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北师大版七校联考中考英语模拟试题B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)1. (10分) (2017八下个旧月考) 完形填空Mr. Black was over fifty years old. He sometimes made some mistakes in his work, and he lost his work. So he had1time every day to do something. Then he often met his old friends under a big tree. They had drinks there and2anything they liked.One day, some old men were sitting together again and talking about young people in this world. They all agreed that the old people were3than young people. Then one of the old4said that young men were stronger than old men.5of them agreed that this was true,6Mr. Black didnt. He said, “No. I am as strong now as when I was a young man.” His friends were surprised7what he said.“Well,” said Mr. Black, “Near my house there is a big stone. When I was a young man, I used8to move it, but I couldnt because I was not9. I am an old man now, and when I try to move it, I still10. So, I am as strong as when I was young.”(1)A . many B . a lot C . lots of D . lot (2)A . talked for B . talked to C . talked with D . talked about (3)A . clever B . cleverer C . cleverest D . a clever (4)A . man B . woman C . men D . women (5)A . All B . None C . Both D . Neither (6)A . so B . or C . and D . but (7)A . at B . to C . of D . on (8)A . trying B . try C . to try D . to trying (9)A . strong enough B . enough strong C . weak enough D . enough weak (10)A . can B . cant C . could D . couldnt 二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共32分)2. (8分) (2016九上浙江期中) 阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D选项中选出最佳选项。CIf you are really interested in music festivals, then you have probably heard of the Bestival Music Festival. It takes place every September on the Island of Wight, the UK. As it is at the end of summer, people think its their last chance to go to a festival and have fun before going back to boring work.The dream begins as soon as you start traveling to the island. In order to get to the campsite (营地) of the Bestival, you have to take the ferry (渡轮). The ferry is full of happy festival lovers who are ready to join in the fantastic music party. After you arrive at the campsite, you can put your tent up. There people talk with each other openly. They are not that cold like those you meet in your everyday life.The festival lasts for four days. During that time you forget all your worries and problems, just like living in a dream. And it is really hard for you to come back to reality after that.It seems that Bestival gives people a real sense of unity. I joined in the Bestival with my friends the year before last. It was so happy and we all lost ourselves in the beautiful music. We Are Family sung by Sister Sledge was my favorite. Im really looking forward to joining in it for a second time.(1) Where do people enjoy the music party at the Bestival?A . On the island.B . On the ferryC . In the hotel.D . On the sea.(2) What does the writer think of the people at the Bestival?A . Crazy.B . Friendly.C . Cold.D . Patient(3) Why does the writer say being at the Bestival is a dream?A . Because people can enjoy music there.B . Because people can get away from work.C . Because people can play music there.D . Because people can forget all their problems and worries.(4) Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A . The Bestival lasts for four days.B . We Are Family is a song.C . The Bestival is held every September in the US.D . The Bestival can give people a sense of unity.3. (10分) (2016八下桐柏月考) 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。Mr. and Mrs. Turner live outside a small town. They have a big farm and they are always busy working on it. Their son, Peter, studied at a middle school. The young man studied hard and did well in his lessons. It made them happy.Last month Peter finished middle school and passed the entrance examination (升学考试). Mrs. Turner was very happy and told the farmers about it.Yesterday morning the woman went to the town to buy something for her son. On the bus she told one of her friends how clever and able her son was. She spoke very loudly. All the people in the bus began to listen to her.“Which university (大学) will your son study in?” a woman next to her asked.“In the most famous university in our country!” Mrs. Turner said happily.“The most famous university?”“Oxford University (牛津).”Most of the passenger (乘客) looked at her carefully. Some of them said to her, “Congratulations!”A woman said, “Im sure hell know Fred Smith.”“Whos Fred Smith?”“Hes my son.”“Does he study in the university, too?”“No,”said the woman. “He is one of the professors.”(1) The story happened in _. A . AmericaB . FranceC . GermanyD . England(2) Mr. and Mrs. Turner were happy because _. A . their son did well in his lessonsB . they have a big farmC . they have a good harvestD . their son studied at a middle school(3) Mrs. Turner wanted everyone to know _. A . her son finished middle schoolB . her son was handsomeC . her son was going to study in a universityD . her son was very friendly to others(4) Mrs. Turner spoke so loudly in the bus that _. A . her friend could hear herB . all the people could hear herC . she hoped to make all the people happyD . she hoped they would say congratulations to her(5) Which of the following is true? _. A . The woman wasnt interested in Mrs. Turners wordsB . Mrs. Turner knew nothing about the famous universityC . The woman wanted to stop Mrs. Turner from showing off (炫耀)D . The woman next to Mrs. Turner wanted to show off her son, too4. (6分) The price office changes during the year.It is useful for rice farmers to know how the price changes, then they can sell their rice when the price is high. But it was hard for farmers to guess how the price would change from month to month.Last year, the price of rice was very low in November. This was a bad time for farmers to sell their rice. November, December, and January were all bad months. The best month for farmers to sell rice last year was April. July and August were also good times to sell rice.Between August and November, the price of rice were down every month. During other parts of the year, the price went up and down.