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八年级下册Unit 6短语列表Section A 短语备注1. collect shells 收集贝壳2. start class 开始上课3. skating marathon 滑冰马拉松(名词短语)skating在此处是动名词,修饰marathon4. your first pair of skates 你的第一双滑冰鞋first是序数词,前面应该加the,但是因为有物主代词,所以就省了。5. skate in a marathon 滑冰马拉松(动词短语)6. since nine oclock 自从9点7. talk to/with sb 和某人谈话8. raise money for charity 为慈善组织筹钱for在此时介词,引导目的9. each student = every student 每个学生each和every后面的名词必须用单数可数名词10. several skaters 几个滑冰选手11. the first one to start 第一个 开始的to start 动词不定式,修饰one;one在此时代词12. an hour ago 一个小时以前13. what sport 什么运动14. three and a half years 三年半Section B & Self Check 短语备注15. would like to + v. 想要做某事16. collect stamps 收集邮票17. snow globe 冰雪球18. snow globe of the monster 怪兽冰雪球of在此表示所有关系,可以译为“的”19. send sb sth = send sth to sb 把某物送给某人sb是间接宾语,sth是直接宾语20. my favorite 我最喜欢的(东西)21. 226 of them 226个(冰雪球)them在此代替“冰雪球”22. run out of 用完23. run out of room 把空间用完(room当可数名词,是“房间”;当不可数名词,是“空间”)24. all around our apartment 遍及我们的公寓all around the world 遍及世界25. store in boxes 把储存在箱子里26. the first one I ever got 我曾得到的第一个I ever got是定语从句,修饰one,one是代词27. on my seventh birthday 在我七岁生日时28. globes with animals 动物冰雪球29. a big one with bears 大的熊的冰雪球30. anyone else 别的人在条件状语从句中anyone代替someone31. snow globe collectors club 冰雪球收集者俱乐部注意以s结尾的复数名词collectors的所有格32. start snow globe collectors club 开设冰雪球收集者俱乐部33. by the way 顺便说一下,顺便问一下34. tell sb about sth 告诉某人关于某事35. fly kites 放风筝36. the most common hobby 最普通的习惯common的最高级37. the most unusual hobby 最不寻常的习惯unusual的最高级38. what hobby 什么习惯39. organize a talent show 组织一场才艺表演40. win the first prize 得一等奖41. in the school race 在学校比赛中42. old coins 旧硬币43. finish writing my test 结束答卷44. in winter 在冬天在这个短语中,季节前面不要加the45. summer clothes 夏天的衣服46. listen to 听to在此时介词,后面接听的对象47. music video 音乐录影48. in English 用英语49. write in English 用英语写作50. be interested in 对感兴趣51. the job as a writer 当作家的工作Reading备注52. Chinese dynasty 中国的朝代dynasty的复数是dynasties53. famous character 著名的人物54. Chinese history 中国历史55. make a list 列清单56. be from 来自于= come from57. the capital of 的首都58. a very colorful history 多彩的历史59. an interesting city with a very colorful history 有着多彩历史的有趣的城市(with介词短语作定语,修饰city)60. European influence 欧洲的影响European是Europe的形容词61. old buildings 旧建筑62. in Russian style 俄罗斯风格的63. learn a lot about 学习关于很多a lot 在此修饰动词learn,做状语64. a lot of Jews 许多犹太人65. so surprised 多么惊讶66. more than 多于,超过= over67. a thousand years ago 一千年以前68. in fact 事实上,其实69. the Song Emperor 宋朝皇帝70. western history 西方历史71. start + v.-ing = begin + v-ing 开始做某事= start to + v. = begin to + v. 72. study hard 努力学习73. be able to + v. 能够做某事74. any culture 任何一种文化any在此译为“任何一个”,后面接单数可数名词75. a foreigner like me 像我一样的外国人like在此时介词,译为“像”76. learn about 了解关于learn在此的同义词为know77. enjoy + v.-ing 喜欢做某事重要的动词短语78. far from 远离79. the Olympic Games 奥运会80. miss your family 四年家人family在此译为“家人”,是天生复数;当family译为“家庭”时,是有单复数变化的,复数形式families81. have problems with 有麻烦82. have problems with the language 语言上有麻烦八年级下册Unit 7短语列表Section A 短语备注1. would you mind v-ing 你介意 吗?mind后的动词必须加ing2. would you mind not v-ing 你介意别 吗?