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新起点六年级英语上册句型汇总练习Unit 1你知道这些地方吗?它们在哪里?Do you know these places? Where are they?哈尔滨在哪里?Where is Harbin?它在黑龙江省,它在中国的北方。It s in Heilongjiang province. It s in the north of China.暑假你去了哪里?Where did you go on summer vacation?我去了武汉。I went to Wuhan.武汉在哪里?它在湖北省,在中国的南方。It s in Hubei province. Hubei is in the south of China.在那里你都做什么了?What did you do there?我去了几个公园还照了一些照片。I went to parks and took some pictures.西藏以什么闻名?What is Tibet famous for?它以布达拉宫而闻名。It s famous for the Potala Palace.在西藏你能看到美丽的雪山。You can see beautiful snow-capped mountains in Tibet.很高兴认识你,我想对中国有更多的了解,在中国有哪里可以去看的?Nice to meet you, I want to see more of China. What is there to see in China?有西安There s Xian.西安以什么闻名What is Xian famous for?西安以兵马俑闻名It s famous for the warriors.欢迎来到西藏Welcome to Tibet.这个地方在中国的西部。The place is in the west of China.那里的水果多汁还很甜。The fruit there is very juicy and sweet.那里的人很友好还很勤劳。People there are friendly and hardworking.他们擅长唱歌跳舞。They are very good at singing and dancing.这座城市在北方,它是世界上最大的城市之一。The city is in the north. It s one of the biggest cities in the world.在那里有许多美丽的公园。There are a lot of beautiful parks there.你可以去长城、北海公园和颐和园。You can go to the Great Wall, Beihai Park and the Summer Palace.它是位于浙江省的一座美丽的城市。It is a beautiful city in Zhejiang province.你可以在湖上划船。You can row on the lake.在那里你能买到丝绸衣服和丝绸围巾。You can buy silk clothes and silk scarves there.它们通常比其它地方便宜很多。They are usually much cheaper than other places.那是什么地方?What place is it?这是石林的照片,它在云南省This is a photo of the Stone Forest. It s in Yunnan province.中国在东亚,它是世界第三大国家。中国有许多美丽的山脉和河流。喜马拉雅山脉是世界最高的山。在中国黄河和长江是两条最长的河流China is in east Asia. It s the third biggest country in the world. China has a lot of beautiful mountains and rivers. Mount Everest is the tallest mountain in the world. Yellow River and Yangtze River are the two longest rivers in China.中国有世界上最大的人口,中国有13亿人。China has the largest population in the world. There are 1.3 billion people in China.在中国多数人是汉族。Most people in China are Han Chinese.在中国还有其他55个少数民族。There are 55 other ethnic groups in China.傣族每年都庆祝他们的泼水节The Dai people celebrate their Water Festival each year.每年夏天数千旅游者会去那里和他们一起庆祝。Thousands of travelers go there to celebrate with them every summer.北京是中国的首都Beijing is the capital of China.在北京有很多种当地食品。There are many kinds of local foods in Beijing.我丢了我的字典I lost my dictionary.我不知道丢哪里了。I dont know where.它不在那里。It wasnt there.我找到了我的字典。I found my dictionary.你能猜到在哪里吗?I found it at the police station.他经常在新年前来到小村里。He often came to small villages just before New Year.所有的人都怕他。Everyone was afraid of him.新年前他们带着他们所有的东西跑进山里。They took all their things and ran to the mountains before New Year.有一年在中国的南方有一位智慧老者来光顾一个小村庄。One year an old wise man came to visit a small village in the south of China.他对一位老妇人说他想住在她家里。He said to an old woman he wanted to stay in her house.他想赶走那个妖怪。He wanted to scare the monster away.所有人都告诉老者要离开,因为妖怪太危险了。Everybody told the old man to go, because the monster was too dangerous.妖怪看到红色的纸装饰在屋外。The monster saw red paper decorations outside the house.他恨红颜色He hated the colour red.他穿着红色衣服。He was wearing red clothes.