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牛津版(深圳广州)2019-2020学年初中英语七年级上册期末复习(题型专练):阅读理解D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 阅读理解 (共10题;共100分)1. (10分) Mr. Evans lives in a city. He was a math teacher three years ago. He taught well and his students liked him. So he decided to work in the middle school all his life. But a terrible accident changed his fortune(命运).One spring he took his class to visit a place of interest. The children saw a lot of interesting things and had a good time there. But on their way to school, their bus was hit by a truck because the young driver was drunk(醉的). Five students died and more than half of the children were injured in the accident. He didnt know how it had happened and was very sad about it and after he came out of hospital, he left the school and became a policeman. He tried his best to stop the drivers from breaking the traffic regulations(违反交通规则). He worked hard and was strict with the drivers. So they were afraid of him.One afternoon it was very hot. Mr. Evans was on duty. He was standing at the crossing and watching the traffic. Suddenly he saw a car rushing towards the crossing. It ran so fast that it almost hit a man on a bike. He stopped it at once and saw a girl in it.Show your license to me, madam, said Mr. Evans.The girl handed her bag to him and said: Please look for it in it. I cant see anything without glasses.(1)What was Mr. Evans job three years ago?A . policemanB . a math teacherC . a guideD . a driver(2)Their bus was hit by a truck because_.A . the drunk driver broke the traffic rulesB . the bus driver broke the traffic rulesC . Mr. Evans broke the traffic rulesD . the children broke the traffic rules(3)In the accident _.A . more than half of the children diedB . five children were injuredC . more than half of those children were injuredD . Mr. Evans was injured(4)The phrase on dutymeans _ in Chinese.A . 在家里B . 在家C . 在值勤D . 在值日(5)From the story, we can infer that_.A . Mr. Evans would let girl drive away.B . Mr. Evans would not let the girl drive awayC . Mr. Evans would look for the girls license in her bagD . the girl would cry.2. (10分) A passenger told an air hostess that he needed a cup of water to take his medicine when the plane just took off. She told him that she would bring him the water in ten minutes.The air hostess was kept so busy that she forgot to give him the water. As a result, the passenger was held up(延误) to take his medicine. Thirty minutes later, when the passengers ring for service sounded, she hurried over to him with a cup of water, but he refused.In the following hours on the plane, each time the air hostess passed by the passenger, she would ask him with a smile whether he needed help or not. But the passenger never answered a word.When he was going to get off the plane, the passenger asked the air hostess to hand him the passengers booklet. She was very sad. She knew that he would write down sharp words, but with a smile she handed it to him.Off the plane, she opened the booklet, and smiled, for the passenger put it, On the flight, you asked me whether I needed help or not for twelve times in all. How can I refuse you twelve sincere smiles?”Thats right! Who can refuse twelve sincere smiles from a person?(1)Ten minutes later, the passenger didnt get the water, because _.A . the plane didnt take off.B . the air hostess was kept busy and forgot it.C . its not allowed to take medicine during the flight.D . there arent enough water on the plane.(2)The underlined word it in Paragrouph 4 refers to the _.A . medicineB . waterC . cupD . booklet(3)At the end of the story, we knew the passenger was _ with the air hostess.A . satisfiedB . unhappyC . angryD . bored3. (10分)阅读短文,下列问题A boy goes to the cinema. He buys a ticket and goes in. But after two or three minutes he comes out. He buys a second ticket and goes in again. After a few minutes he comes out again and buys a third ticket. Two or three minutes after that he comes out the fourth time and asks for another ticket. The girl says to him, “Why are you buying all these? Are you meeting friends in the cinema all the time?”“No, Im not doing that,” the boy says. “But a big woman always stops me at the door and tears(撕掉) my tickets.”