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译林牛津版2020届中考英语模拟试卷(三)B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 一、 阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分) (共4题;共30分)1. (6分)An Advertisement(一则广告)(1)One Sunday, the zoo opens at _.A . 10:00 in the morningB . 8:00 in the morningC . 6:00 in the afternoonD . 8:00 in the afternoon(2)The zoo opens _ day a week.A . oneB . twoC . fiveD . seven(3)If you are 13 years old, you want to go to the zoo, you should pay _. A . 3.00B . 6.00C . 8.00D . no money(4)Kate is 12, and her little sister is 6. If they go to the zoo, they should pay_.A . 9.00B . 11.00C . 6.00D . 3.00(5)If you are 14 and your brother is 7. How much should you pay for the Train Ride.A . 2.00B . 4.00C . 6.00D . 7.002. (8分)Maybe you can not imagine what a hotel made of trash looks like. But in Rome, Italy, there is a campaign called Save the Beach that has created a hotel out of 12 tons of trash in order to raise awareness (意识) of our waste.Save the Beach is an environmental awareness campaign set up by the makers of Corona Beer. They collected all the trash from all the beaches all across Europe. Then they built the special hotel.It was reported that the hotel was fully booked (预约). And it was open only for four days there in early June, the same time as World Environment Day. Next to the trash hotelwas the slogan of Save the Beach. It said, we have built the first hotel made of trash in the world. This will be the future of our holidays if we do nothing to protect our beaches.The hotel was built just to show the damage we were causing to the sea and the coastline (海岸线). We live in the time of trash and we are running the risk of becoming trash ourselves. Do we really want such a world?The trash hotel in Rome was just the beginning to support healthy, clean and trash-free beaches all across Europe by Save the Beach. Maybe there will be more surprising ideas in the future. Lets wait and see.(1)Where was the trash hotel built?A . In EuropeB . In AsiaC . In AmericaD . In Africa(2)The trash was from the _A . StreetsB . BeachesC . WoodsD . Hotels(3)The hotel was open only for four days in early June because _A . Many people went to the beach in JuneB . It was hot in early JuneC . The hotel was not clean enoughD . That was the same time as World Environment Day(4)The underlined word damagemeans _ in Chinese.A . 危险B . 需要C . 毁坏D . 目的(5)Which of the following is TRUE?A . No one could live in the trash hotelB . The trash hotel was the first one in the worldC . The trash hotel was built just for funD . The trash hotel will be popular in the future3. (8分)阅读理解 I hate myself! I cried to my mother. Im fat, Im ugly, Im stupid, and I feel silly! I was only ten years old and in the fourth grade. This was the first time I could say my worries about my appearance to anyoneThis is what Katherine wrote in the first part of her new book, Rock What Youve Got. Katherine is now a student at the University of Southern California. This is her first book. Like most common girls, Katherine had worries about her size and shape when she was a younger girl. That made her very unhappy. In the book, she says when she grows up, she finds out that what really makes her happy is not how fit she looks, but how much she loves. Katherine also wants to encourage(鼓励)them to love their bodies, love themselves, stay healthy, and most of all, be confident. (1)The view in the first paragraph is . A . Katherines view nowB . what Katherine says nowC . what a 10-year old girl told KatherineD . the description in a book written by Katherine(2)The underlined word appearance means in Chinese. A . 出现B . 外貌C . 表现D . 登台(3)Which of the following is NOT Katherines idea in her book? A . If a girl wants to be happy, keep a good size and shape.B . If you give your love to others, youll feel happy.C . Every girl should love her own body.D . Every girl should be confident.(4)The passage mainly talks about something about . A . what happiness isB . how to be confidentC . how Katherine grew upD . the book Rock What Youve Got4. (8分)阅读理解 International Poetry CompetitionWorld Poetry Day is celebrated on 21 March. Its purpose is to improve peoples ability to read, write, and teach poems all over the world.This year, the International Poetry Centre is holding a poetry competition to celebrate the festival! The competition is open to all the poets(诗人)aged 18 and over from all over the world, and they will be divided into two groups:Open Group (open to all the poets aged 18 and over)ESL Group (open to all the poets aged 18 and over who can write in English as a Second Language)The winners of each group will receive1000.RULES:All the poems must be unpublished (未出版的) works.Poems will not be returned, so please keep a copy.The poem(s) must be in English and created by the poet himself/herself.Poems can be written on any proper subject. No subject on violence(暴力) or drugs.The competition begins on 3 March, 2017 and ends on 28 August, 2017.To enter the competition, please visit the Centre Shop to pay 5 for each poem. Once the payment is made, please email the poem(s) to poetrycompcenter.uk. Remember to mark Open or ESL in the top right-hand corner of the document(文档) to show which group to enter before emailing your poem(s).Questions about the competition can be emailed to poetrycompcenter.uk.(1)The World Poetry Day is on_. A . March 28thB . March 3rdC . March 21stD . August 28th(2)The purpose of the World Poetry Day is_. A . to encourage the British to write poemsB . to teach children how to read and write poemsC . to raise money for the poets from all over the worldD . to help people to read, write and teach poems better(3)The rules for the competition include the following EXCEPT_. A . that poets can write poems in any languageB . that poets must use their unpublished poemsC . that poems cant be taken back after the competitionD . that poems cant be written on the subject of violence or drugs.