他害怕声响。He was afraid of noise.他逃回了海洋。He ran back to the ocean.后来他们知道了老者是来帮助他们的神仙。They knew later he was a god who came to help them.从那以后From that day on.他们点亮灯,放鞭炮。They lit bright lights and lit firecrackers.他们在街道上唱歌跳舞。They sang and danced in the street.妖怪再也没有来到他们村里。The monster never came to their village again.今年春天我妈妈想去中国参观。My mother wants to visit China this spring.她将先到北京。She will be coming to Beijing first.你能告诉我们一些这几个城市的事情吗?Could you tell us something about these cities?在中国她没有主意该看什么。She has no idea what to see in China.这里是一些有关中国的情况。Here are some facts about China.那里有很多大的商城。There are many big shopping malls there.Unit 2这个寒假你想去哪里?(用would like)Where would you like to go this winter vacation?我想去西安。I d like to go to Xian.你知道多少个国家?How many countries do you know?关于法国你了解什么?What do you know about France?那里的人们讲什么语言?What language do people speak there?他们讲法语。They speak French.那里的人们讲英语。People there speak English.多伦多是加拿大的一个城市。Toronto is a city in Canada.加拿大是世界上第二大国家。Canada is the second largest country in the world.亚洲是最大的洲。Asia is the biggest continent.它有最大的陆地和最多的人口。It has the most land and the largest population.它是世界上最热的洲。It is the hottest continent in the world.它有最大的沙漠。It has the largest desert.它是唯一被水环绕的洲。It s the only continent with water all around it.欧洲挨着亚洲。Europe is next to Asia.在欧洲有很多国家,像法国、德国There are many countries in Europe, such as France, Germany.北美主要有三个国家。There are mainly three countries in North America.世界有多少个洲?How many continents are there in the world?哪一个洲最大(最小/最热)?Which is the biggest?哪个州有最多的人口(最大沙漠)?Which continent has the most people?你知道世界上的多少国旗?How many flags of the world do you know?世界上超过200个国家There are more than 200 countries in the world.世界上的每一个国家都有一面国旗。Every country in the world has a flag.你能看到这些旗子飘扬在很多建筑物或学校前。You can see these flags flying on many buildings and in front of schools.就像奥林匹克,世界上所有的国旗在特别的时候来到一起。The flags of the world all come together for special times like THE OLYMPICS.它被称为五星红旗It is called the FIVE STAR RED FLAG.红旗上有五颗黄色的星。There are five yellow stars on the flag.其中一颗星比其它四颗星大些。One star is bigger than the other four stars.它是我们的国旗。It s our national flag.在旗子的中间有一个大的红色的枫叶。In the middle of the flag there is a large red maple leaf.这片叶子是加拿大的象征。This leaf is the symbol of Canada.每一个星代表一个州。Each star is for one state.圣诞老人结束了他的环球旅行。Santa Claus was finishing his travels around the world.他已经给了每个国家的孩子们礼物。He had given presents to boys and girls in every country.他曾经到过He had been to 在他的树下圣诞老人留下了一个中国熊猫玩具。Santa Claus left a Chinese panda under his tree.他在西班牙到访过玛利亚(maria)的住所。He visited Maris s house in Spain.他曾去过世界的每一个洲。He had been to every continent in the world.他正在赶回在北极的家。He was going home to the North Pole.现在我应该去哪里?Where should I go now?他看了看盒子里。He looked at the box.我该做些什么?What should I do?他走出他的房间。He came out of his house.他小心地打开了大盒子。He carefully opened the big box.他的名字写在了角落。His name was written on the corner.这是给你的礼物。This gift is for you.在里面他看到了他的礼物Inside he saw his present.这个夏天我想去旅行。I want to take a trip this summer.你去过欧洲吗?Have you been to Europe?以前我曾去过英国。I have been to Britain before.