人教版第二十三中学2020届九年级上学期英语第一次月考试卷(II )卷

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人教版第二十三中学2020届九年级上学期英语第一次月考试卷(II )卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 完形填空 (共2题;共2分)1. (1分)完形填空 There are many new 1of shopping, and online 2is one of them. You can buy almost 3on the Internet, and its very easy.4, you choose somethingclothes, tickets, a 5phone, even a new computerand 6for it.Online shopping is 7our way of life. One day no one will go to the shops any 8, because youll be9to buy anything on the Internet, and you will be able to10it anywhere in the world at any time!(1)A . ways B . roads C . streets D . way (2)A . shop B . shopping C . shoping D . shops (3)A . everything B . something C . anything D . nothing (4)A . First B . One C . Ones D . Firstly (5)A . small B . big C . mobile D . large (6)A . take B . spend C . pay D . cost (7)A . changing B . changes C . change D . to change (8)A . many B . more C . most D . much (9)A . able B . can C . could D . may (10)A . get B . gets C . receives D . receive 2. (1分)完形填空 Five years ago, we met in a shopping centre. I was walking through the shops when I saw1. She followed me to my house. 2we became friends. At one time, she3her leg and had to go to hospital. I looked after her every day. I made4for her. I was not good at cooking, but she didnt5at all. At that time, nothing was more enjoyable than seeing her become6. She is quite different from me. I like writing and reading, but she loves outdoor activities. She likes playing balls best. Sometimes, I7her to pass balls. Its never a8game for us. She likes it very much. She will run all around the house to lick(舔) my face if someone9Kiss for Dad. That is the only10she knows me by-Dad, though I call her by many names-Pickle, Missile and Little. But her real name is Pixar. Pixar is my dog and this week she turns six years old. (1)A . it B . him C . her D . them (2)A . Then B . But C . Because D . Or (3)A . missed B . made C . hurt D . beat (4)A . the bed B . breakfast C . clothes D . chances (5)A . like B . smile C . mind D . speak (6)A . better B . careless C . usual D . easier (7)A . practise B . train C . advise D . complete (8)A . exciting B . boring C . pleased D . relaxing (9)A . shouts B . leaves C . holds D . guesses (10)A . game B . fan C . name D . stadium 二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共40分)3. (10分)根据短文,判断句子正误。 Hello, Im Lin Tao. This is my school. Its a big and beautiful school. There is a big play ground. The gym is next to the playground. In front of the gym, there are science labs. Behind the gym, there is a library. So we can see the gym is between the science labs and the library. In the library, there are many books. Look! This is our teaching building, and there are 48 classrooms in it. In my class, there are 56 students.34 of them are boys, the rest are girls. On the right of the teaching building, there is a dining hall, and we often have lunch there. Teachers offices are in front of our teaching building.(1)Lin Taos school is big and beautiful. (2)There are many people on the playground now. (3)There are 56 classrooms in the teaching building. (4)Teachers offices are in front of the library. (5)In the library, there are many books. 4. (10分)阅读理解Ocean MuseumTime: 9: 0017: 00 Thursday to SundayPrice: 50 yuanAddress: 132 College StreetTel: 543-9871Show you a full picture of sea lives!Health CenterTime: 9: 0017:30Address: 16 Yongle StreetTel:380-1451Free exams for those over 71Give you good advice to keep healthy!Stay One Boutique HotelStay One Boutique Hotel is on Xiaotianzhu Road, the Tianzhu Town in the Shuyi District of Beijing.Surroundings(周围的事物):Beijing International Airport, China New International Exhibition Center.Price: $ 58 to $107 per nightRed Wall HotelRed Wall Hotel is close to many famous spots in BeijingSurroundings:Beihai Park, Wangfujing StreetPrice: $32 to $75 per night(1)You can visit Ocean Museum on _. A . MondayB . WednesdayC . SaturdayD . Tuesday(2)A person can get free exams in Health Center if he is _. A . 73B . 