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牛津版(深圳广州)2019-2020年初中英语七年级上册期中考试模拟试卷(1)B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 一、 根据划线部分选择词义相近的一项。 (共7题;共14分)1. (2分)Where is your new school? Is it near? Yes. You see that white building across from the road is my new school.A . oppositeB . alongC . beside2. (2分)Xu Beihong is a famous artist and his pictures are very valuable. A . worth much moneyB . worth a little moneyC . worth nothing3. (2分)Many girls like skirts in summer. A . wearingB . dressingC . inD . putting on4. (2分)How was your trip to Thailand? It was terrible! It rained a lot during my stay.A . very interestingB . very excitingC . very bad5. (2分)Do you believe that we will live on Mars one day?Im not sure. No one can foresee what will happen in the future.A . in the days to comeB . in the old daysC . at the moment6. (2分)Their team beat ours by a large score.Oh, we lost the game.A . played againstB . won againstC . fought against7. (2分)My mother called and asked me if I had _ the birthday gift from her.A . inventedB . raisedC . receivedD . ordered二、 单选题 (共9题;共18分)8. (2分)We have some _ here and we can make _ soup.A . egg; eggB . egg; eggsC . eggs; eggsD . eggs; egg9. (2分)I like giraffes because theyre _.A . boringB . scaryC . lazyD . beautiful10. (2分) Tom, look at those two girls!Oh, they look_ because they are twin sisters.A . differentB . specialC . similar11. (2分)- What beautiful shoes youre wearing! They must be expensive.- No, they only 10 yuan.A . spentB . tookC . paidD . cost12. (2分)Come home before dinner time, Peter!I _, Mom.A . promiseB . guessC . wishD . admire13. (2分)Our company developed a new umbrella last month. A . foundB . boughtC . created14. (2分)What do you think of the woman singer? Her voice sounds _. I like her songs.A . sweetB . sweetlyC . badD . badly15. (2分)When someone buys and uses things, we mean he is a _.A . customerB . sellerC . voyager16. (2分)Our teacher is very with us. He always explains to us .A . patient; patientB . patiently; patientlyC . patient; patiently三、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)17. (10分)完形填空 This morning I got an e-mail from Roy. It seems that my boy really enjoys his new life at Harvard University.The1made me think of the day when we moved into this house.Little Roy ran around the new house with great2and tried to move his own things into the house such as his toys, books and clothes. 3, his little hand knocked over(打翻) a bottle of paint on the shelf. The paint made the tidy floor and white wall a terrible mess. Oh, my God! My wife rushed in angrily. I looked at my son, and his small face was filled with 4.I 5and held his hand. Take it easy, Roy. Now lets do something to make it look 6 I said. I took out a 7You see, Dad is a magician(魔术师).I can change it 8a big tree. His mother soon helped paint some butterflies and flowers on the9.We spent the whole afternoon 10and laughing. The wall became a beautiful 11with plants, birds and small animals. Blue sky and white clouds were also painted by Roy. On that day, everybody in the house knew something 12happened.The night before Roy left for Harvard, he asked me 13I still remembered the day when he had knocked over the paint. Since then Ive 14worried about making mistakes, he said. I believe I can always 15ways to solve problems. And I know you and mom always support me, love me. I love you both.(1)A . call B . e-mail C . card D . letter (2)A . sadness B . worries C . excitement D . kindness (3)A . Suddenly B . Luckily C . Gladly D . Quickly (4)A . happiness B . hope C . fear D . trust (5)A . cried B . smiled C . shouted D . blamed (6)A . nice B . bad C . wrong D . terrible (7)A . drum B . brush C . clock D . knife (8)A . as B . into C . from D . by (9)A . desk B . chair C . shelf D . wall (10)A . washing B . cooking C . painting D . cleaning (11)A . forest B . desk C . room D . bag (12)A . dangerous B . boring C . embarrassing D . special (13)A . if B . as C . though D . because (14)A . never B . always C . sometimes D . often (15)A . put out B . hand out C . find out D . give out 四、 阅读理解 (共5题;共46分)18. (10分)阅读理解 Night after night, a wolf walks around a group of sheep, looking for one of them to eat, but the shepherd (牧羊人) and his dogs always make him go away.But one day, the wolf finds the skin (皮)of a sheep. He puts the skin carefully over him. Then he walks into the group of sheep.The shepherd thinks that the wolf is one of his sheep, and makes the wolf eat the grass with the sheep, and even lets him sleep with the sheep.For many days and nights, the wolf eats and sleeps very well. The wolf enjoys himself very much. But one day, the shepherd wants to sell one of his sheep at the market. He finds the biggest and fattest sheep and brings him into town. Can you guess who it is? It is the wolf!(1)Why does the wolf walk around the group of sheep? A . Because he wants to learn to eat grass.B . Because he wants to eat one of the sheep.C . Because he wants to become one of the sheep.D . Because he wants to make friends with the dog.