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教材章节(单元)分析与设想单元名称Unit 13 were trying to save the earth!主要内容介绍知识结构框架本单元以“环境保护”为话题,通过讨论大气污染、水污染和废弃物污染等造成的原因以及我们如何做去改善环境,着重复习时态和语态等语法知识。单元教学目标1语言知识目标基本词汇:litter,advantage,bottom,fisherman,coal,ugly,cost,wooden,plastic,takeaway,bin,shark,fin,method,cruel.Harmful,chain,ecosystem,industry,law,scientific,afford,reusable,transportation,recycle,napkin,upside,gate,bottle,president,inspiration,iron,work,metal,creativity,基本词组:beharmfulto,atthetop(ofsth.),takepartin,turnoff,takeaction,throwaway,putsth.togooduse,pulldown,bringback基本句型:Weretryingtosavetheearth!Theriverusedtobesoclean.Theairisbadlypolluted.Noscientificstudieshaveshowedthatsharkfinsaregoodforhealth.Weshouldhelpsavethesharks.2.技能目标:能正确运用现在进行时,现在完成时,被动语态,情态动词和usedto句型。3.情感目标:有环境危机意识,学会关注环境保护环境。教学重点1、能正确运用现在进行时,现在完成时,被动语态,情态动词和usedto句型。2、保护环境的措施方法。教学难点能正确运用现在进行时,现在完成时,被动语态,情态动词和usedto句型课时安排约需6课时课题名称Unit 13 were trying to save the earth! Section A 1a 1c小课时数第 1 课时主备教师合作教师授课类型fresh教学目标知识技能:Target language: Were trying to save the earth.People are throwing litter into the river.The river used to be so clean.Everyone should help to clean up the river.1. Grammar: Present progressive, used to, modal verbs2. Words and expressions;Curriculum words: litter, bottom, fisherman Useful expressions: be full of, putinto, throwinto, clean up, play a part in, close down 过程方法:According to designing some tasks, to train students listening ability and to train students communicative competence情感态度:Everyone should keep our rivers clean.教学重点Target Language教学难点1How to train students listening ability2 How to train students communicative competence教学准备教 学 过 程详细内容师生活动个性彰显1a. To introduce Ss to the unit goal, talk about pollution and environmental protection.Picture:The four pictures show different forms of environmental pollution. The first picture on the left shows an airplane flying over some houses. The airplane seems to be flying a quite a low altitude, so the noise level must be quite high foe the people living in these houses. This is considered noise pollution. The second picture shows some vehicles give out exhaust fumes and causing air pollution. In the third picture, we see big chimneys giving off a lo of smoke and polluting the air. The last picture shows a rubbish dump hat pollutes the environment around it.What other things cause pollution?Ask Ss to complete the activity as a class, then work in pairs to think of more words to add to the lists for each column.1b. To help Ss recognize the target language in natural speech.Everyone needs to play a part: In the conversation, the boys are talking about the river in their town being polluted by litter and industrial waste. One of them wants to write to the government about the problem, but the other boy wisely says that cleaning up the river is everyones responsibility, not just the governments. 教 学 过 程教 学 过 程详细内容师生活动个性彰显Predicting the answersSs work in pairs to predict the answers to the activity, then play the recording for Ss to fill in the gaps and review answers as a class.1c. To give Ss guided practice in using the target language to talk about pollution and environmental protection.Review of used to and should.板书设计Unit 13 were trying to save the earth! Section A 1a 1cWere trying to save the earth. (Present progressive)People are throwing litter into the river. The river used to be so clean. (Used to ) Everyone should help to clean up the river. (Modal verb)作业布置教学反思课题名称Unit 13 were trying to save the earth! Section A 2a 2d小课时数第2 课时主备教师合作教师授课类型fresh教学目标知识技能:Target language: People are throwing away things every day.People are littering in public places.To cut down air pollution, we should take the bus or subway instead of driving.Our actions can make a difference and lead to a better future.Grammar: Present progressive, modal verbsWords and expressions;Curriculum words: coal, ugly, advantage, cost, wooden, plastic, takeaway, bin, Useful expressions: throw away, in public places, get worried, cut down, lead to 过程方法:According to finish some tasks to Train students listening ability and speaking ability情感态度:We must be fully aware of the importance of reducing pollution and protecting animals教学重点Target Language教学难点How to train students listening ability教学准备教 学 过 程详细内容师生活动个性彰显2a. To give Ss practice in learning for specific information.Culture Focus: Throwaway societyIn the conversation, Susan identifies “too much rubbish and waste” as a serious environmental problem.2b. To give Ss further practice in listening for specific information.VocabularyFocus on some words used to talk about the things that are thrown away. rubbish (British English)- things that people throw away trash/ garbage (American English)- things that people throw away waste- rubbish and unwanted materials left behind after we have used something, e.g. industrial waste litter- things that people have thrown away and left on the ground in public places2c. To give Ss practice in using the target language in conversations. 