67C . 27D . 55(3)How long is Ocean Museum open every day? A . 5 hoursB . 8 hoursC . 10 hoursD . 9 hours(4)If you want to live in Red Wall Hotel, you should pay _ per night at least. A . $32B . $58C . $75D . $107(5)If your sister want to fly to New York, she had better stay at _. A . Beihai ParkB . Health CenterC . Red Wall HotelD . Stay One Boutique Hotel5. (10分)阅读理解You must be told many times about the four historical stories.However, have you learned anything different about them in history classes?George Washington lost his first adult tooth at the age of 22. When he became the first American president, he only had one real tooth left. All his other teeth were made of wood.Everyone knows that in 1492, Christopher Columbus sailed from Spain to prove (证明) that the Earth was round. However, the truth is that Columbus didnt think the world was round at firstMany of us believe that Isaac Newton was hit on the head by an apple and he had the idea about gravity. In fact, he was never hit on the head by an apple. The story didnt appear until the year Newton died. Newtons story is interesting, but it isnt true.Besides being one of the greatest people in history, Napoleon Bonaparte is remembered as a tiny man. And thanks to a famous painting by LouisDavid, people think he always had his hands hidden in his coat. But in fact his height was about 1.7 metres. It is very normal even at present.Of course, sometimes its difficult to tell whether some historical stories are true or not. However, most of them can bring us much fun and teach us a lot.(1)_was as tall as a lot of people at present. A . Washington.B . ColumbusC . NewtonD . Napoleon(2)What does the fourth paragraph mainly want to tell us? A . Newton had the idea about gravity.B . Newton was never hit by an apple.C . The story about Newton is interesting.D . The apple story came out before Newton died.(3)Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A . All Washingtons teeth were made of wood.B . Columbus didnt think the Earth is round at first.C . Newton was the first one to find the gravity of the Earth.D . Napoleon was not so tiny as we thought.(4)What can we infer from the passage? A . All historical stories are true.B . Historical stories dont always tell us the truth.C . History can make us all pleased.D . We can learn everything from history.6. (10分)阅读理解 It is seven oclock on Sunday evening. Xiaomings family are at home. There are four people and a pet cat in his family. His father is sitting in a chair. He is reading a newspaper. He often reads newspapers in the evening after dinner. His mother is in the kitchen. She is cleaning the kitchen because it is a little dirty. She is always busy on the weekend. Xiaoming is playing the drums. He can play them very well and he is in the school music club. He wants to be a great musician. His sister Meimei is learning English. She wants to speak English well and join the school English club. She wants to visit England. Lucky is lovely and quiet. It is sitting on the sofa and watching TV. It is watching Animal World. In the TV, the cat is playing with a little dog. How funny it is!(1)How many people are there in Xiaomings family? A . One.B . Two.C . Three.D . Four.(2)_ is cleaning the kitchen. A . Xiaomings fatherB . Xiaomings motherC . Xiaomings sisterD . Xiaoming(3)Xiaoming is _. A . reading a newspaperB . playing the drumsC . learning EnglishD . watching TV(4)Meimei wants to join the _. A . music clubB . sports clubC . art clubD . English club(5)Lucky is a _. A . catB . dogC . birdD . fish三、 完成句子。 (共5题;共5分)7. (1分)起初,她用了玛丽这个名字。 At first, she _ _ _ Mary.8. (1分)Its not easy _. 成为科学家不容易。 9. (1分)你知道宇航员是怎样乘宇宙飞船飞行的吗? 10. (1分)王浩骑车去书店花了大约半小时。 It _ Wang Hao about half an hour _ _ to the bookshop.11. (1分)事实上,很多年轻人买不起一套公寓。 _, many young people cant afford an apartment. 四、 短文填空 (共1题;共1分)12. (1分)阅读短文,从方框中选择恰当的词并用其适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。每词限用一次,其中有两个词是多余的。