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1 建议信 How to write a letter for advice 说明建议的内容 提出具体建议的原因 指出采纳建议的益处 注意事项 语言要委婉 礼貌 顾及对方感受 Directions For this part you are allowed thirty minutes to write a letter Suppose you are Zhang Ying Write a letter to Xiao Wang a schoolmate of yours who is going to visit you during the summer holiday for a week You should write at least 100 words according to the suggestions given below in Chinese 1 表示欢迎 2 提出对度假安排的建议 3 祝愿 Dear Xiao Wang I am very glad to know that you are soon coming to Beijing to join me in the summer holiday 第一段表示欢迎 I m looking forward to your arrival If you can stay in Beijing only for a week 表明建议的原因 I am afraid that you will have a tight schedule 语气亲切 符合说话人身份关系 for visiting a number of places of historic interest I d like to suggest that you first visit some famous 叙述词和副词一目了然 places that you have the greatest interest in such as the Palace Museum the Summer Place the Great Wall then you can visit those places you think less then 使文章结构紧凑 important I believe this kind of arrangement will make you have enough time to appreciate 欣赏 使自己的安排具有说服力 what you really want to see Moreover if you really want to be a good traveler it is necessary for you to read some 建议有理有据 books about these places before you come to see them with your own eyes With more knowledge about these places you will have a better understanding of Chinese history and culture I am eager to meet you soon in Beijing Wish you in advance a pleasant trip to Beijing 表达良好的祝愿 符合文体要 求 2 假如你叫孙军 是恩施高中的学生 要给市长写一封信 反映学校门前交通拥挤现象 包 括以下要点 问题 建议 学校和一所小学毗邻 对着大街 高峰期交通繁忙 加 之孩子小 家长接送 交通更拥挤 学生过街在车辆中 穿行危险 政府应采取措施 如修天桥等 参考词汇 穿行 thread one s way 天桥 overpass 范文 1 Dear Mayor I m a student of No 1 Middle School Here I have something to tell you Next to a primary school stands our school facing a main street When it comes to traffic jams it s crammed with cars during the rush hour What makes things worse is that children have to be picked up by their parents owing to their young age As a consequence it s of great danger it s extremely dangerous for the students to go through the traffic According to the phenomenon stated above it is high time that relevant authorities took some measures like building an overpass I m looking forward to your reply Yours Sun Jun 范文 2 Dear Mayor I m a student of No 1 Middle School Here I have something to tell you Bordering a primary school Located next to a primary school my school faces the main road directly which always has a traffic jam at the peak time of the whole day Additionally In addition many parents send their young children to school and fetch them home thus making the traffic heavier thus causing more serious traffic jams thus resulting in more serious traffic jams There is no denying that we students threading our way through masses of cars are exposed to great danger Seeing these matters never will I stop urging our government to take some measures For the sake of improving the quality of traffic it is significant to build an overpass In order to release the stress of traffic problems I strongly suggest that relevant authorities should take active effective measures like building an overpass From my point of view As far as I m concerned In my opinion some measures are supposed to be taken by government as soon as possible such as building an overpass to improve the conditions of the traffic Aimed at solving these problems the government should take some measures immediately such as building an overpass ahead of our school I m looking forward to your reply Yours Sun Jun 3 例 1 广州某电视台打算开办一个面向中学生观众的英语节目 新聘任了来自英国的 John 作 为节目编辑助理 现在 John 就节目内容向广大中学生征求意见 假如你是学生李华 建议 开办 广州全接触 All round Guangzhou 节目 请根据以下节目设想给 John 写信 节目内容 介绍广州的历史 教育 著名景点 饮食 名人 播放时间 每周六 日 方便学生周末观看 其他设想 邀请中学生参加节目 提高学生的收看兴趣 开办理由 1 中学生可以更多地了解广州文化 以便向外国游客介绍广州 2 有助于提高中学生的英语水平 预期效果 将会受到中学生的欢迎 Dear John I know you re going to set up an English program for middle school students So I m writing to suggest a program All round Guangzhou This program will cover topics like the history education famous scenic spots food and famous people of Guangzhou It would be better to broadcast it on weekends so that we students can have the chance to watch it Besides you can also invite some middle school students to get