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2013高考英语单选题解题诀窍摘要:文章从点面上介绍了英语单选题解题的技巧,分析了如何更好地帮助学生有效地提高解题的速度及准确率。关键词:单选题;解题诀窍;解题速度 近几年来,高考英语单选题设题较灵活,主要突出了能力的考查,其特点是语言真实,不会单纯考查语法知识。因此,许多学生在做此项内容时感觉容易失分,这就要求学生不但要有扎实的语法功底,积累丰富的词汇用法,而且更应具备在特定的语言环境中综合运用语言的能力。涉及到能力的考查,我们的学生或许会认为很抽象,其实掌握了一定的解题诀窍,就能化抽象为具体,化复杂为容易。下面我将结合自己在教学中积累的经验介绍解题的一些窍门,以帮助学生提高单选题的解题速度和准确率。一、 学会审题,注意把握问题的着重点仔细审题是解题的最基本要求,疏忽大意很容易造成误选。-What happened to the priceless works of art?- _.A. They were desdroyed in the earthquake B. The earthquake was destroying themC. They destroyed in the earthquakeD. The earthquake destroyed them 析:此题问题的着重点是“艺术品怎么啦”而不是针对“地震”而言,因此,最佳选项应为A。二、结合上下语境,推出正确答案此类题多为截取的生活场景,句式灵活,用词地道,表现出用语言来解决实际生活的问题,因此,不能死套语法框框,而应重在对语境的理解和把握,进行具体情况具体分析,选出符合逻辑行文的正确选项。例:1. -You seem to have lost your way. _?-Yes, Im looking for Wangfujing Street.A. Are you looking for something B. Where are you goingC. Need help D.What are you looking for析:根据上下语境的线索推测出问话人“询问对方是否需要帮忙”,因此答案应为C。2We havet enough books for_ ; some of you will have to share.A. somebody B. anyone C. everybody D. nobody析:根据下文“some of you will have to share”可判断出“书籍不够每人一本”, 因此正确选项为C。 三、抓住关键词,打开解题的切入点很多情况下,题干上会有一个关键词的提示,只要快速锁定该词,不但能找准答案,而且还能节省宝贵的时间,提高解题速度。1Years ago, we didnt know this, but recent science_that people who dont sleep well soon get ill.A. showed B. has shown C. will show D.is showing析:根据关键词“recent”判断正确答案为B。2The group, _ by Tseng Yungchuan, arrived in Beijing on Wednesday to help push for Taiwan to be opened to mainland tourists.A. leads B. leading C. led D. having led 析:根据关键词“by”判断,正确答案为C。四、关注标点符号能快速锁定最佳选项 英语的标点符号常常是我们借以判断最佳选项的重要信号,因此,我们在审题时要特别注意它的功能,不同的标点有不同的作用。1、- _ a second time , will the man have one more try ?- Im sure he will.A. Turn down B. If turning down C. He was turned down D. If turned down析:根据逗号 “,”的功能判断,逗号的前部分要么是从句要么是非谓语动词(短语)或独立主格,此空应用被动结构,所以答案选D。2. _ some exercise every day Im sure youll get fit sooner or later.A. To take B. taking C. Have taken D. Take 析:破折号“”相当于“and”,前后结构应保持平衡,因此答案为D。 五、巧妙运用“排除法”,既方便又快捷有时四个选项中一眼扫过去,会发现有三个是不可能的,这时采用“排除法”是最明智不过的。With a lot of difficult problems _, the newly-elected president is having a hard time.A. settled B settling C. to settle D. being settled析:既然“新总统现在的日子不好过”;“许多问题需要去解决”即发生在将来应用不定式,排除其余选项,正确答案为C。六、采用“还原法”,再现庐山真面目有些句子设题上具有一定的隐蔽性和迷惑性,原因是它已改变了原先的句式或省去了一些内容,使我们从表面上不容易辨别出其句型结构,增加了理解的难度。这时巧妙使用“还原法”能大大降低句子的难度,使人豁然开朗,茅塞顿开。1、The more he thought about it, the more questions he thought of_.A. to be asked B. being asked C. asking D. to ask析:此题用介词“of”设陷阱,受定势影响会误选 -ing形式,但若能把后面部分还原为“he thought of more questions to ask”, 就能断出正确答案为D。