上个句型的否定形式,在mind后面直接加not3. turn down 把音量调小反义词turn up “把音量调大”4. turn on 打开反义词turn off “关闭”5. not at all 没关系= Thats OK. = Thats all right.6. clean the yard 打扫院子7. move your bike 移一下你的自行车move to + 地名 “搬家到”8. right away 立刻,马上= at once = immediately 9. do the dishes 洗碗= wash the dishes10. wear those old jeans 穿那件旧牛仔裤jeans是天生复数,those修饰复数11. play baseball 打棒球这种短语中,球类运动前不要加任何冠词12. get out of 从出来反义词get into “进入”13. get out of bathroom 从浴室出来out是副词,必须加介词of,才能跟地点14. get up 起床反义词go to bed “睡觉”15. in a minute (如果用在将来时里)立刻,等一下16. put on 穿上反义词take off “脱下”17. another pair of jeans 另一条牛仔裤用pair of指“条”,pair是可数的,这里是单数,所以可以用another修饰(对比No.10)18. look terrible 看起来很糟look在此是系动词,后面可以直接跟形容词19. at a meeting 在会议上,在开会20. finish these tasks 完成这些任务finish后面的动词必须加ing21. babysit your little cousin 临时照看你的堂弟babysitter 临时保姆22. in the kitchen 在厨房23. have to + v. 必须做某事= must 后面的动词必须保持原形24. help sb + v. 帮助某人做某事还有个短语help sb with sth with后面加名词25. help me with my homework 帮助我写作业26. make dinner 做饭= cook dinner27. school open day 学校开放日 28. make posters 制作海报29. Thats no problem. 没问题that常常省略,变成No problem!30. give sb sth = give sth to sb 把某物给某人sth代表物,是直接宾语;sb代表人,是间接宾语Section B 短语备注31. a terrible haircut 糟糕的发型32. store clerk 商店店员bank clerk 银行职员;store = shop,可互换33. bring sb sth = bring sth to sb 把某物带(来)给某人sth是直接宾语;sb是间接宾语34. the pen you buy 你买的钢笔you buy是定语从句,修饰pen45. complain about 抱怨about是介词,“关于”46. clothing store 服装店clothing是服装,服饰的总称,天生的复数47. order a hamburger with French fries 订购一个汉堡和炸薯条with在这里译为“和”,但它和and的用法不同。这里以a hamburger为主,French fries为次48. Here you are. 给你。两个常用口头禅,牢记!49. I cant stand it! 我受不了了!50. wait in line 派对等候in line在此当状语,修饰动词wait51. shop assistant 店员这里指商店里卖东西的售货员,和shop clerk不同52. have a long telephone conversation 煲电话粥(指在电话上长时间的聊天)53. follow me around 到处跟着我me因为在动词follow后面,所以用宾格,around是副词54. could you please + v. ? 请你好吗?表示请求别人做某事,非常客气的语气55. could you please not + v. ? 请你不要好吗?上面句型的否定形式,在please后直接加not56. need some help 需要帮助help当名词时,是不可数;some修饰可数,也修饰不可数57. get mad 生气了get在此是系动词,用法等同be,直接跟形容词58. go back to 回去到某地back“返回”是副词,to是介词,后面加名词或代词59. get annoyed 生气了 = be annoyed关于get的用法,看No.5760. talk to sb = talk with sb 和某人谈话to在此是介词61. happen to sb 发生在某人身上62. all the time 一直= always63. want to + v. 想要做某事want sb to + v. 想要某人做某事64. do the same thing 做同样的事same前必须加the;do在此是实义动词,“做”65. in the future 在未来,将来66. try to + v 努力做某事try + v.-ing 尝试做某事67. try not to + v. 努力别做某事to+ v. 是动词不定式,其否定形式为:直接在to前加not68. stand in the subway door 站在地铁门口stand在此译为“站立”;另一个意思为“忍受”见NO. 4969. cut in line 插队70. return my eraser 归还我的橡皮return在此译为“归还”;另一个意思为“返回”Self Check 短语备注71. a bit = a little = a little bit 一点都修饰形容词72. bus driver 公车司机73. close the door 关门 反义词open the door注意两组“开,关”的反义词open close;turn on turn off 74. sports club 体育俱乐部sports在此是形容词,千万记得加“s”75. the way to the sports club 通往体育俱乐部的路to在此是介词“去,通往”,to the sports club是定语76. half an hour ago 半小时以前有ago的时间状语,表示这个句子是过去时77. welcome to 欢迎来到to在此是介词78. our neighborhood 我们的街区79. be excited 感到兴奋的be exciting 译为“令人兴奋地”Reading 短语备注80. 