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初二下册英语学习第一课时一、知识讲解Unit 1 Will people have robots?目标语言:Make predictions.重点句型:1.-Will there be less pollution?-Yes,there will./No,there wont.2.Everything will be free.3.Theyll study at home on computers.4.I think there will be more pollution.5.I dont like living alone.6. Ill go to Hong Kong on vacation.7. I went to Shanghai last year and fell in love with it.8. They help with the housework and do the most unpleasant jobs.9. Scientists are now trying to make robots look like people and do the same as us.10. It will be difficult for a robot to do the same things as a person.11. Its easy for a child to wake up and know where they are.12.We never know what will happen in the future!重点短语:1. on computers 2.live to be 200 years old 3. in 100 years 4.less free time 5. more pollution 6.an astronaut7. an apartment 8.space station9.a computer programmer 10.fall in love with11.in the future 12.as a reporter13.on vacation 14.be able to do sth=can do sth15keep a pet parrot 16.the next World Cup 17. predict the future 18.one of the biggest movie companies19. see sb do sth 20.see sb doing sth 21. be like=look like 22.wear a uniform23. wake up 24.make sb do sth. make robots look like people 25. get bored 26.over and over again27. many different shapes 28.help sb (to ) do sth=help sb with sth29. seem possible 30.a hundred years ago31. hundreds of years ago 32.the same as 33.try to do sth 34.come true35. as well as也=too 36.be worth doing sth. That film is worth seeing.37.stay at home呆在家 38.in some science fiction movies知识点讲解:一般将来时概念:一般将来时表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态以及计划、打算做某事基本用法一般将来时表示将来要发生的事(在口语中各人称后均用will,常缩写为ll)I will be eighteen next week.I will know the result tomorrow.。Shell be here at six.You wont be late.以下情况用willa.用在“I think will”这类句型中,表示看法:I think theyll succeed.Im sure hell come back.I suppose theyll buy the house.b.也可表示未来习惯性的动作:Spring will come again.Birds will build nests. c.提出请求:来源:考试大Will you type this?Will you tell her Ill be back at five?If you want help let me know,will you?d.作出允诺:Ill be there,I promise you.。This wont happen again,I assure you.I wont tell anybody what you said.e.表示同意:来源:考试大网Dont be late.- No,I wont.Will you answer him? - Yes,I will.使用shall的一些情况Ashall主要用于第一人称后,构成疑问句,询问对方意见:What time shall I come? Where shall we go for our holiday? Shall I do the washing_up?Lets go, shall we? What shall we do this weekend?Bshall也可用在陈述句中(但现在口语中这样说的人比较少了,一般多用will)Dont worry.I shant(wont)be late. We shall(will)be in touch.其他表示将来时的结构www.xamda.CoMbe going to结构,(a)表示打算干某事(b)即将发生某事a.Im going to buy her some flowers.Theyre going to sell their house.b.Its going to rain soon.这个结构有时可和will引导的结构换用Iwont tell you my age./ is going to现在进行时(表示计划或准备要做的事)My brother is having a party tomorrow. When are you leaving?-At the end of the term.一般现在时表示按计划要发生的事,特别是以事物作主语时,以人为主语时有时也可以这样用:a.The plane takes off in ten minutes. Tomorrow is Sunday.b.They have no classes tomorrow. Im not at home tonight.注:在时间及条件从句中代替一般将来时,或用在hope后的宾语从句中:a.Give me a ring before you leave. When she comes,Ill tell her about it.b.I hope she gets back in time.We hope you are well.be+不定式结构表示将要发生的动作,可表示安排好的事,也可表示要求做的事:a.She is to be married next month.Who is to play Macbeth?b.Youre to stay here til we return。You are not to smoke in the office.be about to结构,表示就要发生的事:Theyre about to start.I was just about to fall imto a doze when he started up.be due to 构成的谓语来。预定 源:考试大Mary is due to leave at two oclock.They are due to meet again tomorrow. She is due to graduate next summer.基础过关练习一、根据中文写出单词。1机器人_ 12穿衣_ 23外形;形状_2每件事物_ 13我自己_ 24导电的_3纸张_ 14面试;面谈_ 25不可能的_4建筑物_ 15公司_ 26家务活_5宇航员_ 16使人不愉快的_27像是;似乎_6火箭_ 17科学家_ 28蛇_7飞行_ 18早已;已经_ 29污染_8月亮_ 19工厂_ 30预测,n_9落下_ 20简单的_ 31.厌烦的,厌倦的_10单独地 _ 21各地;到处_ 32 牙刷_11大概;或许_ 22人类_ 二、根据中文意思写出短语。1 太空站_ 9(希望等)实现;达到_2 爱上(某人或某物)_ 10.将会有_3 去滑冰 _ 11.一百年后 _4 有能力做某事_ 12科幻小说_ 5 世界杯_ 13.免费;有空_ 6 未来;将来_ 14.更多/少的人_7 大量;许多 _ 15活到200岁 _ 8. 在家用电脑学习_16.喂养宠物_三、根据汉语意思,完成句子。一空一词。1. 书籍将会仅仅在电脑,而不在纸上。 Books _ only _ on computers, not _ paper. 2. 今后在这座城市将会有更多的树木,更少的污染。 There will _ _ trees and _ pollution in the city in future. 3. 五年前萨莉还在上大学。 Sally was _ college five years _. 4. 你认为十年后你的朋友会做什么职业?What do you think your friend will _ _ ten years? 四、根据课文内容填空_a report ,I think I will meet lots of _people .I think Ill live _ an apartment with my best friends,because I dont like living alone.Ill have pets.I cant have_ pets now, because my mother hates them, and our apartment is too small.So in ten years,Ill have many different pets.I _ even keep a pet parrot! Ill _go skating and swimming every day._the week Ill look smart,and probably will _a suit.On the weekend,Ill be able to _more casually.I think Ill go to Hong Kong _vacation,and one day I might even visit Australia.