译林版小学英语六年级下册Unit 5 A party 同步练习C卷

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译林版小学英语六年级下册Unit 5 A party 同步练习C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、 选择题 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)Daming and Simon _ to America next year. A . goesB . are goingC . wentD . go2. (2分)I_ now, and I _ tomorrow. A . am running; jumpB . am running; am going to jumpC . am going to run; am going to jump3. (2分)Will you go to Beijing by bus?No, I _.A . willB . wontC . would4. (2分)What_ Daming to have for breakfast tomorrow? A . are, goingB . is, goingC . does, go5. (2分)He didnt _eggs.A . hasB . haveC . haves6. (2分)What_ Lingling_to eat tonight ? A . does , goB . is , goingC . are , going7. (2分)We are _ have a farewell party. A . going toB . will toC . is going to8. (2分)Where are we _? A . goB . goesC . going9. (2分)_ you _ computer games next Sunday?Yes, I am.A . Will; playB . Are; going to playC . Do; play10. (2分)clothes A . monthB . mouthC . clothD . father11. (2分)朗读下列句子时,停顿正确的是_。 A . I saw my e-friends name/ in a newspaper/ yesterday afternoon.B . I saw my e-friends/ name in a newspaper/ yesterday afternoon.C . I saw my/ e-friends name in/ a newspaper yesterday afternoon.12. (2分)he A . sheB . redC . bed13. (2分)选出画线部分读音与所给音素相同的选项:/A . loveB . postcardC . holiday14. (2分)worriesA . cakesB . messagesC . storiesD . wages15. (2分)What are we going to do first?_ we going to run _ jump first?A . Do, orB . Are, andC . Are, or二、 按要求完成下列句子。 (共5题;共12分)16. (5分)Im going to read books this evening. (改为一般疑问句并做否定回答)_you_read books this evening?No, _ _.17. (2分)We will go to the supermarket this aftermoon.(把this afternoon改为every afternoon)We _ _ the supermarket every afternoon.18. (3分)They sang excitedly yesterday. (对划线部分提问)_ _ they _ yesterday?19. (1分)He buys a book for his brother. (加上tomorrow,改写句子)_20. (1分)暑假你将去哪里?_三、 填空题 (共1题;共5分)21. (5分)给下列问答句配对。 Do you like rice? _A. I hear a dog. Woof, woof. Drink some water, Mum. _B. Thank you. What do you hear? _C. No, I like noodles. Smell the orange._D. I like noodles. What do you like?_E. Its nice.四、 阅读理解 (共3题;共28分)22. (8分)阅读并判断对错My name is John. This is my family. My mother is a teacher. She is very friendly. My father is a basketball player. He is tall and strong. My uncle is a cook. My aunt is a nurse. I am a student. I have no job.(1)Is this Johns mother? (2)Is this Johns uncle? (3)Is this Johns father? (4)Is this Johns aunt? 23. (10分) Welcome to Mr. Mas shop! We have big sale today. All the goods are at a good price.When you enjoy the sunshine, you need a pair of sunglasses. The sunglasses are cheap today. They are only five yuan today. We have some white sports shoes .They are 20 yuan. Doyou likeT-shirts? They are very cheap. We have T-shirts in all colors for 16 yuan each. We have socks in blue, green and red for 3yuan. For boys, blueand black shorts are 12 yuan. For girls, the white and pink skirts are 25 yuan. Do you need a sweater?They are cheap, too. We have them in green and white for 30 yuan. We also have many colorful gloves for kids. They are four yuan.Come to Mr. Mas shop and choose something you want!根据短文内容,选择正确答案。(1)Mr. Mas shop has _ today.A . big saleB . goods C . shop(2)You can buy a _ in Mr. Mas shop.A . scarfB . sweaterC . blouse(3)Is the sweater expensive in the shop ?A . Yes, it is.B . No, it isnt.C . No, it is.(4)Miss White wants to buy a pair of socks and a pink skirt. They cost _.A . 28 yuanB . 25 yuanC . 3 yuan(5)Which of the follow sentence is True?A . The sunglasses are not cheap in the shop.B . John cant buy blue shorts in the shop.C . Mrs. Black can buy a pair of gloves for her daughter.24. (10分)阅读短文,判断正误。 My friend and IHello, boys and girls. My name is Vivian. I m a Chinese girl. I like mangoes and I like dogs very much. Look, I have a little dog. Its name is Karl. Is it cool? I like sports. I can swim and skate. And 1 can play table tennis very well. This is Rose. She is my good friend. She comes from England(英国). She is ten. Im ten, too. She likes pineapples. She cant swim. But she can play table tennis, too. We often play table tennis together. We are very happy.(1)My name is Karl. (2)I can swim but I cant skate. (3)Rose is my good friend. (4)Rose is a boy. . (5)Rose and I can play table tennis. 五、 翻译下列各题 (共13题;共31分)25. (2分)不要忘记带一些中国歌曲的光盘。Dont_to bring some CDs _Chinese songs.26. (4分)他们正在干什么?他们正在扫地。What _ they _? They _ _ the floor.27. (2分)我的爸爸是一名数学老师。My father is a _.28. (1分)Jenny今天去购物吗? 没有,她去了动物园。Did Jenny go shopping today? No, she _.29. (1分)你想吃点什么?(翻译成英语)_30. (2分)他是我的老朋友。He is my _ _.31. (2分)We should _(保护地球) and _ (保持它清洁). 32. (1分)我将会给你看一些照片。_33. (1分)迈克将会回伦敦。_34. (5分) 根据提示写单词 (1)很多有意思的地方 many interesting _(2)海南省 Hainan _ (3)中国的南边 the _of China (4)最著名的._famous (5)两周 two _35. (3分)他将去图书馆寻找一些关于澳大利亚的一些书。_ look_ some books _ the Australia in the library.36. (6分)根据中文意思,完成下列句子。 (1)桌子上有一本书和两只笔。There _ a book and _ pencils on the desk.(2)森林里有一些熊吗?_ _ any _ in the forest?(3)我们学校有许多学生。There _ many students in our school.37. (1分)你怎么去广州?我会坐火车去。_第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 选择题 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 按要求完成下列句子。 (共5题;共12分)16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、20-2、三、 填空题 (共1题;共5分)21-1、四、 阅读理解 (共3题;共28分)22-1、22-2、22-3、22-4、23-1、23-2、23-3、23-4、23-5、24-1、24-2、24-3、24-4、24-5、五、 翻译下列各题 (共13题;共31分)25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、32-1、33-1、34-1、34-2、34-3、34-4、34-5、35-1、36-1、36-2、36-3、37-1、

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