人+ spend + 时间/金钱 + on + 名词 某人花费时间/钱做某事81. 人+ spend + 时间/金钱 + in + 动词 某人花费时间/钱做某事(in经常省略)82. an English-speaking country 在英语国家(指在以英语为母语的国家)83. social behavior 社会行为84. seem like 好像seem是系动词,like是介词,都是“好像”85. at first 起初,开始= at the beginning86. in every culture 在每一种文化里every后的名词必须是可数名词单数87. in every situation 在每个环境里88. in all situations 在所有的环境里all后面的名词,可数名词必用复数,不可数的保持原形89. for example 例如90. close to 离很近to在这里是介词91. talk with / to 和某人谈话92. quite common 很普通in common 共同的93. Asian country 亚洲国家country的复数时countries94. in Europe 在欧洲这个短语中不要加冠词;Europe的形容词European95. feel uncomfortable 感觉不舒服feel是系动词,后面直接加形容词96. talk loudly 大声聊天loudly是loud的副词形式,修饰动词talk97. in our own homes 在我们自己的家里own是形容词,前面跟物主代词,后面跟名词98. be not allowed 不被允许be allowed是allow的被动语态,其否定句是在be后加not99. in a library 在图书馆100. movie theater 电影院cinema也指电影院;theater本身是指戏院101. keep your voice down 把音量降低keep + 名词+ 形容词,“使某物/某人怎么样”102. in public places 在公共场合= in public103. in fact 其实,事实上104. take care to + v. 小心做某事to+v.是动词不定式105. take care not to + v. 小心别做某事to + v. 动词不定式的否定形式是在to后面加not106. sneeze loudly 大声打喷嚏107. the rules of etiquette 礼仪规则108. break the rule 打破规则,破坏规则109. break the rules of etiquette 破坏礼仪规则110. give sb some suggestions 给某人一些建议suggestion是可数名词,但advice“建议”是不可数名词111. one of 其中之一one of后面的名词必须时复数112. the most polite ways 最礼貌的方式注意polite的比较级和最高级113. in front of 在前面114. cut in front of you 插在你前面115. in a line 在队伍里116. join the line 排队117. on the bus 在公车上118. excuse me 对不起,打扰一下119. put out cigarette 熄灭香烟put out 扑灭,熄灭120. be criticized 被批评这是criticize的被动语态121. almost everywhere 几乎到处这两个词都是副词,一起做状语122. in the world 在世界上world用在句子中时,前面必须加the123. drop litter 随地丢垃圾drop的现在分词是dropping124. see sb + v.-ing 看见某人正在做某事see sb + v. 看见某人做某事125. pick up 把捡起来如果宾语是代词,必须放在两次之间,pick it/them up126. ask sb to + v. 让某人做某事127. want sb to + v. 想让某人做某事want to + v. 想要做某事= would like to + v.128. have different ideas about 关于持不同观点129. behave more politely 比较有礼貌的举止注意politely的比较级和最高级130. stand close to someone 站得离某人很近to是介词;someone是不定代词八年级下册Unit 8短语列表Section A 短语备注1. Why dont you + v. = Why not + v. 为什么不貌似疑问句,其实是在提建议2. get her a scarf = get a scarf for her 给她买条围巾这里的get = buy “买”3. tennis ball 网球(指挨打的那个球)4. for her birthday 给她的生日for是介词,这里用来引导原因5. how about 怎么样?= what about 6. too personal 太私人的7. good idea 好主意have an idea 有个主意;have an good idea有个好主意8. special enough 足够特殊的special和creative是形容词,enough修饰形容词或副词,必须后置。9. creative enough 足够有创造力的10. the 6th birthday 六岁生日(即:第六个生日) (sixth是序数词,后面名词用单数)比较:six birthdays 六个生日 (six是基数词,后面名词用复数)11. on his 6th birthday 在他六岁生日时12. receive a gift 接受礼物get a gift 得到礼物;receive和get不太一样13. a lucky guy 幸运的人14. make a special meal 做一顿特别的饭15. in your family 在你家Section B 短语备注16. take care of 照顾17. a 6-year-old child 一个六岁的孩子6-year-old是一个合成形容词,“六岁的”18. too + 形容词+ to + v. 