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冀教版2020届九年级下学期英语5月质检试卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge is _ important bridge. So far it has been _ longest bridge that goes through a sea all over the world. A . an; theB . a; theC . the; theD . the; a2. (2分)_ my father _ my mother is able to drive a car. However, they are going to buy one.A . Neither; norB . Both; andC . Either; orD . Not only; but also3. (2分)Rose isnt here today. I am afraid she is ill. _. I saw her at the doctors this morning.A . Take it easyB . So do IC . I am afraid soD . It should be that4. (2分)The child is when his mother isnt in the room. A . afraidB . newC . lastD . fat5. (2分)Father always makes me do this or that. Im _ with it. A . strictB . surprisedC . unhappyD . worried6. (2分)Whats your favourite ?PE.A . weatherB . subjectC . fruitD . colour7. (2分) Must I come up with the solution to the science project today? No, you _. But you must make it _ 5 oclock tomorrow afternoon.A . mustnt; atB . cant; beforeC . dont have to; byD . neednt; in8. (2分)Perhaps lie will be there.A . SoonB . MaybeC . After9. (2分)When will the plane _Shanghai? Sorry, I dont know.A . getB . arrive atC . reach10. (2分)Finally, they came back. They be hungry after such a long walk. A . cantB . mustC . neednt11. (2分)She _ her hometown since she was 18 years old. She told me she would return soon. A . has leftB . has been away fromC . leftD . went away12. (2分)When you dont know a word, please _ in a dictionary.A . look for itB . look it forC . look up itD . look it up13. (2分)To my parents joy, my elder brother _ a job in this factory yesterday.A . offeredB . offersC . is offeredD . was offered14. (2分)I hear that Toms sister is a teacher here. Yes, the girl is standing under the tree is his sister.A . whoB . whomC . whose15. (2分)Can you tell me youre late again? You just promised this morning. A . howB . whyC . whenD . what二、 完型填空 (共1题;共1分)16. (1分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。 Velma, a US high school student, is busy with her studies every day. But after school, she puts down her books and goes off to 1. She takes care of cats, helps teachers at school and cleans up the beach. Why? Because students in US public schools are 2to do at least 20 hours of community service in order to graduate.This project is to give students a 3of the real world, create a habit of volunteering and perhaps 4a career. said Bob Parks, an official at school.5volunteering takes time, Velma enjoys it. I learn so much from it. she said She plans to keep volunteering even after she has finished her required hours of work. Velma is now on her way towards 250 hours to get a silver medal at graduation. She hopes the medal will help her6her dream university.But some have 7about the project. Phil, a single parent of four, has to drive his children from one activity to another every weekend. I have no time to work and rest, he said, But I know some kids finish their 20hour volunteering by just sleeping in their fathers office !Mike Roland, a volunteering manager, has heard those complaints. He said, We keep telling people, Volunteer hours are 8than for graduation; they are life lessons.Unlike Phil, some parents agree with the project and want their children to 9more time volunteering. Michael, a junior, spends Saturdays at JFK Medical Centre guiding patients and bringing them newspapers and meals. Hes at 258 hours. Michaels father said, Twenty hours isnt 10. Children should have more contact with the world.(1)A . relax B . volunteer C . work (2)A . invited B . requested C . required (3)A . chance B . taste C . picture (4)A . explore B . change C . invent (5)A . But B . Although C . However (6)A . realize B . accept C . enter (7)A . doubts B . experience C . agreements (8)A . rather B . more C . less (9)A . spend B . take C . pay (10)A . true B . short C . enough 三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共40分)17. (10分)阅读理解 The greatest saleswoman in the world today doesnt mind if you call her a girl. This is because Markita Andrews made more than $ 80,000 by selling cookies when she was 13 years old. Andrews and her mother shared a dream of travelling around the world. Once, while reading magazines, Andrews found that the person who sold the most cookies would win a free trip for two around the world. She decided to have a try.To make her dream come true, Andrews went door to door every day after school and repeated, Hi, I have a dream. Im earning a trip around the world for my mum and me by selling cookies. Then she asked, Would you like to buy one or two dozen boxes of cookies?Andrews kept asking for a whole year, no matter how heavily it was raining or snowing outside. Her hard work paid off. She sold 42,000 boxes of cookies that year and she won her trip around the world.Andrews is no smarter than thousands of other people. The key to her success is that she has found the secret of selling: Ask. Ask. Ask! Many people fail before they even begin because they fail to ask for what they want.It takes courage to ask for what you want. And, as Andrews has discovered, the more you ask, the easier it gets.