(2)Before the wolf walks into the group of sheep, what does he do? A . He gets a sheep and eats it.B . He talks with the shepherd.C . He puts the skin of a sheep over him.D . He eats the shepherd and the dog.(3)What does the wolf learn at last? A . A bad thing never dies.B . A good beginning makes a good ending.C . A good beginning may make a bad ending.D . A friend to everybody is a friend to nobody.(4)What is the best title for the passage? A . A Wolf in Sheeps Skin.B . One of the Sheep at the Market.C . A Wolf, a Shepherd and a Dog.D . The Big and Fat Sheep.19. (10分)Do you want to have a wonderful evening?Do you want to see your favorite pop singer?Come on!PLACE: Shanghai Peoples SquareTime:7:00 pm Nov.7thTicker:¥180Welcome to Our ClubDo you want to be an artist?Just come and have a try!Music lesson Price: ¥90Dance lesson Price: ¥60Art lesson Price: ¥80Hunan History MuseumYou should use the floor plan(楼层平面图) to find your way around. If you are with your children, stay close to them. The museum is very big and it is easy to get lost.Open:8:30 am12:00 am & 2:00 pm 5:00 pmAdmission(入场费): ¥10;(children under 6 years old get in for free)(1)You can see your favorite pop singer _.A . in Shanghai Peoples SquareB . in the clubC . in Hunan History MuseumD . in music class(2)We cant learn _ in the club.A . MusicB . ArtC . EnglishD . Dance(3)If you want to have music and dance lessons, you will pay _.A . ¥90B . ¥150C . ¥180D . ¥140(4)People can visit the museum at _ every day.A . 1:00 pmB . 3:00 pmC . 7:00 pmD . 6:00 am(5)_ can get into the museum for free.A . An adultB . A studentC . An old manD . A child under 6 years old20. (10分)阅读理解Mr Smith was in trouble those days. He drove a car for Mr Black, a rich businessman. He worked hard and the shopkeeper liked him. But he couldnt work when he drank too much. And once he almost fell into 来源:Z-x-x-k.Comthe river when he drove along the bridge. Mr Black become angry and was going to send him away. He had a big family and was afraid of it and promised(许诺) he would stop drinking at once. The man told him to wait to be dealt with(处置).One Monday morning Mr Smith came into the office with two badly burnt(烧伤的) ears.What happened to your ears? asked Mr Black.Well, said the man. I went to watch a football match yesterday while my wife was ironing(熨) clothes. She had put the iron(熨斗) near the telephone before she went to cook supper. Our team lost the game and I felt sorry for it. As soon as I went into the sitting-room, the phone rang and I answered the iron!And what happened to the other ear ?When I put the iron down on the table, the telephone rang again!(1)_, so he almost drove the car into the river. A . Mr Smith was not carefulB . Mr Smith drank too muchC . Mr Smith forget they were on the bridge(2)Mr Smith went to watch the football match on _. A . MondayB . SaturdayC . Sunday(3)We can guess _. A . Mr Smith drank much after the matchB . Mr Smith was angry with his teamC . Mr Smith didnt drink those days(4)The _ badly burned Mr Smiths ears. A . telephoneB . drinkingC . iron(5)What would happen to Mr Smith? A . He would go on driving for Mr Black.B . He would never watch any matchC . Mr Black would send him away.21. (8分) Michael and Derek are good friends, but they like to pull each others leg sometimes. One day during the holidays they decided to go to London together. They went to the station and bought their tickets. When the train came in, Michael broaden in first and without knowing it, dropped his ticket in the platform as he got into the carriage(车厢). Derek, who was close behind saw the ticket fall and quickly picked it up. Without a word to his friend, he put it in his pocket.After they had been in the train a little while, they heard the ticket inspector coming down the corridor, shouting, “tickets, please!” Michael looked for his and of course couldnt find it.“Oh, dear, I cant find my ticket, Derek,” he said.“Have another look, Michael, it must be somewhere,” said Derek.“No, I cant find it anywhere. What shall I do?”“Perhaps you had better hide under the seat, then the inspector wont know you are here.” So Michael crawled under the seat as fast as he could and lay perfectly still. Presently the door opened and in came the inspector, “Tickers please!” he said.Derek handed him two tickets and said, “This is mine. The other belongs to my friend, who prefers to travel under the seat.” (1)Michael lost in his ticket_.A . when he boarded the trainB . while he was getting into the carriageC . as they went to the stationD . after they had been in the train for a little while(2)Which is True according to the passage?A . Derek helped Michael look for the ticket.B . Michael and Derek are good friends, but they sometimes fight each other.C . Derek took Michaels ticket and hid it.D . Michael didnt know who had picked up his ticket.