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冀教版第三十七中学2020届九年级上学期英语开学考试试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共20题;共40分)1. (2分)Most of us find Tom _ and we like to play with him. A . kindlyB . wellC . helpfulD . carefully2. (2分)Its really you to drive so fast on such a rainy day. Slow down!A . crazy forB . crazy ofC . wise forD . wise of3. (2分) My mother hardly watches any sports shows._A . So do mine.B . So does mine.C . Neither do mine.D . Neither does mine.4. (2分)His daughter is _ girl.A . a eight-year-oldB . an eight-year-oldC . an eight-years-oldD . a eight years old5. (2分)Remember _ the book to the library when you finish _ it.A . to return; to readB . returning; readingC . to return; readingD . returning; to read6. (2分)John doesnt _ a baseball. A . hasB . havesC . hasesD . have7. (2分)Which of the two sweaters would you like?Well, I have no idea. _of them look nice. A . AllB . EveryC . EachD . Both8. (2分)The air in Beijing is getting much _ now than a few years ago. A . cleanB . cleanerC . cleanestD . the cleanest9. (2分)The little girl painted one side of the paper green but _ side black. A . the otherB . the othersC . anotherD . other10. (2分)John sits _ my left in our classroom.A . inB . onC . forD . of11. (2分)Betty will ring me up when she _ in Beijing.A . arriveB . arrivesC . arrivedD . will arrive12. (2分)Jim is very good at sports and he is to play basketball well.A . too oldB . short enoughC . so highD . tall enough13. (2分)You had better _ him about news now. He will be worried. A . to not tellB . not to tellC . tell notD . not tell14. (2分)Does Miss Yang speak English well? Yes. She has no trouble the people from English-speaking countries.A . understandB . understandingC . to understandD . understood15. (2分) Isnt that your new English teacher over there? No, it _ be her. She doesnt have long hair.A . cantB . must notC . wontD . may not16. (2分)Do you like surfing _ Internet in your spare time? A . aB . anC . theD . /17. (2分) Do you know yesterday?Yes. She was ill in hospital.A . why didnt Jenny go to schoolB . why doesnt Jenny go to schoolC . why Jenny didnt go to schoolD . why Jenny doesnt go to school18. (2分)What did you do yesterday evening ,Gina?I TV at home.A . watchB . watchedC . am watchingD . will watch19. (2分)Are you ready? Well go out for a picnic _ three oclock.A . inB . afterC . forD . since20. (2分)Do you want _ to the birthday party with me?A . goB . goesC . to go二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)21. (10分) When I was 19 years old, I had a part-time job in a hospital. At that time I was shy and didnt believe in myself. I1talked with others. I wasnt confident in any future. Later I met a doctor, Mike, and we became good friends. He2me to believe in myself and try to communicate with others. He helped me learn to enjoy myself. He also asked me to take some important courses. I did3he told me and did very well.One day, he asked me what I4my life to be like. I hadnt thought about it before. That night, I thought it over and finally knew the life I had been5. From then on, I started to work for it.Later I got a chance to go to college, but I had another friend. At that time I was too6to pay for my education. I was very frustrated and didnt know what to do. When I wanted to7my dream, Mike helped me again. He8to pay for my college education. He helped me9asking for anything in return 作为回报.After graduating 毕业, I got my dream job and I like it very much. Mike made me enter a different10. I am so lucky to have met such a good friend in my life.(1)A . usually B . often C . hardly D . always (2)A . encouraged B . invited C . taught D . allowed (3)A . why B . how C . what D . that (4)A . expected B . lived C . enjoyed D . spent (5)A . taking pride in B . staying away from C . running out of D . looking forward to (6)A . rich B . weak C . poor D . strong (7)A . achieve B . give up C . think up D . hold on to (8)A . agreed B . continued C . offered D . stopped (9)A . by B . with C . except D . without (10)A . world B . contest C . university D . country 三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共36分)22. (8分) One Sunday morning, I decided to buy a computer to use for school. I went to the biggest store in town, which sold all kinds of computers. There were so many computers there that I didnt know how to choose a right one.