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年级:8 年级 学科:英语 执笔人:_ 审核人:_课题:Unit 10 Im going to be a basketball player. 第一课时 Section A 1a2c【学习目标】1. 学习一些职业的英文表达方式;2. 谈论将来自己与他人理想的职业及原因;3. 谈论为实现理想所做的打算和安排。【课前预习】. Read these words and write the Chinese meanings next to them. basketball player computer programmer pilot engineer act actor computer science professional be going to be grow up move dream take acting lessons practice basketball. Do you know what these people do? Write their jobs on the lines. _ _ _ _ _ _ _. 读下面的对话,领会意思,并根据你的真实情况,回答方框中的问题。- What are you going to be when you grow up? - Im going to _.- How are you going to do that?- Im going to _.- When are you going to start? - Im going to start_.- Where are you going work when you grow up? - Im going to _. _. When are you going to start? _.- What are you going to be when you grow up? - Im going to be a basketball player. - How are you going to do that? - Im going to practice basketball every day. - When are you going to start? - Im going to start next week.- Where are you going move? - Im going to move to New York.【课内探究】. 教师导学(PPT): 单词、短语、句型;建立知识构架。. 对子互查: 1. 单词和短语的拼读。 2. 操练上面的对话。. 小组活动(准备展示):请小组长安排全体组员完成下面三项活动,做好展示准备!1. The Most Popular Three Jobs in My Group (本组最受欢迎的职业)IWhatHowReport: There are _ people in our group. _ is going to be a _. She is going to _ for her dream. _ wants to be a _ when he grows up. He is going to _. And I am going to be a _ when I grow up. I am going to _. In our group, the most popular jobs are _. Because we think they are _. 2. Sams dream job is to be a runner, just like Liu Xiang. But he doesnt know how he is going to do for that. Help him make a plan. First _. Next _3. Im the best host.(我是金牌主持人) Whose ideal jobs (理想职业) do you want to know and how he or she is going to do for that? 针对不同的采访对象,小组讨论列出采访提纲,派出1-2名记者“外出”执行采访任务。(ai do . .you some questions about your future job.展示时请自备道具,自拟身份,你可以借鉴以下的开场白。) A: Hello, Im from . Im . May I ask you some questions about your future job?B: Sure. .【课堂练习】. 仿照例句翻译句子。1. Im going to be an engineer when I grow up. 我长大后要当一名工程师。 2. Im going to work in Paris in the future. _3. She is going to practice playing basketball every day. _4. Mr Green is going to move to Shanghai. _5. Mrs Smith is going to be an English teacher in Beijing. _6. David wants to be a pilot when he grows up. _7. She plans to finish high school first and then start to take acting lessons. _. 根据上下文意思完成对话,一空一词。A: What are you going to 8 when you grow up? B: Im going to be a professional soccer player.A: Really? 9 are you going to do that?B: Well, I 10 a plan yesterday. Im going to 11 a soccer team and practice soccer every day. A: That sounds wonderful. When are you going to 12 ?B: Next week.【拓展练习】. 短语英汉互译:成长_ 每天练习打篮球_ 职业足球运动员_ 学习电脑_ 上表演课_ 电脑程序设计师_ 上钢琴课_ 将成为_ 努力学习数学_ 将成为一名演员_ 在巴黎工作_ 搬到纽约_. 单词拼写:1. Sam wants to be a professional basketball player when he g_ up.2. Im going to be an e_ when I grow up. So I study math really hard.3. I like the blue and beautiful sky. Im going to be a p_ when I grow up. 4. That sounds d_ to be a computer programmer . So dont be lazy. And study really hard.5. Im going to take a_ lessons because I want to be an actor in the future. 6. -How are you going to b_ an actor? - Im going to f_ high school and college first7. -Are you going to m_ to Hollywood?-No, Im going to stay in New York. . 