2. -Can I help you ? -Yes, please. Do you have any books on cooking? -There are only a few, _.A. if any B. if have C. if some D. if do析:最后一句为省略句,补充完整为“, if there are any.”, 得知正确答案为A。七、去掉插入语,化繁为简有时设题特意加上插入语,使句型显得繁杂,这时只要去掉插入语,题干就简单明了,一目了然了。-Is that the small town you often refer to?-Right, just the one_you know I used to work for years.A.that B. which C. where D. what析:去掉插入语“you know”就知道答案为C。八、以逻辑为主线,敲定答案留意非谓语动词与句子主语的逻辑联系能迅速圈定答案,如下题正确答案应为C。While watching television, _.A. the doorbell rang B. a black cat suddenly ran inC. we heard the doorbell ring D. an unexpected visitor came to visit me九、通过对比关系,锁定目标句中如含有thoughalthoughtbut howeverwhile等表示对比关系的词时,我们就可根据前后的关系确定正答案。1. They wanted to charge 5000 for the car, but we _to bring the price down.A. tried B. managed C. failed D. had 析:根据转折关系得知“设法做成了”,故选B。2.-I think George doest really care for TV plays.-Right, _ he still watches the program.A. and B but C. or D. so析:通过前后内容对比,“不喜欢看电视剧”与“仍然”是转折关系,故用but.十、掌握固定句型,许多问题可迎刃而解鼓励学生自己归纳在学习中常见的一些固定句式,这对于提高单选题的准确率及书面表达的规范性都有好处。如,“祈使句 +andor + Sb. will ”; “It +be +some time +before ”;“It wasnt untilthat”等。The flu is believed_by viruses that like to reproduce in the cells inside the human nose and throat.A. causing B. being caused C. to be caused D. to have caused析:“Sth.Sb. be said believed to +V”为固定句式,再结合“by”判断这里应用被动,故选C。高考英语单项填空试题常见解题诀窍快捷而正确的解题方法不仅能够提高解题速度以争取时间,而且还能提高答案的准确度,是获得高分的捷径。 而理解和记住以下常见的单项填空试题的解题诀窍,能够帮助我们举一反三、触类旁通,迅速找到解单项填空试题的突破口。 一、提取时间信息 根据语境定时态【要领】当考查谓语或非谓语动词的时态时,往往不给时间状语。应对方法是在试题中提取与时间相关的信息,判断动词动作发生的先后时间关系,从而确定时态。【例1】They _ two free tickets to Canada, otherwise theyd never have been able to afford to go. (山东2007)A. had got B. got C. have got D. get【答案及解析】答案为B。根据otherwise后面所接句子的谓语would have been可知是表示与过去情况相反,由此可知前面句子讲的“有两张免费的票”指的是过去的情况,故谓语用一般过去时。【例2】Is there anything wrong,Bob?You look sad.Oh, nothing much. In fact, I _ of my friends back home. (2007全国卷II)A. have just thought B. was just thinking C. would just think D. will just be thinking 【答案及解析】答案为B。由对话语境可知,一方发觉另一方不对劲,故问“怎么了?你看上去不高兴。”对方在思念家乡的朋友,故回答时用过去进行时与just搭配,表示“刚才正在”。【例3】I got caught in the rain and my suit _.(北京2007)A. has ruined B. had ruined C. has been ruined D. had been ruined【答案及解析】答案为C。my suit承受动词ruin表示的动作,故先确定用被动语态。再由语境意义可知:被淋雨(过去)造成的结果是(现在)西服被淋坏了,要描述这样的状态,适合用现在完成时。综合时态和语态,用现在完成时的被动语态。【一试身手】从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. Jim, what a surprise!I _ you _ here.A. dont know; areB. didnt know; wereC. hadnt known; had beenD. havent known; were2. This is Zhao Hua speaking.Im sorry. I _ your voice.A. dont recognize B. didnt recognize C. havent recognized D. hadnt recognized3. Can I help you,sir?Yes. I bought this radio here yesterday, but it _.