公司人才流失问题研究 外文参考文献译文及原文

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本科毕业设计 论文 外文参考文献译文及原文 学 院 经济管理学院 专 业 工商管理 年级班别 学 号 学生姓名 指导教师 年 月 日 目 录 1 外文文献译文 1 2 外文文献原文 8 吸引和留住人才 福雷德理 何博格著 出版在承包商工具和供应杂志 2005 年 3 月 摘 要 吸引人才和留住人才 是企业成功的关键 企业最重要的资源 就是优秀 雇员 他们不断提升工作技能 为企业和顾客带来更大的价值 本文论述的是 如何吸引和留住人才来保持竞争力 以及如何打造持续繁荣发展的企业环境 关键词 吸引 留住 人才 环境 竞争力 1 吸引和留住人才的重要性 十多年前 美国一些先进的公司就预言将会出现严重的人力资源短缺问题 这样的预言在当今竞争越来越激烈的商界中已经得到验证 人力资源短缺几乎 能影响所有的行业 因此企业雇主应当跳出传统陈旧的人力资源配置概念 当 新手 雇员加入工作岗位 必然有各种问题随之产生 因此 吸引和留住企 业中的优秀雇员十分重要 高效率的雇员就是令人满意的雇员 这样的人才能 为企业创造更好的业绩 企业管理者有责任不断地营造能让人才乐意工作于其 中的企业环境 首先要确保新招募的雇员的素质 认定及留住资深雇员 再者就是发展有 成长潜力的雇员 同时要关注表现欠佳的员工 去了解这类员工是否分配到了 不适当的工作岗位 明确公司有无提供具体清晰的工作要求让员工清楚明白自 己的工作职责 如果员工的表现没有达到预定的要求 企业管理者应明确地反 馈给员工知道 大卫 格洛斯是 Power for others it s a preliminary step into deciding if this person would be good for the company Interviewing is the pivotal part of this whole process because how else can you know if the potential employee is good unless you ask questions put them in situations and test them for their ability to think on their feet The ultimate importance of the interview is always up for debate but how it is approached seems to be trending Conducting a Successful Interview 1 Be prepared know what questions you re going to ask Research the position identify skills a qualified candidate should possess if there is more than one person doing the interview work together and be ready 2 Be courteous be on time put YOUR best foot forward Show potential employees that your company is a great place to work 3 Conduct the interview in a comfortable place eliminate interruptions Your office is not a good place to conduct an interview Use a conference room private break area or other room where you won t be interrupted 4 Listen attentively make eye contact get to know the applicant You can learn a great deal about a person by simply listening to what they say and how they say it Do they communicate well Are they being honest Listen and you ll know 5 Give the applicant time to ask questions about the company and the job Sell the position and the organization create goodwill This person has the potential to increase your profits Companies that approach their employees as numbers and treat them as nothing but vessels from which to get money and revenue fail at retaining their people he adds You have to be concerned about their welfare and give them flexibility when they need it says Groce If a company could provide some kind of day care or anything like that with a personal touch that would be a huge boon to their people How about an employee with no more vacation time and an emergency illness with his mother You tell him to go to her and that vacation time can be figured out later You need to cement the relationship as a supportive force in their lives Employees satisfaction Butcher and St John conducted a survey of their own employees to find out about their job satisfaction and what they like or don t like about their job The company s financial health 66 7 percent far outpaced benefits 41 7 