教 学 过 程教 学 过 程详细内容师生活动个性彰显Providing an example2d. To give Ss further practice in using the target language in conversations.Extending the activity 板书设计Unit 13 were trying to save the earth! Section A 2a 2dPeople are throwing away things every day.People are littering in public places.To cut down air pollution, we should take the bus or subway instead of driving.Our actions can make a difference and lead to a better future.作业布置教学反思课题名称Unit 13 were trying to save the earth! Section A 3a 4c小课时数第3课时主备教师合作教师授课类型fresh教学目标知识技能:Target language: No scientific studies have shown that shark fins are good for health.The number of some kinds of sharks have fallen be over 90 percent in the last 20 to 30 years.Grammar: Present perfectWords and expressions;Curriculum words: shark, cruel, harmful, chain, ecosystem, industry, law, scientific, afford, reusable, transportationUseful expressions: be harmful to, at the top of, the food chain, take part in, turn off, pay for, take action 过程方法:According to finishing some tasks to train students integrating skills and train the ability of expressing students own opinions情感态度:Animals are our friends We must know how to love them and how to protect them That way, It is good for both animals and us教学重点Target Language教学难点 How to improve students integrating skills教学准备教 学 过 程详细内容师生活动个性彰显3a. To give Ss practice in reading for specific information.Learning more about sharksAsk Ss to do some additional research to find out more about sharks before this lesson.3b. To give Ss the opportunity to review the use of conjunctions.Shark fin soup is a Chinese delicacy that is popular not only in China, but also among the Chinese population in other countries like Singapore and Malaysia. Review of conjunctions so: used to say that something is a result of something else that has just been mentioned.e.g. I was tired, so I decided to take a map. although: used to contrast one part of a sentence with another, has the effect of making the main idea in the sentence seem surprising or unexpected.e.g. Although she studied hard, she did not pass the exam. if: used to talk about the circumstances in which something else might happen; gives the condition for something else to happen.e.g. If you study hard, you will do well. but: used to contrast two parts of a sentence and 教 学 过 程教 学 过 程详细内容师生活动个性彰显show that they are opposite or very different in meaning.e.g. The children stopped plying when they heard the bell.4c. To prompt Ss to think about ways of protecting the environment.To reinforce the target language for talking about environmental protection.Lets talk about Make a list of things that people can do to help protect the environment.板书设计Unit 13 were trying to save the earth Section A 3a 4cNo scientific studies have shown that shark fins are good for health.The number of some kinds of sharks have fallen be over 90 percent in the last 20 to 30 years.作业布置教学反思课题名称Unit 13 were trying to save the earth! Section B 1a 1c小课时数第4课时主备教师合作教师授课类型fresh教学目标知识技能:1. Target language: Ive just read a book which gives ideas about how we can save the environment.You should turn off the shower when youre washing your hair.2. Grammar: Present perfect, modal verb3. Words and expressions;(1) Curriculum words: recycle, napkin Useful expressions: turn off, in a hurry, have short hair, from now on, no way 过程方法:According to listening, to train students speaking and listening ability and to train students ability to use the target language情感态度:We should be aware of the importance of protecting the environment教学重点Listen for specific information. 教学难点Target Language教学准备教 学 过 程详细内容师生活动个性彰显1a. To prompt Ss give more thought to what can be done to save the environment.Giving reasons call on a few Ss to ask them to share their rankings with the class.1b. To give Ss the opportunity to talk about the actions they can talk to help save the environment.Using but It is usually not used at the beginning of a sentence in formal writing. However, it can be used at the beginning of a sentence in speech or informal writing.1c. To give Ss listening practice in the target language used in natural speech.Culture Focus Saving the environmentThe conversation is about the little things that individuals can do to help save the environment. As shown in the conversation, these actions may not require much effort, but for some people , they may cause a change in the lifestyle that they are used to.1d. To give Ss practice in listening for specific information.Can you remember what Julia said?Have Ss try to recall what they heard and attempt the activity, then play the recording again for Ss to complete the activity.教 学 过 程教 学 过 程详细内容师生活动个性彰显1c. To give Ss further practice in using the target language in conversations.What else can people do to help?Encourage Ss to suggest other things people can to do make their conversations 板书设计Unit 13 were trying to save the earth! Section B 1a 1cIve just read a book which gives ideas about how we can save the environment.You should turn off the shower when youre washing your hair. 