real,visit,forget,as,building,allow, story, I, luck,if, bring,shapeGuangzhou is my hometown(家乡)It is full of _dreams and memories (记忆)Its always nice to go back thereGuangzhou is very beautifulIn the streetsYou can see many big old trees with birds in themAlso, people here_love flowersThey like to use flowers to decorate(装饰)houses and give them_gifts to friendsFlowers not only addbeauty to their homes,but also_joy to their livesIn Guangzhou,you can go almost anywhere you want by subway or bus:There are many interesting places for you to_In Beijing Road,you can find many shopping centersCanton Tower is one of the most famous _in GuangzhouYou can have a birds-eye view(鸟瞰)of Guangzhou here_you want to learn more about Guangzhous history ,you can visit Yuexiu Park, where you will enjoy a lot of historical _about GuangzhouIf you travel to Guangzhou during the Spring Festival,never_to go walking around the Flower Fairs(花市)Its said that you will be_all the year after doing so!I love my hometownIts always with me,wherever I am五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)13. (5分)请阅读下面短文,根据短文内容回答问题 Fun or kind? Old or young? Lets see what these students say about their favourite teachers?Zhao DanMy favorite teachers are learned(博学)teachers because they can make their lessons easy and interesting. And in class, after learning what is in the book, we hope to learn more.Wang JianingMy geography teacher Mr. Todd is kind to students. His class is interesting. All of the students want to learn and do their homework.Wang PengWe boys and girls often have questions. We really want to talk about these questions with teachers and make friends with them. I dont like old teachers because they cant understand(理解)us!Lu HongfeiMs. Li is my English teacher. She always wears purple clothes. It is her favorite color. She often teaches us to sing English songs.(1)Why does Zhao Dan like learned teachers? (2)What subject does Mr. Todd teach? (3)Does Wang Peng like old teachers? (4)What color does Ms. Li like? (5)Who is your favorite teacher? Why? 六、 补全对话。 (共2题;共2分)14. (1分)选择正确的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。 A. I also have to do the dishes after dinner. B. Do you have to do the housework?C. Why?D. When do you do your homework?E. What are they?F. You have to follow them. G. You dont need to follow them.A:I dont have any fun these days. B:_A:Because I have many rules at home. B:_A:I cant go out with my friends on school nights. B:_A:Yes, I have to clean my room. B:What other things do you have to do?A:_ I dont want to follow the rules. B:I think they are good for you. _A:Maybe youre right. 15. (1分)补全对话A: Hey, Helen. Did you have a wonderful travel?B: Oh. Dont mention it. I have never had such a terrible travel.A: Why? _?B: At the night before we started, I stayed up late with my friends. _. By the time we got to the station. The train had gone.A: And then?B: Then we had to wait for the next train. And when we arrived in the city, _with the other travelers.A: The guide had gone? My dear! _?B: So we had to take a taxi and meet them by ourselves.A: Then you could have a good travel.B: Oh, no. _, they had decided to be back.七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)16. (5分)你的朋友Daniel即将从北京来你们学校玩,但你很忙,没时间去车站接他。你给他发了条短信,告诉他从火车站到你们学校怎么走。 提示:1)走出车站后向左拐,一直走到交通灯处;2)向右拐进英武路上,一直向前走直到到达一家电影院,学校就在电影院对面;3)穿过马路,在学校的大门口打电话给我。要求:1)语言连贯、要点明确、语法正确;2)60词左右(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)。Dear Daniel,I am very sorry I cant meet you when you arrive at the station. Let me tell you how to get to my school. Im looking forward to seeing you soon. 第 19 页 共 19 页参考答案一、 完形填空 (共2题;共2分)1-1、2-1、二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共40分)3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、3-5、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、4-5、5-1、5-2、5-3、5-4、6-1、6-2、6-3、6-4、6-5、三、 完成句子。 (共5题;共5分)7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、四、 短文填空 (共1题;共1分)12-1、五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、13-5、六、 补全对话。 (共2题;共2分)14-1、15-1、七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)16-1、

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