太以至于不能too difficult to take care of 很难照顾19. pot-bellied pig 大肚子猪20. keep such a pet 养像这样的宠物keep在此是“饲养”;feed是“喂食”21. advantages and disadvantages 优点及缺点22. the trendiest kind of 最流行的一种注意trendy的比较级和最高级23. these days 现在24. North London 伦敦北部25. a pot-bellied pig named Connie 一只名叫Connie的大肚子猪 (named = called “被叫做”)26. make the best pets 成为最好的宠物make在此译为“成为”,比较少见27. on the sofa 在沙发上on the chair 在椅子上28. life with a pig 和猪一起的生活with a pig是介词短语,修饰life29. eat a lot 吃得很多a lot是副词,修饰动词eat30. too to 太以至于不能31. too big to sleep in the house 太大了以至于不能睡在屋里32. make her a special pig house 给她做了一个特别的猪窝make“给制作”33. enough to + v. 足够以至于能enough修饰形容词,必须放在形容词后面34. have enough time to spend with her 有足够的时间陪她35. take care of 照顾,照看36. good company 好伴侣Self Check 短语备注37. make a meal 做饭= cook a meal38. sth cost + 钱 某物花了某人多少钱sb spend + 钱 + on sth 某人花了多少钱买某物39. take out to dinner 带某人出去吃饭40. not at all 根本不41. choose subjects 选择科目42. get enough gifts 得到足够的礼物enough修饰名词,放在名词前面43. get too many gifts 得到太多的礼物too many修饰可数名词复数;too much修饰不可数名词44. different kinds of gifts 不同种的礼物45. a little child 小孩子46. a leaf from a tree 树上的叶子48. make her very happy 使她很高兴make sb + 形容词 “使某人”49. gift giving 赠送礼物giving在此是动名词,译为“赠送”50. give special gifts 赠送特殊俄礼物51. are not opened 不被打开 是被动语态,是否定形式52. give away 送掉,赠与53. someone else 别人else修饰不定代词,必须放在不定代词的后面54. may be given 也许被赠与(may在此译为“也许”;是被动语态,情态动词后面的动词必须保持原形)55. want too many gifts themselves 他们自己不想再要很多礼物了(themselves是反身代词)56. sb pay for sth 某人付款买某物对比cost和spend的用法57. remember a person 纪念一个人58. give money to charity 把钱给慈善组织 give sth to sb = give sb sth (如果sb和sth都是代词,则只用于前一个短语)59. buy sb sth = buy sth for sb 给某人买某物如果sb和sth都是代词,则只用于后一个短语60. ask sb to + v. 让某人做某事61. rather than + v. / n. 而不是62. in Sweden 在瑞典63. doing something for someone 为某人做某事这里doing是动名词;还有两个不定代词,不用我多说了吧64. need to + v. 需要做某事65. spend too much money 花太多的钱too much修饰不可数名词,money是不可数名词Reading 短语备注66. learn some new words 学些新单词learn后面的名词,直接加67. learn to sing English songs 学唱英文歌learn 后面的动词前必须加to;learn to + v. 学做某事68. the host for 的东道主69. improve English 提高英语水平70. in different ways 用不同的办法in English 用英语71. for example 例如72. across China 全中国73. enter a contest 参加比赛74. by singing popular English songs 通过唱英文流行歌曲(by是介词“通过”,介词后面的动词必须加ing)75. look comfortable 看起来很舒服 look在此是系动词“看起来”76. on stage 在舞台上77. be able to + v. 能够做某事= can78. as well as 和一样好as as 中间的形容词或副词必须只能是原级79. native speaker 说本族语的人80. come from . 来自于81. from all over China 来自于全国各地82. all age groups 各个年龄群83. the winner of 的胜者84. the mens competition 男子组比赛注意这里必须用mens “男子组的”85. the womens competition 女子组比赛注意这里必须用womens “女子组的”86. win the prize 获奖87. both winners 两个获胜者都both只用来修饰两个人或物88. the other singers 其余的歌手the other+ 名词复数“其他的全部”;the other + 名词单数“指两个事物/人中的另一个”89. six months earlier 六个月以前90. be interested in 对感兴趣记interested的比较级最高级,加more和most91. encourage sb to + v. 鼓励某人做某事92. try to + v. 努力做某事try + v-ing 试着做某事93. speak English more 更多地说英语more在此的原级是much,副词,修饰speak94. make progress 取得进步95. before the Olympics 在奥林匹克运动会前96. a spokesperson from the Olympic Committee 奥委会发言人97. have fun with English 快乐学英语have fun = enjoy + 反身代词 = have a good time98. hear of . 