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九年级下册英语作业 九年级四班 Unit11第一课时1.刚才有人给你打电话了。Someone _ _ _ _ to you just now.2. She often calls her friends. (写出同义句) She often _ _ _ _ _ her friends.1. I dont know how to mend that computer. (写出同义句)I dont know how _ _ _ that computer.4. He asked me: “ Are you ready for the next exam?”( 改为间接引语)He asked me _ _ _ _ _ the next exam.5. Why dont you like playing computer games? (改为宾语从句)Lucy wants to know _.6. Henry called you last night. (同意转换)Henry _ last night.Henry _ last night.三 课后复习题( 家庭作业)a) We will build a _ (休息室) for the workers next month.b) There are five big _ (杂货店) in our town now.c) Where is Li Ming?- He has gone to the _ (咖啡馆).d) Excuse me. Can you tell me how _ get to the cinema?A can I B do I C I can D I doe) Do you know _?A where is the post office B how can I get to the post officeC which way can I choose D how to get to the post officef) Look! There are some boys _ football on the playground.A are playing B play C playing D playedg) Could you tell me how _ (mend) the bike?h) I dont know what I shall do next. (改为简单句)I dont know _ next.i) I think if you want to buy a house, youd better _ (存点钱).j) _ (集邮) is good for your growing.k) Could you tell me _(这儿是否有个超市)?l) I dont know _(他从哪里来的).m) I _ (打电话) to Jim yesterday.n) _(三楼有一家银行).预习:prefer 用法: 1 prefer sth. (更)喜欢某事 2 prefer doing / to do sth. 宁愿做某事 3 prefer sb. to do sth. 宁愿某人做某事 4 prefer sth. to sth. 同相比,更喜欢. 5 prefer doing sth. to doing sth. 宁愿做某事而不愿做某事 6 prefer to do sth. rather than do sth. 宁愿做某事而不愿做某事例:1. He prefers dogs to cats. 他喜欢狗,不喜欢猫。 2. Her father preferred her to go to college. 她父亲希望她上大学。3. He prefers to work rather than bi free. 他宁愿工作而不愿闲着。第二课时一用正确的形式填空1) The street is so _ (拥挤的), I dont like here at all.2) Do you like the _ (新鲜的) air? I think its fantastic!3) Every one has his _ (缺点), we should help each other.4) Which one do you _ (更喜欢), pears or apples?5) Sams mother is an excellent _ (厨师), we all like her.6) I saw Jim _ (闲逛) on the road just now.7) He _ to sleep _. (宁愿睡觉也不愿学习)8) There are many little animals _ (奔跑) on the mountain.9) That shirt looks _ (有点) cool.10) The Greens lived in a big _ (街区) last year.二选择或填空1) Listen! There is something unusual _ in the next room.A happening B happen C happens D to happen2) She seems to prefer _ soap operas to _ to me.A watch / talk B watching / talkingC to watch / talk D watch / talking3) I like to _ at the supermarket when I am free.A hang out B break out C look out D turn out4) Can you tell me how _ the museum?A getting to B to get C get to D to get to5) Do you know the boy _ is talking with Li Lei?A which B who C when D where6) There is a big _(自动扶梯) behind the building.7) Id like to breathe _ (新鲜空气).8) Shall we _(闲逛) after supper?9) There are some students _ (play) in the playground.10) There are too many people on the bus. Its too _ (crowd).11) That plan has too many _ (advantage), I dont like it at all.12) Could you please _ (lend) me your computer?13) It took Ben three hours to copy that book. (用spend 改写)Ben _ three hours _.14) I dont like beef, but I like pork. (用prefer to改写)I _.15) Do you know where I can find the exit?(改成简单句)Do you know _.16) Sally didnt know how to drive the car. (改为宾语从句)Sally didnt know _.17) Peter asked me: “ Do you like dumplings?” (改为间接引语)Peter asked me _. 第三课时一填空1) Could you tell me _ (是否)I can use the bike?2) That companys staff _ (be) all interested in tennis.3) He _ (打扮成) a clown in the party.4) Henry _. (花了一个小时读英语).5) We _. (花很少钱在电话上)6) Julia paid five dollars for the ticket. (用spend改写)Julia _ five dollars _ the ticket.二按要求完成1) They asked us: “Are you serious about your study?” (改为间接引语)They asked us _.2) Lucy asked her sister: “Do you often go shopping?” (同上)Lucy asked her sister _.3) It took Peter 3 hours to watch the movie. (用spend改写)_4) The girls asked if they _ some food and drink with them.A took B take C takes D will take5) Catherine said that she _ to Guangzhou.A has never gone B had never gone C has never been D had never been6) Do you know _ they listened to yesterday evening?A what B when C why D how7) My father wanted to know. Can the boy play computer games? (合并成一个句子)_8) Where does your mother go? Could you tell me? (同上)_9) Jim didnt know how he could finish his homework. (改为简单句)Jim didnt know _ _ finish his homework.10) We wondered where to find the right man. (改为复合句)We wondered _三按正确形式填空1) Our team is very _ (organize), we can win all the matches.2) There is a plane _ (fly) over the building.3) Julia _ (spend) five hours writing letters yesterday.4) Mr. Smith _ (teach) English since he came to China.5) Could you tell me where theres a good place _ (eat)?6) The street is so _ (crowd), I can see few people here.第四课时一用方框中的词填空hand in, on the other hand, in order to, make request, lendto1. _, you should show respect for the old people.2. When you _, you should be polite.3. I _ my book _ Jim last week, but he didnt return it to me.4. I must eat less and do more exercise _ keep healthy.5. Before you _ your exercise book, you should correct it carefully.二填空(注意正确形式)1) Could you please _ (借给) me your eraser?2) I _ (借) a book from Jim yesterday.3) As an elder brother, you should _ (引导) your younger sister to read good books.4) _ (为了避免) make more mistakes, we should be more careful.5) The teacher asks you to _ (上交) your exercise books.三根据首字母或选择填空1) Sorry, you cant p_ your car here.2) This kind of s_ is suitable for my hair.3) Lily isnt in. She has gone to the d_ to buy some medicine.4) If you want to go upstairs, you can take the e_.5) It sounds _ to use “Could you” than “Can you”.A polite B politely C more polite D more politely6) I _ Li Lei my English book this morning. He left his at home.A borrow B lend C borrowed D lent7) Could you please _ me where to park my car?A tell B to tell C telling D told8) Her sister _ 3 hours on that book.A spend B took C pay D spent9) I _ being outside to staying at home.A prefer B prefered C like better D like best10) 在节日期间人们通常盛装打扮。People usually _ during the festival.第五课时1.复习unit11所学的短语和句型。2.完成练习册作业。3.归纳总结问路的句型。(做在作业本上)4.编写一段问路的对话。(做在作业本上)

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