(1)The boy goes to the cinema to _.A . see a filmB . watch TVC . meet his friendsD . have a rest(2)The boy _ a ticket at first.A . takesB . buysC . bringsD . tears(3)After a few minutes the boy _ again and buys a third ticket.A . getsB . tears upC . comes outD . goes in(4)“No, Im not doing that,” means(意思是) _.A . he isnt seeing a filmB . he isnt meeting his friendsC . he wants to buy the tickets for the big womanD . the big woman doesnt let him in(5)From the story we can guess(猜) _.A . the boy goes to the cinema for the first timeB . the big woman at the door doesnt like himC . the boy is not afraid of the big womanD . the boy does want the big woman to tear his tickets4. (10分)“Would you tell me which way I should go from here?” asked Alice.“That depends a good deal on where you want to get,” said the Cat.“I really dont care where” replied Alice.“Then it doesnt much matter which way you go,” said the Cat.- from “ Alice in Wonderland ”My name is David. And I have a brother called Mike.One day, my brother called me and asked me for some advice. He was trying to decide between two job offers:Job 1 The first job was your typical 40 hour a week “office” job.Job 2 The second job was more of a career in the insurance industry(保险业), where he would start at the bottom, and after many years and many long hours eventually rise to the top (if he was good).The second job did not pay as well as the first job (at the beginning), but the pay-off of the second job (in the future) was much greater than the first job. So which job should my brother take? Well the answer isit depends.Just like the Cat was trying to tell Alice, which road you take depends a great deal on where you want to end up.Begin with the End in MindI asked my brother what was his lifes purpose. He said his purpose was to “teach,” but he wanted to make a lot of money first. I told my brother to forget about the money, and I advised him to focus on his purpose. I then asked him which job best supported his end result of “teaching.” He said the first job best supported his goal because he would only have to work 40 hours a week, which would give him spare time to teach. He continued on to say, “but if I take job number two, I can work hard and make more money, then I can retire early and “teach” later in life.” I again advised him to “focus” on his purpose, not money. Things dont end wrong, they begin wrong!You Cant Ride Two Horses WellIt would be very difficult to have a successful teaching career while youre working 70-80 hours a week in the insurance business; no one can ride two horses well. As they say, you can do anything, but not everything. I advised him to get started today by choosing the job that best supported that decision.Tomorrow Never ComesMy brother was thinking that he could always start teaching later in life, but the reality is, tomorrow never comes. Unless you decide right now to follow your feelings, they will probably never be completed. You only live once, dont go to the end of your life with one regret.The Money Will ComeMy brother seemed to be overly concerned with making money. I told him not to be anxious about making money. You will always have greater money when youre doing what you love.In a word, whenever youre at a cross-road, be sure to make the decision that best supports the goal of your life. If you do, then you will be well on your way.(1)Mike _ David one day.A . visitedB . metC . made a telephone call toD . found(2)Mike was trying to _.A . look for a jobB . start a careerC . wok in an officeD . decide between two job offers(3)As for the lifes purpose, Mike _.A . wanted to teach firstB . wanted to make a lot of money firstC . wanted to work in the insurance industryD . wanted to work 40 hours a day(4)You Cant Ride Two Horses Well means _.A . youd better have two horsesB . you can only ride one horse wellC . you can do everything well.D . you cant do two things well at the same time(5)The best title of the passage is _.A . How to choose a better jobB . It is more important to begin than to endC . How to make a better decisionD . Make more money because tomorrow never comes5. (10分)阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D选项中选出最佳选项。DDo You Care about Protecting the Environment and Saving Energy(能源)?How green are you? Try these questions and see.Do you try to walk or ride a bike to school?Do you buy new clothes just because they are the latest fashions?Do you sort(整理) the waste before throwing it away?Do you buy things produced locally instead of made abroad?Do you take your own cloth bag when shopping instead of using plastic bags?We all need a healthy environment, but we produce waste every day and it does harm to our environment. Though we are young, we can still do something to help. In fact, even the simplest everyday activities can make a real difference to the environment. Here are some ideas for you. Remember these three words: reduce, reuse and recycle.REDUCEReduce means use less. Dont waste things. This