听说.= hear about 99. find out 发现100. take an interest in 对有兴趣= be interested in 101. besides singing English songs 除了唱英语歌(besides 除了)102. many other fun ways to + v. 许多其他有趣的方法(to+v.在此是定语,修饰ways,必须后置)103. make friends with 和交朋友104. drive a bus 开公共汽车105. speak English well 说英语说得好八年级下册Unit 9短语列表Section A 短语备注1. have been to + 地点 曾经去过某地have been是be的现在完成时2. an amusement park 游乐园amusement开头的a发音为元音因素,所以用an3. space museum 太空博物馆4. water park 水上公园5. last year 去年6. Fun Times Amusement Park 美好时光游乐园在本单元中是个杜撰的游乐园的名字7. Me neither. 我也不。这是个缩略句。口头禅。用于表示否定的“也不是”8. go to Water City 去水上城市Water City也是杜撰的游乐园的名字9. how about = what about 怎么样?10. Water World 水世界还是杜撰11. Center Street 中央大街杜撰的街道名字12. take the subway 乘地铁13. three times 三次once 一次 twice 两次14. at Water World 在水世界注意介词15. have a great time 过得很愉快,玩得很高兴= have a good time16. go skating 去滑冰17. a lot of times 很多次time当“次数”,是可数名词;当“时间”,是不可数18. Me too. 我也是用于表示肯定的“也是”19. most of 大多数的 of可以省略,但是如果后面是代词,则不能省20. most of us 我们中的大多数人most people 大多数人(如果跟名词,of可以省略)21. hear of 听说 = hear about22. Mickey Mouse 米老鼠23. Donald Duck 唐老鸭24. Disney character 迪斯尼的人物25. many other + 名词复数 其他的许多26. in movies 在电影里27. in fact 其实,事实上28. several different + 名词复数 几个不同的29. Disneyland amusement park 迪斯尼游乐园30. around the world 全世界= all over the world31. theme park 主题公园32. call + 名词 把 叫做call it a theme park 把它叫做主题公园33. normal attraction 一般的有吸引力的设施34. at an amusement park 在游乐园35. of course 当然36. for example 例如= such as37. roller coaster 过山车38. in most amusement parks 在多数的游乐园39. all over 遍及40. walk around Disneyland 在迪斯尼乐园到处走41. all the time 一直,总是42. Disney Cruise 迪斯尼巡游43. huge boat 巨大的船44. take a ride on the boat 乘船45. for several days 几天46. on board 在甲板上47. any other + 单数可数名词 其他的任何一个48. eat dinner with 和一起吃饭49. take different routes 采取不同的航线50. end up 结束51. in the same place 在相同的地方same前面一定加the52. Disneys own island 迪斯尼自己的岛53. so much 那么多,许多修饰不可数名词54. so much fun 非常好玩55. go on a Disney Cruise 进行迪斯尼巡游56. travel to 去 旅行57. another province 另一个省another 后面只能修饰单数可数名词;other修饰复数58. more than 超过,多于= over59. another province of China 中国的另一个省60. want to + v. 想要做某事61. someone you didnt know 你不认识的人you didnt know是定语从句,修饰someone62. live in another place 住在另一个地方63. argue with sb 和某人争吵Section B & Self Check 短语备注64. English language movie 英语电影65. an English-speaking country 说英语的国家 English-speaking 是一个形容词,合成形容词66. have to + v. 必须,不得不67. number five 第五可以缩写成No. Five = No. 568. spell your last name 拼写你的姓69. improve English 提高英语70. start + v.-ing 开始做某事= start to + v. 重要动词短语,同义词begin71. how long 多久72. reason for 的原因注意介词for73. reason for learning English 学英语的原因for是介词,介词后面的动词必须加ing74. exchange student 交换学生75. welcome to 欢迎来to在此时介词76. welcome to my class 欢迎来我们班77. need to + v. 需要做某事牢记need的用法78. ask sb some questions 问某人一些问题79. come to 来到80. the Hilltop Language School Hilltop语言学校杜撰的学校81. change your life 改变你的生活82. the best way to + v. 