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.单项填空1.Eric didnt feel at _ ease in the party,because he was afraid of losing _ face.Athe;a Ban;不填Can;the D不填;不填解析:选D。at ease(舒适、快活、自由自在)和lose face(丢脸)都是固定搭配,名词前均不加冠词。2.Everyone admires him _ his progress _ study.A不填;for B不填;inCfor;for Dfor;in解析:选D。句意:每个人都佩服他在学习上的进步。admire sb.for sth. in. “佩服某人在某方面的”。3.Would it be _ for you to pick me up at four oclock and take me to the airport?Afree BvacantChandy Dconvenient解析:选D。句意:你四点钟来接我并带我去机场方便吗?convenient意为“方便的,便利的”,常用于“It is convenient for sb. to do sth.”结构中。free空闲的;vacant地方空着的,职位空缺的;handy手边的,附近的。4._ in the regulations that you should not tell other people the password of your email account.AWhat is required BWhat requiresCIt is required DIt requires解析:选C。考查It is过去分词that.从句。其中it为形式主语,真正的主语为后面的that从句。句意:章程中要求你不应该把你邮件账号的密码告诉他人。5._ being too large,the color and the style of the dress suit me well.AApart from BAs well asCBesides DInstead of解析:选A。考查同义词或短语的辨析。根据句意“除了太大,这件衣服的颜色和款式都适合我。”应选apart from。as well as 也;besides除外还;instead of代替,都不合题意。6.Some English programs _ English on Sunday,Follow Me,are very helpful to us.Afor example Baccording toCsuch as Dbecause of解析:选C。such as用来列举同类人或事物中的几个例子。according to 根据;because of因为。句意:一些英语节目,比如说English on Sunday和Follow Me,对我们很有帮助。7.I feel it _ that I accepted the invitation _ the whole class.Ahonored;on behalf ofBhonoring;on the behalf ofChonor;on the behalf ofDan honor;on behalf of解析:选D。句意:我代表全班接受邀请,我感到是一种荣耀。on behalf of为固定搭配,故可排除B、C两项;honored意为“感到荣幸的”,由于I feel it可知A项不合题意。8.Air fares have dropped again as a(n) _ of the plane crash.Areason BcauseCresult Deffect解析:选C。句意:由于飞机失事,飞机票价又一次下跌了。as a result of表示“作为的结果”。9.She occupied herself _ routine office tasks.Aon BwithCat Dto解析:选B。occupy oneself with/in doing sth.意为“使某人自己忙于(做)某事”。句意:她忙于办公室里的日常工作任务。10._ the working efficiency,the boss allows the employees to have a coffee break.AImproving BTo improveCHaving improved DImproved解析:选B。考查非谓语动词的用法。句意:为了提高工作效率,老板允许员工们短暂休息和喝咖啡。所以用不定式来作目的状语。.完形填空(2012江西抚州适应性测试)Recently,we went on a vacation for a week that involved visiting four different ports in the sunny and warm climate of the Caribbean.There were_1_of laughter,fun,and great food.Its a_2_thing when you go away that each day of the vacation also_3_to the end and a return to work.It was twelve years since we went on a vacation,so this vacation was viewed with expectation of a great break away from my daily routine.And,we werent_4_But there was something very different about this vacation compared to those when we worked in a cooperative_5_The main_6_was that when we returned,when the vacation was rapidly drawing to a close,we didnt have the same feelings of_7_stress and dread (恐惧)In this most recent vacation,it wasnt that we_8_enjoy the various fun and new activities,the break away from routine,the pleasure of touring different countries and cultures,the_9_to do what we wanted when we wanted,or the leisurely_10_of each day that was significant.What was significant was that we didnt_11_ dread the last day of vacation.You see,we knew that we were_12_what we love to do not what we had to do.The feelings experienced in the last couple of days of vacation were viewed with the same joy as the very first days.In previous times,the last days of vacation were dreaded.We experienced a mounting(日益严重的)_13_ of stress_14_we knew that a return to our field of employment was “work” and not_15_that we loved and thoroughly enjoyed.The_16_is this:If you do what you love,it doesnt matter_17_that a vacation has to end.If you love what you do you will not_18_yourself wishing for even a few more days of vacation,or wishing that you could_19_enjoying this vacation for much,much longer.A love of what you do_20_you back like a magnet.1.A.momentsBpossibilitiesCsituations Dways解析:选A。那是有欢笑、快乐和美食的时光,所以用moments。possibility可能性;situation形势,情况;way方法,手段。2.A.typical BbitterCwonderful Dfunny解析:选D。根据上下文,作者认为外出度假本来是一件令人愉快的事情,但人们往往由于对度假结束以后重新走上工作岗位的恐惧而不能充分享受这种快乐,这是一件很奇怪的事情。funny在这一语境中的含义为“奇怪的,难以解释的”。3.A.comes up Bcounts downCgives out Ddies away解析:选B。count down倒计时。人们在度假的同时在倒数距离假期结束,重新上班的天数。本句旨在表明人们对假期结束后重新上班所表现出的恐惧感。4.A.satisfied BtiredCdisappointed Doptimistic解析:选C。