saves money and reduces pollution and waste going into the environment. Before we buy something new, think whether it is really necessary- or maybe the old one will be just as good! When we do buy things, choose local products if possible, and try not to buy too many things from abroad. It may cost a lot of money to bring them to us.REUSEReuse means use again. Use things for as long as possible. When we buy things, make sure that they last a long time. We should look after them so that they will last, and we should repair them if we can instead of throwing them away and buying new ones. Dont use a paper cup or a paper bag. Its better to use a china cup and a lunch box because you can use them again.RECYCLERecycle means change things into something else. Although it takes energy to change something into something else, its better than throwing things away or burning them. Find out what can be recycled in your neighborhood and join in recycling programs. We should also buy products made from recycled materials, such as recycled paper, to help save trees.(1)How many ideas of protecting the environment does the writer talk about?A . 6B . 5C . 4D . 3(2)What does the underlined word green mean in the passage?A . 绿色的B . 健康的C . 环保的D . 可行的(3)What should we do to protect the environment?buy the latest fashionschoose local productsbuy things from abroadwalk or ride a bike to school sort the waste before throwing it awayA . B . C . D . (4)According to the passage, which of the following is RIGHT?A . We should learn to grow vegetables.B . People mustnt produce waste any more.C . Children are too young to do anything to save energy.D . The simplest everyday activities are important to protect our world.(5)What does the writer mainly want to tell us?A . Waste does harm to our environment.B . The disadvantages of wasting things.C . The importance of protecting the environment and save energy.D . We should protect the environment and save energy by reducing, reusing and recycling.6. (10分)Part-time Cleaning HelpAre you looking for a vacation job? Can you clean the house and cook? Then, I need you. The work is boring, but the pay is good. I need you from 2:00 pm5:00 pm, Monday to Saturday. Please come to the cleaning center or call Mrs. Johnson at 544-9968.A Fitness CampFor Overweight KidsAre you too fat? Can you run as fast as your classmates? Have you failed your PE examination?Our fitness camp can help you lose weight and get fit again. Come and join us! Please call Nathan at 475-2300.Next Wave Music StoreAfter 10 years of teaching the piano,David Smith has made his first CD!Come and meet him this weekend.Special presents for the first 50 people.Time: Sat. 7:00 pmCall Marsha at 8732059(1)The cleaner will workhours one week.A . 12B . 15C . 18(2)In the fitness camp, you can.A . clean the houseB . lose weightC . meet David Smith(3)needs a cleaner.A . Mrs. JohnsonB . MarshaC . Nathan(4)You can call, if you want to go to the fitness camp.A . 544-9968B . 475-2300C . 8732059(5)If youre the tenth to come to, you can get a special present.A . the cleaning centerB . the fitness campC . Next Wave Music Store7. (10分)根据短文内容的理解,选择正确答案。BDo you find it hard to memorize words? You may not be the only one. Now a new study says that you can draw a picture of something to memorize it better.Some Canadian (加拿大的) scientists do the study. They first give a group of students a few words such as apple or balloon (气球). Then they give the students 40 seconds(秒) to memorize them. The students can write the words again and again. They can also draw a picture of the words.When the time is over, the scientists ask the students to sing a song. After that, they give the students 60 seconds. The students have to write down as many words as they can remember. Guess what? Those who draw the words do a much better job than those who write them.And dont worry if you are not good at drawing. The scientists say the quality (质量) of the drawing doesnt matter (要紧) at all.(1)The Canadian scientists study is about _. A . how hard it is to memorize thingsB . how to draw beautiful picturesC . how to memorize words by drawing picturesD . what drawings are good for memorizing(2)How do the scientists ask the kids to memorize the word apple? A . They can take as much time as they want to read it.B . They can write the word or draw a picture.C . They can sing a song about apple.D . They can tell a story about apple.(3)What does the study tell us? A . The harder you try, the less youll memorize about things.B . The quality of the drawing is important for memorizing.C . Singing and drawing are helpful to peoples memory.D . Drawing helps with memorizing words.