(NMET 1996)A. didnt work B. wont workC. cant work D. doesnt work 4. The old couple have been married for forty years and never once _ with each other. (NMET 2003)A. they had quarreled B. they have quarreledC. have they quarreled D. had they quarreled5. Have you moved into the new flat?Not yet. The rooms _.A. are being painting B. are painting C. are painted D. are being painted 答案及解析:1. B。语境信息是:两人见面说话,肯定知道对方就在眼前。这里说不知道是指说话之前不知道,因而要用过去式。2. B。这是一个打电话的情景。对方已经告诉你他是谁,你说“没有辨认出他的声音”是指对方说明身份前的情况,因此谓语动词要用一般过去式。3. D。语境信息是:收音机是过去买的,买的时候肯定是能够正常工作的,而现在说“收音机不能正常工作”应是指现在的情况,符合想调换的意图。故用一般现在时。4. C。语境信息是:这对夫妇结婚已经有40年,“相互从来没有争吵过”指从40年前开始一直到现在,故适合用现在完成时,再根据否定词never位于句首时,谓语部分需要部分倒装,故选C。5. D。语境信息是:问句提示房子在说话前就装修了,只是不知道是否完工。由Not yet 可知 “还没有搬进新房”,由此推知房子应在说话时还在装修,故适合用现在进行时,由于主语rooms承受paint动作,故用被动语态。二、识别语气信息 与事相反虚拟探【要领】英语句子均含有语气信息:句子表示的意义与事实相符,谓语动词一般用陈述语气;句子的意义与事实相反、或是不能实现的愿望,谓语动词一般用虚拟语气。语气往往隐藏在前后句子的信息中、或由某些关键词语(but、otherwise等)来表现。凡是表示与事实相反的情况或愿望,一般都要用虚拟语气。【例1】I told your friend how to get to the hotel, but perhaps I _ have driven her there. (陕西2007)A. could B. must C. might D. should【答案及解析】答案为D。由前后分句提供的信息可知说话者说本应该开车送她(her=your friend)到那儿,其实并没有,应用虚拟语气。“should have + 过去分词”可表示“过去本来应做某事,而实际上并没有做”,带有“责备、抱怨、后悔”等语气。【例2】Look at the trouble I am in!If only I _ your advice. (上海2003春)A. followed B. would follow C. had followed D. should follow【答案及解析】答案为C。前面暗示说话者已处于困境,说明没有听对方过去提出的忠告。后面说“要是听了你的忠告就好了”与过去事实相反,纯属一种愿望,故用虚拟语气,if only 表示“与过去事实相反的情况”时,谓语用“had + 过去分词”。【例3】He hesitated for a moment before kicking the ball,otherwise he _ a goal.(上海2001)A. had scored B. scoredC. would score D. would have scored 【答案及解析】答案为D。第一个分句说的是过去的事实,即踢球前迟疑了一下,otherwise相当于一个条件从句If he hadnt hesitated,表示与过去事实相反的情况,故空白部分用与过去事实相反的虚拟语气would have scored。【一试身手】从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. When a chopstick is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it _.A. breaks B. has broken C. were broken D. has been broken2. We were really anxious about you. You _ home without a word.A. mustnt leave B. shouldnt have leftC. couldnt have leftD. neednt leave3. I didnt meet Mr. Smith at the station. How l wish I _ him.A. had seen B. saw C. have seen D. was seeing 4. But for your advice, I _ out of the trouble last week.A. wouldnt get B. wouldnt have gotC. couldnt get D. wont get5. You _ him from the water even though you couldnt swim well.A. should save B. could save C. ought to have saved D. might have saved答案及解析:1. C。