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冀教版2020年中考英语专题复习非谓语动词(真题)D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 一、 单选题 (共50题;共100分)1. (2分)Ive just borrowed a camera, but I dont know _.You can read the instructions.A . how to use itB . what to use itC . when to useD . what to use2. (2分)Why did you buy a radio?_ English.A . LearnB . LearningC . To learnD . Be learning3. (2分)Many students gave up _computer games because they wanted to get good grades. A . playingB . playC . to play4. (2分)_, she didnt tell me the truth.A . So farB . As far asC . For example5. (2分)Keep ! Your grandfather is sleeping,A . noisilyB . noisyC . quietlyD . quiet6. (2分)_ you _ your brother can join us. We want one of you. A . Both; andB . Neither; norC . Either; orD . Not only; but also7. (2分)My father used to in a middle school.But now he works in a bank. A . workB . workedC . workingD . works8. (2分)Would you like _ shopping with me?Sorry,I feel like _ books at home.A . to go;readB . to go;readingC . going;readD . going;reading9. (2分)My mothers birthday is coming, I dont know _for herA . what to buyB . how to wearC . when to goD . why to do10. (2分)My parents often ask me _ too much time _ computer games. A . not to spend; playingB . not to spend; to playC . to not spend; playD . to spend; playing11. (2分) What are you doing, Linda? Im getting ready _ lunch.A . toB . to haveC . for haveD . at12. (2分)Youd better _ out, Jim. Its raining hard.A . not to goB . dont goC . not goD . doesnt go13. (2分)- Do you know Nell Armstrong?- Yes. He is the first man on the moon.A . walkB . walksC . to walkD . walked14. (2分)Diana isnt here, leave a message on her desk.A . orB . soC . andD . but15. (2分)Peter is afraid _ English in class because his pronunciation isnt good. A . speakingB . speakC . to speakD . to speaking16. (2分)The new machine will be used glasses.A . makeB . madeC . to makeD . for make17. (2分)The problem is too difficult,can you show me _,Wang Le? Sure.A . what to work it outB . what to work out itC . how to work it outD . how to work out it18. (2分)The match _ him _ a very popular basketball player.A . makes; becomesB . make; becomeC . made; becameD . made; become19. (2分)Its necessary for you for an hour every day. Its good for your health. A . exerciseB . waitC . to exerciseD . to wait20. (2分)Which hair band do you like best, madam?I cant decide now. I really dont know _.A . to choose which oneB . choose which oneC . which one to chooseD . which one I should choose it21. (2分)Its a good place _ friends.A . to meetingB . to meetC . meetD . meeting22. (2分)They learned it all by themselves. That is to say nobody told them _.A . what to do itB . how to do itC . where to doD . when to do23. (2分) What did the man say just now? He told us_ any noise. They are having a meeting.A . dont makeB . not makeC . to makeD . not to make24. (2分)Mario, your mobile phone is ringing.Wait a minute. Its dangerous for us _ it while crossing the street.A . answeringB . to answerC . answerD . answered25. (2分) Mary, do you want _ some ice-cream? Oh, no, its not healthy.A . eatB . eatsC . eatingD . to eat26. (2分)Mr. Wang used to _ dinner in the restaurant, but now he is used to_ every meal with his family at home. A . have; eatB . have; eatingC . having; eatD . having; eating27. (2分)My teacher tells us _quickly after class. A . to go back homeB . go back homeC . going back home28. (2分)To surprise, all the passengers agreed with him.A . he; goB . his; to goC . him; goingD . him; go29. (2分)Xiao Li was supposed _ her homework before nine oclock. But she couldnt. A . to finishB . to finishingC . finishD . finishing30. (2分)It is necessary for us _ some vegetables every day. A . eatB . to eatC . eating31. (2分)The boy always spends his time_ speaking English. A . to practiceB . practiceC . practicingD . practices32. (2分)Where _ your teacher two days_?A . were; beforeB . was; beforeC . were; agoD . was; ago33. (2分)Which do you prefer, or ?I prefer cycling.A . to cycle; runB . cycling; runningC . cycling; run34. (2分)Im sleepy. I prefer at home to going out for a walk.A . sleepingB . to sleepC . sleptD . sleep35. (2分)We in the park last Saturday afternoon A . wasB . wereC . areD . am36. (2分)-How about in the river with us?-Sorry,I cantMy parents often tell me thatA . swim,dont doB . swim,to doC . swimming,not toD . swimming,not to do37. (2分)-The famous movie star plans a relaxing vacation in Spain.- I hope he will have a good time.A . havingB . hasC . to haveD . have38. (2分)My mother often tells me the teacher in class . A . listenB . listen toC . to listenD . to listen to39. (2分)a book in the library, enter a key word into the computer. A . To findB . FindC . To findingD . Finding40. (2分)Do you want to relax yourself, Linda?Yes, but I only wish _ music now.A . listenB . listen toC . to listenD . to listen to41. (2分)My mother used to the song “Wheres time going?” Now she is used to to it A . hating; listenB . hated; listened toC . hate; listening toD . hating; listening42. (2分)The show was so funny that it made everyone _ again and again.A . laughB . laughedC . laughingD . to laugh43. (2分)The boy _ his book here and forgot _ it home.A . left, tookB . left, to takeC . forgot, broughtD . forgot, to bring44. (2分)She did what she could _ us. Though 3,000 dollars is a lot of money for her.A . helpB . helpedC . helpingD . to help45. (2分)Its not easy for her a job in this city. A . findB . to findC . findingD . to finding46. (2分)I found it very useful _ a good book. A . readB . readingC . of readingD . to read47. (2分)It is easy for those students _ that river to school. A . crossB . to crossC . across48. (2分)People in Yangzhou _ walk or ride bikes, but now they _ taking the bus or riding cars.A . used to; used toB . were used to; used toC . were used to; are used toD . used to; are used to49. (2分)Some parents might worry that their childrens hobbies _ schoolwork. A . get the way ofB . get on the way ofC . get on well withD . get in the way of50. (2分)Jane is having fun _ games with her parents at the park.A . playingB . to playC . playsD . play第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共50题;共100分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、36-1、37-1、38-1、39-1、40-1、41-1、42-1、43-1、44-1、45-1、46-1、47-1、48-1、49-1、50-1、

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