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译林牛津版2020年初中英语毕业学业模拟考试(二)(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 一、 从A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳答案填空(共10小题,每小题1 (共10题;共10分)1. (1分)Learning is _ lifelong journey because every day brings something new. A . /B . aC . the2. (1分)Peter, how old is your father this year?_. And we just had a party for his _ birthday last weekend.A . Fortieth; fortyB . Forty; fortyC . Forty; fortiethD . Fortieth; fortieth3. (1分)What kind of TV show do you prefer? I like the ones make me happy and laugh. A . whoB . whomC . thatD . what4. (1分)I am not feeling well. So who will attend the important meeting _ you?A . in additionB . instead ofC . in the place of5. (1分)I _ go sailing on the lake. A . am usedB . am used toC . used toD . used6. (1分)Do I have to cook this dish for _ ten minutes,Mom? Yes,and remember not to open the cover.A . otherB . othersC . anotherD . one other7. (1分)I stood on the top of Mount Tai and _ to the small village below me. A . looked downB . looked afterC . looked upD . looked through8. (1分)Some people think trees_ on Tree Planting Day only. A . should plantB . should be plantedC . should be plantD . should be planting9. (1分)下列表示重量单位的是_.A . kmB . HKC . kgD . mm10. (1分)_? Its Thursday.A . Whats the timeB . What day is it todayC . Is it ThursdayD . Whats the date二、 完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分) (共1题;共10分)11. (10分)完形填空 Mike was reading in the garden when his mother came. She pointed to something and asked Mike what it was. Mike felt quite 1, but he told her it was a sparrow (麻雀) and got back into reading. Several minutes later, his mother pointed to the same sparrow and asked the same question again. Mike got a little angry but 2answered her question. After a little while, his mother did the same thing once more. This time Mike could not 3his anger. He shouted at her for disturbing him again and again. The old lady silently 4an old diary, turned to a page and showed it to Mike. Though a little impatient, Mike began to read it. Today, I was watering the flowers in the garden when little Mike pointed to a 5on the grass and asked me what it was. I 6at him, said it was a sparrow and kissed him. After a while Mike asked me again and I did the same. Pointing to the same sparrow, little Mike asked me what it was twenty times and I 7answering his question and kissing him every time. Something gently touched Mikes 8. His face turned red with 9for being so impatient to his mother and he hugged (拥抱) her tightly. Your parents have given you many things in their lifetime, but you may not 10that until they are gone. (1)A . angry B . lonely C . proud D . surprised (2)A . still B . always C . already D . seldom (3)A . show B . leave C . control D . discover (4)A . set out B . took out C . put out D . looked out (5)A . fox B . frog C . bird D . rabbit (6)A . threw B . smiled C . shouted D . laughed (7)A . put on B . kept on C . tried on D . depended on (8)A . face B . mouth C . heart D . shoulder (9)A . shame B . fear C . happiness D . kindness (10)A . allow B . support C . encourage D . realize 三、 阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,计40分) (共4题;共40分)12. (10分)阅读理解 How do people find their ways? At first, people did it by looking at the sun, the moon and stars, Later, we started to use the compass(指南针).Today, there are navigation satellite systems.A navigation satellite system uses groups of satellites, they send information to a receiver, such as your smart phone. Then they can find where you are.The earliest navigation system is the Global (全球的) Positioning System(GPS) of the United States, The US has put 24 satellites into space to make sure GPS can locate a person correctly and globally. Russias GLONASS and European Unions Galileo can also work globally.The BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) is Chinas homegrown navigation system. It was set up in 2000. With it, China became the third country to build a navigation system after the US and Russia.BeiDou can find you wherever you are. It helps you go faster by finding shortcuts and using correct directions. When you are in trouble and call the police, they will know exactly where you are if you have a smart phone that uses BeiDou.Today, there are more than 20 BeiDou satellites above our heads. And the system is able to offer open services to the Asia Pacific area.China plans to send more BeiDou 3 satellites into space. BeiDou3s position accuracy(精确度) is less than five meters, By 2020, the BeiDou system will have 35 satellites and begin serving Globally.(1)How did people find their ways at first according to this passage? A . By looking at the sun, the moon and stars.B . By using the navigation satellite systems.C . By looking at the compass.(2)How many navigation satellite systems are mentioned in the passage? A . Two.B . Three.C . Four.