做某事最好的办法to的动词不定式在此做定语,修饰way83. a flight attendant 空姐84. a really interesting job 真是很有趣的工作job是可数名词;work是不可数名词,不能和a连用85. travel all over the world 环球旅行86. the most important requirement 最重要的条件复习important 的最高级87. speak English well 说英语说得很好well是副词,修饰动词speak,well在此做状语88. get a job 得到一份工作89. tour guide 导游90. such as = for example 例如91. take lessons 上课92. help sb + v. 帮助某人做某事牢记help后面动词的用法93. think about 考虑,94. rather than 宁可,也不95. want the job 想要这份工作want可以直接跟名词,但是必须加to,才能跟动词96. what kind of job 哪种工作97. what other job 其他的什么工作98. think of 认为,思考= think about99. the kind of job you want 你想要的这种工作you want是定语从句,修饰job100. English writing 英语写作writing在此时动名词101. listening skill 听力技巧102. watch the film 看电影103. at 2 oclock 在两点104. after school 放学后105. all over Europe 遍及欧洲,全欧洲Reading备注106. for many Chinese tourists 对于许多中国游客来说107. in Southeast Asia 在东南亚108. take a holiday 度假109. a wonderful place to take a holiday 度假的好地方to动词不定式在此做定语,修饰place110. on the one hand, on the other hand 一方面 ,另一方面111. three quarters of 的四分之三112. three quarters of population 四分之三的人口注意这个短语当复数看113. a lot of the time 许多时间time在此是“时间”,不可数名词114. practice your English 练习英语115. a good place to practice your English 练习英语的好地方(to动词不定式在此做定语,修饰place)116. try Chinese food 尝尝中式食物117. outside of China 在中国以外118. be able to + v. 能够做某事119. anything to eat 吃的东西to eat动词不定式在此做定语,修饰anything120. in a foreign country 在外国121. a lot of food from China 许多中国食物from China做定语,修饰food122. have any problem + v.-ing 做某事有任何麻烦any在此译为“任何一个”123. Indian food 印度食物Indian是India的形容词形式124. western food 西式食物western是west的形容词形式125. Japanese food 日式食物Japanese是Japan的形容词形式126. at night 在夜里in the evening 在晚上,对比两个短语的区别127. during the daytime 在白天128. wake up 苏醒,醒过来129. in a more natural environment 在比较自然地环境里(注意natural的比较级)130. at the Night Safari 在夜间野生动物园131. all year round 一年到头132. close to + 地点 离很近to在此时介词133. too far from China 距离中国太远134. in autumn 在秋天八年级下册Unit 10短语列表Section A 短语备注1. talk with sb 和某人聊天= talk to sb2. people you dont know 你不认识的人you dont know是定语从句,修饰people3. this kind of 这种a kind of 一种4. small talk 搭讪5. start a conversation 开始一段谈话6. make a list 列清单7. in the order 按顺序in order to + v. 为了8. violin music 小提琴曲9. want to + v. 想要做某事want sb to + v. 想让某人做某事10. go swimming 去游泳11. by noon 截止到中午,到中午12. on the weekend 在周末;这里用the,表示某个特指的周末,on weekends指在“每个周末”13. go there 去那里 there是副词,前面不需要介词;there的反义词是here14. the No.15 bus 第十五路公共汽车No. = Number15. great weather 好天气weather是不可数名词,通常不要跟a或an连用16. look through 浏览17. in the bookstore 在书店18. wait in line 派对等候19. in an elevator 在电梯里20. wait to + v. 等候做某事wait for st 等待某人;别忘了加for21. cant wait to + v. 等不及做某事22. cross a busy street 穿过繁忙的大街23. low price 低价反义词high price 高价Section B 短语备注24. at a party 在聚会中25. tell me about yourself 告诉我关于你自己(的事)tell sb about 告诉某人关于某事26. play some sports 做运动some在否定和疑问句中,要变成any27. on TV 在电视上28. Friday nights ga


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