你都了解英国什么?What do you know about Britain?Unit 3猴子是什么类的动物?What kind of animal are monkeys?你曾经去过动物世界吗?Have you ever been to Animal World?在那里你看到了什么动物?What animals did you see there?它们生活在陆地上吗?(天空/水中)Do they live on the land?它有多重?How heavy is it?它有150吨重。It s 150 tons.它有多高?How tall is it?它和人一样高。It is as tall as a person.它是陆地上最大的哺乳动物。It is the biggest mammal on land.它比河马大。It is bigger than a hippo.它的耳朵比企鹅大。Its ears are bigger than a penguin s.一头象通常有三米高。An elephant is often three meters tall.它能达到4吨重。It can weigh four tons.大象一般移动很慢。An elephant usually moves slowly.但是当它跑得最快时能达到每小时40公里。But it can go 40 kilometers an hour when it runs fast.大象是具有长鼻子的唯一的动物称作象鼻。Elephants are the only animals with a long nose called a trunk.一头象的象鼻能够抬起重280千克的树。An elephant trunk can pick up a tree as heavy as 280 kilograms.它能拾起仅4厘米长的花生。It can pick up a peanut that is only four centimeters long.它也是具有最大耳朵的哺乳动物It is also the mammal with the biggest ears.它有半米长。It is half a meter long.象有两个种类,非洲象和亚洲象There are two kinds of elephant African elephants and Asian elephants.哺乳动物的身体覆盖着皮毛。Mammal bodies are covered with hair or fur.母性哺乳动物给它的孩子喂奶Mother mammals feed milk to their babies.哺乳动物有温暖的血液(have)Mammals have warm blood.所有的鸟都有两个翅膀All birds have two wings.雌鸟产蛋Mother birds lay eggs.蛇是没有腿的爬行动物。A snake is a reptile with no legs.小明15岁的时候失明了。When Xiaoming was 15 years old, she lost her sight.她去了盲人学员。She went to a college for the blind.她学习如何做饭、搞卫生、使用计算机和缝补衣服。She learned how to cook, clean, use a computer and mend her own clothes.她仍然想走出房间过正常人的生活。She still wanted to get out of the room and live a normal life.因此她决定学习如何拥有一只导盲犬。So she decided to learn how to have a guide dog.导盲犬能够帮助盲人去他想去的任何地方。Guide dogs can help blind people go anywhere they want.后来小明学习了使这种类型的狗如何工作。After Xiaoming learned how to work with this type of dog.小狗进入了她的生活。A little dog came into her life.狗和小明能够一起绕着小镇散步和购物。The dog and Xiaoming can walk around the town and go shopping together.狗知道该横过街道(停止、减速、加速)时如何告诉小明。The dog knows how to “ tell ” Xiaoming when it s time to cross the street小明能够抓住狗的颈圈并且安全地步行通过街道。Xiaoming can hold on to dog s collar and safely walk through the streets.现在小明和她最好的朋友可以自由地去任何地方。Xiaoming is now free to go wherever with her “ best friend ”.狗能够保护她在街道上的安全。The dog can keep her safe out in the streets.一天小明从学校步行回家。Xiaoming walked home from school one day.突然她看到了一只灰色小猫在车下。Suddenly she saw a small gray kitten under a car.她把她带回家。She took her home.小猫太小并且很弱。The kitten was too small and weak.小明晚间每小时醒来给小猫喂食。Xiaoming woke up every hour during the night to feed the kitten.一年以后,小猫长大了。After a year, the kitten grew into a big.她有长长的灰色皮毛和绿色的眼睛。She has long gray fur and green eyes.小明叫她宝贝儿Xiaoming called her Precious.一天晚上,小明正在睡觉的时候,她听到了一个可怕的声音。One night, as Xiaoming was sleeping, she heard a terrible sound.宝贝儿正在叫并挠她的门。Precious was meowing and clawing at her door.小明觉得很累,她没有从床上起来。Xiaoming felt very tired. She didnt rise from her bed.后来她听到宝贝儿叫得并且挠得更厉害了。Then she heard Precious meowing and clawing some more.后来她感觉有东西在她的头上。Then she felt something on her head.宝贝儿已经推开了门。Precious had pushed the door open.她在舔并且挠她的脸。She was licking and clawing at her face.然后宝贝儿用力咬了小明的耳朵。