percent and salary 33 3 percent as reasons for their satisfaction with their jobs Other factors cited include flexibility job security relationship with colleagues company size relationship with management and feeling of being valued Fifty eight percent said that the work itself was what they liked most about their job and 25 percent cited their salary as what they like least about their job I think that their citing the company s financial health as their biggest reason for satisfaction is significant says Butcher We asked them for their input and it s noted that they feel valued and appreciate the flexible working environment Of IBS s 12 employees the newest has been there four months and the longest tenure is 20 years The other 10 have been with the company for an average of nine years We ve set up an appraisal system and the people here are responsible for their own success and happiness says St John Everyone knows where they stand We solicit opinions constantly We meet with each employee and appraise them two or three times a year and give them the power to improve themselves Ultimately that creates a feeling that they are responsible for themselves But that they cited salary as what they like least is interesting since most are overpaid comparatively in the industry and feel as though they re not paid enough B Keeping employees There are three parts to employee recruiting and retention Identifying why employees leave appreciating employees financially and creating a better working environment Why do employees leave When a problem arises on the jobsite everything comes to a halt until the problem is identified and corrected Contractors rarely follow the same process when an employee leaves Employers don t have to wait until an employee leaves to begin taking preventive measures They can begin by asking themselves If I were looking for a job why would I want to work for my company Many of the underlying reasons employees leave have little to do with money They often leave because of a human factor such as management conflict broken promises or perceived lack of appreciation support or direction Still others have nothing to do with the employer such as a need to be physically closer to family Financial steps to employee stability Companies can do several things to appreciate employees financially The first is to pay market wages Associations recruitment firms and even the Internet make compensation surveys readily available Any employee worth keeping is smart enough to monitor these figures to make sure he or she is getting paid fair market value 1 Stock plans can encourage loyalty The most loyal employee is the one with ownership in the firm Corey M Rosen the executive director for the National Center for Employee Ownership states a strong stock plan can cut employee turnover in half 2 Bonuses or other performance based pay scales can instill loyalty Payment on commission has been common for salespeople for years and it s now becoming more prevalent for operations employees