作业布置教学反思课题名称Unit 13 were trying to save the earth! Section B2a 2e小课时数第5课时主备教师合作教师授课类型fresh教学目标知识技能:4. Target language: Have you ever thought about how these things can actually be put to good use?You have probably never heard of Amy.The more popular works can be seen in art shops around the city.Grammar: Present perfect, passive voiceWords and expressions;Curriculum words: upside, gate, bottle, president, inspiration, iron, work, creativity Useful expressions: throw away, put sth. to good use, pulldown, upside down, bring back 过程方法:According to reading to improve students integrating skills-reading skill and writing skill.情感态度:We must realize the importance of recycling, It not only is a useful saving of money but also can protect our environment教学重点Target Language教学难点 Practice reading and writing using the target language.教学准备教 学 过 程详细内容师生活动个性彰显2a. To prompt Ss predict what the reading passage is about.Checking for understandingCheck Ss adequately understand the three words used in the title. rethink think carefully about something again to see if changes should be made.e.g. Lets rethink our decision to buy a car, considering that a car will only add to environmental pollution. reuse use something again after it has been used.e.g. These plastic forks and spoons can actually be reused if you clean them properly. recycle do something to things that have been used so that they can be used again.e.g. This piece of paper looks a little different because it is recycled paper.2b. To provide Ss with practice in reading for general ideas and specific details.Any other ideas?Have Ss work in groups to discuss other ways of reusing and recycling thing.2c. To enable Ss to learn some key phrases used in the passage they have just read.Explaining the phrases: pull down, put to good use, 教 学 过 程教 学 过 程详细内容师生活动个性彰显build out of, set up, known for2d. To get Ss to focus on prefixes and suffixes. Prefix: a group of letters added to the beginning of a word to change the meaning of the worde.g. re+ thin rethink un + usual unusual Suffix: a group of letters added to the end of a word to change the part of speech.e.g. actual (adj.) + ly actually (adv.) build (v.) + ing building (n.)板书设计Unit 13 were trying to save the earth! Section A 2a 2eHave you ever thought about how these things can actually be put to good use?You have probably never heard of Amy.The more popular works can be seen in art shops around the city.作业布置教学反思课题名称Unit 13 were trying to save the earth! Section B 3a self check小课时数第6课时主备教师合作教师授课类型fresh教学目标知识技能:5. Target language: We have seen many changes in the environment.The river is polluted by factories.The air pollutions is getting worse and worse.1. Grammar: Understanding prefixes and suffixesUseful expressions: take public transportation, water pollution, land pollution, noise pollution, air pollution过程方法:According to finishing some tasks of reading , Train students writing ability情感态度:We should form good habits They are not only good for ourselves but also good for our society教学重点1 Fill in blanks and make sentences2 Write conversations教学难点 Make students using support, endangered, cycle, wear, pull down教学准备教 学 过 程详细内容师生活动个性彰显3a. To prepare Ss or the subsequent writing active by prompting them to thing of their immediate environment.Asking for feedbackAsk Ss to show the notes they have made to a partner to get some feedback and revise their notes if they find it necessary.3b. To give Ss the opportunity to use the target language in writing.Less it moreSuggest to Ss that it might be better to focus on one problem and write about it in detail instead of writing about many problems and not providing enough details.Sample writing:Dear Sir/ Madam.I have lived in this town since I was born and I love this town very much.I think that there are beautiful areas in this town, but there are also areas that arent attractive, like the rubbish disposal areas at the bottom of our apartment blocks. There is rubbish coming out of the bins, and flies, cockroaches and rats running all over the rubbish. It is 教 学 过 程教 学 过 程详细内容师生活动个性彰显unpleasant to look at, smelly, and it makes the environment very unhealthy.The problem is there because the rubbish collectors do not come often enough to collect the rubbish. The people living here may also be throwing away too much rubbish.We could try to ask people to produce less rubbish. I suggest that rubbish collectors collect rubbish more often as well.I believe that a better environment can be created in this town and we should all work together to achieve it.Yours faithfully,Wang xiSelf checkTo provide a comprehensive review of key vocabulary Explaining the phrases: pull down, put to good use, and functions presented in this unit.板书设计Unit 13 were trying to save the earth! Section A 2a 2eHave you ever thought about how these things can actually be put to good use?You have probably never heard of Amy.The more popular works can be seen in art shops around the city.作业布置教学反思


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