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冀教版第四十九中学2019-2020学年七年级上学期英语第一次月考试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)There is “u” and “l” in the word “ruler”. A . a, aB . an , anC . a, anD . an, a2. (2分)Welcome to our school! A . Good ideaB . See youC . Thank youD . Of course3. (2分)_classmates are nice I love to play with _. A . My; themB . My; theyC . I; theyD . I; them4. (2分) Last Sunday was so . I spent all day watching TV at home.一 Me too. I could hardly have anything else .A . bored; doingB . bored; to doC . boring; to doD . boring; doing5. (2分)Mr. Lee will be unhappy because he will have tickets _ Titanic. A . toB . inC . on6. (2分)一 Your paintings are as good as our teachers. _.A . Thank you for saying soB . I dont think soC . Certainly7. (2分) Dr. Chen isnt _ at the moment. Well, can I _ a message?A . out; takeB . out; leaveC . in; takeD . in; leave8. (2分)The story is _ and all of us are _ in it. A . interest; interestingB . interesting; interestC . interested; interestingD . interesting; interested9. (2分)He knows that the Spring Festival _ really fun.A . isB . wasC . areD . were10. (2分)Does her friend math? A . does well inB . do good atC . do well inD . do well at二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)11. (10分)完形填空 Jasmine stood in the hall, seeming very calm. She thought she 1ready for the English speech. She 2very hard at her speech during the last two weeks. She had memorized her words of the speech very well 3she arrived at the hall. She had even stayed up the whole night 4the speech by herself at home. However, as the English speech was about to begin, she became very 5. She realized that she had forgotten 6her notecards already. She seemed 7. She didnt know 8she could do well in the speech. Luckily, she had practiced 9well that she didnt use, her notecards at all. Jasmine performed very well in the speech and gave an amazing speech. And she ended up 10first prize in the speech. Everyone was very happy.(1)A . is B . was C . were D . am (2)A . working B . has worked C . had worked D . works (3)A . after B . around C . because D . before (4)A . practicing B . practices C . practiced D . practice (5)A . excited B . nervous C . happy D . lucky (6)A . taking B . to taking C . to take D . takes (7)A . worried B . excited C . interested D . surprised (8)A . when B . what C . if D . why (9)A . so B . such C . very D . quite (10)A . won B . wining C . wins D . winning 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共22分)12. (8分)阅读理解。CSoap operas from South Korea have been popular in China for more than twenty years now. So it is not the first time for the soap operas made in China to feel less popular. But this time, they are facing more difficulties, for The Heirs (继承者) and My Love from the Star (来自星星的你) really made a full success, which even attracted some top officials.A senior official said he sometimes watched soap operas from South Korea, as well as House of Cards (纸牌屋), an American opera about politics (政治). These operas made both in South Korea and in America have a lot of lovers in China.Many people agree that Chinas soap operas cant be much loved by most Chinese, because they are not as interesting and exciting as those operas from South Korea and America, such as My Love from the Star, a Korean love story between a time traveling professor and a famous movie star.However,Korean shows not only provide soap operas but also some programmings (综艺节目). Dad, Where Are We Going? is not an original (独创的)Chinese show. We learned it from South Korea although not many in China realize that fact.Actually, China has a closer culture with South Korea. Shows from this neighbor seem to do better with their exciting stories on the Cinderella theme (灰姑娘主题). Yet they have created many popular shows whose stories tell theres no difference between men and women even though in their country men are certain to play a more important role.(1)When might soap operas from South Korea become popular in China?A . 1991.B . 1971.C . 2010.D . 2001.(2)Most people in China like watching shows made in _.A . EuropeB . ChinaC . South KoreaD . Japan(3)The operas made in China are not as popular as those in South Korea or America, because _.A . senior officials dont allow us to watch themB . they are not very interesting and excitingC . Chinese people are more interested in politicsD . they were only made twenty years ago(4)According to the passage, we can know Dad, Where Are We Going? is _.A . more popular than My Love From the StarB . loved by a lot of KoreansC . about the love between a professor and a starD . originally from South Korea13. (8分) Michael and Derek are good friends, but they like to pull each others leg sometimes. One day during the holidays they decided to go to London together. They went to the station and bought their tickets. When the train came in, Michael broaden in first and without knowing it, dropped his ticket in the platform as he got into the carriage(车厢). Derek, who was close behind saw the ticket fall and quickly picked it up. Without a word to his friend, he put it in his pocket.After they had been in the train a little while, they heard the ticket inspector coming down the corridor, shouting, “tickets, please!” Michael looked for his and of course couldnt find it.