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牛津版(深圳广州)2019-2020学年初中英语七年级上册期末复习(题型专练):阅读理解A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 阅读理解 (共10题;共100分)1. (10分) A man was walking along the street when he saw a woman carrying a large box. It was half in and half out of her car. So the man went up and said, “The box looks very heavy. Let me give you a hand.”“Thats very kind of you,” the woman said, “Im having a lot of trouble with it. Maybe it sticks (卡住) in the car door.”“Together well soon move it,” the man said. “Ill get in and take the other end.” And he got in the car.“Right,” the man said. “Im ready,” and he began to push the box hard.For several minutes, the man and the woman tried to move the box. Soon they felt very tired.They rested for a moment. Then the woman said, “Lets try again. One, two, three!” They went on moving the box.At last, when they were exhausted, the man said, “Im sorry, but I dont think theres any way to get it out of your car.”“Get it out?” the woman cried. “Im trying to get it in! You know?”(1)Where did this story happen?A . At a bank.B . In a shop.C . In the street.D . In the womans car.(2)Who got in the car to move the box?A . The woman.B . The man.C . Both of them.D . Neither of them.(3)The underlined word “exhausted” means “_” in Chinese.A . 精疲力竭的B . 激动的C . 充满希望的D . 沮丧的(4)Which of the following is TRUE about the story?A . The man stuck in the car door.B . The woman asked the man for help.C . The man refused to help the woman.D . The woman tried to get the box into the car.(5)What do you think of the man?A . He is a helpful man.B . He looks very strong.C . He is funny and stupidD . He likes to play jokes2. (10分) Tony is Allens classmate. One day, Tony comes to Allens home. When he sees many books in Allens study, he says to Allen, “Allen, you have so many good books, Can I borrow a book from you?” Allen doesnt want to lend a book to his classmate and he says, “Why do you want to take my book home? You can read it here in my home.”Tony sees that his classmate is very selfish(自私), but he say nothing. The next day, Allen comes to Tonys house and says, “Tony, you have a good gardenknife(修剪刀). I want to work in my garden tomorrow. Can I use it for two days?” Tony answers, “Why do you want to take my gardenknife home? You can work it in my garden.(1)Tony wants to borrow from Allen.A . a knifeB . a bookC . a gardenknifeD . money(2)Tony is Allens .A . fatherB . teacherC . friendD . classmate(3)Tony lends to Allen.A . nothingB . a gardenknifeC . a knifeD . a book(4)Allen wants to borrow from Tony.A . a knifeB . a bookC . a gardenknifeD . money(5)Who is very selfish?A . Tony.B . Allen.C . Teacher.D . None.3. (10分)根据短文内容,选择正确答案。DAfternoon tea is the most informal(非正式的)meal of a day in England. It is between 4: 00 and 5: 00 in the afternoon.If you are a friend of the family, you may come for tea at any time very often it is not at a table. The members of the family and visitors take tea in the sitting room. Each person has a cup and a spoon, and a small plate for bread and cake.By the way, do not help yourself to cake first. Bread and butter first, and then cake. You must remember: Though you can eat as much as you want, do not put more than one piece of bread or cake on your plate each time. (1)In England, afternoon tea is usually _ .A . between breakfast and lunchB . in the middle of dayC . early in the afternoonD . late in the afternoon(2)English afternoon tea has _.A . tea onlyB . both tea and foodC . tea, food and vegetablesD . the same things as other meals(3)When you have afternoon tea in a friends home, _.A . you must make a call before you goB . you must take food with youC . you may go only when they askD . you may go at anytime(4)Which of the following is WRONG,according to the passage?A . Afternoon tea is often in the sitting room.B . Afternoon tea is an informal meal.C . You can put more than one piece of cake on your plate each time.D . Afternoon tea is often with bread and cake4. (10分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。ASeveral months after I was badly hurt in a car accident, my father sent me to a blind school.That morning was the new beginning. I went to this school and I heard lots of children. My new teacher took me to the class where we were taught to write and type in Braille(盲文 ). I found it quite difficult.Hi, sweetheart, how is school going? asked my father.Daddy, I cant do this. I try and try but I just dont get it. I dont know if I am ever going to learn to read Braille. Its too difficult, I cried.Daddy just held me in his arm and said, Do you remember that we went to the temple which is on the top of a mountain? When we were climbing the mountain, my legs started aching. I sat down and said, I cant see the temple. You cant see it because it is covered with fog. Although you cant see it, I know it is here. I will make sure you will climb up to it.That day you showed me that just you cant see something does not mean it is not there. So although climbing the mountain was difficult, I knew I would get to the top.I was clear what my dad wanted me to understand.I went back to school and started with new energy. Very soon I could read.One of my classmates said, You are lucky, you know, you have at least seen the world. I have just heard it. I have been told there are many colors in this world but I dont understand what color means.After listening to her for the first time in two years, I felt lucky. And on that day I learnt that although the light in my eyes is gone. I must see the world with the light in my heart.