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.单项填空1.(2012福建卷, 22)Have you figured out how much the trip will cost?$4,000, or like that.A.anythingB.everythingC.somethingD.nothing解析: something like that 意为“大致如此,差不多那样”,something在本句中表示不确定的描述或数量,有“大致,左右”的意思。答案: C2.(2012河北唐山三模, 25)Training is provided, so no experience is required for the job.A.alternativeB.primitiveC.religiousD.previous解析: 此题考查语意辨析。句意是:我们提供培训,因此做这项工作不需要有以前的工作经验。alternative“可替代的”;primitive“原始的”;religious“宗教的”;previous“以前的”。根据句意可知D项是正确选项。答案: D3.(2012四川南充第三次适应性考试, 16)Not with the quality of your goods,I will certainly not advise others to buy them.A.being impressedB.impressingC.impressedD.having impressed解析: 此题考查非谓语动词作状语。be impressed with是固定短语,意为“对印象深刻”,作状语或定语时去掉be即可。答案: C4.(2012江苏扬州三模,23)When I saw my teacher nodding to me, I calmed down and went on with my performance.A.encouraginglyB.amazinglyC.increasinglyD.accordingly解析: 句意是:当我看到老师朝我鼓励地点头时,我平静下来,继续表演下去。encouragingly“鼓励地”;amazingly“令人惊讶地”;increasingly“越来越多地”;accordingly“相应地”。只有encouragingly适合这个情景。答案: A5.(2012广西南宁第三次适应性测试, 21)Shopping online will never take place of shopping in stores, because many people find shopping at a store great enjoyment.A.the; aB.the; /C./;aD./; /解析: take the place of是固定短语,意为“代替;取代”;enjoyment在此句中指具体的一件事,是可数名词,所以前面要用不定冠词, a great enjoyment指“一件非常有趣的事”。答案: A6.(2012河北邯郸一模, 33)The colour of that T-shirt and made all the other clothes pink.A.wentB.disappearedC.ranD.fell解析: 语意辨析题。句意是:那件T恤衫褪色了,使得所有其他的衣服都成了粉红色的了。只有run有“褪色”的意思。disappear “消失”,fall“落下;倒下”。答案: C7.(2012福建福州3月质量检查,26)It is not convenient to do the shopping here.Everyone is looking forward to a supermarket soon.A.there to beB.there beingC.there will beD.there be解析: look forward to是固定短语,意为“盼望”,介词to要求后面的宾语用动名词形式,there be结构的动名词形式是there being。答案: B8.(2012上海十三校第二次联考, 38)Snowfall has been light in Beijing this winter,but that has not stopped its citizens from fun on ice and snow.A.to haveB.havingC.hadD.being had解析: 句意是:这个冬季,北京下雪很小,但那也没有妨碍市民们开心地玩冰雪。have fun是固定短语,意为“玩得开心”;stop sb.from doing sth.是固定句式,意为“阻止某人做某事”。答案: B9.(2012山东青岛二模, 32)John found it a challenge to meet the needs of the boss. , he had no way to satisfy him.A.In needB.In caseC.In no timeD.In other words解析: 句意是:约翰觉得很难满足老板的需求,也就是说,他没有办法来满足他了。in need“在需求中”;in case“假使;万一”;in no time“立刻”;in other words“换句话说”。答案: D10.(2012四川绵阳第二次诊断, 17)Nigeria, a major West African country, is nearly Great Britain.A.three times the size asB.three times the size ofC.three times as the sizeD.the size three times of解析: 倍数的表达方式是:倍数+as+adj./adv.+as Bthe+ 度量衡名词+of B比较级+than B答案: B11.I dont suppose he read the book, ?Suppose nothe was even mistaken about the heroes names.A.do IB.may heC.did heD.hasnt he 解析: I dont suppose.后面的反意疑问句要与suppose后面的宾语从句的主语和谓语保持一致,而且这是一个否定前移现象,宾语从句应该做否定句处理,所以反意疑问句用肯定形式did he?答案: C12.(2012安徽合肥第三次质量检测,25)My history teacher never buys books from online shops, and .A.neither doesnt his wifeB.his wife doesnt eitherC.his wife does tooD.so does his wife解析: 此处的意思是“他的妻子也不在网上买书”,如果用neither则用neither does his wife.C和D项用于肯定意义中。B项是恰当的表达方式,either用于否定句表示“也(不)”。答案: B13.