(1)What was Andrewss dream when she was young? A . To be a great saleswoman.B . To sell the most cookies.C . To travel around the world.D . To make a lot of money.(2)How did Andrews sell the cookies? A . By selling to foreigners during her trip.B . By asking door to door after school.C . Her classmates helped her sell at school.D . Her mother helped her on weekdays.(3)Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A . Andrews made more than $80, 000 by selling cookies at the age of 13.B . Andrews is more clever than her classmates so she could win the prize.C . Not only Andrews but also her mother wanted to travel around the world.D . Andrews sold more than 40,000 boxes of cookies in a year.(4)What does the author want to tell us? A . Everyone should have a dream.B . Cookies make dreams come true.C . How Andrews becomes successful.D . Andrews is a great saleswoman.18. (10分)阅读理解 The Spring Festival is coming. Its the time of the year when children become rich again.A study showed that more than 50% of students from large cities in China got more than 5,000 yuan in lucky money(压岁钱)last year, with 5% getting more than 10,000 yuan.How did they spend so much money in their little hands? According to the study, 70% of students younger than 12 gave the money to their parents, while 80% of those older than 12 could decide how to use the money by themselves.Shen Changfeng, a 16-year-old student at Taiziwan Middle School in Nanshan District, could keep her lucky money. She usually spends most of it on stationery such as rulers, pens and books, while the rest might go toward shopping with classmates.This year, the most popular gift must be an iPhone XS Max. One of my classmates bought one last week. Im going to buy one with my lucky money this year. Shen said.Every term (学期)after winter vacation, students are more likely to buy snacks, video games and gifts for each other, a teacher named Zhang Jie in Qianhai Middle School, Nanshan District, said on Friday.(1)Who probably got over 5,000 yuan as lucky money last year? A . A 30-year-old teacher in Beijing.B . A girl comes from a small village.C . A 12-year-old student in Shenzhen.D . An American boy younger than 12.(2)How many students younger than 12 didnt give their lucky money to their parents according to the study? A . 20%.B . 30%.C . 70%.D . 80%.(3)How will probably Shen Changfeng spend her lucky money this year? A . Give it to her mother.B . Buy an IPhone XS Max.C . Go shopping with her parents.D . Buy a popular book for herself.(4)What do students like to buy when the new term begins according to Zhang Jie? A . Interesting video games.B . Some snacks for their relatives.C . Rulers and pens for themselves.D . Beautiful clothes for themselves.19. (10分)As we know, Chongqing has changed a lot. Most of the people feel much safer now. More and more trees are being planted in the city. And every day you can see many old people play sports everywhere. The change makes the people in the city live a happy life. The small survey below is from the people who live in Chongqing. One hundred persons were chosen to answer the questions last week.What they wantHealthSafetyFood52%33%15%Where they like to liveIn a quieter placeIn a busier placeIn a greener place15%5%80%What they think of working in the cityBadGoodNo idea8%80%12%Whether they plan to change their living placesYesNoDifficult to say39%41%20%(1)From the survey, _ of the people in Chongqing care about health.A . 41%B . 80%C . 39%D . 52%(2)Most people think working in Chongqing is _.A . badB . goodC . hardD . sad(3)From the survey, we know most people want to live _.A . in a busier placeB . in a quieter placeC . in a greener placeD . on the mountain(4)According to the passage and the survey, we know that _.A . most people plan to change their living placesB . in Chongqing all the people have a lot of foodC . the people in Chongqing dont like planting treesD . the change in Chongqing makes people enjoy living there20. (10分)Survey: Whats your favorite restaurant?Lola LopezJim Janssen“Im an actress. Theres a small French restaurant near my apartment. Its my favorite. The service is great. The food is always cooked well and served beautifully. And the atmosphere is very romantic”“Im a high school student. Im interested in fast food. Chicken, burgers, fish, French fries I love it all. My mom says I should eat healthier food but it tastes so good! Also, Im not rich and the price of fast food is just right for me.”Gina ManginoRaul Sanchez“Im a housewife. With three kids, I look for a place that has good food at a reasonable price. I look for a place thats comfortable for children and serves the food quickly. Thats why I like Sams Chinese restaurant.”“Im a doctor. I cant remember the last time I ate out maybe thats because my wife and I really like to cook. Instead of eating out, we look through a cookbook and cook at home.”(1)Jim Janssen is _.A . an actressB . a doctorC . a studentD . a housewife(2)_ likes a French restaurant very much.A . Lola LopezB . Jim JanssenC . Gina ManginoD . Raul Sanchez(3)Gina Mangino likes the restaurant which _.A . offers fast foodB . serves the food quicklyC . offers cookbooksD . serves the food beautifully四、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共3分)21. (3分)根据短文内容。选择适当的短语完成句子。 