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知恩,感恩是人类的美德,在我们的学习生活中,我们要感谢的人很多很多。请根据下列写作要求,完成A、B两部分的写作任务。 A请分别用一个完整的句子回答下列五个问题: 1Who do you want to thank? 2Why do you want to thank him/her? 3What does he/she do for you? 4How does he/she influence you? 5What will you do for him/her in return?,B请以“A Person I Want to Thank”为题写一篇不少于80词的英语短文,要点如下: 1包含A部分所有信息; 2表达你的感激之情; 3文中不得出现姓名、学校等真实个人信息。 【范文诵读】 A1.My mother is a person I want to thank. 2She loves me with all her heart without return. 3Whenever I fall ill,she takes care of me. 4She herself sets an example to me so that I want to become a useful person in the society. 5Ill spend more time staying and communicating with her.,B A Person I Want to Thank My mother is a person I want to thank.She loves me with all her heart without return.Whenever I have trouble,I turn to her for help.Whenever I fall ill,she takes care of me.She is happy with the progress I have made.Mom cares me but never spoils me.She is strict with me and shows me what is wrong and what is right.She herself sets an example to me so that I want to become a useful person in the society. Now,Ill spend more time staying and communicating with her.And Ill try my best to help her do what I can. I think my mother is one of the best mothers in the world.I want to say “thank you ”to my mom.,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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