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沪教版第九中学2020届九年级上学期英语期末考试试卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)The film is fantastic, and all of my best friends like it. A . wonderfulB . friendlyC . comfortable2. (2分)Many of the animals are in . We should protect them.A . dangerB . surpriseC . factD . all3. (2分)Both his parents look sad. Maybe they _whats happened to him.A . knewB . have knownC . must knowD . will know4. (2分)There is a lot of wind in North China.Well,more trees every year to stop the wind.A . must be plantedB . can plantedC . should planted5. (2分)Shenzhen _ on the coast .Yes . It is _ the north of Hong Kong .A . lies , inB . is , toC . is , inD . lies , on6. (2分)Xiandao Lake in Yangxin is the famous place well visit next week.A . thatB . whoC . whereD . whom7. (2分)The worker _ Guo Mingyi has helped a number of poor college students.A . callB . callsC . callingD . called8. (2分)Have a nice day!_A . You are good.B . Thank you.C . Im OK.D . Nice to meet you.9. (2分)Miss Gao asks me to tell you about the time of tomorrows class. Dont be late!Thank you, I _.A . wontB . shall notC . dontD . will10. (2分)My study in junior high school is coming to an end. Its time _us_.A . for, graduateB . to, to graduateC . for, to graduateD . to, graduating.11. (2分)We cant get good grades _ we study harder.I agree. Thats why I study so hard.A . becauseB . ifC . unless12. (2分)Daming is _ a party. A . haveB . hasC . having13. (2分)Why does Sue look upset?She went to the bookstore by bus but she _ the bus at the wrong stop.A . got offB . got upC . turned offD . took up14. (2分)Do you play soccer?No. I only watch it _ TV.A . onB . atC . inD . of15. (2分) Excuse me, can you help me to take these boxes? Sorry. Theyre too heavy (太重). _A . Not at all.B . Thanks a lot.C . Thank you all the same.D . Thats OK.二、 完形填空 (共2题;共20分)16. (10分)完形填空Im a boy. My1is Tom Green.2is my family name. Whats3in English? It is a pen. It is4pen. It is blue. I like it very much(非常喜欢). This is my jacket. It is very big(大的). It is in a size(尺寸)5. This is my sister(姐妹). 6name is Linda. She7seven years old(岁). I have(有) a8. Its number is 654-3795. There are(有)9people(人) in my family. It is a happy10. My parents(父母) love us(爱我们).(1)A . family B . name C . last (2)A . Green B . Tom Green C . Tom (3)A . it B . this C . you (4)A . your B . his C . my (5)A . S B . L C . P (6)A . Her B . Your C . His (7)A . am B . is C . be (8)A . pen B . ruler C . phone (9)A . one B . two C . four (10)A . family B . map C . book 17. (10分)完形填空School education is very important anduseful. 1 no one can learn everything from school. A2, no matter how much he knows, can not teach his students everything they want to know.Its 3 important for teachers to show their students how to learn than to make them 4 a certain fact ora formula(公式), so that they will learn much more outside school by 5. Great scientists before us didnt get everything from school. Their teachers only showed them the 6. Edison didnt even finish primary school. But he was so 7. He invented so many things 8 human beings. The 9 to their success is that they knew how to learn, worked hard and wasted not a single moment all their lives. And above all. They knew how to 10 their brain(大脑).(1)A . But B . So C . And (2)A . teacher B . headmaster C . learner (3)A . much B . more C . very (4)A . to learn B . learn C . learning (5)A . them B . themselves C . himself (6)A . idea B . rule C . way (7)A . important B . helpful C . successful (8)A . to B . of C . for (9)A . fact B . result C . secret (10)A . make B . test C . use 三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共32分)18. (8分)阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。 The UK should start producing lab-grown meat to help solve the worlds food crisis (危机), according to a research group. A report by the Adam Smith Institute says meat made in a laboratory is better for the environment and would be cheaper than meat produced from farm animals.Need for meat around the world is expected to increase by 70% by the year 2050. So could people be eating lab-grown meat in the future? Usually animals like cows are killed to produce the meat that people eat, but scientists have found a way to make meat in a laboratory without killing any animals.Animals are made up of cells (细胞). Scientists worked out how to take cells from an animal, like a cow, and multiply (繁殖) them in a dish. In the end from one tiny cell, tens of billions of cells can be grown. These join together to form meat.In 2013, the first hamburger grown this way was eaten in London. It took a year to produce and cost over 200, 000 to make. Dr Mark Post, who created the worlds first hamburger from meat grown in a lab, told the BBC it tastes exactly the same as the meat we know. When two food critics (评论家) tried the burger in 2013, one said it was close to meat and another said it tasted like a real hamburger. Its not just beef that is being created; companies are also working on other meat like turkey and chicken.The Adam Smith Institute says moving away from the present way meat is produced would help reduce greenhouse emissions (排放) by up to 96% and free up 99% of the land used in farming worldwide. They also think it will reduce chances of food poisoning (中毒) because the meat is grown under such controlled conditions. Jamie Hollywood from the Adam Smith Institute also told the BBC lab-grown meat could be a lot cheaper. He says the price has gone down in five years from 200, 000 to 8, so in the future it could be even less.