筷子放入水中,看起来像是被折断一样,这是光的折射现象,筷子并没有被折断,这是与事实相反的说法,因此谓语动词要用虚拟语气。当as if从句表示与现在情况相反时,谓语用过去式,且be一般用were。2. B。事实是对方(you)什么也没说就离家出走了。而现在说“你不应该不留一句话就离家出走”,表示说话者抱怨、责备等语气,因此要用虚拟语气,shouldnt have left表示过去本来不应该离开,而实际上离开了。3. A。事实是没有见到Smith先生,wish纯属表示一种愿望, 因此要用虚拟语气。表示对过去的愿望时,wish后面的宾语从句谓语用过去完成式形式。4. B。由but for(要不是)可知实际情况是已经摆脱了困境,所说的“不会摆脱困境”与过去事实相反,故用would have got。5. C。由even though引导的从句意义可知说话者带有责备的语气:对方本来应该救人以尽一个人的义务,而实际上没有,ought to have done表示对过去情况的虚拟。三、鉴别语态信息 及物无宾被动看【要领】当选项中既有不同的时态形式,又有不同的语态形式时,先判断语态,后判断时态。因为语态容易判断:当所给动词是及物动词,后面没有带宾语且句子的主语承受该动词表示的动作时,就可先选定被动形式的选项。接下来根据所给时间状语或语境暗示的时间判断时态。若所给动词是不及物动词,就不需要考虑被动语态问题。【例1】The flowers were so lovely that they _ in no time. (2007全国卷I)A. sold B. had been sold C. were sold D. would sell【答案及解析】答案为C。所给动词sell(卖、销售)在此是及物动词,其后没有宾语,主语they是sell的承受者,优先考虑被动语态选项B和C。再判断时态:sell动词表示的时间不会在were之前发生,故只能考虑用一般过去时。故选择were sold。但需注意有些动词,如上面提到的sell既可以用作及物动词也可以用作不及物动词,这就需要具体情况具体分析。 如sell表示销售状况并跟有相应的副词时,一般用作不及物动词。如:The ticket cost so much and sold badly.【例2】When asked why he went there, he said he was sent there _ for a space flight. (江西2007)A. training B. being trainedC. to have trained D. to be trained【答案及解析】答案为D。非谓语动词train是及物动词,后面没有宾语,先考虑被动语态选项B和D。又从非谓语的作用可知,这里应用不定式作目的状语。故选择不定式的被动式。【例3】“Things _ never come again!” I couldnt help talking to myself. (湖南2007)A. lost B. losing C. to loseD. have lost【答案及解析】答案为A。things后面接非谓语动词作定语,动词lose为及物动词,其后没有宾语,故在逻辑上被修饰的things是承受者,故要选具有被动和完成意义的过去分词lost作定语。【一试身手】从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. The students _ to touch anything in the chemical lab unless the teacher asks them to.A. arent allowed B. dont allowC. havent allowed D. wont allow2. Whatever has happened to the saleswoman?I dont know. She _ around here for a long time.A. hasnt seen B. didnt see C. hasnt been seen D. hadnt been seen3. Gold _ in California in the nineteenth century.A. was discovered B. discovered C. had discovered D. was being discovered4. The girl went to the party without _.A. inviting B. being invited C. to be invited D. invited5. _ from the tower at night, the city looks more beautiful.A. To be seen B. Seeing C. Being seen D. Seen答案及解析:1. A。allow一般为及物动词,其句型为allow sb. to do sth.,本题中allow后面没有指人的宾语(sb.),句子的主语就是动作的承受者,因此要用被动语态。2. C。see 一般为及物动词,后面没有宾语,故先考虑被动语态。由语境意义可知与现在有关,应用现在完成时。3. A。discover是及物动词,后面没有宾语,故先考虑被动语态。再探语境时态,后面有in the nineteenth century作时间状语,只能用一般过去时,故用一般过去时的被动语态。4. B。在介词without后面只能用动词-ing形式。invite为及物动词,后面应接“人”作宾语,现在没有宾语,在逻辑上句子的主语the girl是其宾语,因此,invite要用具有被动意义的形式, 具有被动意义的选项有B、C和D。