involved in the program which will surely arouse other students interest in it Not only will this program help students improve their English but also get them to know more about the culture of Guangzhou so as to introduce Guangzhou to foreign visitors I am sure it will be well received by the middle school students I hope you can take my suggestion into consideration Sincerely yours Li Hua 例 2 假设你是小明的好朋友李华 小明参加了一个英语演讲比赛 他对比赛非常担心 向 你求助 请你根据以下内容给他写一封建议信 做好充分准备 如平时可对着镜子练习赛前准备 用语简练 使评委印象深刻 保持微笑比赛时 忘词时不紧张 继续演讲 写作内容 1 说明回信的意图 2 向小明提出建议 3 预祝小明比赛成功 精华点评 建议信的写作关键在于作者给出建议的语气委婉而中肯 使对方容易接受 很多考生 习惯使用祈使句或者 You should 的句型表示建议 这样比较生硬 因此考生转换不同的句 型使语言丰富 如范文中使用了 you should you had better remember to do 等句型 在最 后祝愿对方成功的时候 可以用简明扼要的句型 如 wish you good luck wish you success may you succeed 使文章长短句结合得当 Dear Xiaoming You have told me that you are very nervous about the coming speech contest and I will try to make some suggestions which I hope can help you In my opinion you should get well prepared before the speech contest by practicing before a mirror Besides you had better use a brief and concise language in your speech so that you can leave a deep impression on the judges When you are giving the speech remember to keep smile and even if you forget your words don t be panic and just continue your speech because no one will notice it Wish you success in the speech Yours Li Hua 4 例 3 假如你是李华 你刚收到了你的朋友王梅的电子邮件 她在邮件里向你询问在高中如 何学好英语 请你根据下列的内容给她写封回信 1 上课认真听讲 做好笔记 课后及时复习 2 词汇是基础 每天早上花半个小时的时间背诵单词 朗读课文 3 课外多与同学用英语交流 提高听力和口语能力 4 每天坚持写日记 注意 1 词数 120 150 词左右 短文的开头和结尾已为你写好 不计入总数 2 内容可适当发挥 注意行文连贯 Dear Wang Mei I m very glad to have received your e mail Now I m writing to give you some advice on how to learn English well in high school First of all you should listen to the teacher carefully and take notes in class so that you can go over your lessons as soon as you can regularly after class As is known to all As we all know vocabulary is of great importance essential You should spend half an hour in the morning reciting words and reading texts aloud What s more try to communicate with your classmates in English out of class In this way you can improve your listening and spoken English quickly Last but not least you should develop the habit of keeping a diary which helps improve your written English and helps you go over review the words and expressions that you have learnt I hope these suggestions will be of use to you Remember where there is a will there is a way The man who has made up his mind to win will never say impossible Best wishes Yours Li Hua 例 4 你是我们学校一名很热心的学生 得知我们校要建设娱乐休闲中心 正在征求同学们 的意见 请你根据以下几个方面的提示给校长写一封 120 词左右的建议信 1 娱乐休闲中心应该包括乒乓球室和羽毛球室 2 最好在学生的课余时间开放 3 尽量不要收费 4 Dear Mr President It s come to my attention that our school is going to build a new leisure center I m writing to ask you to consider the following suggestions Firstly I d like to suggest that there should be a table tennis room as well as a badminton court I think it would do great good if you could build the center with an eye to those students who are interested in playing table tennis or badminton Secondly could the center open in our spare time If so we will have enough time to make full use of it Thirdly we will be more than happy if the center is free As we all know not every student can afford the extra expense Thank you for reading my letter I hope you will consider my suggestions If the center is built it will greatly enhance student life here on campus Yours sincerely Li Hua 5 倡议书 写倡议书时 尽量使用具有鼓动性和感召力的语言 如名人名言 格言 警句 以及 对偶 排比等句式 以提高语言的表达效果 例如 在倡议书的结尾使用下列句子就可起 到很好的效果 Believe yourself and you can manage it Stick to it and your dream will come true Dear friends come on If you think you can you can Please start from now on You never know what you can do until you try Structure 1 Introduction 发出倡议的根据 原因和目的 statement of the problem how serious is the problem summary of the proposed solution in brief what solution do you propose 2 Body 所倡议的具体内容和要求 What do you want done How should it be done What things or people are needed When How much will it cost 3 Conclusion 要表示倡议者的决心和希望 benefits How will the proposal help the person reading the letter a call to action what do you want the reader to do 范文欣赏 As chairman of the Environmental Protection Committee I have no reason not