(1)The main idea of Paragraph 3 is _. A . what lab-grown meat isB . how lab-grown meat is madeC . what lab-grown meat tastes likeD . when people can eat lab-grown meat(2)The writer mentions two food critics in Paragraph 4 to show that _. A . lab-grown meat is cheaperB . chicken meat can be made in the labC . lab-grown meat tastes similar to animal meatD . English people first tasted lab-grown meat(3)The writer probably agrees that _. A . lab-grown meat will cause a lot of problemsB . lab-grown meat tastes better than animal meatC . making lab-grown meat will cost too much moneyD . lab-grown meat can help solve the worlds food crisis(4)Which of the following would be the best title for the passage? A . Could lab-grown meat be the future of food?B . What does lab-grown meat taste like?C . When could people eat lab-grown meat?D . What is lab-grown meat and how is it made?19. (10分)阅读理解Computers are very popular with students now. Its very easy for them to surf the Internet(网上冲浪)Most of them go to the Internet bar and spend more than two hours there. They can do their homework,get some information for their study,download music,and send emails on the computer. But some of them spend too much time playing computer games,and it is bad for their study.(1)Which of the following is popular with students today? A . The television.B . The radio.C . The recorder.D . The computer.(2)Where do most students surf the Internet? A . At home.B . At school.C . At the Internet bar.D . In the library.(3)How many hours do most of the students spend on the computers? A . Two hours.B . More than two hours.C . One hour.D . Less than two hours.(4)What can the students do on the computer? A . They can download music.B . They can send emails.C . They can do their homework.D . All of the above(5)Spending too much time _ on the computer is bad for their study. A . playing gamesB . getting information for the students studyC . doing their homeworkD . practising English20. (10分)阅读理解 Do you think laughter can help you deal with pain? Scientists from Britain did two experiments(实验). The first was done in a lab. People wore special wristbands(腕带). Some of them were asked to watch comedies while others watched serious programs. Then the scientists tightened(勒紧)the wristbands to see how much pain the people could feel.The other test was done at an art festival. Some people watched a comedy show and others watched a drama(戏剧). At the same time, they had to put their backs against the wall and keep their legs bent(弯曲的)just like sitting on a chair. They did this before and after the show.Scientists found that just 15 minutes of laughter improves peoples ability to stand pain by 10%. However, the serious programs and the drama didnt make a difference to pain at all.The study found that the magic power of laughter comes from endorphins(内啡肽). These are chemicals(化学物质). They are produced by the human body. They make you feel less pain and can make people feel happier. Exercise can produce endorphins. Your muscles(肌肉)move in and out when you are laughing. Scientists believe that this makes your muscles tiring, so we start to produce endorphins.Scientists also found that the only real and relaxing laughter works not just polite laughter.Next time you have a headache, get together with a group of Mends, watch a funny movie and laugh. You will soon feel a lot better because laughter is the best medicine.(1)Scientists knew how much pain the people felt by_ in the first experiment. A . eating delicious dishesB . putting backs against wallsC . tightening special wristbandsD . sitting on comfortable seats(2)The other test was finished _. A . on a chairB . in a labC . on Sports DayD . at an art festival(3)Endorphins can help human body_. A . keep better buildB . feel less painC . get more musclesD . produce worse results(4)According to the passage, we can infer that _. A . running can produce endorphinsB . watching TV programs can stand painC . different kinds of laughter earl treat illnessD . muscles can improve peoples ability to laugh(5)We can probably find this passage in a _. A . guide bookB . movie posterC . travel diaryD . medical magazine21. (4分) Michelle Obama is the first lady of America. She visited China on March 20th, 2014. When she met the president Xi, she wore a red dress. She said her red dress is always ready for the important moment. Do you know she is also the first lady of fashion American?Every first lady since Lou Hoover (except Bess Truman) has appeared in the high-fashion magazine, Vogue. But Mrs. Obama is only the second to appear on the cover. She appeared wearing a pink silk dress by Jason Wu. When she was interviewed by the editor of Vogue, Mrs. Obama said what she wears is always paid attention to by many people. “Im not going to pretend that I dont care about it.” she said. Most cover models have their clothes chosen for them by Vogue, or at least editors work as advisers. However, Mrs. Obama did choose outfits for the Vogue photos from labels(商标) she had worn before. “She doesnt need any help. She loves fashion and knows what works for her,” Talley said. “Shes never had a conversation with me about, What do you think? or How did this look? And Im glad for that.”