(4)What is the meaning of the underlined word memorize? A . writeB . rememberC . learnD . draw(5)Which is the best title of this text? A . How to draw picturesB . How to studyC . How to draw a memoryD . How to write words8. (10分)阅读理解BFor many people of Norway(挪威), skiing(滑雪) is the best way to have fun in winter. Almost everyone can ski. Children learn to ski after they learn to walk. Long, long ago in Norway, there were no buses, trains or cars. People had to find a way to walk over the deep snow. Skis were the right answer!Although they love winter, the people of Norway are also happy to see summer come. They enjoy the out-door activities at any time of the year. In summer they swim and sunbathe near the beach. Some people go hiking and go mountain climbing. Sail-boating is also very popular during the warm sunny summer months.The Norwegians(挪威人), like people everywhere, find many in-door ways to have a good time. During the long winter they also enjoy movies. They like to read books from the libraries in all seasons. Family life is very important to the people of Norway.(1)In winter, _ is the most popular sport for Norwegians to have a good time. A . skiing.B . skating.C . swimmingD . skateboarding(2)Long, long time ago, Norwegians skied for _. A . having funB . crossing the deep snowC . making moneyD . taking exercise(3)How many activities can you find in the passage? A . 5B . 7C . 8D . 6(4)The writer wants to tell us about _. A . skiingB . the life of NorwegiansC . out-door activitiesD . the way to have fun(5)Which sentence is right according to the passage? A . Norwegians like winter, but they dont like summer. B . Norwegians dont think family life is very important.C . Norwegians also like indoor activities.D . Norwegians dislike buses, trains or planes9. (10分)阅读理解 Jack is 10 years old, and i am his pencil. Im Jacks helper.Jacks pencil box is my home. I have some friends here. They are seven crayons, a ruler and a pencil sharpener. Because Jack loves me, Im the king(国王) in the pencil box. My friends and I are happy every day.Today, I am not happy because a pen comes in. Its new and beautiful. Its a music pen. It can not only write but also sing. But Im old and I can only help Jack to write. Jack likes it so much! The new pen is his helper now. Its the new king. What can I do now? Shall I go to a new home?(1)Who is the king now? A . The pencil.B . The pen.C . Jack.D . The pencil box.(2)Wheres the old pencils home? A . Jacks home.B . The ruler.C . The new pen.D . The pencil box.(3)According to the passage, Jack is probably(很可能) a . A . studentB . pencil caseC . schoolbagD . pencil10. (10分)阅读理解Dear Mrs. WebDear Mrs. Web provides free personal advice and answers worldwide email questions. She will offer you some new suggestions on your problems, like study stress, disinterested friend . Dear Mrs. Web welcomes all questions and comments. You can receive the reply usually in 48 hours. Her email address is mrsweb advice.com.Help Line VolunteersEvery year thousands of old people are in need of our help. The Help Line provides a heartwarming, helpful, kind support and information service for the English-speaking aged people. We are in need of volunteers who are:*good listeners, warm-hearted and patient*excellent English speaker*can work 10 hours every weekPlease call us at 0241-85902 or email us: helperlineservice.com.Save the Earth ClubEarth club is for any student in Green school, neighbor-hood, and city cleaner by encouraging recycling, highway clean up, and river, lake and school campus clean up. We hope to improve the environment and encourage others to do the same. We also meet to discuss some real solutions to saving the earth. Earth Club meets 2-4 times a month and join us!The King SweeperMy great, great grandfather invented the carpet sweeper 125 years ago. This King Sweeper is by far the best. I invite you to try it in your home. Youll find it used daily in hospitals, restaurants, offices and homes throughout the world. This is just the thing to keep your carpet soft, clean and fresh. Only for $ 23.99!Were so sure that youll be delighted with the result of using our product.Trendy SunglassThey can protect your eyes when driving, gardening or reading in the sun. It can make your life easier and happier, and make you look smarter! 10.99 each or 2 for 19.99.(1)If you are not getting on well with a friend of yours, you can email _ for help. A . Save The Earth ClubB . The King SweeperC . Help Line VolunteersD . Dear Mrs. Web(2)Which of the foll

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