牛津译林版2019-2020学年小学英语六年级上册Unit 3第一课时同步练习A卷

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牛津译林版2019-2020学年小学英语六年级上册Unit 3第一课时同步练习A卷_第1页
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牛津译林版2019-2020学年小学英语六年级上册Unit 3第一课时同步练习A卷_第2页
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牛津译林版2019-2020学年小学英语六年级上册Unit 3第一课时同步练习A卷_第3页
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第 1 页 共 11 页 牛津译林版 2019 2020 学年小学英语六年级上册 Unit 3 第一课时同步练习 A 卷 姓名 班级 成绩 小 朋 友 带 上 你 一 段 时 间 的 学 习 成 果 一 起 来 做 个 自 我 检 测 吧 相 信 你 一 定 是 最 棒 的 一 判断读音是否相同 共 1 题 共 4 分 1 4 分 2018 四下 兴义期中 请在句子中找出一个含有与例词划线部分相同发音的单词 show Come and follow me cat You are so clever chick There are many ducks in the river worried He is bored 二 根据句意 用括号中所给词的正确形式填空 每空填一词 共 12 题 共 17 分 2 1 分 What be you going to do 3 2 分 Look at I bag There be some books in it 4 1 分 2019 五上 龙岗期中 Oliver wants to go shop with his father 5 1 分 2019 六上 兴化期中 My mother did shop yesterday 6 1 分 I want be a famous writer 7 1 分 2019 五上 龙岗期中 Mary often wash her hair 8 1 分 touch the sofa It s not hard It s soft 9 2 分 He be my father he bicycle is red 10 1 分 2019 六上 兴化期中 We bring some bread to the party last Sunday 第 2 页 共 11 页 11 2 分 Yesterday it rain heavily so I take a bus to school 12 2 分 It be Sunday Let s go to the library 13 2 分 There is a football match now My parents watch on TV 三 选择填空 共 8 题 共 16 分 14 2 分 2018 三下 盐田期末 Look at the cartoon funny A What B How 15 2 分 The chopsticks and fork on the table A is B has C are 16 2 分 Sarah angry when Sam drinks all the Coke A feel B is C are 17 2 分 I shouldn t eat sweet food A much too B too much C too many 18 2 分 I can try the A high jump 第 3 页 共 11 页 B a high jump C high jumps 19 2 分 any soup here A Are there B There are C Is there 20 2 分 My grandparents a garden in front of their house A have B are C has 21 2 分 2020 四上 新会期中 What time does Jenny go to school She to school at 7 10 A goes B go C going 四 根据句意和首字母 写出单词 共 5 题 共 19 分 22 6 分 阅读短文 填入适当的单词 使其内容通顺 每线 词 首字母已给 Anne and Sue are good f They have the s age They are both twenty two They both like sports Most important they both like new dresses They usually go s together at weekends Now they are in a c shop There are d kinds of beautiful dresses Anne wants a red dress But Sue thinks the pink o is better 23 10 分 阅读短文 填入适当的单词 使其内容通顺 第 4 页 共 11 页 Good morning Welcome to w report Let s look at today s weather first In the morning it is f The wind b gently and the clouds move s People go o and enjoy the s In the afternoon the wind is s People can f kites in the park In the evening it will rain h Please don t forget to c your windows 24 1 分 2014 广陵模拟 He gives lessons to students He s a 25 1 分 Sam is always goes to school He s never late for school 26 1 分 That flower is beautiful 五 完形填空 共 1 题 共 10 分 27 10 分 完形填空 There is a new park 1 my house It s a fine day today My family and I 2 in the park now 3 my left there is a cafe On my right there is a big lake There are 4 flowers 5 trees near the lake There 6 a small hill behind the lake Near the lake there is a sign It says 7 swim 8 the lake There is a playground in the middle of the park There are 9 small shops near the gate The park is so beautiful We like 10 very much 1 A in B near C on 2 A are B am C 第 5 页 共 11 页 3 A In B At C On 4 A any B many C much 5 A and B or C but 6 A are B C is 7 A No B Don t C Not 8 第 6 页 共 11 页 A in B at C of 9 A any B some C much 10 A them B him C it 六 阅读理解 共 4 题 共 33 分 28 8 分 阅读判断 A dog has a piece 片 of