to mention different kinds of pollutions we human beings are faced with Among them water pollution is one of the serious problems It threatens the survival of human beings plants and animals It is urgent that some strong measures should be adopted to solve the problem Introduction of the topic and himself threats proposal Since we are dependent on water we should be involved in finding a solution to this problem We advocate that certain measures should be taken as soon as possible even though it may take a decade or more to improve the water quality even though it may cost a lot of money to clean the polluted rivers In the first place the governments in both developed countries and the developing countries should lay down rules and regulations in respect of the pollution problem Secondly factories in towns and cities must be forbidden to drain waste liquids into rivers lakes and seas before they are totally treated and purified measures difficulties I am certain that remarkable results will be achieved in this respect Rivers which used to be polluted by industrial wastes will be cleaned and fish which could not live there a few years ago will be seen again Let s act now to make our world a better place foreseeable results a call 例 1 由于废气 污水 白色垃圾等环境污染已危及到人类的健康与生存 为鼓励大家节能 环保 你们学校将举办一次 低碳行动 的环保活动 假设你是高三 6 班的一名学生 将要 在这个活动中向全体师生发起 低碳生活 的倡议 以下是倡议的内容 1 尽量绿色出行 采取步行或自行车方式 2 少喝一次瓶装水 3 尽量不用一次性制品 如一次性木筷子和塑料袋 4 每周至少手洗衣服一次 5 每周少开手机 电视一天 6 写作内容 1 活动背景 2 倡议目的 3 倡议内容 精华点评 本文的难度在于如何合并信息点 考生需要用三个句子覆盖五个倡议 这时通 过分析 可以发现 绿色出行是减少废气排放 减少使用瓶装水和一次性物品是为了减少 白色污染 手洗衣服和减少使用手机 电视机是节能 因此考生可以把信息点按照这个逻 辑分成三句 并且做出适当的补充 如 to avoid white pollution it will be of great benefit to saving energy 等 考生可以使用不同的词组表达同一个概念 使文章语言更丰富 如表示建议 考生既可 以说 make a suggestion 也可以用 it is suggested that 又如 一次性 物品 的表达 既可以使用 unrecyclable 也可以用 disposable 表达 总之一篇好的作文 是非 常有必要在词 短语 习惯表达 过渡词和句型等方面下功夫的 参考范文 I am Li Hua from Class Six Senior Three We human beings are seriously threatened by the environmental pollution such as waste gases dirty water and white pollution In order to encourage all of us to save energy and protect our environment I am going to make the following suggestions It is suggested that we should walk or take bikes if we go out To avoid white pollution we can reduce the use of bottled water and unrecyclable items such as disposable chopsticks and plastic bags What s more if we can wash clothes by ourselves at least once a week as well as turn off our TVs and mobile phones for one day every week it will be of great benefit to saving energy I believe everyone as a member of this global village should take responsibility to take part in the global green campaign Li Hua 例 2 报纸上曾出现过一条重要新闻 全国塑料袋有偿使用 pay for plastic bags 报道中说 是国务院办公厅 general office of the State Council 发出的通知 商场 超市和农贸市场等商 家将不允许提供免费的塑料袋 请你帮助小区居委会 Community Resident Committee 拟订 份倡议书 包含以下内容 倡议的目的 倡议的具体内容和建议 你可能用到的词汇 Re usable shopping bags 可重复使用的购物袋 Degrade 降解 v Degradable 可降解的 adj As has been announced by the office of the State Council plastic shopping bags will not be provided free in supermarkets and other shops since June 1st We will be blessed with a better world free from white pollution from now on As a plastic bag user myself I can understand your troubles without plastic bags But we all know that one single plastic bag will take years to be degraded which in the meantime will do a lot of harm to our environment In addition plastic bags are poisonous to some extent In order to make our environment cleaner and healthier let s answer our government s appeal and take action with a positive attitude Our community residential committee has worked out several plans First we can substitute cotton bags and other re usable bags for those plastic ones Second be encouraged to donate used clothes and in return cotton shopping bags will be provided for free Last but not the least tell your parents children and friends the importance of using degradable shopping bags If everyone has formed the new good habit the society s awareness of environmental protection will be raised considerably Let s join our hands in fighting against white pollution and make our community a better place to live We believe that your contribution can make a difference

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