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课题Unit1 Goldilocks and three bears课型教学时间教学目标1. learn the vocabulary: Goldilocks, forest, soup, just right, hard, soft, afraid, bears, in front of. 2. Learn the sentences: There is/are .3. Train Ss enjoy the fun of this story.4. learn the vocabulary: beside, between. 5. Learn the grammar of sentences: There is/are .6.Train Ss can use the sentences: There is/are correctly7. Learn the word: tool, doctor, says, put on, cannot, find, their, really. 8. Learn the sentences: There arent any . Here are . XX can .9. Learn the phonetic of the letter “c”,Enjoy this cartoon story.教学重难点1. learn the vocabulary: Goldilocks, forest, soup, just right, hard, soft, afraid, bears, in front of.2. Learn the sentences: There is/are .3. Review the vocabulary and patterns of this unit. 4. Learn the different drinks culture in western countries and China.5. Learn how to describe the places correctly.6. Learn the words: tool, doctor, say, put on, cannot, find, their, really. 7. Learn the sentences: There arent any . Here are . XX can .8. Learn the phonetic of the letter “c”.教学方法情境教学法教学媒体PPT,cards, pictures, tape, recorder课时划分第一课时教学过程二次备课Step1 Warming-upT: Boys and girls, welcome back to school. Nice to see you again!T: Whats this?T: Where is it?T: There is a box on the desk.T: What are these?T: Where re they?T: There are some pencils in the pencil case.Step2 PresentationT: Look at the picture, who are they? Theyre goldilocks and three bears.T: What are they doing? Lets watch the cartoon.Ask some questions and show the forms:Show the words: forest, soup, just right, afraid, hard, soft, in front of her and teach themT: What happened at the end? Please guess!Step3 PracticeRead the new words.Listen to the tape and notice the pronunciations and intonationsRead after the tape.Try to read the text.Read the text together.Choose one kind of reading and act it.Act the story.Step4 ConsolidationDescribe the classroom: There is/are on/in/ 板书设计Unit1 Goldilocks and three bearsin the forest hungry and thirsty some soup hot-cold justin a house tired three beds hard-soft right afraid three bears in front of herThere is . on the tableThere are . in the room教学反思第 二 课时教学过程二次备课Step1 Warming-upT: At first, lets read the story together.T: Read this story in roles.T: Act this dialogue, please.Talk about the learning tip.Step2 PresentationT: Whats this?T: Where is it? You may say “Its between the desks.” (Teach: between)T: What are these?T: Where are they? You may say “Theyre beside the bag. Teach: besideRead the new words.Look at these pictures.Talk about these pictures and repeat this storyCheck the answers.(b, c, f, d, a, e)Look and talk about the pictures.Try to say them: Theres a house in the forest. Theres some soup in the table. There are three beds in the room. There are three bears in front of me.Check and write these sentences.Look at the picture.Say the rules about it.Draw the picture.Talk about ones picture.Read and act the story again.Look at the words and sentences.Try to say them.Check and write these sentences.Review the old words about feelings.Step3 ConsolidationDescribe my bedroom: There is/are on/in/ .板书设计Unit1 Goldilocks and three bearsThere is .beside There are . between教学反思第 三 课时教学过程二次备课Step1 Warming-upT: Lets describe our classrooms or our schoolbags, OK?Read and recite the new words.Write some sentences about places.Step2 PresentationT: Look at the picture, please.Listen to the tape.Teach the new words: tool, doctor, says, put onFind the same letter “c”.Read the phonetic /k/.Read the short text.Act the short text.Find the other words.Do some exercises.T: Look at the picture, who are they?T: What are they saying? Lets watch the cartoon, please.Ask and answer, then fill in the forms.Bobby-hungry-some cakes-in the kitchen, in the fridgeTeach the new words: cannot, find, their, reallyTeach the new sentences: There arent any . Here are .T: Read the new words and sentences, please.Listen to the tape and read after it, then notice the pronunciations and intonations.Read it together.Act the dialogue.Step3 ConsolidationMake some sentences: There isnt/arent . Here is/are .板书设计Unit1 Goldilocks and three bearsThere isnt . arent .C -/k/ cannot=cant really find theirHere is . are .教学反思第四课时教学过程二次备课Step1 Warming-upGreetings and free talk.Read, recite and act this cartoon story.Do some exercises about the phonetic /k/Enjoy and act the cartoon story.Step2 PresentationT: Whats this?T: Whats that?Guess: Who is it for?Ask and answer:Coffee is popular in western countries. Tea is popular in China.Teach the new words: popular, western countries, culture, ChinaRead the sentences.Say the different drinks culture.Look at the picture.T: Talk about the picture in groups, please.Check and write the sentences:Im in the living room. There is a table. There are some books on the table. There are some toy cars under the table. There is a chair beside the table. There are three umbrellas in front of the window. Oh, there is a bear on the chair.Look at the pictures.T: Talk about the pictures in groups, please.Check and write the sentences:There are some apples on the table. There is some orange juice in the glass. There is a bird in the tree. There are some sweets in the box.Review this unit.Appraise the harvest of this unit.Step3 ConsolidationTotal the stars.Teach: There be .(就近原则)板书设计Unit1 Goldilocks and three bearsCoffee is popular in western countries.Tea is popular in China.There is . There are . 就近原则教学反思

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