根据要求完成句子:1. My mother is going to take me to the zoo tomorrow. (改为否定句) My mother _ _ _ _ me to the zoo tomorrow.2. Im going to give my mother a present on Mothers Day. (改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)-_ _ _ _ give your mother a present on Mothers Day?-Yes, _ _.3. Im going to be a professional basketball player when I grow up. (对划线部分提问)_ _ _ _ _ _ when you grow up?4. Im going to practice basketball every day to make my dream be true.(对划线部分提问)_ _ _ _ _ _ to make your dream be true?5. Im going to work in Shanghai when I grow up. (对划线部分提问)_ _ _ _ _ _ when you grow up?. 完形填空: Hello, everyone. Im Wang Lin. Now let me 1 you my dream job. Im going to be an 2 doctor because I like animals very much. 3 can I be a doctor for animals? First Im going to study 4 now at school. Then Im going to a 5 university 6 more about animals. After I leave university, Im going to 7 a job 8 a doctor in an animal hospital. After many years, Im going to retire 9 beautiful. Im going to build a big garden and Im going to keep 10 animals in the garden. Wow, I feel excited!( )1.A. tellingB. tellC. to tellD. tells( )2.A. childrenB. childC. animalsD. animal( )3.A. HowB. WhatC. WhenD. Where( )4.A. hardlyB. hardly everC. hardD. hardest( )5. A. bigB. smallC. theD. famous( )6.A. to learnB. learnC. learningD. learns( )7.A. to findB. findC. to look forD. look for( )8.A. beB. amC. asD. for( )9.A. nowhereB. somewhereC. anywhereD. everywhere( )10.A. a lotB. lot ofC. a lots of D. many【课后反思】课题:Unit 10 Im going to be a basketball player. 第二课时 Section A 2cPart4【学习目标】1. 谈论将来自己与他人理想的职业及原因;2. 能根据预习指导,完成阅读的相关题目;3. 讨论为实现梦想,我们所做的打算和安排。【课前预习】. 读这些新词,并将汉语意思写在旁边。diary, dream job, move somewhere interesting, artist, save money, hold, retire, yet,do what I want to do, sound like, a year or two, find a part-time job, at the same time, hold art exhibitions, want to be rich, want to be a reporter, travel all over the world,one day, somewhere quiet and beautiful, write articles, help the touristssend articles to magazines and newspapers,. 阅读P 61 3a, 阅读步骤参考如下:1. 快速阅读,回答问题: What is Tian Tian going to do when she grows up? _ Where is she going to move? _ Which city is she going to move in the future? _ What is she going to be when she grows up? _ Why is she going to hold art exhibitions? _ Where is she going to stay when she is old? _2. 翻译这些重要的句子:(1) 我将去做我想做的事情。 _ (2) 我将搬到有趣的地方去。 _ (3) 巴黎听起来像是一个能让我欢心的城市。_(4) I want to be an artist. _. 大声朗读3b两遍。【课内探究】. 教师导学(PPT): 单词、短语、句型;建立知识构架。. 对子互查:单词和短语的拼读。 . 再读课文,在文中找出Tian Tian为实现理想而作的打算和安排的句子。. 结合课本P61 3a和自己的真实情况,谈谈你的Dream Job。 When I grow up, Im going to _. Im going to move _. _ sounds a city that I could enjoy. Its a _ city. I want to be _. So how am I going to do it? First, Im going to _. Then, Im going to _. Next, Im going to _. Im going to retire somewhere _. 句子汉译英: Im going to do what I want to do. _ Paris sounds like a city that I could enjoy. _ Im going to move somewhere interesting. _ 读句子 Im going to retire somewhere quiet and beautiful. 请你用somewhere + adj.(的地方)造一个句子。比一比谁的句子最准确!_ine _ _ skating when she _ _ _ _. 小组活动。 (请小组长安排全体组员互助完成下面的活动,做好展示准备):1. 读新词2. 大声朗读3a, 组内互助。3. 结合课本P61 3a和自己的真实情况,谈谈你的Dream Job。【课堂练习】. 