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牛津版八年级英语下册期末综合能力检测题(无听力材料)B卷 一、 听三段对话,请根据所听到的问题和括号内的提示,回答每个问题 (共3题;共18分)1. (10分)听下面一段对话,回答问题。 (1)What type of printer does the woman want? (DJ2796DC2996DC2796) (2)How much should the woman pay if she buys eight boxes of paper? (800 yuan/850 yuan/1,000 yuan) 2. (4分)听第六段对话,回答两小题。 (1)What are they going to do together? A . Have violin lessons.B . Play tennis.C . Watch movies.(2)What time will they meet? A . At 5:30.B . At 6:30.C . At 7:30.3. (4分)听下面一段对话, 回答问题。 (1)What is the man doing? A . He is buying a dictionary.B . He is asking the way.C . He is taking a bus.(2)What should the man do at the second crossing? A . Walk along the road to the end.B . Turn left.C . Turn right.二、 回答问题 (共1题;共6分)4. (6分)听第7段材料,回答问题。 (1)What does Nelly want to do with her father? A . Play games.B . Do her homework.C . Take a walk.(2)How soon can Nellys father finish his work? A . In ten minutes.B . In fifteen minutes.C . In twenty minutes.(3)Where will Nelly wait for her father? A . In the living room.B . In her bedroom.C . In the study room.三、 从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳 (共8题;共16分)5. (2分) Excuse me. Could you _English in class? Yes, of course. I am very good at _ English stories.A . say, talkingB . tell, sayingC . speak, tellingD . talk, speaking6. (2分) Could I use your ruler?I left mine at home. Yes, you _.A . mustB . canC . needD . should7. (2分)Why dont you play basketball with us?Thats not my cup of tea. I like reading at home better.A . Its good for me.B . I dont want to drink tea.C . Its my favorite.D . Its not my favorite.8. (2分)I promise you will receive a warm welcome if you come to England. Thanks a lot.A . getB . offerC . bring9. (2分)How many subjects is Li Ping good at?He is good at math, physics besides English.A . exceptB . butC . andD . or10. (2分)After class, I like playing computer games and chatting _ my friends _ the Internet. A . to; byB . with; onC . for; inD . about; through11. (2分)Tom studies _.He _plays with his friends. A . hard; hardlyB . hardly; hardlyC . hardly; hard12. (2分)Whats your ?Im a workerA . nameB . jobC . classD . school四、 根据句子意思,从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出恰当的词 (共7题;共14分)13. (2分)He ate a lot at lunch because the food was _. A . hotB . terribleC . deliciousD . exciting14. (2分)The girl is _, so she needs a guide dog to help her. A . sickB . blindC . tiredD . sad15. (2分) _of volunteers will be needed for the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. I hope to go there and _them.A . Thousands; joinB . Thousand; be a member ofC . Three thousand; take part inD . Thousands; be in16. (2分)Will the foreigners have any problems talking with Chinese people in China?I dont think so. Now _ the young _ the old are learning to speak English.A . neither; norB . either; orC . not only; but also17. (2分)Angela, you are going to buy a flat here, arent you?Yes, but I cant _ an expensive one.A . affordB . costC . pay18. (2分)I cant tell you how glad l was to leave that place.A . go toB . go forC . go away from19. (2分)How can we do the work faster?Youd better _ the workers into two groups and ask them to take turns to work.A . cutB . turnC . divideD . change五、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)20. (10分) I was not a confident girl before. I 1spoke in fornt of the class because I was afraid of making mistakes. My family went to Mount Tai last summer holiday. Something important2there and it changed me greatly.We3there early in the morning and began to climb. Soon all of us felt tired 4 the stairs were really steep(陡峭的). An hour later, we stopped to have a rest. While we were having a rest, my mother changed her5and decided not to climb any more. I couldnt decide whether to stay there or go on6with my father.“No matter how hard it is, I am7 you can get there.” Said my father. So again we8 the hard journey. We were very tired,9 we kept going on and on. Another hour later, we reached the top. It was really beautiful. My father and I were so excited that we couldnt help10 happily. What an interesting trip!