综合分析,invite既要用-ing形式又要用被动式。故选B。5. D。see为及物动词,后面没有带宾语,它的逻辑宾语就是句子的主语the city,因此要用被动式。具有被动意义的选项有A、C和D。Seen是If it is seen的缩略形式,正好符合题意。四、搜索明暗信息 综合推理作判断【要领】在考查语境的试题中,总会提供一些有助于解题的相关信息:明示信息由关键词句直接提示;而暗示信息需要理解和体验语境意义才能得到。明示信息为解题提供参考和方向,暗示信息最终决定选项。因此遇到此类试题,要善于搜索明示信息,以排除与题意无关的选项;再深刻理解语境含义以获取暗含信息,进行综合推理,作出正确的选择。【例1】He and his wife are of the same _; they both want their son to go to college. (陕西2007)A. soul B. spirit C. heart D. mind 【答案及解析】答案为D。本题考查名词的区别。明示信息为:soul灵魂、心灵、精神;spirit灵魂、心灵、精神;heart心境、心情、内心;mind头脑、精神、愿望、看法。四个名词均可放入空格处。暗示信息为:“他们想让他们的儿子上大学”,暗示了一种“想法”,故与mind意思相同,那么前面一句的意思就是“他和他的妻子有一样的愿望/想法。”【例2】Do you need any help,Lucy?Yes. The job is _ I could do myself.(福建2007)A. less than B. more than C. no more than D. not more than【答案及解析】答案为B。本题考查短语意义。明示信息为:less than少于;more than多于、超出;no more than不超过、仅仅;not more than不多于。四个短语放入空格处似乎都可以。暗示信息为:由问句和答语Yes可知需要帮助,这就暗示了“这项工作超出了我自己的能力范围”,故选more than。 【一试身手】从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. Mr. Li hesitated for a long time. But he decided to lend me a help _.A. finally B. immediatelyC. gradually D. slowly 2. Good morning, Green Hotel. Hello, Id like to book a room for the night of the 18th and 19th. _, Ill check.A. Ten dollars for each room. B. Just a minute, please.C. No problem. D. At your service.3. Lin Tao _ lies. No one seems to like him. A. has never told B. is always tellingC. has just told D. tells4. Can you come on Monday or Tuesday? Im afraid _ day is possible. A. either B. neither C. some D. any 5. Ill look into the matter as soon as possible. Just have a little _.A. wait B. time C. patience D. rest答案与解析:1. A。四个副词放在空格里句子的意思都说得过去,为明示信息。但由第一句话暗示的信息可知,李先生在作出决定之前犹豫了很长时间,这样选择副词finally(最后)更合题意。2. B。试题为对话,明示信息为顾客要预订房间,暗示信息是服务员需要查看一下顾客所要预订的房间是否已经被人订了,需要时间查看登记册,故最佳答案为B,表示“请稍等片刻”。3. B。如果只考虑第一句的话,四个选项都可以,但由第二句暗示的信息看,只有选项B正确,因为现在进行时和always 连用带有强烈的感情色彩,有“厌烦、不喜欢、批评、责备”等语气。4. B。四个选项均可放入空格内,但受第一句中or暗示的信息可知具有选择含义,即只能在Monday和Tuesday两天中选一天,故先排除C、D两项,又从Im afraid的语气看只有neither为最佳答案。表示了回答者委婉的否定。 5. C。四个选项放在空格内,第二句的意思都正确,但由第一句(我将尽快调查此事)可知是要求对方要有耐心(patience),这是暗示信息。本题易受汉语思维影响而误选其它选项。英语题的暗示性很强的,不仅这篇文章,几乎所有文章都这模样:转折、关联词必有暗示如but,also,although;指代词必有暗示如which,who,that,it,where等;关系词、连接词必有暗示如and,as,as a resout等;疑问词如why,why not等。剩下的是介词,如up、down,off等。这些暗示不是在原文中就是在选项中,因此,做英语题,完全可以根据暗示快速做题。当然必须结合语义做题,才能100%正确。假设我读不是很懂这篇,但是完全可以这么读,我都读成这德性了,但是依旧可以把题做出来。我工作在什么附近,在捡垃圾,我怎么着()擦汗我的额头,并抬头看天,( )不下雨?我想,那将( )东西down,我开始想念我的( )谁可能坐在( )现在。我存在一些问题在学校,( )我父母决定让我( )和我爸爸一起,我们都为叔叔工作,谁( )公司,保持路面( )of垃圾,工作怎么( )和脏,尤其是热天( )这里。我们继续( )这条什么街,( )过桥。我看到一个地方一些( )坏在路上,不像平时那样。我想( )什么东西out,一些东西告诉我( ),没太多时间了。