单项选择: ( ) 1. There _ a football game this afternoon? A. will have B. is going to be C. to be D. has( ) 2. -What are you going to do next Sunday? -_. A. Im sorry B. Here you are C. Ive no idea D. Thats right( ) 3. -_ are you going to be _ you grow up? - Im going to be an actor. A. When; what B. What; when C. How; what D. How; when( ) 4. _ are you going to do it? A. How B. What C. Who D. Whose( ) 5. Does Jim want _ the first one to get to the top of the mountain? A. as B. to be C. as if D. like( ) 6. Im going to travel abroad (国外) and New York sounds _ my dream city. A. like B. as C. be D. to( ) 7. Im going to _ some money to travel somewhere interesting. A. keep B. build C. save D. hold( ) 8. My good friend _ my English this evening. A. will help with B. is going to help C. is going to help me with D. will help me on( ) 9. I dont know _. A. where he lives B. where does he live C. where he lives in D. he lives where( ) 10. Did you find _ to spend your holiday? A. somewhere interesting B. interesting somewhere C. anywhere interesting D. interesting anywhere. 根据首字母提示,拼写单词,完成下列短文。 When I g_ up, Im going to do w_ I want to do. Im going to move somewhere interesting. Paris sounds l_ a city that I could enjoy. They have lots of f_ shows there. I want to be an a_ editor (编辑) for a fashion show. So how am I going to do it? First, Im going to find a part-time j_ for a year or two and s_ money. Then, Im going to be a student at an art college in Paris. And Im going to study economics (经济学) at the s_ time. Next, Im going to hold art exhibitions that will make me rich and famous. Im going to buy a big house with the money and Im going to retire somewhere q_ and beautiful.【拓展练习】. 短语英汉互译:grow up_ dream job_ want to be an artist_某个有趣的地方_ 找一份兼职工_ 攒一些钱_工作一两年_ 听起来像_ 做我想做的_ 我喜欢的城市_ at the same time_ want to be rich_hold art exhibitions_ travel all over the world_ 某天_want to be a reporter_ somewhere quiet and beautiful_write articles_ send . to ._ be not sure yet_. 专项练习:A. 仿照例子,翻译句子:When I grow up, Im going to do what I want to do. 当我长大的时候,我打算去做我想做的事. 1. I dont know what he said. _2. He ate up what you cooked. _ Paris sounds like a city that I could enjoy. 巴黎听起来像是我喜欢的城市。3. The man that you met at the library is my math teacher. _4. She is the singer that I saw last week. _5. He is the man who knows the answer. _B. 用somewhere或anywhere填空;6. I want to live _ else.7. Did you go _ last Sunday?8. If you go _, take me with you.9. Shall we go _ quiet? Its too noisy here.C. 用already或yet填空;10. He is _ back now.11. The tea isnt cold _.D. 翻译短语;a year or two = one or two years 一两年12. a book or two = _ 一两本书13. an hour or two = _ _14. five or six chairs_ 15. eight or nine friends_ two or three boys_. 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。16. My d_ is to be a teacher when I grow up.17. He is a p_ basketball player.18. My friend Jim m_ to Paris with his family last year.19. He found a p_ job and he had to work on weekends.20. Many a_ held exhibitions in the City Art Hall last month.21. Im sure I ever met him s_, but I cant remember the right place. 22. I want to be a p_. Then I can fly in a plane.23. Look! This is his new car. He must be very r_. 阅读理解填词: One day a great general(将军) a_ his soldiers(士兵), “What is the strongest power(力量) in the world?”, four of his soldiers put their hands. They w_ to answer the question. The general asked the first man to speak. The first man is younger than the o_ three, and hes not strong. He said, “My gun(枪) is the s_. It can kill(杀) anyone.” “Thank you. N_, please.” The s_ man was very strong. He said, “I dont a_. Soldiers use guns, so the soldier is the strongest.” The third man said, “Soldiers use guns , but our general gives orders(命令). So I think our general is the strongest.” The fourth man was the o_. He said, “Love is the strongest. For l_, people dont use guns.” The general smiled and g_ a big prize to him. 书面表达。 