(1)A . never B . always C . sometimes (2)A . left B . continued C . happened (3)A . arrive B . arrived C . arrived at (4)A . because B . because of C . so (5)A . place B . mind C . road (6)A . climb B . to climb C . climbing (7)A . sorry B . afraid C . sure (8)A . ended B . stopped C . started (9)A . and B . but C . though (10)A . jumping up B . jumping into C . jump up 六、 阅读理解 (共5题;共44分)21. (10分)阅读理解 Here are four clothing stores. Golden Point Sell: womens clothing and accessories(配饰) Open hours: 8:30 a.m. 9:30 p.m.Clothes: Good Price: Service: Phone: 6632225The West Village Sell: mens clothing and second-hand (二手的) clothingOpen hours: 8:00 a.m. 10:00 p.m.Clothes: Bad Price: Service: Phone: 7632646Sports World Sell: sports clothing Open hours: 9:00 a.m. 9:00 p.m. Clothes: Very good Price: Service: Phone: 7799365The CrossSell: childrens clothing and accessoriesOpen hours: 8:30 a.m. 7:30 p.m.Clothes: BestPrice: Service: Phone: 7246911Notes: means the cheapest; means the most expensive; means friendly; means the friendliest.(1)In Golden Point you can buy . A . womens clothingB . mens clothingC . second-hand clothing(2)The West Village has . A . the best clothesB . the best serviceC . the worst service(3)If you want to learn more about childrens accessories, you can call . A . 6632225B . 7632646C . 7246911(4)The opening hours of are the longest. A . the CrossB . Sports WorldC . the West Village(5)The most expensive store . A . sells womens accessoriesB . has the friendliest serviceC . opens earliest each morning22. (8分)阅读理解 The Legendary Berlnuda Triangle (百慕大三角): A Mystery No MoreFor years, people have believed that an area of the Atlantic Ocean between Bermuda, Puerto Rico and Florida, USA was a dangerous place. They thought planes and boats passing through here were likely to disappear. By 1964, a writer had called the area the Bermuda Triangle. The name stuck, and so did the mystery.In 1945, five US Navy planes, called Flight 19 took off from Florida and never came back. After they disappeared into the Bermuda Triangle, different ideas had begun to spread that the area was a dangerous place. Even before this famous flight, several ships had disappeared in these waters. People had many different ideas about why this appended. Some people even believed that a huge octopus (章鱼) was responsible!However, scientists believe that weather is part of the problem. Unusually shaped clouds above the area create strong winds that go down into the water, creating huge tsunami (海啸) waves that can take down boats or low-flying planes. And many researchers believe that theres no mystery, at all Ship goes down and plane accidents happen all over the world. It just seems to happen more in the Bermuda Triangle because theres more traffic.The Bermuda Triangle is also one of the deepest areas of the Atlantic, with some areas being 8 km (5 mi.) deep. So, remains are hard to find which makes the disappearances seem even more mysterious. In 2011, the Flight 19 planes were found, showing that they didnt completely disappear. But no matter how much evidence(证据) there is that the Bermuda Triangle is no more dangerous than any other part of the ocean, many still believe that you mustnt go there.(1)The third paragraph mainly tells us about the . A . disadvantagesB . factsC . causesD . results(2)It is hard to find the remains in the Bermuda . A . its too deepB . the water runs too quicklyC . they completely disappearedD . there are dangerous animals(3)The writer writes the passage mainly to_. A . introduce the Bermuda Triangle to peopleB . tell people the history of the Bermuda TriangleC . encourage people to visit the Bermuda TriangleD . show people how to pass the Bermuda Triangle safely(4)Which of the following sentences is TRUE according to the passage? A . The Bermuda Triangle is an area of the Pacific Ocean.B . People had many different ideas about what caused the disappearances.C . Evidence shows that the Bermuda Triangle is the most dangerous area in the world.D . By the time Flight 19 disappeared, the area had already been called the Bermuda Triangle.23. (8分)阅读理解Fresh off his MasterChef Junior run, Evan Robinson, who is only 12 years old, is using his kitchen skills to raise money for Puerto Rico. The TV show contestant wanted to offer help after hurricanes(飓风) hit the country last September.