(1)From the second paragraph we know_.A . every first lady has appeared on the cover of VogueB . only Bess Truman has appeared on the cover of VogueC . only two first ladies have appeared on the cover of VogueD . only Mrs. Obama has appeared on the cover of Vogue(2)According to the passage, we know Mrs. Obama_.A . is a woman of kindnessB . has her own sense of beauty and ideaC . herself is a clothes designer and modelD . doesnt like to be watched changing clothe四、 根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明确,语言通 (共5题;共5分)22. (1分)You must do more things to a _ your aim. 23. (1分)Will Jack go on holiday this summer?Im not c_about thatMaybe hell stay at home24. (1分)I like the _ /mte(r)/ in my bedroom. Its big and comfortable. 25. (1分)He was p_by his teacher because he made great progress in this exam. 26. (1分)Look! That young man is very strong.Oh, he is our monitor. He is a _(成员) of our football team.五、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)27. (5分)阅读下面对话,从方框内7个选项中选择5个恰当的句子完成此对话。Jenney: Good evening, Nancy.Nancy: Good evening, Jenney. How was the party last night? _Jenney: Yes. There was lots of fun.Nancy: What about Alice? _Jenney: Yes. She enjoyed it a lot, too. By the way, I didnt see you. Where were you last night?Nancy: Me? Oh, _Jenney: Why?Nancy: There was a baseball match between Class 5 and Class 12. I really prefer watching a match to going to a party.Jenney: _Nancy: It is a very exciting one. It is a very close match.Jenney: _Nancy: Class 5 won the match. 86 to 82.Jenney: Oh! What a pity to Class 12!A. Where were you?B.Was she there?C.I went to the school gym.D.Did you have a good time?E.What was the result?F.What do you think of the match?G.When did the match begin?六、 阅读短文,回答问题 (共1题;共5分)28. (5分)先通读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容,在文章后表格的空格内填入一个最恰当的单词。所填单词必须写在答题卡对应题号的横线上。每个空格只能填一个单词。Clothing(服装) is a language. We can look at the traditional clothing to know more about culure.Africa has a long history and a rich culture, and this is shown in traditional dress. The three coloursred, gold and green, are often used in the clothing. The first colour represents the blood of millions of people who fought for freedom; the second, rich resources of the African earth; and the third, the grassland of home.Because clothing has strong social meanings, people are very careful in choosing what to wear. It would be a serious mistake to wear the wrong clothes, or to dress in the wrong way. For example, in Ghana, a woman should wear her waistband (腰带) differently according to the importance of the social event.Traditional dress also tells us about everyday life. African designs are famous for loose (宽松的) clothing. The temperature there can be very high during the daytime but very low at night, so it requires that the clothes are comfortable for daily life.Today although more and more young people like wearing Western clothes, especially in big cities in Africa, traditional African dress is still quite valuable. This is because it has deep cultural meanings.Traditional Dress in AfricaDifferent coloursl The three most _ colours used in clothing are red, gold and green.l Different colours _ for different things: the blood of freedom fighters, resources of the earth and the grassland of home.Social meaningsl Because clothing has strong social meanings, people have to choose what to wear _l Women in Ghana even wear different waistbands according to how important the event is.Everyday lifel Because the temperature _ greatly, clothes are usually loose and comfortable.l Though Western clothes are popular with young people in some areas, traditional clothes are still of great _七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)29. (5分)假设你们学校组织了一次主题为人与天气(Man and weather)的英语征文比赛。请你根据下面的内容提示,写一篇80词左右的英语短文,参加此次征文比赛。 【内容提示】天气对我们的影响。(如:天气好坏会影响人的心情;在晴天人们可以外出,在雨天可能只好待在家里)你喜欢什么样的天气,为什么?Man and weather第 21 页 共 21 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共2题;共20分)16-1、17-1、三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共32分)18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、21-1、21-2、四、 根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明确,语言通 (共5题;共5分)22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、五、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)27-1、六、 阅读短文,回答问题 (共1题;共5分)28-1、七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)29-1、

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