meat in his mouth He sees himself 他自己 in the water He thinks it is another dog That dog has a piece of meat in his mouth too He wants to get 得 到 his meat Then he can have two pieces He opens his mouth to bark 吠叫 and his meat goes down into 在 里面 the water 1 The dog is very clever 2 The dog has two pieces of meat 3 The dog sees himself in the water 4 The dog s meat goes down into the water 29 10 分 根据短文内容判断下列说法的正误 第 7 页 共 11 页 Hi I m Jenny Last Saturday I went to Hangzhou to see my uncle and aunt I went there by bus I got to Hangzhou at about 10 00 in the morning Then my cousin Tony and I took a taxi to the West Lake 西湖 We went there quickly because my uncle is the taxi driver We rowed 划 the boat on the lake It was a hot day The sun was shining in the sky We felt hot and hungry We sat under a big tree and had our lunch Tony saw a fish in the lake So we fed 喂养 the fish with bread More and more fish swam to us and opened their mouths We were very happy that day 1 Jenny s aunt lives in Hangzhou 2 Jenny went to the West Lake by train 3 Jenny s uncle is a taxi driver 4 They had lunch on the lake 5 They fed fish with bread 30 10 分 阅读短文 根据短文内容选择正确的答案 I m Mary My grandfather was a teacher He didn t buy a TV and he never watched TV He thought that people spent 花费 too much time watching it Some of his friends often talked about sports shows films and plays My grandfather always did some reading or walked in the evening Two years ago my grandfather was 60 years old He stopped working in the school My father bought him a TV He began to watch the news and sports Now he knows much more about the world And he reads more books too He often chats 第 8 页 共 11 页 with his friends about the news sports and so on He is happier than before and always has a smile on his face 1 Mary s grandfather didn t watch TV because A he didn t like watching TV B he thought it took people too much time to watch TV C he couldn t buy a TV 2 Mary s grandfather when he worked in the school A went to mountains B watched TV C read books 3 Mary s grandfather didn t work in the school A when he was 60 B because he bought a TV C when Mary s father asked him not to work 4 Mary s grandfather is now A 58 B 60 C 62 5 Which sentence is RIGHT A Mary s grandfather isn t always happy now B Mary s grandfather still reads books now 第 9 页 共 11 页 C Mary s grandfather had a TV before he was 60 31 5 分 对话阅读 Mike John Tom Amy and Jim are good friends They are talking about different animals Mike I like elephants It has a long nose and two big ears John I likes pandas It has a short tail It s black and white Tom It s very tall It has a long neck Can you guess what it is Jim I know it s Giraffe It s so small It has two big eyes It can swim in the water What is it Do you know Amy It s a fish It s brown It s short and fat Its name is Zoom Jim and Tom Ha ha I know It s a bear Mike John Tom Jim Amy 七 书面表达 共 1 题 共 5 分 32 5 分 以 My neighbour 为题 写一写自己的邻居 要求语句通顺 书写规范 不少于七句 话 第 10 页 共 11 页 参考答案 一 判断读音是否相同 共 1 题 共 4 分 1 答案 略 二 根据句意 用括号中所给词的正确形式填空 每空填一词 共 12 题 共 17 分 2 答案 略 3 答案 略 4 答案 略 5 答案 略 6 答案 略 7 答案 略 8 答案 略 9 答案 略 10 答案 略 11 答案 略 12 答案 略 13 答案 略 三 选择填空 共 8 题 共 16 分 14 答案 略 15 答案 略 16 答案 略 17 答案 略 第 11 页 共 11 页 18 答案 略 19 答案 略 20 答案 略 21 答案 略 四 根据句意和首字母 写出单词 共 5 题 共 19 分 22 答案 略 23 答案 略 24 答案 略 25 答案 略 26 答案 略 五 完形填空 共 1 题 共 10 分 27 答案 略 六 阅读理解 共 4 题 共 33 分 28 答案 略 29 答案 略 30 答案 略 31 答案 略 七 书面表达 共 1 题 共 5 分 32 答案 略

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