“Ive been seeing, all over the news, people struggling,” Evan said. “They cant get fresh water, electricity; they cant get really anything. I know Im just a kid, but I think if a lot of people do something, a lot of things will get better.”He raises money by baking and taking online orders for homemade empanadas(馅 饼). He started cooking on a recent Friday night. By the next Sunday evening, he had filled orders for 420 empanadas roasted chicken, cheeseburger and vegetarian getting $18 for six empanadas and $30 for a dozen.His mom, Veronica Robinson, helped him send the empanadas around the city. “Weve never done anything like this before,” she said. “But its a great idea, so I want to help him make it work.”For Evans out-of-town friends and supporters, he has set up a crowdfunding(众筹) page. Through it, hes hoping to raise $1, 500 in “virtual (虚 拟 的) empanadas”. This is because he heard on the news that it could take Puerto Rico years, maybe even 10 years, to recover(复 原) from the hurricanes. And he said, “Fruit pies are up next. And my baking will continue as well.”Its a difficult job, especially for a kid with homework and Boy Scouts and friendships to tend to. But he doesnt seem worried.“Its what were supposed to do.” he said. “Im a human. Theyre humans. Why shouldnt I help them?”Indeed.(1)How did Evan help those struggling in Puerto Rico? A . He asked his parents to send the empanadas around the city.B . He continued offering a lot of fresh water and fruit pies to them.C . He donated his big winning prize in his MasterChef Junior run.D . He raised money by selling homemade empanadas through online orders.(2)Evan set up a crowdfunding page because . A . he raised more money than he expected for the people in needB . he knew that it could take Puerto Rico a long time to recoverC . he wanted more and more friends to know his kitchen skillsD . the number of online orders was beyond his expectation(3)According to the passage, which are the best words to describe Evan? A . kind-hearted and helpfulB . careful and confidentC . honest and hard-workingD . humorous and organized(4)How can we understand the last sentence in the passage? A . Friendship is important in our lives.B . Its difficult for humans to raise money.C . We should help those whore in need.D . Everyone must do something unusual.24. (8分)阅读短文,从每小题的选项中选出最佳选项COn Feb 21. a special Chinese diplomat (外交官)”. Bao Bao the panda, arrived in China from the United States. Many people in the US found it hard to say goodbye to her and were at the airport to see her leave.Bao Bao was born at the National Zoo in Washington DC in 2013. Her parents are Tian Tian and Mei Xiang. They went to the US in 2000. We have watched Bao Bao grow up during the past three years, said Dennis Kelly, the zoo director (园长), Were going to miss her so much.In fact, the zoo has been preparing for Bao Bao to leave since the moment she was born. Thats because under the agreement between China and other countries, all the pandas born outside China must return home by the time they are 4.The flight took nearly 16 hours. A zookeeper and a doctor were on the plane with Bao Bao. To make her comfortable, the zoo put bamboo and other snacks on the plane. Now, Bao Bao is at her new home in Chengdu. She will start a new life there.In 1972, China first sent two pandas to the US as gifts. Right now, four zoos in the US have pandas from China. The pandas play an important role in the friendship between the two countries.Of course the US is not the only country with pandas. There were 44 pandas living in different countries around the world last year, reported Xinhua.(1)Which of the following is TRUE about Bao Bao? A . She arrived in the US on Feb 21.B . She has won many American hearts.C . She was born in Chengdu, China.D . She is only 1 year old.(2)According to the agreement, Bao Bao has to _ when she is 4. A . return to ChinaB . travel around the USC . move to another US cityD . find a panda friend(3)Why did China send two pandas to the US? A . To make them comfortable.B . To help them start a new life.C . To help the US zoos have more pandas.D . To give as a gift and symbol of friendship.(4)What is the news point of the story? A . A pandas life in the US.B . All pandas belong to China.C . A little panda returns home.D . Pandas play a big role in the world.25. (10分)阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的A.B.C .D四个选项中选出最佳选项。