以My Dream Job为题,谈谈你的想法及打算。仿照课本P61 3a, 写一写。内容包括:1. What are you going to be when you grow up? And why?2. Where are you going to work?3. How are you going to do it?4. Do you think how your life is in the future?_【课后反思】课题:Unit 10 Im going to be a basketball player. 第三课时 Section B 1a2c【学习目标】1. 理解be going to 与will表示将来时态的区别;2. 谈论自己的New Years resolutions; 3. 理解为实现梦想,合理的的计划与安排,并逐步实现的意义。【课前预习】. 读这些新词,并将汉语意思写在旁边。resolution, instrument , New Years resolutions, learn to play an instrument, make the soccer team, get good grades, eat healthier food, get lots of exercise, next year, take guitar/piano lessons, sounds interesting, learn a foreign/new language. 读下面的对话,领会意思,并编写新的对话。A: What are you going to do next year?B: Well, Im going to _ and _A: Sounds interesting. I _ _ _- Did you make a New Years resolution? - Yes, I did.- What are you going to do next year? - Well, Im going to take guitar lessons. I love music very much.- Sounds interesting. I want to be thin. So Im going to take more exercise. 【课内探究】. 教师导学(PPT): 单词、短语、句型;建立知识构架。. 对子互查:1. 本课单词和短语;2. 填写课本P62 1a,核对答案。. 为了提高英语成绩(improve English),你打算采取哪些具体的措施;( 根据自己的实际情况, 结合短语提示, 写出完整的句子并翻译。)listen to /watch English programs practice speaking every day talk with friends in Englishread English every day learn to sing English songs get an English tutor make a pen pal read English magazines and newspapers ask the English teacher for help listen to the English teacher carefully in class do English homework carefully1. Im going to watch an English movie every week. 2. Im going to 3. I want to 4. _5. _. 小组活动。 (请小组长安排全体组员互助完成下面的活动,做好展示准备):1. 组内交流为提高英语成绩,你的打算。(你可以借鉴以下的开场白。)- I know English is very important. Although I am good at English. And I want to improve it. So.- I know English is very important and useful. And I think I need to do something to improve it2. Make a survey. 仿照预习部分的对话,进行调查。Does anybody have the same New Years resolution as yours? WhatHow3. 结合课本P62 2a, 2b的内容, 谈谈Kim、Lucy或Manuel的New Years resolution。【课堂练习】 . 完成句子:1. 他长大了打算当一名飞行员。 Hes going to _ _ _ when he _ up.2. 看那些云,马上要下雨了。 Look at the clouds. _ _ to rain.3. 我要做些东西当晚餐,你想吃什么?Im going to _ _ for dinner. What do you want _ _? 4. 听起来不错,我打算明年学习一门外语。_ _. _ _ to learn a foreign language _ _. 5. 你打算怎么去做呢? _ _ _ going to do it?. 用所提供的A-F六个句子补全对话。A. I hope I can do something for our hometown, too.B. Im going to be a teacher.C. Have you thought about where to work?D. Youre welcome.E. How are you going to do that?F. OK. Lets start right now.(Chen Han and Wang Wei are classmates. One afternoon, they are talking about their future in the classroom. )Wang Wei: So what are you going to be when you grow up?Chen Han: Im going to be an astronaut like Yang Liwei, Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng.Wang Wei: Sound like an exciting job. But I dont think its easy to be as astronaut. 1 Chen Han: Im going to do some exercise every day so that I can be strong enough. And Im going to study science at college. How about you? What are you going to be? Wang Wei: 2 Chen Han: Why are you going to be a teacher?Wang Wei: Because I like being with children.Chen Han: 3 Wang Wei: Yes, I have. Id like to work here in our hometown. I want to do something to make it better.Chen Han: 4 Wang Wei: Great! Lets work hard at our lessons to make our dreams come true.Chen Han: 5 【拓展练习】. 短语英汉互译:取得好成绩 _ 新年决心_组建一支足球队_ 上吉他课_ 吃更有益健康的食物_ 学会弹奏一种乐器_听起来有趣_ next year_want to be a teacher_ take piano lessons_


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