鲁教版2020届英语中考二模试卷(II )卷

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鲁教版2020届英语中考二模试卷(II )卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 一、 单项填空(本大题有15小题,每小题1分,共15分) (共15题;共15分)1. (1分)Excuse me, Miss Li. Where will you take _ vacation?Ill travel to a famous island of _ Pacific Ocean.A . a; /B . a; theC . the; /D . the; the2. (1分)I love my cousin very much. He is a lovely boy. A . 8-years-oldB . 8 years oldC . 8-year-oldD . 8 year old3. (1分)I failed the exam. My father was very me. A . pleased withB . angry withC . argue withD . strict with4. (1分)The film was based _ a true story. A . inB . onC . withD . for5. (1分)Keep on. Dont stop. The _ you climb, the _ you will see. A . highest; farthestB . higher; fartherC . highly; fartherD . high; far6. (1分)Its very dangerous _ soccer on the street. A . playB . playingC . to playD . played7. (1分)He lost his watch. He must find _.A . himB . herC . itD . they8. (1分)No _, please. Dad is talking on the phone. A . shoutB . shoutingC . shoutedD . to shout9. (1分)When she heard the news that her son died in the accident, she _.Oh, what bad news!A . took offB . passed outC . turned down10. (1分)May I speak to Mr. Smith?Sorry, he _ Australia. But he _ in two days.A . has been to; will come backB . has gone to; will be backC . has been in; would come backD . is leaving for; doesnt come back11. (1分)Have you ever to the park? Yes, I there last summer. A . gone; wentB . gone; have beenC . been; wentD . been; have been12. (1分)Where are _ pens?Are _ in the drawer?A . my, theyB . /, theyC . his, them13. (1分) fine it is today! Lets go for a walk. That sounds good. Lets go. A . WhatB . HowC . Which14. (1分)I really want to watch Bumblebee (大黄蜂). Could you tell me ? Sure. Itll be on show at Wanda Cinema.A . when it will be on showB . where will it be on showC . where it will be on show15. (1分) _ Sorry, I wontIll pick it upA . Try to keep the classroom cleanB . Dont make any noise in publicC . Lets pick up the litter on the groundD . Dont throw litter everywhere二、 完形填空(本大题有10个小题,每小题1分,共10分) (共1题;共10分)16. (10分) This is a picture of Mr. Greens family. 1 the picture we can see Mr. green, Mrs. Green, their son Jim 2 their daughter Susan. Mr. Green is3 in a chair. He is4 a newspaper. Mrs. Green 5some housework. Jim is a Middle School student. He is reading a book near the window.Look at 6 , she is playing with her toys 7 the floor. She is Mr. Green and Mrs. Greens daughter, Susan. 8 that behind Susan? Its a 9. Whats the cat doing? Its playing 10 a ball.(1)A . In B . On C . At D . About (2)A . or B . and C . with D . but (3)A . sit B . sits C . sitting D . to sit (4)A . watching B . looking C . seeing D . reading (5)A . is doing B . doing C . do D . is do (6)A . the boy B . the little girl C . the student D . the cat (7)A . in B . on C . at D . of (8)A . What B . Whatre C . Whats D . Which on (9)A . boy B . girl C . cat D . son (10)A . with B . and C . of D . at 三、 阅读理解(本大题有15小题,每小题2分,共30分) (共3题;共30分)17. (10分)阅读下面材料,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D选项中选出最佳选项。AFound: Is this your red pen? Call Gina at 749-5903.Found: A green pencil box. Call Maria at 410-5743.Lost: A green notebook. E-mail Tim at Tim19ab163.com.Found: A set of keys. E-mail Mary at m1989163.com.Lost: My yellow ruler. Call John at 475-6987.Lost: My school ID card. My name is Sonia. Please e-mail me at Sonia888126.com.(1)If(如果)you lost a pen, you may(可以)call _.A . 749-5903B . 410-5743C . 475-6987D . 370-8943(2)If you lost a set of keys, you may e-mail _.A . GinaB . MariaC . MaryD . John(3)_ lost a notebook.A . TimB . MaryC . JohnD . Sonia18. (10分)阅读理解 Dolphins are not fish, but warm-blooded animals. They live in groups, and speak to each other in their own language. In this they are like other animals, such as bees and birds. But dolphins are very different from almost all land animals. Their brain is nearly the same size as our own, and they live a long timeat least twenty or thirty year.Like some other animals, dolphins use sound to help them find their way around. They also make these sounds to talk to each other and to help them find food. We now know they do not use their ears to receive these sounds, but the lower part of the mouth, called the jaw.Strangely, dolphins seem to like man, and for thousands of years there have been stories about the dolphin and its friendship with people.There is a story about sailors in the 19th century. In a dangerous part of the sea off the coast of New Zealand, they learnt to look for a dolphin called Jack. From 1871 to 1903 Jack met every boat in the area and showed it the way. Then in 1903 a passenger on a boat called The Penguin shot and wounded (伤害) Jack. He recovered and for nine years more continued to guide all ships through the areaexcept for The Penguin.Today, some people continue to kill dolphins, but many countries of the world now protect them and in these places it is against the law to kill them.