( )我看到一个什么( )怎么着在树里面,可能是一部偷来的车( )那,我想,那时,就在那( ),我看见什么动了。后面是描述一个人的不翻译了。有些题可能比较难找暗示,可以先放着,看到后文就能明白了。希望谁照着试做一遍,把答案回复上来。这么读下来费事不费事?几乎看一遍就下来了,再把选项略微翻译下,什么答案都出来了。并且上下文联系的紧密读和暗示性足够,做题根本不是问题。大家可以翻任何一道题,考固定搭配的极少,介词稍微一理解,就完了,几乎都是靠语义做题结合上下文的暗示点就能完成。如单选我举几道题:1. Have you heard the latest news? No, what _A. is it B. is there C. are they D. are those 直接把复数的排除,news不用管它的形式。2.Some pre-school children go to a day care center, _ they learn simple games and songs.A. then B. there C. while D. where 不用看完了go to一定是地点,选D3.Its a long time since I saw my sister. _ her this weekend?A. Why not visit B. Why not to visit C. Why not visiting D. Why dont visit选项都是why not,直接排除D,why not+原形这个不会就没话说了。4. Hows your tour around the North Lake? Is it beautiful? It_ be, but it is now heavily polluted. A. will B. would C. should D. must 意思不确定,发在now之前,选B结束。5. “Goodbye, then,” she said, without even _ from her book.A. looking down B. looking up C. looking away D. looking on 语义,甚至头也不抬。其实英语内容并不多,要理解的也不多,只是大多数学生忽略了学习英语过程中,最基本的元素就是语义。能大致弄懂意思,就可以变成纯中文题了,至于语法之类的,看完考卷,你给我说说所占比例究竟有多少?丢了也比其他不会做的强,何况语法稍微了解下,就可建立在语义上做题。大家做题要善于找暗示,还要学会读自己能够读懂的单词,别害怕这个词陌生,老是猜测这个词什么意思,很多情况下不读生词完全能够通过其他字面的翻译做题的,当然,选项看不懂的,拿两个硬币丢吧。历届高考英语单项选择题精选(一)it的用法 范家屯一中英语教研室1.Was it during the Second World War_ he die A.that B.while C.in which D.then (88)2.Is _ necessary to complete the design before National Day? A.this B.that C.it D.he (89) 3.I dont think _ possible to master a foreign language without much memory work. A.this B.that C.its D.it (91)4.Does _ matter if he cant finish the job on time? A.this B.that C.he D.it (91)5.It was not _ she took off her glasses _ I realized she was a famous film star.A.when,tha B.until,that C.until,that D.when,then(92)6.I was disappointed with the film . I had expected _ to be much better. A.that B.this C.one D.it (93)7.It was not until 1920 _ regular radio broadcasts began. A.while B.which C.that D.since (94)8._is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language. A.There B.This C.That D.It (95)9.It was only when I reread this poems recently _ I began to appreciate their beauty. A.until B.that C.then D.so (97)10.I hate_when people talk with their mouths full. A.it B.that C.these D.them(98)11.It is the ability to do the job _ matters not where you come from or what you are. A. one B.that C.what D.it (2000)12. It is generally considered unwise to give a child_he or she wants. A. however B. whatever C. whichever D. whenever (2001)13. The Parkers bought a new house but_will need a lot of work before they can move