(2012苏、锡、常、镇四市教学调研二, 22)Mum, the constant noise around here me crazy! Concentrate on your reading.Its none of your business.A.droveB.drivesC.is drivingD.had driven 解析: 根据回答部分中的“集中精力读你的书吧,这不关你的事。”可知,噪音正在进行,所以此处要用现在进行时is driving指对话当时的情景。答案: C14.Remember, better health in feet.Walk more,and feel the difference!A.measuresB.has measuredC.is measuredD.was measured解析: 句意:好的健康是用步子测量出来的,走路越多,感觉越不同。measure与主语better health之间是被动关系,而且这句话叙述的是规律,故用一般现在时的被动语态。答案: C15.After looking at many new cars, I found which I would accept just as suitable.A.itB.thisC.thatD.one解析: 句意:我看了许多新型汽车,找到了我认为正好合适的一辆。此处要用泛指替代词one替代a car以免重复。答案: D.完形填空Whats the best thing to do before you go to bed? A new study has found that 1 new information that you need to memorize 2 be the best idea.3 Jessica Payne, a psychologist at the University of Notre Dame, US, taking a nap after learning new things is like “telling” your 4 what to keep 5 mind, reported Sciencedaily.com on March 23.Payne and her colleagues 6 207 students who slept for at least six hours per night.These students were asked to 7 pairs of related or unrelated words at either 9 am or 9 pm.They then took 830 minutes, 12 hours and 24 hours 9.During the 12-hour test, those who had memorized words at 9 pm and had had a nights sleep performed 10 than those who had done it at 9 am and had been 11 for the whole day,12 in the memory test for unrelated word pairs.There was no 13 when it came to related word pairs.In the 24-hour test, 14 all the students had had both a full nights sleep and had been awake for a full day, the memories of those who had slept after learning were 15 better.“Our study 16 that sleeping 17 after learning something 18 is good for 19 ,” Payne said.“The result means that it would be a good thing to review 20 you need to bear in mind just before going to bed.”【文篇导读】 本文是一篇说明文,作者通过科学家的实验证明了我们在睡觉前复习所学的新知识有助于记忆的效果。这类话题符合中学生的生活体验和兴趣,对于他们的日常学习和备考复习也有实际的指导意义,是一篇趣味性、知识性皆有的文章。1.A.revisingB.referringC.recitingD.reaching解析: 行文逻辑题。这一句的意思是指:一项研究发现睡觉前复习你需要识记的东西可能是最好的方法。后面介绍了得出这个结论的实验过程,最后这句话是这次实验的结论归纳,也是这一句话的呼应。答案: A2.A.mustB.shouldC.couldD.ought解析: 词汇运用题。做此题,我们要把握好此处的语气,must表示“一定”,语气太绝对;should表示“应该”,用于推断;此处用could表示“可能”,语气较委婉,适合这个语境,因为到底是不是,还需要下面的实验证明。答案: C3.A.Regardless ofB.But forC.According toD.Apart from解析: 词汇运用题。regardless of“不顾”;but for“要不是的话”;according to“根据所言”;apart from“除了之外”。此处是引出某种观点的来源或依据,故用according to。答案: C4.A.brainsB.mindsC.memoriesD.hearts解析: 行文逻辑题。brains指“大脑”,掌管着我们的心理活动,所以此处的意思应该是“学完新东西后小睡一会儿就等于告诉大脑该把什么记在心中。答案: A5.A.onB.inC.byD.off解析: 惯用搭配题。keep.in mind“把记在心中”,与结尾中的bear.in mind保持一致。答案: B6.A.followedB.searchedC.studiedD.examined解析: 行文逻辑题。follow“跟随”;search“搜查;仔细检查”;study“研究;调查”;examine“检查”。文章一开头的“A new study.”暗示此处要用动词studied。答案: C7.A.memorizeB.rememberC.writeD.record解析: 行文逻辑题。与上文中的“new information that you need to memorize”保持一致,此处也要用memorize表示“记忆”。remember“记得;记起”,不适用在此语境中。答案: A8.A.restB.sleepC.testsD.directions解析: 行文逻辑题。这是一个概括性的名词,后文介绍的是这个测验的过程,故此处要用tests。答案: C9.A.longB.farC.awayD.later解析: 行文逻辑题。此处指学习了新东西12小时和24小时以后参加测验。故用later表示“以后”。答案: D10.A.worseB.moreC.lessD.better解析: 行文逻辑题。根据下文对实验结果的了解以及整篇文章的写作意图的把握,此处应该用better表示“晚上9点睡觉前学习的人在测验中表现得比上午9点学习的人效果要好”。答案: D11.A.asleepB.activeC.aliveD.awake解析: 行文逻辑题。