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Unit1发生美;美人收获;收割庆祝狩猎者(使)饿死起源;起因虔诚的季节的祖先坟墓熏香纪念墨西哥节日;盛宴头脑骨头万圣节信任;信仰盛装;装饰诡计;欺骗开玩笑诗人到来获得独立;自主独立的搜集聚集农业;农学农业的奖品;授予产品雄禽;公鸡赞美;羡慕精力充沛的期望月亮的复活节游行;阅兵昼夜take place,beauty, harvest, celebration,hunter, starve, origin, religious, seasonal, ancestor, grave, incense, in memory of, Mexico, feast, skull, bone, Halloween, belief, dress up,trick, play a trick on, poet, arrival,gain, independence, independent, gather, agriculture, agricultural, award, produce, rooster, admire, energetic, look forward to,lunar, Easter,parade,day and night,衣服基督徒樱桃花;开花好像玩得开心习惯;风俗世界性的愚人;傻的必要性许可预言;预告样子;时尚停放停车场情人节出现;到场守信用屏息道歉;辩白淹没;溺死悲哀明显的擦;揩编织牧群银河喜鹊哭泣广播员出发提醒使想起原谅Unit2日常饮食意大利面坚果肌肉保护的豆豌豆黄瓜clothingChristiancherry, blossom, as though, have fun with, custom, worldwide, fool, necessity, permission, prediction, fashion, parking, parking lot, Valentines Day,turn up, keep ones word, hold ones breath, apologize, drown, sadness, obvious, wipe, weave, herd, the Milky Way, magpie, weep, announcer, set off, remind, remindof, forgive diet, spaghetti, nut, muscle, protective, bean, pea, cucumber,茄子辣椒蘑菇桃子柠檬平衡;天平平衡膳食烧烤羊肉烤羊肉串烤制的;烤搅动油煎用旺火炒应当应该熏咸肉可乐饮料含糖的标记;符号减肥苗条的好奇心女主人生的醋被放过谎话;说谎说谎顾客折扣赢回缺点;虚弱强项;力量咨询;商量纤维消化;摘要有毒的胡萝卜维生素蛋白质谋生债务欠债eggplant, pepper, mushroom, peach, lemon, balance, balance diet, barbecue, mutton, kebab, roast, stir, fry, stir-fry, ought, ought to, bacon, cola, sugary,sign, lose weight, slim, curiosity, hostess, raw, vinegar, get away with, lie, tell a lie, customer, discount, winback, weakness, strength, consult, fibre, digest, poisonous, carrot, vitamin, protein, earn ones living, debt, in debt, 闪耀;怒视窥探;间谍侦查限制;界限有限的利益;受益胸部大蒜叹息;叹气(使)联合削减;删节不久以后增加体重合作;协作材料;原料味道与气味Unit3出生地抚养;提出小说少年时代奇遇;冒险短语长度单位作家现场;景色讲述者打赌打赌贫困的漫游;漂泊人行道商人许可;执照向前;提前前进;可以偶然海湾凝视盯着看黄昏过错;故障发现;污点glare, spy, spy on, limit, limited, benefit, breast, garlic, sigh, combine, cut down, before long, put on weight, cooperation, ingredient, flavor Unit 3 ,birthplace, bring up, ,novel, boyhood, adventure, phrase, fathom, author, scene, narrator, bet, make a bet,penniless, wander, pavement, businessman, permit, ahead, go ahead, by accident, bay, stare, stare at, nightfall, fault, spot,船费;通道未付款的认为;账目导致大使馆寻找;探索耐性;忍耐反面与此相反慈善;施舍信封难以置信的肉块菠萝餐后甜点数量冒险粗鲁的礼貌;举止尖声叫真的发行;颁布假货破布衣衫褴褛真正地关于;至于鞠躬理发师Unit4天文学天文学家太阳的系统;制度太阳系宗教学说原子万亿;十亿球体;地球全球性的猛烈的及时;终于passage, unpaid, account, account for, embassy, seek, patience, contrary, on the contrary, charity, envelope, unbelievable, steak, pineapple, dessert, amount, take a chance, rude, manner, scream, genuine, issue, fake, rag, in rags, indeed, as for, bow, barber Unit 4 Astronomy, astronomer, solar, system, solar , religion, theory, atom, billion, globe, global, violent, in time,碳蒸气大气层不同;不像基本的出席;存在溶解有害的酸链子;连锁反应;回应乘;增加氧下蛋恐龙存在;生存哺乳动物产生;分娩因此;于是轮到某人二氧化物二氧化碳阻止谜;使迷惑生物学生物学家万有引力卫星温和的地质学家物理学家挡住灭绝的气候彗星碰撞宇宙飞船牵引力减少感到振奋浮动失重地小屋既然carbon, vapour, atmosphere, unlike, fundamental, presence, dissolve, harmful, acid, chain, reaction, multiply, oxygen, lay eggs, dinosaur, exist, mammal, give birth to, thus, in ones turn, dioxide, carbon dioxide, preventfrom, puzzle, biology, biologist, gravity, satellite, gentle, geologist, physicist, block out, extinct, climate, comet, crash, spaceship, pull, lessen, cheer up, float, weightlessly, cabin, now that,熟悉;理解突发用尽当心;提防Unit5多种文化的测验加拿大人企鹅首要的大臣;部长首相总督与其;不愿洲;大陆行李聊天景色向东向西向上地包围海港测量;措施在船等上定居设法做看见;瞥见鹰牛仔对有天分在之内边界;接近轻微的轻微地英亩城市的位置;地方话题混合;调配混合状态灌木(丛)枫树get the hang of, break out, exhaust, watch outUnit 5 multicultural, quiz, Canadian, penguin, prime, minister, prime minister, governor, rather than, continent, baggage, chat, scenery, eastward, westward, upward, surround, harbor, measure, aboard, settle down, manage to do, catch sight of, eagle, cowboy, have a gift for, within, border, slight, slightly, acre, urban, location, topic, mix, mixture, bush, maple,霜冻;霜证实;批准富有的距离;远方在远处薄雾模糊的同学;校友售货亭市区的珍珠广东人接近;大约黎明;破晓工作场所自助餐宽阔的在附近传统;风俗使恐怖恐惧的愉快的使印象深刻感人的frost, confirm, wealthy, distance, in the distance, mist, misty, schoolmate, booth, downtown, pearl, Cantonese, approximately, dawn, workplace, buffet, broad, nearby, tradition, terrify, terrified, pleased, impress, impressiv


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