Then Precious bit Xiaoming s ear very hard.她意识到她的房间很热并且充满了烟。She realized that her room was very hot and full of smoke.她的房子失火了。Her house was on fire.在她的猫的帮助下,她醒来并逃出了房子。With the help of her cat, she woke up and ran out the house.我想它也是世界上最重的鱼。I think it was also the heaviest fish in the world.动物园里最漂亮的动物是一只蓝黄相间的飞行昆虫。The most beautiful animal in the zoo was a blue and yellow flying insect.它和我的手一样大。It was as big as my hand.在动物园我看到的最高的动物是长颈鹿。The tallest animal I saw in the zoo was a giraffe.Unit 4它在动物园的东边。It s in the east of the zoo.我应该去哪里?Where should I go?夏天很热。It s hot in summer.袋鼠生活在那里。Kangaroos live there.它大约有4或5米长。It s about four or five meters long.让我们依次提问并回答问题。Let s ask and answer questions in turn.与君主蝴蝶旅行Take a trip with the monarch butterfly.君主蝴蝶们前往到所有的国家。Monarch butterflies travel to all these countries.它们秋天南飞春天北飞。They fly south in the fall and they fly north in the spring.冬天到来之前。Before winter comes.数千黄色和黑色的君主蝴蝶从加拿大与美国北部地区前往向温暖天气。Thousands of orange and black monarch butterflies travel from Canada and the north part of the United States to the warm weather.它们要飞到哪里?Where do they fly?它们南飞到墨西哥。They fly south to Mexico.多远?How far is it?部分蝴蝶飞3200公里远。Some butterflies fly as far as 3200 kilometers.蝴蝶在一片森林中过冬。The butterflies live the winter in a forest.森林像一把雨伞。The forest is like an umbrella.蝴蝶不会被弄湿或受冷。The butterflies dons get wet or cold.你能看到在一个树枝上落着15000只那么多的君主蝴蝶。You can see as many as 15,000 monarch butterflies sitting on one branch.三月间,白天更长空气更暖。During March, the days get longer and the air gets warmer.君主蝴蝶知道是离开的时候了。The monarch butterflies know it is time to leave.它们打算飞往北方。They are going to fly north.不久它们到达美国的北部及加拿大。As soon as they get to the north USA and Canada.生活在中国的是什么种类的蝴蝶?What kinds of butterflies live in China?君主蝴蝶是什么颜色?What colour is a monarch butterfly?它们生活在什么国家?What countries do they live in?秋天它们飞往哪个方向。Which direction do they fly in the fall?部分蝴蝶要飞多远?How far do some butterflies fly?冬天它们住在哪里?Where do they live in the winter?三月份它们飞往哪个方向?Which direction do they fly in March?在生日晚会上他们做什么?What do they do on their birthdays?一家坐在一起共进晚餐。The family sits together for a big dinner.晚餐通常是面条和生日蛋糕。The dinner is usually noodles and a birthday cake.面条意思是长寿。Noodles mean long life.通常妈妈烤一个生日蛋糕。Usually mom bakes a birthday cake.人们会拉过生日男孩或女孩的耳朵。People pull the ears of the birthday boy or girl.如果你11岁,他们就拉11次耳朵。If you are 11 years old, they pull your ear 11 times.他们用国旗作为桌旗并在生日蛋糕上插一面旗子。They use the national flag as a table flag and put flags on their birthday cakes.对于记录丝绸之路马可波罗大概是最有名的西方人Marco Polo was probably the most famous westerner to take the Silk Road.他的父亲使他第一次来到中国旅行。His father made him first trip to China.忽必烈建造了中国元朝首都的这个城市。Kublai Khan made this city the capital of Yuan Dynasty China.他和他们一起去了。He went with them.他学习了很多关于中国的事情。He learned a lot about China.他送他去扬州作为一个地方官。He sent him as an official to Yangzhou.杭州曾经(一度)是中国宋朝的首都并有一个美丽的湖和多条运河。At one time Hangzhou was the capital of Song Dynasty China and had a beautiful lake and many canals.它像马可的家乡威尼斯。It was like Marco s hometown, Venice.他离开中国返回意大利。He left China and returned to Italy.他告诉了其他人很多关于中国的故事。