由下文内容可知,作者对最近的这次旅行感到很满意,没有失望之情。5.A.situation BconditionCstate Denvironment解析:选D。environment环境。in a cooperative environment在协作的环境下。6.A.advantage BproblemCdifference Ddrawback解析:选C。根据上文的something very different判断,此处应使用difference(差异,区别)。7.A.approaching BrelievingCbearing Dovercoming解析:选A。当假期结束回来的时候,我们没有以往那种走近压抑和恐惧的感觉。approach(时间或空间上的)接近,靠近。8.A.necessarily BthoroughlyCabundantly Dsmoothly解析:选B。thoroughly在文中的含义为“彻底地,完全地”。9.A.opportunity BdesireCpossibility Dright解析:选A。做我们想要做的事情的机会。opportunity机会。10.A.pattern BpaceClifestyle Datmosphere解析:选B。根据空前的leisurely (悠闲的,慢悠悠的)判断,此处所传达的信息为“每天悠闲的生活节奏”。11.A.yet BstillCalso Deven解析:选D。重要的是,甚至在假期的最后一天,我们也没有感到恐惧。even含义为“甚至”。12.A.returning to Bsubmitting toCturning to Dheading for解析:选A。结束旅行后重新回到所以用return to。submit to屈服于;turn to求助于;head for朝前进。13.A.number BknowledgeCsense Dawareness解析:选C。我们越来越感到压抑。a sense of是固定短语,含义为“感觉”。14.A.although BandCbecause Dif解析:选C。根据上下文判断,空格后面陈述的是原因。15.A.anything BeverythingCnothing Dsomething解析:选D。根据所处语境判断,此处是说“而不是我们所喜欢并且能得到充分享受的事情”,所以用something。16.A.lesson BideaCpoint Dsolution解析:选C。文章接下来对全文进行总结。point在这一语境下的含义为“关键”。17.A.in the least Bfor a momentCafter all Dat the most解析:选A。如果做自己喜欢的事,假期结束一点儿关系也没有。in the least用于否定句中表示强调,含义为“一点儿也不”。18.A.let BfindCmake Dcatch解析:选B。如果喜欢自己所做的事,你就不会发现自己在不知不觉地期望假期能多几天。find oneself doing sth.是固定搭配,用于表达“发现自己不知不觉地在做某事”。19.A.maintain BriskCkeep Dstop解析:选C。根据下文的for much,much longer进行判断。keep doing sth.继续或持续做某事。20.A.draws BholdsCpushes Dwelcomes解析:选A。根据下文的like a magnet (像磁铁一样)判断,此空应使用draw,像磁铁一样把你吸引过来。.阅读理解(2012郑州质量预测)October 15th is Global Handwashing Day.Activities are planned in more than twenty countries to get millions of people in the developing world to wash their hands with soap.Experts say people around the world wash their hands but very few use soap at socalled critical moments.These include after using the toilet,after cleaning a baby and before touching food.Global Handwashing Day is the idea of the Public Private Partnership for handwashing with soap.The goal,they say,is to create a culture of handwashing with soap.The organizers say all soaps are equally effective at removing diseasecausing germs (细菌)They say the correct way to wash is to wet your hands with a small amount of water and cover them with soap.Rub it into all areas,including under the fingernails.Then,wash well under running water.Finally,dry your hands with a clean cloth.The Partnership says soap is important because it increases the time that people spend washing.Soap also helps to break up the dirt that holds most of the germs.And it usually leaves a pleasant smell,which increases the chances that people will wash again.It also says that washing hands with soap before eating and after using the toilet could save more lives than any medicine.It could help reduce cases of diarrhea (痢疾),which is the second leading cause of child deaths,killing more than one and a half million children a year,by almost half.1.What does the author intend to tell us in the passage?ATo keep healthy by washing hands.BTo wash hands with soap.CTo take action to wash hands.DTo wash hands often.解析:选B。写作目的题。结合全文尤其是第一段内容可知作者写这篇文章意在告诉人们用肥皂洗手。2.Which of the following is the right way to wash hands?aWashing hands well under running water.bCovering hands with soap.cDrying hands.dRubbing hands with soap.eWetting hands.AacbedBedabcCacbde Debdac解析:选D。细节理解题。第三段介绍了洗手的正确方法:wet your hands;cover them with soap;rub it into all areas;wash well under running water;dry your hands with a clean cloth。因此D项的排序正确。3.Which fact cant explain why soap is important?AIt gives people a longer handwashing time.BIt helps to remove a lot of germs from hands.CIt attracts people to do more handwashing.DIt gets all people into the habit of washing hands.解析:选D。细节理解题。根据倒数第二段可知肥皂的重要性有三点:一是增加洗手的时间;二是帮助清除细菌;三是肥皂的香味儿增加人们洗手的几率。因此可排除D项。4.According to the last paragraph,diarrhea is a disease that_Akills half of the kids in the developing countries a yearBcauses the greatest number of child deathsCcan be prevented to some degree by washing hands with soapDcant be cured without washing hands解析:选C。推理判断题。根据最后一段可知,痢疾是造成儿童死亡的第二大原因,使用肥皂洗手可使痢疾患者的人数几乎减少一半。由此可推知用肥皂洗手在某种程度上可避免痢疾的发生。

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