二、 任务型阅读(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分) (共1题;共10分)5. (10分)配对阅读:左栏是五个人的饮食习惯的描述, 右栏是七家餐厅的介绍。请根据这些人的需求, 选出最适合他们的餐厅. Bob is from Sichuan. His families like spicy food very much. Its Sunday today. He wants to have a big dinner in a Sichuan restaurant with his family. _A. In our restaurant, you can enjoy different kinds of dumplings and noodles, such as beef dumplings, vegetable dumplings, pork noodles and so on. B. If you like spicy food, here is the right place. You can taste a lot of Sichuan food here, especially the spicy chicken. It is the most delicious one. C. We serve many kinds of Guangdong food here. You can enjoy delicious fish, beef, pork and so on. You can either take them home or eat them in our restaurant. D. This is a fast food restaurant. We only serve the western fast food, such as the beef steak(牛排), chicken hamburgers and so on. We also offer you a room to play cards if you eat here. E. We are a special restaurant. All the food here is made of vegetables. It is good for your health. You dont need to worry about being fat. F. We are a Chinese fast food restaurant. You can enjoy your meals in five minutes here. You can also call us. We will send the food to your home in 20 minutesG. This is a Muslim restaurant. We will give you many kinds of food except pork. Welcome to enjoy the food here. John is a salesman. He doesnt have time to go out for lunch every day, so he always calls for his lunch from Chinese fast food restaurants. _Dumplings are Tonys favorite. He doesnt want to cook by himself every day. So he always eats dumplings in dumpling restaurants. _Peter is very fat. He has to eat more vegetables and less meat. But he doesnt have time to cook, so he often has his meals in a restaurant which cooks healthy food. _Jack is a Muslim(). He cant eat pork. So he usually has his meals in Muslim restaurants. _三、 完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) (共1题;共15分)6. (15分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从各题所给的A、B、C和D项中选出最佳选项。During my second year of nursing school,our teacher gave us a test.I was a hardworking student and I did well1all the subjects.I finished the questions 2until I read the last one,What is the first name of the woman3cleans the school?Of course this was only a joke.I saw4cleaning woman every day.She is short and about 60 years old.She has dark hair.5how would I know her name?I have never talked with her before.In fact,Ive never even thought about6to her!I stared at my paper.7guilty I felt! Finally,I handed in my paper,but the last question 8.Before the class ended,one student asked the teacher9the last question would count into our grade.Of course,the teacher said,In your life,you will meet10people.Its important for you 11them.They deserve(值得)your attention and care,even if all you do is just 12hello.Ill never forget that lesson.Everyone deserves our attention and we13try to get to know all the people who work and live around us.That was14lesson of my life.Later that day,I 15that the cleaning womans name was Dorothy.(1)A . in B . of C . at D . on (2)A . success B . succeeded C . successful D . successfully (3)A . who B . what C . which D . where (4)A . a B . an C . the D . / (5)A . So B . But C . And D . Or (6)A . talks B . talked C . to talk D . talking (7)A . What B . What a C . How D . How a (8)A . didnt complete B . wasnt completed C . isnt completed D . doesnt complete (9)A . that B . which C . why D . if (10)A . many B . much C . few D . a little (11)A . respect B . to respect C . respecting D . respected (12)A . say B . said C . to say D . says (13)A . should B . can C . have to D . may (14)A . important B . more important C . most important D . the most important (15)A . know B . knew C . was knowing D . will know 四、 语法填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分) (共1题;共10分)7. (10分)You can talk with the _ of the school about this problem.(manage) 五、 根据下列句子及所给的首字母或汉语提示,写出各单词的正确,完全 (共10题;共10分)8. (1分)_ (绘画) is my hobby. Do you like it? 9. (1分)We must be s_ with ourselves in the study. 10. (1分)The little boy s_his chopsticks into his food at lunchtime yesterday. 11. (1分)The teacher is standing in the f_of the classroom. 12. (1分)I can take a rest because the housework is_(做完的). 13. (1分)Can the little girl _ the numbers from one to a hundred? 14. (1分)A ceremony to mark the centenary of the May Fourth Movement(纪念“五四”运动一百周年庆典活动)was covered _ at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. April 30, 2019. (在现场直播) 15. (1分)Both of the jackets look nice on me. I cant decide which one to _(选择). 16. (1分)Would you like to go shopping with us _ (在一起)? 17. (1分)T_ are twenty students in ray class. 六、 书面表达(共1小题,满分15分) (共1题;共15分)18. (15分)五一节(May Day)即将来临,写一篇不少于80词的短文,介绍你的假期活动安排。开头已给出,不计入总词数。 May 1st早上,帮助妈妈做家务;下午,和家人散步,购物May 2nd早上,和朋友做运动、打球;下午,和朋友乘公交去黄河公园玩May 3rd.(至少三个活动)My May Day holiday planMay Day is coming soon. We will have a three-day holiday. 第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、 阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分) (共4题;共30分)1-1、1-2、1-3、1-4、1-5、2-1、2-2、2-3、2-4、2-5、3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、4-1、4-2、4-3、二、 任务型阅读(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分) (共1题;共10分)5-1、三、 完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) (共1题;共15分)6-1、四、 语法填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分) (共1题;共10分)7-1、五、 根据下列句子及所给的首字母或汉语提示,写出各单词的正确,完全 (共10题;共10分)8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、六、 书面表达(共1小题,满分15分) (共1题;共15分)18-1、

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