He told others many stories about China.这些故事被称为“马可波罗游记”。These stories were called “ The Travels of Marco Polo ”.这是第一次中国被一个西方人所记载。This was the first time China had been written about by a westerner.在一本称作“马可波罗游记”的书中马可波罗讲了很多关于中国的故事。Marco Polo told many stories about China in the book called “The Travels of Marco Polo”.Unit 5我的狗病了。My dog is sick.我的狗把我的房间搞得乱七八糟。My dog made my room a mess.我的狗赢得了比赛My dog won the race.我父亲给了我一只狗。My father gave me a dog.我的狗丢了。My dog is lost.我的狗准备跑。My dog is ready to run.我的狗出来玩。My dog came out to play.我想在班级前唱歌。I m going to sing in front of my class.我的狗咬我的新鞋。My dog bit my new shoes.我画了一幅很棒的画。I drew a great picture.我最好的朋友没能来我的晚会。My best friend cant come to my party.我朋友说:“生日快乐!”My friends said, “ Happy birthday !”它看到一根骨头。It sees a piece of bone.一只猫拿走了狗的骨头。A cat took away dogs bone.他打算参加比赛。He is going to enter the contest.他很紧张。He is nervous.比尔感觉如何?How does Bill feel?周二将有一个测验There is going to be a test on Thursday.我做了一个测验。I took a test.你看上去很开心。You look happy.你看上去很吃惊。You look surprised.我惊讶是因为安迪来了。I am surprised because Andy came.我高兴是因为我爸爸明天将要回来。I m happy because my father will come back tomorrow.今天对我来说是个好日子。I had a good day today.发生了两件好事。Two good things happened.我的英语测验我得到了A。I got an A on my English test.我感觉很骄傲。I feel very proud .我与她交谈。I talked to her.我们都喜欢篮球和音乐。We both like basketball and music.今天是很棒的一天!Today was a great day!发生了很多事。A lot happened.她和我家一起去了游乐园。She went to the amusement park with my family.在过山车上我感觉非常刺激。I was very excited on the rollercoaster.当我打开我祖母的礼物。When I opened my grandmother s present.今天对我来说是很糟糕的一天。I had a terrible day today.我很担心。I am worried.我忘记了我的家庭作业。I forgot my homework.我的队输了篮球比赛。My team lost the basketball game.我真的想赢。I really wanted to win.用感觉的词语填空Fill in the blanks with the feeling words.她很高兴,因为她交了一个新朋友。She is happy because she made a new friend.在一些国家,人们认为红色是生气的颜色。In some countries, people think that red is an angry colour.他们说一个生气的人是“火冒三丈”。They say that an angry person sees red .红色可以是一个快乐的颜色。Red can be a happy colour.在新年我们穿红色的衣服。We wear red clothes at New Year.并用红色信封给钱。and give money in red envelopes.一些人说新年妖怪“年”看到红色将会逃离。Some people say that the New Year monster, Nian, will run away when he sees red.红色使他担心紧张!Red makes him worried and nervous!关于红色你怎么认为呢?What do you think about red?它会使你感觉担心紧张吗?Does it make you feel worried and nervous?很多人认为光亮的颜色像红色、黄色和橘黄色使人感觉兴奋。Many people think that bright colours like red, yellow and orange make people feel excited.蓝色怎么样?How about blue?有一种在吉他上演奏的音乐称为“蓝调”。There is a kind of music played on guitar called The Blues 所以部分人认为它是给人安静感觉的颜色So some people think it is a colour which makes people feel calm.蓝色使你觉得安静吗?Does blue make you feel calm?还是让你觉得伤心呢?Or does it make you feel sad?很久以前,灰姑娘和她的继母和她的两个异母姐姐住在一起。Once upon a time Cinderella lived with her stepmother and her two stepsisters.灰姑娘必须做所有的工作。Cinderella had to do all the work.但她的异母姐姐仍然总是使她很生气。But still her stepsisters were always angry with her.她感到很伤心。She felt very sad.国王为王子举办了一个晚会。The king was having a party for the prince.她们为了晚会买了漂亮的新裙子。They bought beautiful new dresses for the party.异母姐姐笑话她。The stepsisters laughed at her.