“Hi! What can I do for you?”A young man greeted me with a sweet smile. He looked like not a salesman but a student like me. I had a strange feelingas if I had met him before. He began patiently showing me each model. With his help, I decided to buy one computer with enough functions at a very low price. I enjoyed this shopping experience because of his smile. A few months later, something was wrong with my computer. I went back to the store to have it fixed. When I arrived there, what I saw first was still his smile. As soon as I told him my problem, he comforted me immediately and tried his best to solve the problem for me. I was quite grateful to him for his sweet smile and good service (服务).When I went back to school, his smile often appeared in my mind. I dont know whether well meet each other again, but his sweet smile will stay there in my memory and deep in my heart. Smiling is the most peaceful language in our life.(1)After reading the story, we can know that the writer is a _.A . studentB . salesmanC . doctorD . reporter(2)The underlined word grateful in the second paragraph means _.A . 反感的B . 遗憾的C . 感激的D . 尊敬的(3)The writer enjoyed the experience in the computer store because the young salesman _.A . helped him choose the cheapest computerB . showed him how to use the computer correctlyC . helped him to buy a computer with enough functionsD . gave him his sweet smile and good service(4)The best title for the passage is _.A . How to choose a right computerB . How to use a computer correctlyC . The importance of smilingD . The importance of computers23. (10分)阅读理解 As an old Chinese saying goes, Spring Festival comes right after the Laba Festival, so get ready for a bowl of porridge while looking forward to the long-awaited family get-together.Today, people across China are celebrating the Laba Festival. It is a traditional Chinese festival. Its on the eighth day of the 12th lunar month. What does this festival mean to Chinese people? OK, it just tells people to prepare for celebrating the coming New Years Day and for wanderers to return home to get together with their family.Long long ago, Laba Festival was a day of thanks for a good harvest. On this day, people usually eat Laba porridge, a porridge with eight kinds of mixed grains(谷物). Many temples today have the tradition of giving out Laba porridge to the public. The sweet, red porridge is believed to bring luck and joy.The festival is also the day for people to put garlic in vinegar(醋). The garlic turns green, and this Laba garlic will be eaten with dumplings on Chinese New Years Day. While in the past, It was used to let people remember to pay back the money they had borrowed, as Laba is near the end of the year and garlic (sun, 蒜 in Chinese) sounds the same as calculate(sun, 算). Customs are quite different across the country. People in Qianxian, east Chinas Anhui Province, will eat the Laba tofu a few days before. In Xining City, northwest Chinas Qinghai Province, people will eat porridge with beef and mutton.(1)The Laba Festival is on _. A . The eighth day of DecemberB . The eighth day of JanuaryC . The eighth day of the twelfth monthD . The eighth day of the twelfth lunar month(2)The underlined word “wanderers” probably means _. A . 奇迹B . 怀疑者C . 流浪者D . 离家者(3)The writer does NOT tell us that _ about Laba Festival. A . Laba Festival is the start for people to prepare for the coming New YearB . Laba Festival means its time to think about returning homeC . the festival was a day of thanks for a good harvest in the old daysD . customs about Laba Festival are almost the same across the country(4)What can we learn from Paragraph 4 according to this passage? A . The garlic will turn green and be eaten with noodles.B . Laba garlic will be eaten before Laba Festival.C . People usually put garlic in vinegar on New Years Day.D . garlic sounds the same as calculate in Chinese.