厂房租赁合同 英文.doc

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合同范本/租赁合同 厂房租赁合同 英文 factory rental contractfirst party:second party (tenant):dongguan city . the property is owned by first party, both parties have come to an agreement and first party is renting the factory and dormitory to second party. both parties have already voice out about their requirement, after signing the contract, that means both parties have to follow and abide the rules accordingly. the details of the rental agreement contract are as per follow:一:location of the rental factory : 二: the lease period : from year month day to year monthday first three years are fixed , last 2 years will have some adjustment, 3 years later the rent are to increased by rmb per square meter.the total lease period are years.三:the factory area : rental charges:the whole building area includes factory 、dormitory and facility are about square meter(the actual usable space might not be square meter, but rental fees are calculated by this square meter which was shown in this contract agreement) from year month day to year month day, the rental charges are k rmb per month, second party should pay for rmb to first party each month. from to , second party should pay for mb to first party each month . first party are provide 2 months for renovation, in this 2 months there will be no rental charges during the renovation period, and the rental charges will only begins on methods for payment1. deposit for the factory : after signing the contract , second party should pay rmb as deposit within days. second part will also need to pay rmb for the 1st month rental too. after completing the contract agreement duration period, second party has to paid the wages, utilities bills, rental and incurred bills and also did not break any of the rules in the agreements. ( means second party did not break the contract or damage the factory/structure or the facilities) after the confirmation of the 1st party that everything is ok, the deposit will be return back to the 2nd party by the 1st party and the contract ends too, or else the deposit will be confiscated by the 1st party.2. payment: second party must pay the rent before on that month.五:the requirement for the usage of the factory: second party should take good care of the factory , dormitory and the other facilities , 2nd party should not change the structure or damage the building structure. when second party want to change the structure of the factory second party should consult with first party, and get the first party s consent first.六:insurance:


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