(1)What can we know about the writer? A . He was born blind.B . He was sent to a blind school because he wanted to learn Braille.C . He couldnt see anything after a car accident.D . He disliked the new school.(2)What did the writer think of reading Braille? A . It was easy.B . It was difficult.C . It was interesting.D . It was boring.(3)What did the writers dad want him to understand? A . You cant see anything, but it doesnt mean it is not there.B . Climbing the mountain is as easy as learning Braille.C . Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it.D . Cheer up! Life is full of choices, so choose to be happy.(4)One of the writers classmates thinks he is lucky because the writer _. A . has once seen the worldB . spend the least time learning Braille wellC . knew the real meaning of colorD . could tell what the world is like without seeing it(5)What does the last paragraph want to tell us? A . The most beautiful thing in the world must be felt with the heart.B . People cant live a happy life unless they can see.C . The writer will live a positive life with the light in his heart.D . The writers suffering(痛苦) would go away in the wind.5. (10分)阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。AThe Most Interesting Festivals around the WorldContentsIntroduction.1Baby Crying Day.2Cheese -rolling Festival.4Color Throwing Festival.6Fish Swallowing Festival.8International Pillow Fight Day .11International Twins Festival.13Raincoat Festival .15Roswell UFO Festival.16Tomato Festival.18Water Fighting Day.19Wife Carrying Festival.20World Body painting Festival .22International Pillow Fight Day International Pillow Fight Day is held every April around the worldfrom Amsterdam, Budapest, to New York. It has been celebrated since 2008. Hundreds of people go out with their pillows hitting each others face, back and chest. People dress up as superheroes and animals, laughing and fighting. The festival used to be a game to release (释放) energy and stress. Nowadays besides bringing fun, International Pillow Fight Day has become a way to quickly collect pillows for the homeless. In 2014, about 2,000 pillows were collected for the poor in Bronx and Brooklyn. Rules: Bring your own pillows and dont hit anyone without a pillow or with a camera. The Guinness World Record: The latest record of the largest pillow fight was set on October 27, 2013 in Chicago, with 4,500 pillows and 3,813 people. -11-(1)The International Pillow Fight Day was first celebrated in _.A . 2000B . 2008C . 2013D . 2014(2)Nowadays the International Pillow Fight Day has become a way to _.A . collect pillows for the homelessB . release energy and stress.C . hit each others faceD . fight with others(3)The latest Guinness World Record of the largest pillow fight was set in _.A . New YorkB . AmsterdamC . BudapestD . Chicago(4)You may read about _ on the Page 19.A . Baby Crying DayB . Color Throwing FestivalC . Water Fighting DayD . World Body painting Festival6. (10分)阅读理解Jack is in the food shop near his school now. He comes here with two yuan. He is reading the menu in the shop.MenuSANDWICHESDRINKSChicken$5.20Orange juice$1.70Egg$3.60Coke$2.50Fish$4.90Coffee$2.80Beef$4.50Tea$1.50RICESNACKSFried$3.50Ice cream$3.00With chicken$4.80Apple pie$4.50With meat$4.50Fresh fruit$3.30With seafood$6.50Chocolate$5.50(1)How much is the rice with chicken? A . $4.80B . $5.20C . $4.50D . $3.50(2)The most expensive snack is . A . ice creamB . apple pieC . fresh fruitD . chocolate(3)What can he buy? A . Coke.B . Orange juice.C . Chicken.D . Ice cream.7. (10分)阅读下列材料,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳选项。BBroadcast 1/br:dk:st|brdkst/nC a program on the radio or on television: a radio newsbroadcast | live broadcast ( = a program that you see or hear at the same time as the events are happening)broadcast2vpast tense and past participle, broadcast 1 I,T to send out radio or television programs: The interview was broadcast live acrossEurope. 2 T to tell something to a lot of people:There was no need to broadcast the fact that he lost his job.Curious/ kjris | kjur-/ adj 1 wanting to know aboutsomething: When I mentioned her name everyone wascurious. | +about Im incurious about this book shessupposed to be writing. |curious to see/hear/know etc:Mandy was curious to hear what Peter had to say himself.opposite INCURIOUS 2 strange or unusual: a curious noise coming from the cellar | curious that Its very curious that she left without saying goodbye.Flask / fl:sk | flsk/n C I BrE a special typeof bottle that you use to keep liquids either hot orcold, for example when travelling 2 a flat bottleusually used to carry alcohol 3 a glass bottle with anarrow top, used in a LABORATORYflat1/ flt / adj flatter, flattest1 SURFACE smooth and level, without raised or hollow areas, and not sloping or curving: a flat-bottomed boat |a perfectly flat sandy beach |pollute / plu:t/ v T 1 to make air, water, soil etcdangerously dirty and not suitable for people to use: beaches polluted by raw sewage | industrial emissions that pollute the air 2 pollute sbs mind to give someoneimmoral thoughts and spoil their character: fears that Lawrences novels would pollute young minds-polluted adj: polluted rivers-polluter n Cpollution / plu:n /n U 1 the process of making(1)The pronunciation of the word broadcast is _ or /brdkst /. A . /br:dk:st/B . /bruds:st/C . /brdkst/D . /bru:dk:st/(2)The word_ can be used as an adjective (形容词). A . polluteB . pollutionC . curiousD . curiously(3)Which of the following is a flask? A . B . C . D . (4)These texts are probably from _. A . a magazineB . a dictionaryC . a newspaperD . an ad8. (10分) Many animals do strange things before an earthquake (地震). This news may be important. Earthquakes can kill people and knock down homes. The animals may help to save lives.Some animals make a lot of noise before an earthquake. Farmers have told about this. Dogs that are usually quiet have started to howl(吠). Horses on farms have run around in circles. Mice have left their holes and run away. Cows have given less milk.In a town in Italy, cats raced down the street in a group. That happened only a few hours before an earthquake. In San Francisco, a man kept tiny pet frogs. One Sunday, the frogs jumped around more than ever. They made loud noises, like bigger frogs. That night, an earthquake struck the city.People want to know when an earthquake is coming. Then they could get away safely. Right now, there is no sure way to know ahead of time. Maybe the best way is to watch the animals.(1)This story is mostly about _.A . how animals act before an earthquakeB . how an earthquake startsC . how mice leaves their homesD . when an earthquake begins(2)Before an earthquake, quiet dogs _.A . ran awayB . started to howlC . climbed treesD . race down streets(3)There have been earthquakes in _.A . most countriesB . Italy and San FranciscoC . Chicago and SpainD . all the western countries(4)People want to _.A . be in earthquakeB . find out early about an earthquakeC . run around in circlesD . get away from earthquakes9. (10分) An Englishman was once traveling in Italy. One day he went into a small restaurant to order dinner. He understood very little Italian and couldnt read the menu(菜单). He knew the word for eggs, and so he ordered eggs. Italy is famous, however, for its mushrooms(蘑菇) with eggs. But he did not know the word for mushrooms. The waiter did not speak a word of English and could not help him. At last, the man took out his pocket a pencil and a piece of paper and very carefully drew a picture of a mushroom on the piece of paper. The waiter looked at the picture of the mushroom for a long while. He did not understand very well, but at last he left. He was gone a long time. After about a half hour he returned. But instead of an order of mushroom, he brought the man a large black umbrella.(1)Why did the Englishman go to Italy?A . He went to work in a restaurant.B . He went to buy an umbrella.C . He traveled in Italy.D . He wanted to visit his friends.(2)What is Italy famous for?A . Mushroom with eggs.B . Eggs.C . Mushrooms.D . Beautiful umbrella.(3)How did the Englishman tell the waiter that he wanted some mushrooms?A . He drew a picture of a mushroom on the table.B . He said “mushrooms” in Italian.C . He showed the waiter a picture of a mushroom.D . He drew a picture of an umbrella.(4)Whats the end of the story?A . The Englishman didnt get what he wanted, but an umbrella.B . The Englishman got mushrooms at last.C . The Englishman left before the waiter came back.D . The Englishman got nothing in the end.(5)Which of the following is right according to the passage?A . An American was once traveling in Italy.B . The man knew Italian very well.C . The man told the waiter that he wanted to buy an umbrella.D . The waiter didnt know English at all.10. (10分)阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。CA Small Invention, Big HelpAn invention is an invention - big or small. A big invention makes us feel it all the time, such as the TV and the computer. There are also several small things around us even if we seldom pay much attention to them. A paper clip helps hold pieces of paper together without making a hole. A big paper clip was put up in Norway to help people remember the inventor of the paper clip, Johann Vaaler. He invented the paper clip in 1900 when working in Germany. A paper clip is in fact a piece of wire (金属丝) that is made in such a way that it can hold together many pieces of paper. Now millions of them are made and sold all over the world. The ballpoint pen was invented in 1938 by a Hungarian, had been trying to find another use for the quick drying ink (快干油墨) and designed this pen. Later, a Frenchman, Marcel Bich thought up the idea of making a use-and-throw pen and sold it cheap. It was named BIC and became very popular.(1)Where was the paper clip invented? A . In America.B . In France.C . In Germany.D . In Norway.(2)How many years was the paper clip invented earlier than the ballpoint pen?A . Sixty-five.B . Fifty-six.C . Eighty-three.D . Thirty-eight.(3)Who invented the ballpoint pen? A . Johann Vaaler.B . Biro.C . Marcel Bich.D . We dont know.(4)Which of the following is NOT true? A . A paper clip holds the paper through a hole.B . Marcel Bich is a Frenchman.C . A big paper clip in Norway is used to remember its inventor.D . BIC. is cheap and popular,(5)Whats the passage mainly about? A . How to invent small things.B . Who invented the small things.C . Small things are very useful.D . Two small inventions.第 20 页 共 20 页参考答案一、 阅读理解 (共10题;共100分)1-1、1-2、1-3、1-4、1-5、2-1、2-2、2-3、2-4、2-5、3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、4-5、5-1、5-2、5-3、5-4、6-1、6-2、6-3、7-1、7-2、7-3、7-4、8-1、8-2、8-3、8-4、9-1、9-2、9-3、9-4、9-5、10-1、10-2、10-3、10-4、10-5、

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