennis invite._4.you could me give advice some._5.is my the cousin age same me as._用could,should 填空1._you tell me the way to the bus station?2.I need some money to buy a gift for him.What _I do?3._you answer the question?4.We _help each other.5._you clean the blackboard,please?Homework 完成句子。1.我的衣服过时了,我想买件时髦的。My clothes are _,I want to buy some ones_.2.他们在看录像,但不让我入内。They are watching a video ,but they_.3.你和你的同学相处得怎样?_ do you _your classmate?4.在课堂上请不要和老师争吵。Dont _the teacher_?Unit2 What should I do ?Reading Period 6-7 (Page 16-17)课前预习内容 阅读教材第16页和第17页重点词汇和短语记忆(看教材104页)直到才 适合,适应压力 complain 包括,包含 推动;督促 send freedom 成年人 找到时间(做某事) asas possible 一方面 on the other hand crazy freedom compare 要求 预习课本P1617的文章, 努力达到以下目标:1. 重点单词及短语:会读,会拼写,在不会读的单词下面划线。compare, complain, pushy, pressure, organize, freedom, include, crazy, adult, send.to, fit.into, as.as possible, after-school activities2. 理解什么叫“after-school activity”, 然后填写课本1a的两个方框:I do 和I dont do3. 本节的阅读策略是要学会查词典。一个英语单词往往有不只一个含义或用法,这一点跟汉语一样。要确定一个单词取词典中那种意义,要看它在文章中的具体环境,也就是语境,英语叫situation。本篇中最难理解的是“pushy”这个词,你怎么理解?“pushy parents”又怎么理解?请同学们阅读短文, 判断正(T)误(F)( )1.Cathy Taylor has two children.( )2. Their school days arent busy enough.( )3. Doctors say many children are under too much pressure.( )4.Most children dont take part in after-school clubs.( )5. Mothers in England often send their kids to all kinds of classes when they are very young .( )6.Its crazy for parents to compare their children with others.( )7. Parents should learn to give their kids a bit more time to themselves.( )8.Children should have time to relax.请同学们再阅读短文,下列句子哪一句是本文的中心思想?在题号处打勾。A. Life for Cathy Taylors three children is very busy.B. Many children today are under too much pressure.C. Children today need time and freedom to relax and to do things by themselves.D. Many children today are pushed into too many after-school activities. They are under too much pressure. 知识点拨1.asas possible ( 或asas one can)尽可能地随手练: Please come here as as possible (you can).请尽早来这里。 Please eat as as possible.请尽量多吃。 2.fit v.适合,符合 The coat doesnt fit me.这件外套不适合我。 adj. keep healthy=keep fit fit sth into 找到时间做某事 随手练:我得在一个上午安排十个约见 I tried _ ten appoinments _one morning.3.complain about (ding) sth. 抱怨做某事 他们抱怨没吃饱。 They are complaining not having enough.4.include v.包含,包括这个价格包括房子和里面的家具。The price both house and furniture.Including prep.( 介词 ) 包括Ten students got A in this exam, including me.5.push. v.推,推动push a door 推门v.(force) 强迫,敦促We always have to push him to do his homework.我们必须敦促他做作业。6.compare with 和对比My mom often me other children.我妈妈经常把我和其他的孩子对比。7.find it +adj.+(for sb.) to do sth. 发现做很I find it for us to well.发现学好英语对我们来说很重要。8.plan for sth.为某事做准备 plan for the future 为将来做准备当堂检测(5) I.选词填空 pressure possible push organized send1. As a reporter,he writes some articles and _ them to the magazines and newspapers.2. Maybe you are under too much _.3. Mary wrote as carefully as _.4. Dont _ your child so hard .Its bad for him.5. We need _ activities.单项选择。注意根据课文找有关短语的搭配。( ) 1. Life for Cathy Taylors three children _ very busy.A. was B. were C. is D. are ( ) 2. Zhang Heng is _ to join the League.A. enough old B. enough age C. age enough D. old enough( ) 3. Many children like to _ after-school activities. A. join B. join in C. take part in D. taking part in( ) 4. Miss Wang finds _ hard to sleep before nine oclock in the evening.A. she B. her C. that D. it( ) 5. The old fisher often complaints _ his wife that the river is getting dirtier and dirtier. A. for B. about C. to D. atII.英汉互译1 after- school club _ 6 把。带到。_2 all kinds of _ 7 抱怨_3 notuntil_ 8 处于压力之下_4 on the other hand _ 9 放松你自己_5 try to do sth_ 10 参加_Homework英译中,注意下划线的词语。1.The tired children dont get home until 7 pm._2.They take their children from activity to activity, and try to fit as much as possible into their kids lives._3.Pushy parents are nothing new, but now parents seem to push their children a lot more._4.People shouldnt push their kids so hard._5.When these kids are adults, they might find it difficult to plan things for themselves._

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