上午9点学习,到了晚上睡觉前一直是醒着的状态,这样这次实验的结果才能可靠。故awake是最佳选项。答案: D12.A.speciallyB.exactlyC.reallyD.especially解析: 行文逻辑题。此处指测验结果的重要方面,意指“尤其是无关联的单词配对”。在此处要用especially表示“尤其是”。specially“专门地”;exactly“精确地”;really“真地”。答案: D13.A.differenceB.senseC.pointD.importance解析: 行文逻辑题。在行文中,此处应该具有并列或递进关系,即:有关联原单词配对方面没有什么不同。故此处用difference表示“差别;不同”。答案: A14.A.untilB.afterC.unlessD.once解析: 语法功能题。此处指时间,意为“在24小时后的测验中,他们经过一整夜的睡眠和一整天的清醒后,晚上9点学习的学生表现还是比另一组学生要好”,所以此处要用after。答案: B15.A.stillB.evenC.alsoD.more解析: 行文逻辑题。根据这段的行文节奏,此处应该是并列关系,用also表示“也”。答案: C16.A.meansB.provesC.warnsD.informs解析: 行文逻辑题。这一段是结尾段。由上述实验结果证明了第一段中提出的可能性,此处用proves表示“证明了”。答案: B17.A.generallyB.carefullyC.directlyD.commonly解析: 行文逻辑题。由上文内容可知,学习后立即睡觉,记忆效果会更好,故此处要用时间副词directly表示“立即”。答案: C18.A.importantB.interestingC.newD.valuable解析: 行文逻辑题。由上文中的“new information”、“new things”可以推知此处应用something new以保持意义的一致。答案: C19.A.memoryB.experienceC.lifeD.study解析: 行文逻辑题,本文实验的内容是学习、睡眠与记忆效果的联系,所以此处要用memory表示“学了新知识立即睡觉有助于记忆。”答案: A20.A.somethingB.everythingC.nothingD.anything解析: 语法功能题。最后这句话是结论性语句,句意:实验结果证明,在睡觉前把需要记住的任何东西复习一遍是一个好主意。anything用在肯定句中表示“无论什么东西”,everything是最大干扰项,它表示“一切事物;事事都”,语气不对。答案: D.阅读表达Ashley Powers mother bought a computer for her when she was eight.When she was thirteen,she was surfing the Internet regularly,but she couldnt find anywhere for teenagers to meet and talk.And one day she thought,“If I had my own website,Id make it a really interesting site for teenagers.”So,when Ashley was sixteen,she launched her own website,called GooseHead.She had no idea how big a success it would be.But three years later,the site was the most successful teen site in the USA!It was getting 100,000 hits every day,and Ashley had about 30 employees.After a few years,the website closed down.Then Ashley,who lives in Los Angeles,was asked to write a book called The GooseHead Guide to Life.The book is about how to design a website and start a business.It begins with a section called “All About Ashley”,where Ashley tells readers what it is like to be the boss of a company when you are only sixteen.“I was so happy.But it was crazy in a lot of ways.I got very stressed.I mean,I was only sixteenI didnt even have a car!If you were sixteen and you had your own company,youd be stressed,too!”In an interview Ashley gave advice to teenagers who wanted to start their own business,“Just be strong and have your dreams and work hard at them.And dont listen when people tell you that you cant do it,because I heard no a lot.Just keep going until you hear yes!”1.For what purpose did Ashley create GooseHead?(within 10 words)答案: She wanted to create an interesting website for teenagers.2.What is the main idea of Paragraph 2?(within 6 words)答案: Ashleys GooseHead was a big success.3.According to Paragraph 3,what did Ashley to after GooseHead closed down?(within 10 words)答案: She wrote a book called The GooseHead Guide to Life.4.How did Ashley feel as a young boss of a company?(within 5 words)答案: She felt happy but stressed.5.What is the key to success according to Ashley?(within 5 words)答案: Being strong/Having your dreams/Working hard at your dreams/Keeping on trying.5

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