仁爱科普版九年级上Unit 4 Amazing Science Topic 1 When was it invented_同步练习1B卷

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仁爱科普版九年级上Unit 4 Amazing Science Topic 1 When was it invented_同步练习1B卷_第1页
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仁爱科普版九年级上Unit 4 Amazing Science Topic 1 When was it invented_同步练习1B卷_第3页
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第 1 页 共 15 页 仁爱科普版九年级上 Unit 4 Amazing Science Topic 1 When was it invented 同步 练习 1B卷 姓名 班级 成绩 一 根据英文释义选择单词 共 1题 共 4分 1 4 分 选用所给单词填空 fed came ate bought 1 It was cloudy first and then the sun out 2 We our lunch under some trees yesterday 3 She went to the gift shop and some nice gifts for her mother 4 Who the chickens this morning 二 单项选择 共 10题 共 20分 2 2 分 2017 桂平模拟 Would you like something Yes I d like some A drink orange B to drink orange C to eat orange D eat oranges 第 2 页 共 15 页 3 2 分 Tom and Mike enjoy TV A see B watch C watching D to watch 4 2 分 2018九上 梅江月考 Rick has five pounds because of eating too much during the Spring Festival A laid out B turned on C cut out D put on 5 2 分 2016九下 深圳期中 What else can we do with the computer besides having fun There are so many things For example we are able to learn about the world with it A know B accept C realize 6 2 分 一 Did you solve the Maths problem by yourself No Bob helped me with it A write down B talk about C work out 7 2 分 2016 河南 We are going to take the high speed train to Xi an tomorrow so an early arrival at the station 第 3 页 共 15 页 A advises B is advised C is advising D was advised 8 2 分 Although it is hard work Tom made it at his first try He really did a good job A succeeded B supported C celebrated 9 2 分 The heavy rain leads to this flood We should think out an idea to stop it A avoids B causes C fills 10 2 分 2017九上 扬州期中 My Ipad has gone wrong I ll have it Why don t you have Uncle Wang it Nobody can if he can t A repair repaired B repair repairing C repairing repaired D repaired repair 11 2 分 I remember my cup on the table but I can t find it now A to put B to putting 第 4 页 共 15 页 C putting D put 三 写出下列句子的同义句 共 1题 共 4分 12 4 分 China has a history of 5 000 years China is a country 5 000 years 四 用方框中所给的词填空 共 1题 共 5分 13 5 分 2016七上 务川期末 请阅读下面材料 用方框所给的单词的适当形式填空 too help us an have Jim is English boy He comes to China with his parents He is in No 7 Middle School His English is very good He always us with our English and often help him with his Chinese After class he likes playing volleyball He really likes Chinese food He likes rice for dinner very much His birthday is next Sunday We want a birthday party for him 五 从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话 其中有两项是多余的 共 1题 共 5分 14 5 分 2016 惠安模拟 阅读下面对话 从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话 A Hello Jane The weekend is coming B Yes I d love to But where shall we go A What about the Palace Museum B That s really a wonderful place to visit Then what can we do there A B That sounds great How can we go there A The best way is to take the underground B All right A Shall we meet at my home at 8 a m tomorrow 第 5 页 共 15 页 B OK See you tomorrow A See you A Would you like to go on a trip with me B There is a great show there C When and where shall we meet D It takes only 20 minutes E We can see fine works of art 六 根据首字母提示补全单词 共 1题 共 1分 15 1 分 2016 苏州 Now is the time for all Jazz 迷 voices to be heard 七 单项选择 共 10题 共 20分 16 2 分 Is the flower beautiful Yes at it s the one you bought for me A last as bad as B least no better than C last not better D least no worse than 17 2 分 When you receive an invitation you should it OK I will A answer to B reply C reply to 第 6 页 共 15 页 18 2 分 What s your Dave I want to be a musician one day A job B habit C dream D question 19 2 分 I m sure you can the match in the afternoon Thank you A choose B win C love D watch 20 2 分 Mr Xu can you tell us how to learn English well Sure But remember nothing can be