(5)Whats the best title for the passage? A . The Laba Festival.B . The beginning of Laba Festival.C . The customs of Laba Festival.D . Laba Festival is different in different parts of China.24. (10分)阅读理解Do you know why different animals or pests have their special colors? Colors in them seem to be mainly used to protect themselves.Some birds like eating locusts (蝗虫), but birds cannot easily catch them. Why? It is because locusts change their colors with the change of the colors of crops. When crops are green, locusts look green. But as the harvest time comes, locusts change into the same brown color as crops have. Some other pests whose colors are different form plants are easily found and eaten by others. So they have to hide themselves for lives and appear only at night.If you study the animals life, youll find the main use of colors is to protect themselves. Bears, lions and other animals move quietly through forests. They cannot be easily seen by hunters because their colors are much like the trees.Colors are useful not only on the land, but also in the sea. A kind of fish in the sea can give out a kind of black liquid (液体) when the fish face danger. The liquid spreads over quickly, so they cannot be found by their enemies and can quickly swim away. That is why they live safely though they are not strong at all.(1)From the passage, we can know that _. A . locusts are big animalsB . Locusts are easily found by birdsC . Locusts are dangerous to their enemiesD . Locusts can change their colors to protect themselves(2)Those pests with different colors from plants have to _ to keep out of danger. A . change their colorsB . hide in the day time and appear at nightC . move quietlyD . hide at night and appear in the day time(3)Bears and lions can keep safe because _. A . their colors are much like the treesB . they move quicklyC . they are very strongD . they live in forests(4)According to the passage, the fish can keep safe because _. A . they can change their colorsB . they can give out a kind of liquidC . they are strong enoughD . they swim faster than any other fish(5)Which is the best title for this passage? A . The colors of the seasonsB . Animals on the land and in the seaC . The main use of colors for animals and pestsD . How to keep safe in the sea25. (8分)阅读理解Look at the light and beautiful snowflakes (雪花) falling. Ever wanted to hold them in your hands? They are always lost when they meet your hands.Well, this isnt just a problem for you. It was a problem for Wilson Bentley, too. In the 1870s, Wilson Bentley was just a teenager. His family lived in a small town in northeast America. Winters there were long and hard. Bentleys mother was once a school teacher. She taught him at home. Bentley didnt go to school until he was 14. He was a quiet boy, and loved reading his mothers books. But he was interested in his mothers microscope (显微镜). When the other boys were playing with balls, little Bentley was studying things like drops of water, flowers and snowflakes. Bentley loved watching snowflakes. For the next two years, young Bentley spent many winter days in a cold room watching these ice crystals (晶体) under his microscope. The boy thought they were beautiful enough for him to start to draw pictures of them. But there were so many snowflakes that he couldnt draw them all.How could he keep their beauty all the time? Bentley thought of buying a camera.The boy and his mother asked his father to buy one. But, his father didnt agree. He thought the whole thing was a bad idea. He thought the only thing a farmer should do was farming.But finally Bentley did get a camera. For more than a year he tried to take pictures of snowflakes. On January 15, 1885, during a snowstorm, Bentley took the first ever photo of an ice crystal with his camera. “It was the greatest moment of my life,” Bentley said later.For 13 years, Bentley worked quietly and took thousands of photos of ice crystals. Later he became famous as “Snowflake” Bentley.(1)The best title for this passage is . A . Snowflake PhotosB . Snowflake BoyC . Long and Hard WintersD . Teenage Photographer (摄影师)(2)We can tell from the story that Bentleys father was . A . a farmerB . a funny manC . a writerD . a school teacher(3)Which of the following statements about Bentley is TRUE? A . He didnt get any kind of education as a child.B . He was born into a rich family.C . He was crazy about the beauty of snowflakes.D . He was the only person to take photos of snowflakes.