to earn compensation through bonuses and or commissions 3 Benefits can entice and retain workers Perks don t have to cost a great deal of money and the message they send to the employee can increase loyalty and reduce turnover A lot of companies also give incentives such as cruises vacations and the like It rewards the great employee and motivates the good employee to become great Other common incentives include reimbursement for tuition on qualified programs retirement plans child care subsidies and flexible schedules for working parents Other benefits can be weekend excursions leased vehicles memberships in professional organizations computers laptops cellular phones additional paid days off gifts and health club memberships You can be creative just make sure the employee perceives value in the benefit 4 Improving the work environment can help retain employees Most people spend more time with co workers than with their families and look to fellow workers for support encouragement and appreciation With mentoring someone is always there to answer questions on company culture responsibilities promotional opportunities and the like says Ford A lot of companies find that it s been very successful and I think it will become more popular as word travels The Center for Creative Leadership in San Diego reports that firms offering employee development good communication ethical practices and other positive human factors enjoy greater retention rates and 20 percent higher profits Here are some non financial tools some employers use to help boost retention rates 5 Develop a career plan with employees Help employees develop a career plan so they understand where they are going and why it makes sense to achieve those goals 6 Foster open dialog Sharing operating and financial information helps build trust between employer and employee It ultimately invests them with a feeling of ownership in the company and in turn a long term stake in its future 7 Listen to employees Make suggestion boxes available and offer a reward for the suggestion of the week or month 8 Build your team Provide reward programs that recognize performance and achievement Hold regular company socials to build rapport and enthusiasm Tips to attract quality employees There are several tools that can help you find employees to fill open or new positions Consider 1 Develop ongoing advertising and marketing programs targeted to potential employees 2 Use computer based recruitment 3 Network with associations suppliers owners and peers 4 Establish a program that pays employees for successful referrals 5 Be visible wherever the labor pool frequents such as at industry associations and related events 6 Visit job fairs and colleges and follow up on any leads 7 Use a specialty recruitment firm to supplement your internal hiring efforts As competition continues success will be judged more on the employer s abilities and strategies on human resource management All these point to the importance of attracting and maintaining a