单元检测一、单项选择( ) 1. Will people live to be 300 years old? - _. A. No, they arent. B. No, they wont C. No, they dont D. No, they cant( ) 2. There will be _ _ pollution this year than last year. A. fewer B. much C. less D. many( ) 3. I think people here are friendly. Do you agree _ me? A. with B. to C. on D. from( ) 4. Where is Miss Wang? - She went to Hainan last week and will return _ six days. A. ago B. later C. behind D. in( ) 5. - _ _ will they play? - They will play football. A. What subject B. What sport C. What food D. What language( ) 6. I will see you again _ _. A.a day B. every day C. one day D. everyday( ) 7. I hope your dream will _ _. A. come true B. come out C. come in D. come on( ) 8. Everyone wants to _ _ to the moon for vacation. A. walk B. run C. swim D. fly( ) 9. Robots wont be able to_ the same things as person. A. did B. doing C. do D. does( ) 10. Wait a moment, please. I need a piece of _ to write down your phone number on. A. paper B. bread C. cake D. music( ) 11. - Do you know _ _ she will be in ten years? - Maybe she will be a teacher. A. what B. who C. if D. how( ) 12. I think I will be _ _ astronaut when I grow up. A. an B. a C. the D. /( ) 13. I heard you liked small animals very much. Yes, I _ _ a dog and a cat as pets. A. kept B. fed C. found D. felt( ) 14. There _ _ some old people taking a walk in the park. A. is B. are C. has D. have( ) 15. How are you getting on with your work? - I cant do it _. Ill have to get help. A. quietly B. alone C. hard D. more三. 完形填空 Youll see a new 1 at a hospital near London if you go there. He is very clever, 2 he never speaks. He can work 24 hours a day and never gets 3 . He is one meter tall and has a face 4 a TV screen. He is Dr Robot. Doctors often need to ask their patients (病人 ) a lot of questions. 5 doctors can only spend a few minutes with each patient. But Dr Robot can ask a patient questions for an hour if it is 6 . 7 the help of Dr Robot, a human doctor can 8 a lot of useful information when he meets his patients. How can Dr Robot do this? A computer tells him what to do. Dr Robot can do a lot of things people can do, though he cant completely 9 the place of 10 doctors.( ) 1. A. sick person B. nurse C. chemist D. doctor( ) 2. A. so B. if C. but D. because( ) 3. A. tired B. off C. up D. happy( ) 4. A. like B. on C. as D. in( ) 5. A. Kind B. Busy C. Free D. Tall( ) 6. A. late B. impossible C. necessary D. interesting( ) 7. A. With B. For C. Behind D. Under( ) 8. A. speed B. have C. send D. speak( ) 9. A. bring B. give C. take D. lead( ) 10.A.robot B. computer C. women D. human We live in computer age (时代). People1scientists, teachers, writers and even students use computers to do all kinds of work. But more than 30 years ago,2 couldnt do much. They were very big and expensive. Very3 people were interested in them and knew how to use them. Today computers are smaller and4 . But they can do a lot of work, many people like to use them. Some people5 have them at home. Computers become very important because they can work6 than people and make fewer mistakes. Computers can7 people do a lot of work. Writers now use computers to8 . Teachers use them to help teaching. Students use them to9 . Computers can also remember what you10 them. Computers are very useful and helpful. They are our friends. Do you want to have a computer? ( )1. A. like B. as C. and D. with ( )2. A. students B. scientists C. teachers D. computers ( )3. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little ( )4. A. cheap B. cheaper C. more expensive D. expensive ( )5. A. even B. still C. already D. yet ( )6. A. fast B. faster C. slow D. slower ( )7. A. help B. make C. stop D. use ( )8. A. write B. play C. study D. learn ( )9. A. sing B. study C. dance D. watch ( )10. A. put in B. put on C. put into D. put up 四. 