(1)Dolphins are different from many other animals in that they _. A . live in groupsB . have large brainsC . are warm-bloodedD . have their own language(2)Which of the following does the dolphin use to help it find its way around? A . Its nose.B . Its ears.C . Its mouth.D . Its eyes.(3)Why did the sailors off the coast of New Zealand look for Jack? A . He was lonely and liked to be with peopleB . They enjoyed playing with him.C . He was seriously wounded.D . They wanted his help.(4)By telling the story of Jack the writer wanted to show that _. A . dolphins are friendly and cleverB . People are cruel to animalsC . Jack is different from other dolphinsD . dolphins should be protected by law19. (10分)下面文章中有五处需要添加小标题。请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出符合各段意思的小标题。选项中有一项是多余选项。 Reading is a good hobby for all kinds of reason.First, reading is fun. _. You will never feel bored or tired.Next, you can read a book anywherein a car, on a plane, or even in the bathroom._. It is so easy to get a book.Another good reason for reading is that it is useful. If you read as a hobby, you will get better and better at it. And you will read faster and find it easier to understand what you read. _, you will probably find your schoolwork becomes much better.Some people say that reading is not in fashion. _. You can read on the Internet. The more you read, the more knowledge you will get. Good readers may become writers, too._. Reading is a wonderful hobby. Why not start reading right now?A. But I dont think soB. Everyone likes readingC. They always have more things to write aboutD. You can always keep yourself happy if you like readingE. All you need is a bookF. As your reading skills improve四、 短文填空(本大题有10小题,每小题1.5分,共15分) (共1题;共15分)20. (15分)请阅读下面的email,帮助Harry把信息补充完整,每空一词。 Dear friend, Now I am new here. I have learned English for only half a year, so I cant understand _ the teacher says and I am _ of talking with my classmates _ English. I know this is the most important year of mine and I really work very hard. But the biggest _ for me is that I cant read fast and I couldnt sleep the night _ big exams. Could you help me?Yours,Harry五、 读写综合(共20分) (共2题;共20分)21. (5分)任务型阅读 How would you persuade (劝说) your parents to support your dream? American actress Emma Stone created a PowerPoint presentation (陈述) to get her argument across.Stone is a rising star in Hollywood. She has played the role of Gwen Stacy, Spider-Mans high school love interest, in two Spider-Man movies.The actress said she has something in common with her character in the film. Gwen is clear on what she wants to do with her life. I think I am in the same ballpark (同一范围) there.Stone made up her mind to become an actress at the age of 15. But would her parents agree to her leaving school early and pursuing (追求) her dream? The young girl decided to think outside of the box.I used a lot of computers when I was younger, and my dads a businessman, so I just thought a presentation is the way to get my point across, she said.She titled the presentation Project Hollywood and used pop singer Madonnas classic song Hollywood as the soundtrack, saying just please let me move to LA to be an actress.Her tactic (策略) proved to be a success. In 2004, Stone dropped out of high school and moved with her mother to Los Angeles. She was homeschooled after that.Now Stone is a successful actress with many films to her name. Her next step is to try different things like bizarre (奇怪的) characters or comedy. Will she persuade directors with PowerPoint presentations too?Answer the following questions:(1)Does Emma Stone play Spider-Man? (2)What did Stone do to persuade her parents to let her pursue her dream? (3)How did Stone continue to study after dropping out of high school? (4)What will Stone do in the future? 22. (15分)某调查组到社会上进行调查环境污染的问题,设计了下列调查表.。请你根据上面的调查表说说作为学生如何做好学校环境保护方面的工作。注意:短文要求正确、流畅;词数80个左右。(本小题15分)Kinds of pollutionThere are many kinds of pollution around us such as_airpollution, _water_ _ pollution,_noise/white_ pollution and rubbish pollution.resultsThe environment on the _earth_ is becoming worse and _worse_ .提示词:keepclean and tidy, clean(v.), sweep, throw rubbish into the dustbins,plant, so that, protect, speak highly of(高度赞扬),make a contribution to doing(为贡献)(不得出现真实的学校名称和姓名。)第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 单项填空(本大题有15小题,每小题1分,共15分) (共15题;共15分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空(本大题有10个小题,每小题1分,共10分) (共1题;共10分)16-1、三、 阅读理解(本大题有15小题,每小题2分,共30分) (共3题;共30分)17-1、17-2、17-3、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、19-1、四、 短文填空(本大题有10小题,每小题1.5分,共15分) (共1题;共15分)20-1、五、 读写综合(共20分) (共2题;共20分)21-1、21-2、21-3、21-4、22-1、


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