loyal work force and a higher retention There is a bottom line when it comes to employee retention The quality of the supervision an employee receives is critical to employee retention Surveys show that most people leave managers and supervisors more often than they leave companies or jobs It is not enough that the manager is well liked or a nice person Sure a nice likeable manager earns you some points with your employees A draconian nasty or controlling manager takes points away from your organization But a manager or supervisor who is a pro at employee retention knows that the quality of the supervision is the key factor in employee retention Effective Managers Create Employee Retention Managers who retain staff start by communicating clear expectations to the employee They share their picture of what constitutes success for the employee in both the expected deliverables from and the performance of their job These managers provide frequent feedback and make the employee feel valued When an employee completes an exchange with a manager who retains staff he or she feels empowered enabled and confident in their ability to get the job done Employee complaints about managers and supervisors center on these areas Employees leave managers who fail to 1 provide clarity about expectations 2 provide clarity about career development and earning potential 3 give regular feedback about performance 4 hold scheduled meetings and 5 provide a framework within which the employee perceives he can succeed What if a Manager Fails at Employee Retention If a manager fails at employee retention the chances are good that the manager has been unable or unwilling to develop their ability to manage and value people across the board Managers who exhibit a pattern in which their key employees leave your organization cannot retain their management role If they choose to stay however they must commit to being effective contributing employees If the manager cannot make this leap you will need to let the manager go before their negativity impacts the rest of your workplace Given the retention tips mentioned in previous parts most managers will be able to become managers who retain their best employees Your investment in your managers can fuel your organization s ongoing success After all it is the quality of the people you employ and retain that is the heart of your business success 经典婚庆主持词 炮竹声声贺新婚 欢声笑语迎嘉宾 尊敬各位来宾 各位领导 各位亲朋好友 先生们 女士们 活泼可爱的小朋友们 大家好 好歌好语好季节 好人好梦好姻缘 来宾们今天是公元 年 月 日 农历六月初八 是良辰吉日 在这大吉大利吉祥喜庆 的日子里 我们怀着十二分的真诚的祝福相聚在 酒楼一楼婚宴大厅共同庆贺 先生与 小姐新婚典礼 首先我们给予掌声的恭喜 大家都知道结婚是人生中的一件大事 而婚礼 更是人生中最幸福神圣的时刻 尤其婚礼上浪漫温馨高雅别致的婚礼仪式以及亲朋好友的良 好祝愿会给新人一生永远带来最美好的回忆 各位亲朋好友 我是本次婚礼庆典的主持人 今 天我十分荣幸地接受新郎新娘的重托 步入这神圣而庄重的婚礼殿堂为新郎 新娘 的 婚礼担任司仪之职 让我们在这里共同见证一对新人人生中最幸福神圣美好的一刻 真是 百鸟朝凤凤求凰 龙凤呈祥喜洋洋 让我们用掌声祝贺他们祝福新人 凤凰展翅迎朝晖 恩爱鸳鸯比翼飞 携手同步知心人 共创宏图献真情 郎才女貌天作美 洞房花烛喜成双 在神圣的婚礼进行曲中一对新人手挽手 肩并肩缓缓步入婚礼大厅 脸上充满了无比幸 福的笑容让我们用掌声与鲜花给予一对新人最诚挚的祝福 婚姻是人生大事 结婚典礼对青 年男女来说是一生中最重要的时刻 你也笑 我也笑 亲朋好友齐来到 天也新 地也新 众星捧月迎新人 新郎新娘台上站 甜蜜感觉涌心间 风风雨雨牵手过 今天喜结美姻缘 亲朋好友齐相聚 欢欢喜喜来贺喜 天仙配 幸福的生活比蜜甜 