阅读理解(A)Tom and Fred are talking about the year 2020“ What will our world be like in the year 2020?” “I dont know, ” says Fred“What do you think?” “Well, no one knows, but its interesting to guess” “In the year 2020 everyone will carry a pocket computerThe computer will give people the answers to all their problemsWe shall all have telephones in our pockets, too, and well be able to talk to our friends all over the worldPerhaps well be able to see them at the same time” “A lot of people will live and work under the seaPerhaps there will be big towns, factories and farms under the sea, too” “Machines will do most of the work, and so people will have more holidays, perhaps theyll work only two or three days a weekTheyll be able to fly to the moon by spaceship and spend their holidays there” “Im looking forward (期待)to the year 2020I hope to go to the moon! ” “And 1 hope Ill be able to live under the sea” says Fred“Wont that be very interesting? Just like a fish! ” ( ) 1Tom and Fred talked about _.Atheir school life Bsome interesting newsCtheir life in the past Dtheir life in the future ( ) 2Machines will _.Ado most of the work instead of people Bdo some of the work instead of peopleCdo as much work as people Ddo as little work as people ( ) 3From their talk, we know that _.A. only Fred hopes to fly to the moon B. both of them hope to fly to the moonCone of them hopes to fly to the moon Dneither of them hopes to fly to the moon ( ) 4Fred said _.Ahe liked fish very much Bhe would like to live under the sea like a fishChe would go fishing under the sea Dhe would spend a few days on the moon( ) 5Which of the following statements is NOT mentioned?APeople will be able to fly to the moon in a spaceshipBPeople will have more holidays CMany people will live and work under the seaDAll the factories and farms will be built under the sea (B)Life in the future will be different from life today. The population(人口) is growing fast. There be more and more people in the world and most of them will live longer than now. Computers will be much smaller and more useful, and there will be at least one in every home .And computer studies will be one of the important subjects in school. People will work fewer hours than they do now and they will have more free time for sports, watching TV and travelling .Travelling will be much cheaper and easier. And more people will go to other countries for holidays. There will be changes in our foods, too .More land will be used for building new towns and houses .Then there will be less room for cows and sheep ,so meat will be more expensive .Maybe no one will eat it every day ,and they will eat more vegetables and fruit .Maybe people will be healthier. Work in the future will be different, too. Robots will do dangerous and hard work ,Because of this ,many people will not have enough work to do .This will be a problem.( ) 6. In the future there will be _ A. fewer vegetable B. fewer people C. more people D. much more meat ( ) 7. Traveling will be _ then.A. less interesting B. more difficult C. more expensive D. much cheaper and easier( ) 8. Every family will have at least one _in the future.A.TV B. robot C. cow D. computer ( ) 9.People may not eat so much _as they do today.A. sheep B. vegetables C. meat D. fruit ( ) 10.Our problem in the future is that _.A. many people dont have to work B. people have to work fast C. robots will do all the work D. many people wont be able to find jobs 五 单词拼写Joe is a computer programer. His 1._ _(公司) is not far from his 2. _ _(公寓),so every day he rides his bike to work. But ten years ago, when he was a student, he 3._ _(居住) very far from his school, so he 4._ _(乘) the train to school. When people asked him what his life will be like in ten years. He said, “I think Ill be an astronaut. Ill 5._(飞行) to the 6._(月球).” He also wants to live on a 7._(太空) station. Though he likes to live 8._(单独地), hell take some 9._(宠物) with him. He hopes there will be flights to other planets, so he will be 10._(能够) to visit his family there.六. 从B栏中选出与A栏中相匹配的答语 A B( ) 1. Where do you live? A. No, I wont.( ) 2. What will the weather be like tomorrow? B. By rocket.( ) 3. How will you fly to the moon? C. I agree.( ) 4. Does she like living here? D. Yes, they will.( ) 5. What will she be in 5 years? E. I live in an apartment.( ) 6. I think Brazil will win the match next time. F. It will be sunny.( ) 7. What sport did she play 5 years ago? G. Yes, she does.( ) 8. Will you go to the room with me? H. Shell be a teacher.( ) 9.Will there be more trees in the future? I. Yes, there will.( ) 10. Will kids study at home on computers in 100 years? J. She played basketball.七. 书面表达以下表格内容是你对自己20年后未来的设想。请以“My future” 为题写一篇短文,介绍20年后的你,至少80词。In 20 yearsJobAppearancePlaceSportsFamilypolice officertall, strong, short straight hairBeijingswimming, table tennistwo childrenMy future_ _

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