DAs parents, you can help children deal with the fear of natural disasters (自然灾害) and help protect them from being hurt by telling them how disasters happen, and what to do when disasters happen. Here are some tips for you: Find out what disasters are possible in your area by visiting your local library; Think about where your family should go if your house is destroyed(毁坏). Teach children the warning signs and signals in your area and practice what to do if a disaster happens. Once you know the danger, ask your children to help check the safety in your house. You and your children can also work together on a disaster plan and prepare a disaster box with food, water and necessary tools. If a disaster does happen, pay attention to your childrens behavior. Changes in behavior, for example, acting strangely, mean that your children need help. Allow children to share their feelings about what has happened such as drawing a picture or writing a story. Let friends and neighbors help you if they can. Continue to tell your children that they are loved.(1)The passage was written for _.A . studentsB . parentsC . policemenD . doctors(2)Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?A . Teaching children the warning signs and signals.B . Practicing what to do when a disaster happens.C . Watching disaster films with children.D . Going to a library to find out what disasters may happen in your area.(3)When we prepare for a natural disaster, which of the following is necessary?A . A disaster box.B . Finding changes in behavior.C . Sharing feelings.D . Drawing pictures.(4)What are the last four tips mainly about?A . What parents can do before a disaster happens.B . What parents can do when a disaster happens.C . Childrens behavior before a disaster happens.D . Childrens behavior after a disaster happens.(5)Where may you read the passage from?A . A newspaper about history.B . A book on drawing and writing.C . A book about childrens body language.D . An article about human beings and disasters.七、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)26. (10分)阅读下面短文,根据文章大意用所给单词的适当形式填空(未提供单词的,限填一词),使文章意思完整、正确。 In 2011, a strange creature was seen in a farmland of Guanghan City, Sichuan Province. _the morning of 13 June, there was a heavy rain. A farmer found a strange creature in his own field. Then, several people also reported that they found _similar strange creature in the cropland of Shandong Province.The creature was very soft, and looked like born fish _shrimp. But the shape of its shell was an oval (椭圆). Besides, it had a long and thin stomach. Especially, it had three eyes. It enjoyed _(live) in the water.The creature was _strange that the farmer called the police at once and asked _(they) to come to check it. But the police were not certain what it was. The local people were very _(frighten). But later, the scientists in Sichuan Agricultural University said that the creature was harmless. It was just a shrimp _(name) tadpole shrimp (鲎虫). It was also called 3-eye-dinosaur shrimp, because it was the living fossil of the oldest creature in China.It was not common _(see) such a creature. It was a good helper of the farm because of its weeding (除草) skill. To _(we) surprise, it was strong, and could overcome the bad environment. It was a kind of useful insect, though it was so strange.八、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)27. (5分)招聘广告。 招聘学生助手。体育俱乐部招聘学生助手。你必须:1)是学生2)擅长体育3)与孩子们相处的好4)外向更多信息请拨打456718咨询Mr.Wang.第 22 页 共 22 页参考答案一、 听三段对话,请根据所听到的问题和括号内的提示,回答每个问题 (共3题;共18分)1-1、1-2、2-1、2-2、3-1、3-2、二、 回答问题 (共1题;共6分)4-1、4-2、4-3、三、 从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳 (共8题;共16分)5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、四、 根据句子意思,从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出恰当的词 (共7题;共14分)13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、五、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)20-1、六、 阅读理解 (共5题;共44分)21-1、21-2、21-3、21-4、21-5、22-1、22-2、22-3、22-4、23-1、23-2、23-3、23-4、24-1、24-2、24-3、24-4、25-1、25-2、25-3、25-4、25-5、七、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)26-1、八、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)27-1、

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