“Oh, dear, I cant find my ticket, Derek,” he said.“Have another look, Michael, it must be somewhere,” said Derek.“No, I cant find it anywhere. What shall I do?”“Perhaps you had better hide under the seat, then the inspector wont know you are here.” So Michael crawled under the seat as fast as he could and lay perfectly still. Presently the door opened and in came the inspector, “Tickers please!” he said.Derek handed him two tickets and said, “This is mine. The other belongs to my friend, who prefers to travel under the seat.” (1)Michael lost in his ticket_.A . when he boarded the trainB . while he was getting into the carriageC . as they went to the stationD . after they had been in the train for a little while(2)Which is True according to the passage?A . Derek helped Michael look for the ticket.B . Michael and Derek are good friends, but they sometimes fight each other.C . Derek took Michaels ticket and hid it.D . Michael didnt know who had picked up his ticket.(3)When the inspector came, Michael _.A . hid himself as quickly as he couldB . remained perfectly stillC . was looking for his ticketD . turned to Derek for help(4)In the passage “they like to pull each others leg” means_.A . they like to make fun of each other in a playful wayB . they like to help each other in time of needC . they like to pull each other by the legD . they like to kick each other14. (6分) “The zoo has money problem,” Grandmother Sandy said.Angel listened. She heard that Fresnos Chaffee Zoo didnt have enough money to take care of its animals.Angel loved animals. She planned to study them when she grew up. Angels family had four cats. Angel took good care of them and made sure that they always had food and water.Angel felt sorry for the zoo animals. While the others in the family were cooking dinner, Angel was cooking up a way to help the animals. She decided to write a letter to show how she felt. At the end of the letter, she wrote: “Give a dollar, help an animal.” She sent the letter and a dollar to The Fresno Bee, a local newspaper.A few days after that, Angels letter was published. Almost immediately, people began sending in money. Angels letter was having effect!At school, Angel went to each classroom to read the letter that appeared on the newspaper. She asked students in her school to give money to the zoo. Next, Angel was asked to appear on television. She was invited to be on a popular talk show.The workers in the zoo were very happy. Ray Navarro is the person most responsible(有责任的)for the animals. “Angel opened the eyes of Fresno,” said Ray. “She made us see that people can make a difference.”(1)By saying “Angel was cooking up a way to help the animals”, the writer means _A . Angel wanted to cook the animals for foodB . Angel was cooking a meal for the animalsC . Angel wanted to help the animals to run awayD . Angel was thinking of an idea to help the animals(2)Which is the correct order of the following events?a. Angel appeared on television. b. People began sending in money.c. Angels letter was published. d. Angel asked her schoolmates to give money.e. Angel wrote the letter to a local newspaper.A . c-a-b-e-dB . e-a-b-d-cC . e-c-b-d-aD . b-d-e-c-a(3)Ray Navarro thought that Angel _.A . was most responsible for the animalsB . was good at making animals happyC . helped the people in FresnoD . could cure blind people四、 根据首字母、中文提示填空 (共1题;共1分)15. (1分)Look! Her hair clip _(与相配)her new blouse very well. 五、 句子配对 (共1题;共1分)16. (1分)将下列制作爆米花的过程重新排序。_APut salt on the popcorn.BTurn on the popper.CEat the popcorn.DPut the popcorn into the popper.E. Pour the popcorn into the bowl.六、 将所给单词连成句子 (共1题;共25分)17. (25分)连词成句 (1)to , Im , buy ,Christmas ,going , trees ( .) (2)time , does ,what , begin , it ( ? ) (3)basketball , he , for , Saturday , on , fun , plays ( . ) (4)wet , want , I , get , to , dont (.) (5)was, a , from , very, there , poor , boy , a , family ( ) 第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)11-1、三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共22分)12-1、12-2、12-3、12-4、13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、14-1、14-2、14-3、四、 根据首字母、中文提示填空 (共1题;共1分)15-1、五、 句子配对 (共1题;共1分)16-1、六、 将所给单词连成句子 (共1题;共25分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、

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