in. A. they B. it C. one D. which(2001)14. We didnt plan our art exhibition like that but it _very well. (2001) A. worked out B. tried out C. went on D. carried on15. _is known to everybody, the moon travels round the earth once every month. (2001) A. it B. As C. That D. What 16. It is said in Australia there is more land than the government knows_. A. it what to do with B. what to do it with C. what to do with it D. to do what with it (2002)17 Meeting my uncle after all these years was an unforgettable moment, _I will always treasure. A. that B. one C. it D. what (2002)18Theres coffee and tea: you can have_ .Thanks.(2003) AeitherBeachConeDit19. Luckily, wed brought a road map without _ we would have lost our way. A. itB. that C. this D. which (2004)20. The Foreign Minister said, “_ our hope that the two sides will work towards peace. ”A. This is B. There is C. That is D. It is (2004北京)21. _ is reported in the newspapers, talks between the two countries are making progress. A. ItB. As C. That D. What (2004北京)22We needed a new cupboard for the kitchen. So Peter made _ from some wood we had.A. it B. one C. himself D. another (2004年全国卷III)23 The window is dirty. (2004年全国卷III) I know. It _ for weeks.A. hasnt cleaned B. didnt clean C. wasnt cleaned D. hasnt been cleaned24It is re ported that the United States uses _ energy as the whole of Europe.A. as twice B. twice much C. twice much as D. twice as much(2004年全国卷III)25. Bills aim is to inform the viewers that cigarette advertising on TV is illegal, _? A. isnt itB. is itC. isnt beD. is he (2004年上海)26. Why! I have nothing to confess. _ you want me to say? (2004年上海)A. What is it that B. What it is that C. How is it thatD. How it is that27.The chairman thought necessary to invite Professor Smith to speak at the meeting .Athat Bit Cthis Dhim (2005年供河北、河南、山西用)28. The doctor advised Vera strongly that she should take a holiday, but _ didnt help.Ait BsheCwhichDhe29. There was a loud scream from the backstage immediately after the concert ended, _ ? A. wasnt there B. was thereC. didnt itD. did it (2005年高考英语上海卷)KEYS:1-5 ACDDB 6-10 DCDBA 11-15 B B B A B 16.-20 C B A D D 21-25 BB D DA 26-30 A B A A 09高考英语高频出题点与区分度考察现象盘点精细版一、单项选择 单项选择题主要考查语法、短语辨析以及情景交际,以检测考生的语言基础知识。近年来单选题更重视语言的交际性,加强了微型语境的设计大大降低了语法及词汇的机械考查,注重基础知识和语言情景的结合,考查考生语言知识的综合运用能力。 语境化因素的明显增加,既给选取最佳答案提供了条件,又增加了难度。所以,做单项填空题,要充分利用所给语境条件,把握语法及词汇用法、逻辑关系,避开母语干扰,注意习惯搭配,克服思维定势的影响,瞻前顾后,选出答案。 单项填空题主要考查基础语法、词汇和语用能力,所创设的句子结构和语境多种多样。所设置的四个选项一般在微型语境中从语法、


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