(1) The price of rice was the highest in_ last year.A . JanuaryB . AprilC . JulyD . November(2) The price office was the same in_.A . April and MayB . February and DecemberC . July and AugustD . March and September(3) Which might be the best title of the reading?A . Farmers and RiceB . Buying and Selling RiceC . High Price of RiceD . Changes in Price of Rice5. (8分) CCTV News May 28, 2015, ThursdayThe No-Smoking Law in China will be carried out next Monday in Beijing. All indoor public places and many outdoor public places, violators (违者) will face fines of up to 200 yuan.CCTV News May 31, 2015, SundaySu Bingtian broke record at Saturdays IAFF Diamond League ( 国 际 田 联 钻 石 赛) in Eugene, United States. He finished third in 9 99, behind Americans Tyson Gay in 9 88 and Mike Rodgers in 9 90. Liu Xiang said,“You are great! ”CCTV News June 2, 2015, TuesdayIts reported that the first two deaths from an outbreak of MERS (中东呼吸综合症) on June 1st in South Koren. So far, the number of new confirmed(感染)cases is 25 in total.CCTV News June 4, 2015, ThursdayThe big ship Dongfang Star( 东方之星) with 458 people sank in Yangtze River after being caught in a strong cyclone at 21:28, June 1. So far, only fourteen people were saved, however, the rescue(搜 救)are still continuing.(1) When will the No-Smoking Law be carried out in Beijing?A . May 31, 2015B . June 1, 2015C . June 2, 2015D . June 4, 2015(2) Who became the first Asian|born person in the mens 100 meters?A . Tyson Gay.B . Mike Rodgers.C . Su Bingtian.D . Liu Xiang.(3) How many people died from the outbreak of MERS in South Korea on June 1st?A . 1B . 2C . 14D . 25(4) What caused the big ship to sink on Yangtze River?A . Hitting another ship.B . Carrying too many people.C . The wrong driving.D . A sudden strong cyclone.三、 词汇运用 (共2题;共15分)6. (10分) (2017八下北海期末) 阅读短文,从方框中选择单词,根据实际情况用适当的形式,使短文意思完整、通顺。每空一词,每词只能用一次。happy shirt man on but how look sing he farmThere was a very rich man, but he didnt feel happy. So he asked a clever old man _he could be happy.Thats very easy. the old man said, You just put _the shirt of a happy man and you will be happy.The rich man thanked the old man and went to _for a happy man. He visited many countries and met many _. But they all said they were not _.One day, he saw a poor farmer working on a _. The man was _. He looked very happy. The rich man went up to _and asked, Are you happy?Yes, quite happy, answered the farmer.Can you sell me your _? asked the rich man.My shirt? the farmer answered, _I havent got a shirt.7. (5分) 根据短文内容,在短文空格处填上一个恰当的词,使短文完整通顺。Cartoon is the most popular TV program that attracts many children at the age 3 to 10. Its_ that the word cartoon came from Italian. It first referred to the picture before a true drawing on the wall. In the mid-19th century, it came into English._ the 1840s , it has also come to mean any picture that is humorous, satirical(讽刺的) or showing an opinion. It usually comes out in a newspaper and magazine, with or _ a short text. Today cartoons are a _ of the daily life of most people. Cartoons not only show their life, _ also help them relax.四、 语法填空 (共1题;共1分)8. (1分) Who _(teach) you math last year?五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)9. (5分) (2019德州) 阅读短文,从短文下面方框中的六个句子中选择五个还原到短文中,使短文通顺完整、街接自然。 The Inside of the WorldWhen I was a very little boy, I was always asking questions.One day when I was walking with my nurse along the city street, I asked, Jane, whats under the street? Oh, just dirt (尘土) , she replied. And what is under the dirt? Oh, more dirt, she replied._. So I asked again, Well, whats under that? Oh, nothing-I dont know-why are you always asking so many questions? she askedI knew there must be something under that. _. I also heard that Chinese lived on the other side of the world, head down. I wanted to find out if that was true._, down, down, down, till I came through on the other side, and then I would know. I was a very little boy, you see. With a small shovel (铁锹) , I started a hole in the back yard behind the grapevines (葡萄藤). No one knew what I was doing. _.Then one evening my father asked, Whats that hole in the back yard? _.He didnt laugh when I told him, but he asked me if I knew how far I would have to dig.I hadnt dug through the world, but I did know how far it was.A. I knew my secret was outB. I wasnt satisfied with her answerC. And I just wanted to know what it wasD. So I made up my mind I would dig down through the worldE. I wanted to keep it a secret until I had dug all the way throughF. As a result, I became closer and closer to the inside of the world六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)10. (5分) (2015八上黄冈期中) 下表是你和你最好朋友Tom的信息,请以My best friend为题写一篇文章介绍你的好朋友。要求: 1. 表格中所有信息必须使用,表中省略的信息自己可以补充拓展。2. 突出主题,详略得当。3. 不少于80个单词。姓名相同(似)之处不同之处Tom1). 个头一样高。2). 爱运动,每周锻炼两三次。3). 都很友好,乐于助人。4). 周末常去遗爱湖1). 你朋友文静,而你2). 你喜欢肥皂剧,而你朋友喜欢3). 你朋友饮食习惯健康,而你4). 你朋友比你学习刻苦。第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)1、答案:略二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共32分)2、答案:略3、答案:略4、答案:略5、答案:略三、 词汇运用 (共2题;共15分)6、答案:略7、答案:略四、 语法填空 (共1题;共1分)8、答案:略五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)9、答案:略六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)10、答案:略

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