(3)When the inspector came, Michael _.A . hid himself as quickly as he couldB . remained perfectly stillC . was looking for his ticketD . turned to Derek for help(4)In the passage “they like to pull each others leg” means_.A . they like to make fun of each other in a playful wayB . they like to help each other in time of needC . they like to pull each other by the legD . they like to kick each other22. (8分)阅读理解 Every four years, in a different country around the world, there is a big sports competition. It is like the Olympics but only for one sport-the most popular sport in the world! What do you know about the history of the World Cup?The first World Cup was in 1930, in Uruguay(乌拉圭). In the final game Uruguay beat Argentina and became the first World Cup winner. 13 countries played in the first World Cup. Now there are32 countries in the competition. The first time people saw the World Cup on TV was in 1954 when Switzerland held the competition. Now about 3 billion people in the countries all over the world watch the World Cup on TV. Until 2002 the World Cup was always in a European or an American country. South Korea and Japan held the first Asian World Cup. The first African World Cup was in 2010 in South Africa. The 2018 World Cup was the 21st one. It took place in Russia from 14 June to 15 July 2018, after the country was awarded(授予)the hosting rights in December 2010. This is the first World Cup held in Europe since the 2006 tournament(比赛)in German, and the first ever to be held in Eastern Europe. To keep travel time under control, all the places for this big game were in the east of Russia. (1)From the text, we know that the World Cup _ . A . is held every four yearsB . is the same as the OlympicsC . is only for basketballD . was first held in Argentina(2)When it was held in _, people saw the world cup on TV the first time. A . UruguayB . 1930C . SwitzerlandD . Japan(3)In 2010,the World Cup was first in _ . A . EuropeB . AmericaC . South KoreaD . South Africa(4)About _ years ago before it held the World Cup, Russia got the hosting rights. A . twoB . fourC . eightD . nine(5)The 2018 World Cup _ . A . was the 20h oneB . was in DecemberC . lasted for about a monthD . was held in Germany五、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)23. (10分)The child _ (make) _ (work) all day and all night in the old days. 六、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)24. (5分)补全对话。Bill: Hello, Lisa!Lisa: Hello, everyone! You are all here. _Bill: We are planning for the class get together this Saturday. _Lisa: Id love to. What can I do?Bill: Let me see. _Lisa: Yes, I have a digital camera. Bill. _Lisa. Not at all. I like taking photos. Anything else?Bill: We need some colored paper and balloons to decorate our classroom. _Lisa: Yes, Id like to. Lets go.A. Will you join us?B. Do you have a camera?C. What are you doing?D. Would you like to go shopping wile me?E. Would you mind bringing it to the party?七、 翻译 (共5题;共25分)25. (5分)我想要吃蛋糕,而不是面包。(instead of) 26. (5分)根据中文意思,完成下列句子。(1)我想知道如何在学业和爱好之间取得平衡。I wonder_ _ _ _ _ between schoolwork and hobbies.(2)通过勤奋工作,韦伯证明如果你永不放弃,就会什么事情都可以做。Webb proved that you can do almost everything if you never _ _.(3)熬夜太晚完成作业对健康有害。Its bad for health to _ _ _ _ to complete homework.(4)我们认为戴维是担任我们班长的最合适人选。We think David is _ _ _ _ to be our monitor.(5)我不确定你穿蓝色是否好看。I am not _ _ blue _ _ _ you.27. (5分)根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。(1)我们应该帮助处于困难中的同学。We should help our classmates _ _.(2)那些动物正处于危险之中。Those animals are _ _.28. (5分)根据汉语意思完成句子(1)他学习好多科目,比如英语,数学和语文。He learns many subjects,_English,math and Chinese(2)老师们鼓励我们写一写我们的经历。Teachers_us_about our experiences(3)当我小的时候,我奶奶经常讲有趣的故事。When l was young,my grandmother often_(4)她的祖父母很喜欢种植蔬菜。Her grandparents like_very much(5)这本书在他年龄还小的时候就出版了。The book_at his early age29. (5分)从某一点上看,他比你聪明。_,he is smarter than you.八、 写作题 (共1题;共5分)30. (5分)每周星期一的升旗仪式( Flagraising ceremony)是你们学校的常规活动,你的英国笔友Bob对你校的升旗仪式很感兴趣假定你是张华,请你给Bob写一封电子邮件,介绍下你校升旗仪式的情况 内容要点:1)升旗的时间和地点; 2)参加升旗的人员; 3)升旗活动的意义; 4)你的感想; 要求:1)包括所有内容要点,不要逐句翻译,可以适当发挥2)80词左右,语法正确(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)3)文中不得出现考生真实的姓名、地点和所在的学校名称Dear Bob,Hearing that you are interested in Flagraising ceremony of our school, I am glad to tell you something about it. Hope you can experience the Flagraising ceremony of our school.Yours,Zhang Hua第 25 页 共 25 页参考答案一、 根据划线部分选择词义相近的一项。 (共7题;共14分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、二、 单选题 (共9题;共18分)8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、三、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)17-1、四、 阅读理解 (共5题;共46分)18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、21-1、21-2、21-3、21-4、22-1、22-2、22-3、22-4、22-5、五、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)23-1、六、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)24-1、七、 翻译 (共5题;共25分)25-1、26-1、26-2、26-3、26-4、26-5、27-1、27-2、28-1、28-2、28-3、28-4、28-5、29-1、八、 写作题 (共1题;共5分)30-1、

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