是她的教母。It was her fairy godmother她的旧衣服变为漂亮的衣服。Her old clothes changed to beautiful ones.她的教母将一个南瓜变成了四轮马车。Her fairy godmother changed a pumpkin into a carriage.将一个老鼠变成了一匹马。and changed a mouse into a horse.你必须12点前回到家里。You must be home before 12 oclock.去晚会的路上。On the way to the party.他认为她是晚会上最漂亮的女孩。He thought she was the most beautiful girl at the party.她看上去那么美丽和高兴。She looked so beautiful and happy.钟敲了12下,灰姑娘朝门跑去。The clock struck 12. Cinderella ran to the door.他想找到那个漂亮的女孩。He wanted to find the beautiful girl.姐姐们试着穿上小水晶鞋。The sisters tried to put on the small glass shoe.太小了。It was too small.灰姑娘从厨房出来了。Cinderella came out of the kitchen.他们永远快乐地在一起了。They were always happy together.你今天过得怎么样?How was your day?我会告诉你我的一天。I ll tell you about my day.我很激动因为我获得了一等奖。I am excited because I won the 1st prize.今天最初并不太好。It was not a great day at the beginning.在学校没有一个人说:“生日快乐”。No one at school said “ Happy Birthday !”我很伤心因为没有一个人记得我的生日。I was sad because no one remembered my birthday.我朋友珊朵拉告诉我放学后到她家。My friend Sandra told me to come to her house after school.你觉得今天怎么样?How do you feel today?当我走进房间时我很紧张。I was nervous when I went into the house.那里没有一个人。No one was there.灯都关着。The lights were off.我害怕了。I was scared.我兴奋地看到所有的朋友都在那里。I was excited to see all my friends there.我告诉她我非常非常吃惊。I told her that I was very very surprised.我高兴得到那么多的礼物。I was happy to get so many presents.这天结束时At the end of the day.晚会结束的时候我有点难过。I was a bit sad at the end of the party.我自豪有这么多好朋友。I am proud to have so many good friends.Unit 6他们是做什么的?What did they do.他为什么有名?Why is he famous?她很有名因为他写了很多童话故事。He is famous because he wrote many stories for children.安妮成为了她的老师。Annie became her teacher.然后她开始读和写。Then she started to read and write.最后她学习对话。Finally she learned to talk.她很有名因为她帮助了很多其他盲人和聋哑人。She is famous because she helped many other blind and deaf people.他是一位有名的中国诗人。He was a famous Chinese poet.他写了很多优美的诗。He wrote a lot of beautiful poems.李白是中国最著名诗人之一。Li Bai was one of the most famous Chinese poets.701年李白生于中亚。Li Bai was born in 701 in Central Asia.他的家族返回中国并居住在四川。His family moved back to China and lived in Sichuan.他一生写了很多优美的诗。He wrote many beautiful poems in his life.鹅妈妈童谣Mother Goose她不是一个真实的人但她是世界上最有名的诗人。She s not a real person but she is the world s most famous poet.很多小朋友都知道的被称为童谣的著名短诗。Many young children know the famous short poems called nursery rhymes.在美国,童谣被称为“鹅妈妈”歌。In America, nursery rhymes were called “ Mother Goose ” songs.在诗中有时描述的很风趣。Sometimes the characters in the poems are funny.有时很押韵的诗是关于动物的。Sometimes the rhymes are about animals.有的诗是有关儿童或老人的。Sometimes they are about children or old people.年轻人和老人都享受这些著名的童谣。People young and old enjoy these famous nursery rhymes他总是尝试自学。He always tried to teach himself.他读很多数并做很多实验。He read many books and did many experiments.他学校的老师说他总是问太多的问题。His school teachers said he always asked too many questions.在家里爱迪生学习做很多实验。Thomas learned to do many experiments at home.十岁时,他在他的房间里搭成了一个科学实验室。When he was ten, he built a science lab in his house.他尝试跳上一列火车。He tried to jump on a train.一个男人拉住他的耳朵并造成他的耳痛。A man pulled

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