(4)The “ice crystals” in the third paragraph refers to (指的是)“ ”. A . water dropsB . rain dropsC . flowersD . snowflakes四、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)26. (5分)阅读下面的对话,根据上下文,从方框内选择恰当的选项补全对话,使对话完整、符合逻辑。(其中有两项为多余选项) A: Hello, Judy.B: Hi. SteveA: Are you free this Sunday?B: _ I just do some washing. What about you?A: I hear there are some new animals in Wuquan Zoo. Do you want to go with me?B: _When shall we meet?A: _B: Where shall we meet then?A: At the gate of Wuquan Park.B: _A: Its not far from your home. You can take No 8 bus.B: OK. See you tomorrow.A:_A: Lets make it at 8:00 in the morning.B: I often watch English movies.C: How can I get there?D: I will call you tomorrow morning.E: See you then.F: Not much.G: Sounds interesting.五、 句型转换 (共1题;共1分)27. (1分)Who is the woman? The teacher is talking to her.Who is the woman_? 六、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)28. (5分)任务型阅读CIt is a Saturday morningYou have your breakfast,walk the dog,and then go to soccer practice on timeA few hours later, you return home,only to find that the dog has made your bedroom untidyYour clothes are on the floor_Before you get angry, you should stop and thinkYour dog wasnt misbehaving(捣蛋)just for the fun of itAnd he wasnt punishing(惩罚)for leaving_Its called separation anxiety(分离焦虑)Thank of it this way :Dogs ask where youre going or when youll be back_All they know is that they want to be with youSince youre not there,they need to find youDogs may suddenly develop separation anxietyBut with practice and patience(耐心),you can teach your dog to be comfortable being left alonePut on your jacket,and then sit down_After a while,walk out the door for 1 minute,then 2 and so onLittle by little your dog will learn that when you leave,you will return_Teach your dog a word or action that you use every time you leave,which tells your dog youll be backBefore you leave,give your dog a toy(玩具).It will keep him busy while youre awayAYou can also try the following waysBYour favorite sports shoes are in poor conditionCYoud better find someone to look after your dogDThey cant call you on the phoneEOpen and close the door, and men sit downFSome dogs just feel nervous when left alone七、 短文填空 (共1题;共10分)29. (10分)阅读短文,根据短文内容及首字母提示,在空白处填入一个适当的单词,必要时进行词形变化One afternoon,I went into an art museum while waiting for my husbandI hoped to enjoy the works of art quietlyA young couple walked in front of me and talked _the paintings between themselves all the timeThe lady did almost all the talking,but the man kept listening to herI thought the man was very patient _nobody would like to be bothered (打扰) while enjoying the paintingsI met them several _as I moved through the different rooms of the art museumEach time I heard her talking,I moved _quicklyI was _for some gifts at the museum shop when the couple walked slowly to the exit (出口)Before they left,the man _out a cane (拐杖)Then he tapped (轻敲) his way to the coatroom to _the jacket for his wifeHe is a brave man,the worker of the shop saidHe decided not to change his life after his eyes got hurtThough he is _now,he never gives upHe and his wife come here whenever there is a new art showBut what can he get out of the art?He cant see!I askedYou are wrongHe _a lot,more than you and I doThe worker said,His wife describes _painting so he can see it in his mindI fell silentThen I realized that I learnt something about patience,courage and love that day八、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)30. (5分)初中三年,你的生活中有很多人帮助过你.你最想感谢的人是谁?他/她是个什么样的人?你为什么要感谢他/她?你有什么想对他/她说的吗?请你以此为题,写一篇文章.提示:Who is he/she?What is he/she like?Why do you want to thank him/her?What do you want to say?要求:参考提示内容可适当发挥;语句通顺,意思连贯,书写工整;文中不得出现任何真实信息;词数:不少于70词(开头已给出,但不计入总词数).During my junior high school life,the most memorable person is第 23 页 共 23 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共20题;共40分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)21-1、三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共36分)22-1、22-2、22-3、22-4、23-1、23-2、23-3、23-4、23-5、24-1、24-2、24-3、24-4、24-5、25-1、25-2、25-3、25-4、四、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)26-1、五、 句型转换 (共1题;共1分)27-1、六、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)28-1、七、 短文填空 (共1题;共10分)29-1、八、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)30-1、

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