A man goes to a fast food restaurant for lunch. Hi! a waiter says. Can I help you?Id like a hamburger。French flies and a medium pizza, says the man.Anything else? the waiter asks.No, the man answers. Thats all. Is that for here or taking away? the waiter asks.Taking away, says the man.The man pays for his lunch. The waiter puts the mans lunch in a bag. The man takes the bag away.Thank you! the waiter says. Have a nice day.The man walks to a park. He sits down and opens the bag. To his surprise(使他吃惊的是), there are no hamburgers in the bag. There are no French fries. There is no pizza. There is money(钱)in the bag a lot of money. The man counts the money-2, 000 dollars!Why is the money in the bag? The man doesnt know. Do you know? Can you guess?A. to a parkB. a lot of moneyC. the mans lunch in a bagD. Id like a hamburger, French fries and a medium pizza.E. to a fast food restaurant for lunch(1)A man goes _. (2)He says, _. (3)A waiter puts _. (4)The man takes the bag and walks _. (5)He opens the bag and finds _. 五、 情景交际 根据情景提示,写出句子或将句子补充完整。 (共5题;共5分)22. (1分)请从AE中选择适当的答句,与第-小题进行配对,每句限用一次。Whats this in English? _Is there a map on the wall? _Thank you. _How many boys are there? _How is your mother? _A. Youre welcome.B. There are 14.C. Shes fine.D. Its a book.E. Yes, there is.23. (1分)你要把见面时间定在六点半,你可以这么说:_24. (1分)补全对话(选择正确答案的序号填入横线上)A: _.B: Why do you like to see pandas?A: _B: _?A: I like to see elephants, too. Because they can dance.B: Really? _. By the way, do you want to be an assistant in the zoo?A: Well, to work for animals is interesting, but kind of dangerous. I dont like it.B:_?A: I want to be a reporter. I can meet many famous (著名的) people.A. What other animals do you want to seeB. What do you want to beC. Lets go to see the pandasD. That sounds interestingE. Because they are beautiful, but kind of shy25. (1分)A: Hello, may I speak to Ann, please?B: Hello. 1Is that Mary?A: Yes. I hear you werent well yesterday. 2B: I fell off the bike and hurt myself.A: 3B: Much better. Thanks. Maybe I can go to school tomorrow.A: Oh, I think you should stay in bed and have a rest.B: Maybe youre right. 4A: Dont worry. I can help you.B: Its very kind of you. 5A: Its my pleasure._AThat sounds boring.BIts a blue one.CThis is Ann speaking.DIs this enough?_AI need to buy some drinks and snacks.BI dont think so.CId like to go to school.DWhat was the matter?_ASee you tomorrowBI need to get there on time.CAre you better now?DOpen the door._AIt must be Davids.BHow do you do?CWhat color is it?DBut Im worried about my lessons._AI dont know.BThanks a lot.CHere you are.DWheres my homework?26. (1分)为下列问句选择合适的答语。What time do you usually get dressed?_ A. last weekend.Would you like a large bowl?_ B. Sorry, Smith.When did you camp by the lake?_ C. Yes, he is enjoying himself.Dont run in the classroom or hallways!_ D. At seven thirty.Is your brother listening to a CD in the room?_ E. Yes, please.六、 根据图画及所给单词写出句子 (共1题;共25分)27. (25分) ( build, the same time )_七、 语法填空 (共1题;共1分)28. (1分)阅读下面的短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。 When Jane was nine, she had a big accident. She gets scared even now_she thinks about it.It was a cold afternoon. There were many people_(play) on the lake near her house. Seeing them skate so_(wonderful), she couldnt wait to have a try, just a piece of cake, she thought.Then she went with a classmate_was full of experience. He spent much time teaching her how_(skate), but she still didnt learn much. It made him very angry. Finally he left her and skated all around. She had to skate alone and soon got bored because she _(keep) falling down, so she took off her skates and just walked around _the ice. It was cold and her_(foot) were frozen.Suddenly, she stepped on something that wasnt hard. Actually it was_(weak) place. When she stepped there, she sank under the ice. Without thinking, she grabbed(抓) the edge of edge ice and cried out.Fortunately, her classmate hurried by and she _(save)! What an unforgettable experience!八、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)29. (5分)某英语报刊登了中学生李琳的来信,你班同学就信中提出的问题展开了激烈讨论,假设你叫沈慧,是赞成或不赞成中的一员(只需选择一方),请围绕你的观点,用英语写一封信,参与讨论。 注意:1)包含所选观点栏中所有信息,并补充一到两条。2)开头已给出,不计入总词数。词数80-100。Dear Editor, Im a fourteen-year-old girl. I want to go abroad after junior school Because I think its helpful to improve my English, But my parents dont agree Because they think I am too young to live alone. What do you reckon?Li LinOpinionsReasonsAgreehave a Better English environmentknow the foreign Culture improve the Basic life skillsDisagreespend lots of money have difficulties in talking with foreigners not know how to look after ourselves. Dear Editor,Ive read Li Lins letter and in my opinion, Shen Hui第 22 页 共 22 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完型填空 (共1题;共1分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共40分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、20-1、20-2、20-3、四、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共3分)21-1、21-2、21-3、21-4、21-5、五、 情景交际 根据情景提示,写出句子或将句子补充完整。 (共5题;共5分)22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、六、 根据图画及所给单词写出句子 (共1题;共25分)27-1、七、 语法填空 (共1题;共1分)28-1、八、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)29-1、

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