(3)What does the underlined word locate in the third paragraph mean? A . 位于B . 设置C . 定位(4)What do you know about the BeiDou system? A . It was set up before GPS.B . It will begin serving globally by 2020.C . There are less than 20 BeiDou satellites today.13. (10分)阅读理解 Tablets are really useful devices, but their big screens always make them as a burden to carry around without a bag. Wouldnt it be great if there were a phone with the powers of a tablet that could be folded up and fit into the hand?Now something like a tablet-shaped but foldable phone is about to become available. In February, South Korean electronics company Samsung and Chinas Huawei both showed foldable phones, The Galaxy Fold and Huawei Mate X respectively. Mobile phone use has entered the foldable future, The Verge noted. The technology could change our lives in unusual ways. These devices, due to their foldable screens, give us the larger screens we want. At the same time, they still fit easily into the pocket. As USA Today noted, theyre the combination of a small tablet and smartphone, all in a single device.The technology could change other devices too. For example, we could make TVs that stick to walls like posters, or fold up easily to hide away in drawers. In crowded modern cities, they will help us to make full use of available space.In a keynote speech, Samsungs senior vice president of mobile product marketing, Justin Denison, called the foldable screen the foundation for the smartphone of tomorrow. Its a piece of white paper for us to paint something beautiful on together, he said.So is there nothing to stand in the way of the foldable future?According to technology news website Android Authority, the necessary displays* were difficult to produce. At present, these foldable devices cost too much. For example, the price of Huawei Mate X is 17,500 RMB. Thats a price that few people will be able to afford.But if the foldable device isnt going to change the world overnight, there is no doubt that it is coming.Patrick Moorhead, an industry expert told The Verge, Few are debating if foldable mobile displays are the future of smartphones; the only question is when and by whom.(1)Paragraphs 3 and 4 are mainly about _. A . arguments on the foldable screen.B . shapes of foldable screens in the future.C . possible advantages of the foldable screen.D . popular foldable screen devices on the market.(2)What can we learn from Justin Denisons words? A . The foldable screen has great future.B . The Galaxy Fold still has many problems.C . The production of foldable phones will soon increase.D . Companies need to work together to develop foldable phones.(3)Now the foldable mobiles are not widely used because_. A . the screens may fail to work properly.B . they are not as useful as people thought.C . they are too expensive for most people.D . they break more easily than ordinary phones.(4)The authors attitude of the future of the foldable screen is _. A . worriedB . positiveC . negativeD . uncertain14. (10分)任务型阅读 (1) During my last year of high school, our teacher, Mrs. Debby, gave us a test. _I finished the questions successfully before I read the last one What is the first name of the woman who cleans the school?I thought that must have been a joke. I saw the cleaning woman every day. _She had dark hair. But how would I know her name?I had never talked with her before. In fact, Id never even thought about talking to her. I looked at my paper and started to feel rather guilty(内疚的)_Before the test ended, one student asked if the question would be counted in our grades.Of course, the teacher said, _They are all important. They need your care, even if all you do is just to smile and say hello.I have never forgotten that lesson. Everyone needs my care and I should get to know all of the people who work and live around me. That was, maybe, the most important lesson of my life. I also later learned that the cleaning womans first name is Hannah.A. She was short and about 50 years old.B. Finally, I finished my paper, leaving the last one unanswered.C. In your life, you will meet many people.D.I was a hard-working student and I did well in all subjects.(2)What may be the most important lesson of the writers life? 15. (10分)以下左栏是关于西方节日的介绍,右栏是关于节日的活动介绍,请将他们进行配对。 _Thanksgiving Day is a national holiday in the United States. People express their thanks to their parents, friends, teachers and so on._Mothers Day is a holiday celebrated on the second Sunday of May. It is a day when children spread their love to their mothers with cards, gifts, and flowers. _Trick or Treating is a modern Halloween custom where children go from house to house dressed in costume, asking for treats. If they dont get any treats, they might play a trick on the owners of the house._December 25th is Christmas Day. The spirit of it is to spread the kindness and joy. And many children look forward to getting presents from Santa Claus on this day._April 1st is a day to be careful, or you could easily get tricked by someone. Its April Fools Day, a day when people traditionally like to play a trick on somebody.A. It was common for friends and lovers to send gifts to each other on this day. They express their love to each other by doing this.B. It is commonly seen that ,a student tell his classmates that they are asked to go to the teachers office,but actually that is a trick. C. Children always behave well before this day because parents tell them that Santa Claus will send gifts to those who are good children.D. This festivals falls on March or April. The Easter Bunny will put the baskets in a place or hide them somewhere in the house for the children to find.E. Many children make cards and send flowers to give thanks to their mothers on this day.F. It falls on the last day of October. According to tradition, people would dress up in costumes to play somebody a trick, in order to frighten the spirits away.G. Turkey is a main dish on this day. People usually get together to have a big dinner to give thanks to people who are good to them.四、 写作技能(共11小题,计35分) (共3题;共35分)16. (10分)阅读下文并回答问题。 In Jinzhong, Shanxi Province, there is a group of people who are busy drawing maps around. They are not workers on geography, but dispatchers(调度员) on Emergency(急救) Center of the city.Since 2007, the dispatchers in the center have been drawing maps of the local areas.A dispatchers job is counted in seconds, says Liang Ruimei, a dispatcher in the center. She has been working in the center since it started in 2007. We must answer the phone in 3 seconds, get clear information about the patient in 60 seconds and dispatch(调度) emergency medical workers in 3 minutes at most. If we save one second, the patient may have a better chance to live.Although nowadays the center has electronic maps, the dispatchers still walk through the streets to draw maps by hand.After many years hard work, the dispatchers keep every building and street of the city in mind. They even know whether or not a car can enter the gate of a building. Sometimes the caller cant tell clearly where he is, but it doesnt matter. As long as he describes the buildings around, the dispatcher can dispatch emergency medical workers to him.We are trying to be quicker than Death, says Liang.(1)Is Liang Ruimei a dispatcher in Emergency Center of Jinzhong? (2)When did Emergency Center of Jinzhong start? (3)To be quicker than Death, what do the dispatchers in Emergency Center of Jinzhong do? (4)Do you think it necessary for dispatchers to draw maps by hand when they have electronic maps? Why or why not? 17. (10分)阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的五个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有一项为多余选项 Littering is a big problem in cities around the world. People know it does harm to the environment, but few do something for years to make a difference. However, Butt Lady sets an example to all. The true name of Butt Lady is Sally Dawly. She lives in Auburn, a city in California, US._ because she had spent most of her free time picking up cigarette butts (香烟头) from the streets of her city. After picking up one million cigarette butts in three and a half years, she has set a new goal for herself-two million cigarette butts.Dawly got tired of going on her walks and seeing cigarette butts everywhere, so in 2014 she started to take action. Armed(装备)with a broom(扫帚), dustpan and a pair of tongs, the anti-littering activist walked down the streets in search of cigarette butts, picked them up and threw them in the trash can. To see how many butts she picks up, the Butt Lady has been using a counting device (装置)._ after picking up as many as 3,000 butts a day. She said she wanted to shout Come on people. Dont throw your butts._.Dawly knows its not easy to completely solve her citys cigarette butt littering problem in no time, but she hopes her efforts will help smokers think twice before throwing away butts on the street._ as she has got more and more supporters in the city.A. She sometimes felt really badB. In fact, her efforts have paid offC. Better yet, stop smokingD. She was so greatE. She got a nickname18. (15分)假如你是张鹏 ,转学去了杭州。你的好友王新来信询问你的近况,并告诉你他暑假要来看你。请根据以下提示,绐王新写一封回信。写作要点:1)表达你收到他来信后的激动心情。2)介绍新学校。设施:一个大操场,一个图书馆。师生:友善,易于相处。3)针对他独自乘火车来杭州提出具体建议。写作要求:1)不得使用真实的姓名和学校名。2)时适当加入细节,使内容充实,行文连贯。3)字迹工整、语言精练、表达准确、条理淸晰。4)至少80词。Dear Wang Xin,How are you doing?Best wishes!Yours,Zhang Peng第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、 从A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳答案填空(共10小题,每小题1 (共10题;共10分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分) (共1题;共10分)11-1、三、 阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,计40分) (共4题;共40分)12-1、12-2、12-3、12-4、13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、14-1、14-2、15-1、四、 写作技能(共11小题,计35分) (共3题;共35分)16-1、16-2、16-3、16-4、17-1、18-1、


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