learned hard work A by B with C without D for 21 2 分 You d better ask a such as your aunt or sister to look after your children while you are away A classmate 第 7 页 共 15 页 B neighbor C relative 22 2 分 Could you please him to close the door A ask B asks C to ask D asking 23 2 分 Our city looks more beautiful Yes Lots of trees and grass since last year A have been planted B are planted C will be planted D were planted 24 2 分 Connie arrived the village a snowy night A at on B at in C in at D in on 25 2 分 2019 包头 Everything from how we cook meat to what we eat for dinner can our brain health A take pride in B have an interest in 第 8 页 共 15 页 C play a role in D believe in 八 根据汉语提示完成句子 共 1题 共 5分 26 5 分 B 根据所给汉语意思 完成下列句子 每空一词 1 在我们国家 很多人已经过上了幸福的生活 Many people in our country a happy life 2 我很抱歉 但我不是故意的 I m sorry but I didn t do it 3 每个人都要应该为保护环境做出贡献 Everyone should protecting the environment 4 我们的政府已经采取了多项措施来改善环境 Our government has many to improve the environment 5 这台电脑我买了两个星期了 I have the computer two weeks ago 九 用方框中所给的词填空 共 1题 共 4分 27 4 分 2019八上 浦东期中 Complete the following passage with words or phrases in the box Each word can only be used once A interesting B was born C information D a lot E happily I began writing to pen friends when I was only 11 years old I with a disability 残疾 that left me in a wheelchair since I was a little young boy My mother helped me find my first pen friend I still write to him to this day He lives in Germany He is two years older than me I never felt sad after finding pen friends While all of the other kids were riding bikes or 第 9 页 共 15 页 skateboarding I would sit in my room and write to my pen friends My pen friends means to me because I can learn about the world and other share beautiful photos and most of all make new friends 十 完形填空 共 1题 共 15分 28 15 分 Dear Mom and Dad I will go to Alice s home with her after school and I will have supper and sleep there Don t 1 about me You know that Alice is one of my 2friends If you want to talk with me you can 3 68610598 after 6 00 pm Please forgive me for not telling you first I don t think you will4me to do so if I tell you first 5 I think teenagers should be allowed to stay at their friends houses sometimes I am sixteen years old and I m not a little kid6 I hope I can make decisions for 7 At home there are too many 8for me to obey Don t stay out so 9 don t have meals before 10 hands don t watch TV without finishing homework etc Parents should be 11teenagers but we need freedom too I don t like doing my homework 12 at home I d love to study 13Alice We can learn a lot from each other 14please allow me to stay at Alice s house once a week If you15 Alice can stay at our house with me too Yours Lillian 1 A care B hear C talk D worry 2 第 10 页 共 15 页 A bad B best C well D worst 3 A look B call C write D play 4 A let B take C allow D teach 5 A Unless B Or C But D Even though 6 A anymore B either 第 11 页 共 15 页 C neither D no longer 7 A himself B herself C yourself D myself 8 A idea B opinion C things D rules 9 A late B early C hardly D exactly 10 A giving B washing C putting D holding 第 12 页 共 15 页 11 A afraid of B interested in C strict with D angry with 12 A along B alone C lonely D own 13 A with B on C for D from 14 A Or B Although C So D Because 15 A worry 第 13 页 共 15 页 B think C agree D make 第 14 页 共 15 页 参考答案 一 根据英文释义选择单词 共 1题 共 4分 1 答案 略 二 单项选择 共 10题 共 20分 2 答案 略 3 答案 略 4 答案 略 5 答案 略 6 答案 略 7 答案 略 8 答案 略 9 答案 略 10 答案 略 11 答案 略 三 写出下列句子的同义句 共 1题 共 4分 12 答案 略 四 用方框中所给的词填空 共 1题 共 5分 13 答案 略 五 从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话 其中有两项是多余的 共 1题 共 5分 14 答案 略 六 根据首字母提示补全单词 共 1题 共 1分 15 答案 略 第 15 页 共 15 页 七 单项选择 共 10题 共 20分 16 答案 略 17 答案 略 18 答案 略 19 答案 略 20 答案 略 21 答案 略 22 答案 略 23 答案 略 24 答案 略 25 答案 略 八 根据汉语提示完成句子 共 1题 共 5分 26 答案 略 九 用方框中所给的词填空 共 1题 共 4分 27 答案 略 十 完形填空 共 1题 共 15分 28 答案 略

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