在这个激动人心的美好时刻 作为婚庆司仪 首先请允许我代表新郎新娘以及新郎新娘 的双方家长 对今天百忙当中来参加婚礼的各位来宾 各位亲朋好友的光临表示最诚挚的谢 意和热烈的欢迎 谢谢大家 欢迎你们 婚礼对每一个新婚的人而言 都是神圣 浪漫 唯美和经典的 随着神圣的婚礼进行曲奏 响 英俊的新郎和美丽的新娘在掌声与祝福声中 缓缓的步上红地毯 那是万众瞩目的一瞬 那是梦寐以求的一瞬 那是凝结爱的万语千言的一瞬 那是最激动人心的一瞬 一同迷醉在尘 世间最美妙的气氛里 爱情是古老而年轻的话题 也是不朽的人生主题 许多人已经拥有 更多人正在追求 今 天这两位新人从有过初恋时 月上柳梢头 人约黄昏后 的热烈心跳 到也有热恋中 冷落清秋 伤别离的难舍难分 经历了 似水柔情 如梦佳期 的苦苦期盼 品尝过 相知不渝 永结金兰 的浪漫温馨 终于迎来这携手共赴红地毯的幸福时刻 啊 美丽的新娘 这一刻 整个世界因你 而多姿多采 英俊萧洒的新郎 这一刻 整个宇宙而为你祝福 祝福你们在这鲜花绽开的时候 祝福你们在这神圣庄重的幸福时刻 首先由我介绍一下二位新人 站在我身边这位英俊潇洒的男子就是我们今天的新郎官 先生 掌声恭喜 新郎不仅风度翩翩 气质不凡 而且忠厚诚实为人和善 是一位才华出众 的好青年 大家往我们新郎身上看 新郎今天是新洗的脸 新刷的牙 新刮的胡子 新理的发 新衬衣 新领带 新买的皮鞋脚下踩 新背心 新西服 里边还穿了一条新内裤 新郎浑身上下 全是新 新郎心情喜盈盈 大家给点掌声 旁边这位美丽迷人漂亮温柔的女子 就是我们今天 的新娘子 小姐 掌声恭喜 介绍新娘 大家看我们的新娘人家眉毛好 眼睛好 鼻子好 嘴 巴好 耳朵好 脸蛋好 最关键还是人家心眼好 温馨小姐温文而雅 贤惠大方 青春高洁 性情 端庄 诚实可靠 心地善良 遇事豁达 外柔内刚 新郎你真有眼光 新娘不仅温柔体贴 漂亮可 爱而且手巧能干 心灵纯洁 是一位可爱的好姑娘 二位新人的结合我可以用八个字来形容在 合适不过那就是珠联壁合 佳偶天成 或郎才女貌 天生一对 大家一起说是不是 各位嘉宾 各位朋友 二位新人经过甜蜜的恋爱 耐心的等待 终于在法律的保护下正式结为幸福伴侣 茫茫人海 芸芸众生中 让我们为幸福的恋人起舞 为快乐的爱侣歌唱 为火热的爱情 举杯 愿他们的人生之路永远洒满爱的阳光 好 各位来宾 亲爱的朋友们 今天的新婚 庆典议式就暂时告一个段落 那么 接下来咱们要进行的是喝喜酒大赛 今天咱们的老东 家准备了一些薄酒淡菜不呈敬意 那么在开局之前呢送我们在座的所有来宾一副对联 上 联是 吃 吃尽天下美味不要浪费 下联是 喝 喝尽人间美酒不要喝醉 横批是赵本山 的一句至理名言 吃好喝好 那么最后呢也祝愿我们在场的所有来宾所有的朋友们家庭幸 福 生活美满 身体健康 万事如意 经典婚庆主持词 炮竹声声贺新婚 欢声笑语迎嘉宾 尊敬各位来宾 各位领导 各位亲朋好友 先生们 女士们 活泼可爱的小朋友们 大家好 好歌好语好季节 好人好梦好姻缘 来宾们今天是公元 年 月 日 农历六月初八 是良辰吉日 在这大吉大利吉祥喜庆 的日子里 我们怀着十二分的真诚的祝福相聚在 酒楼一楼婚宴大厅共同庆贺 先生与 小姐新婚典礼 首先我们给予掌声的恭喜 大家都知道结婚是人生中的一件大事 而婚礼 更是人生中最幸福神圣的时刻 尤其婚礼上浪漫温馨高雅别致的婚礼仪式以及亲朋好友的良 好祝愿会给新人一生永远带来最美好的回忆 各位亲朋好友 我是本次婚礼庆典的主持人 今 天我十分荣幸地接受新郎新娘的重托 步入这神圣而庄重的婚礼殿堂为新郎 新娘 的 婚礼担任司仪之职 让我们在这里共同见证一对新人人生中最幸福神圣美好的一刻 真是 百鸟朝凤凤求凰 龙凤呈祥喜洋洋 让我们用掌声祝贺他们祝福新人 凤凰展翅迎朝晖 恩爱鸳鸯比翼飞 携手同步知心人 共创宏图献真情 郎才女貌天作美 洞房花烛喜成双 在神圣的婚礼进行曲中一对新人手挽手 肩并肩缓缓步入婚礼大厅 脸上充满了无比幸 福的笑容让我们用掌声与鲜花给予一对新人最诚挚的祝福 婚姻是人生大事 结婚典礼对青 年男女来说是一生中最重要的时刻 你也笑 我也笑 亲朋好友齐来到 天也新 地也新 众星捧月迎新人 新郎新娘台上站 甜蜜感觉涌心间 风风雨雨牵手过 今天喜结美姻缘 亲朋好友齐相聚 欢欢喜喜来贺喜 天仙配 幸福的生活比蜜甜 在这个激动人心的美好时刻 作为婚庆司仪 首先请允许我代表新郎新娘以及新郎新娘 的双方家长 对今天百忙当中来参加婚礼的各位来宾 各位亲朋好友的光临表示最诚挚的谢 意和热烈的欢迎 谢谢大家 欢迎你们 婚礼对每一个新婚的人而言 都是神圣 浪漫 唯美和经典的 随着神圣的婚礼进行曲奏 响 英俊的新郎和美丽的新娘在掌声与祝福声中 缓缓的步上红地毯 那是万众瞩目的一瞬 那是梦寐以求的一瞬 那是凝结爱的万语千言的一瞬 那是最激动人心的一瞬 一同迷醉在尘 世间最美妙的气氛里 爱情是古老而年轻的话题 也是不朽的人生主题 许多人已经拥有 更多人正在追求 今 天这两位新人从有过初恋时 月上柳梢头 人约黄昏后 的热烈心跳 到也有热恋中 冷落清秋 伤别离的难舍难分 经历了 似水柔情 如梦佳期 的苦苦期盼 品尝过 相知不渝 永结金兰 的浪漫温馨 终于迎来这携手共赴红地毯的幸福时刻 啊 美丽的新娘 这一刻 整个世界因你 而多姿多采 英俊萧洒的新郎 这一刻 整个宇宙而为你祝福 祝福你们在这鲜花绽开的时候 祝福你们在这神圣庄重的幸福时刻 首先由我介绍一下二位新人 站在我身边这位英俊潇洒的男子就是我们今天的新郎官 先生 掌声恭喜 新郎不仅风度翩翩 气质不凡 而且忠厚诚实为人和善 是一位才华出众 的好青年 大家往我们新郎身上看 新郎今天是新洗的脸 新刷的牙 新刮的胡子 新理的发 新衬衣 新领带 新买的皮鞋脚下踩 新背心 新西服 里边还穿了一条新内裤 新郎浑身上下 全是新 新郎心情喜盈盈 大家给点掌声 旁边这位美丽迷人漂亮温柔的女子 就是我们今天 的新娘子 小姐 掌声恭喜 介绍新娘 大家看我们的新娘人家眉毛好 眼睛好 鼻子好 嘴 巴好 耳朵好 脸蛋好 最关键还是人家心眼好 温馨小姐温文而雅 贤惠大方 青春高洁 性情 端庄 诚实可靠 心地善良 遇事豁达 外柔内刚 新郎你真有眼光 新娘不仅温柔体贴 漂亮可 爱而且手巧能干 心灵纯洁 是一位可爱的好姑娘 二位新人的结合我可以用八个字来形容在 合适不过那就是珠联壁合 佳偶天成 或郎才女貌 天生一对 大家一起说是不是 各位嘉宾 各位朋友 二位新人经过甜蜜的恋爱 耐心的等待 终于在法律的保护下正式结为幸福伴侣 茫茫人海 芸芸众生中 让我们为幸福的恋人起舞 为快乐的爱侣歌唱 为火热的爱情 举杯 愿他们的人生之路永远洒满爱的阳光 好 各位来宾 亲爱的朋友们 今天的新婚 庆典议式就暂时告一个段落 那么 接下来咱们要进行的是喝喜酒大赛 今天咱们的老东 家准备了一些薄酒淡菜不呈敬意 那么在开局之前呢送我们在座的所有来宾一副对联 上 联是 吃 吃尽天下美味不要浪费 下联是 喝 喝尽人间美酒不要喝醉 横批是赵本山 的一句至理名言 吃好喝好 那么最后呢也祝愿我们在场的所有来宾所有的朋友们家庭幸 福 生活美满 身体健康 万事如意

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