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仁爱版2020届九年级上学期英语期中考试试卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 选词填空 (共2题;共18分)1. (9分)选词填空。sit,mountain,winter,skate,rain(1)The small village is between the two .(2)Do you like sports?YesAnd I like_best(3)Look! Your sister is_looking at us. (4)Do you like_days,Mike? (5)Its usually snowy in this place in_ 2. (9分)阅读短文,然后从方框中选出可以填入文中空白处的单词。 area because help means its during better answer newWhats the most popular school activity among American students? The_is the school dance. Most American high schools have at least two dances _ the year, one in winter and the other in spring. Students attend these events _its a great opportunity for them to meet _ friends.At the dance, there will be snacks and photo booths (机器拍照亭), as well as strict(严格的) rules to _create a healthy and enjoyable evening for all students. And all the dancers will be given a security check(安检)before they come into the dance _. This is acceptable. But some rules may be a little bit over the top(过分). For example, a school once asked _students to keep a standing position while they were dancing. That _the students couldnt do anything freely. Youd _not break the rules because youll be asked to leave there, or even worse, be placed on a do not invite list.二、 单项选择 (共12题;共24分)3. (2分)There are lots of great speakers I can practice English _ in the English corner. A . withB . toC . onD . about4. (2分)The doorbell rang, and Jim _ the door A . stopped openB . stopped openingC . stopped to openD . stopped opened5. (2分)The shorts in the store are on sale. Anybody can _ them. A . takeB . buyC . haveD . afford6. (2分)What about_to the supermarket with me? Thats a good idea.A . goingB . to goC . wentD . goes7. (2分)Look! There are two policemen.Yeah. Theyre walking us.A . atB . towardsC . acrossD . up8. (2分)Jack likes playing soccer, but he doesnt like playing piano. A . /, /B . the, /C . /, the9. (2分)- You are so great! You are ahead of others in such a short time.- Thank you! I should practice more in the future.A . run afterB . fall behindC . do better than10. (2分) When was Michael Jackson born? He was born in Indiana _ August 29th, 1958.A . atB . inC . onD . for11. (2分)I arrived_ my building at around 8:30a.m. _September 11,2001,A . at;onB . in;onC . at; inD . in; in12. (2分)Im a teenagers mother. Sometimes I dont know _.Maybe he suffers from stress.A . what does my son want to getB . what my son needs mostC . why is my son often angryD . why my son gets angry very often13. (2分)I dont feel _ today. So I have to stay at home.A . goodB . niceC . wellD . will14. (2分)Shanghai is a greener city now because more and more trees _ every spring. A . were plantedB . are plantedC . will be plantedD . have planted三、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)15. (5分)根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。A: Hey, Linda. I m not working today.B: Oh. _A: I m having brunch (早午餐) with some friends.B: _Brunch is a great meal.A: Its part (部分的) breakfast.B: And part lunch! _A: Yeah, youre right. I meet my friends for brunch every month.B: What do you talk about at brunch?A: Well, we usually just catch up on (了解) each others news. _B: Thats nice. Its good to share with friends.A: Yes. I enjoy spending time with my friends. _B: Its important to have good friends.A: Yes. And its always nice to have a good meal with friends!A. Oh, thats fun.B. Well, its a great idea.C. What are you doing?D. We talk about our lives. E. You can eat both meals together.F. They help me with my problems.G. How often do you visit your friends?四、 完形填空 (共2题;共20分)16. (10分)完形填空Thank you for all your hard work last weekend raising money for Sunny House Old Peoples Home.We all1a great time and it was nice to see a lot of new volunteers!Here is 2we did last weekend.On Saturday,some 3went to Sunny House Old Peoples Home.Fiona and Tom played chess with some of the old people.David,John and Alice made tea4everyone.Sam played the piano and Sally washed the ladies hair.In the evening,we put on a charity 5for the old people.It made them very 6Grace played the violin and Nick sang songs.Some of the old people sang along with them.On Sunday,we held a fair(展览会) on the school playground.In the morning,we 7food,drinks,and some other things for the fair.Nancy and Ann helped one another to buy fruit for their stalls(摊位).Leo and Philip helped one another to 8old books,magazines and comics for their stalls.Amy and Tom helped 9to decorate their stalls.In the afternoon,Nancy sold fruit salad and Ann sold fruit juice.Leo and Philip sold books,magazines and comics.Many students and their families came to the fair and10money.We have raised a lot of money for Sunny House Old Peoples Home.(1)A . had B . spent C . took D . found (2)A . how B . when C . why D . what (3)A . workers B . volunteers C . singers D . teachers (4)A . with B . to C . for D . from (5)A . commitment B . Show C . advertisement D . organization (6)A . happy B . sad C . bored D . hungry (7)A . cooked B . set C . organized D . picked (8)A . collect B . fill C . sell D . read (9)A . other B . others C . another D . each other (10)A . borrowed B . donated C . made D . kept 17. (10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Mr. and Mrs. Brown were teachers. They lived in a big 1.Last year they went to the countryside for their summer vacation. They 2it very much because it was a quite clean place.One day they went for a 3in the morning and saw an old man. He sat in the 4sun in front of his house. Mr.Brown went to him and asked, “Do you like 5in this quiet place?”The old man answered, “Yes, I 6.”Mr. Brown asked, “What are the 7things about it?”The old man answered “Well, 8here knows each other(互相) well. They often come to see me, and I often go to visit 9, too. Also, there are lots of children here.”Mr. Brown said, “Thats interesting. Well, 10are the bad things?”The old man thought for a short time and said, “Well, the same things.”(1)A . city B . house C . country D . village (2)A . learned B . enjoyed C . played D . swam (3)A . talk B . walk C . look D . say (4)A . cold B . cloudy C . warm D . wet (5)A . reading B . living C . sitting D . studying (6)A . can B . am C . do D . did (7)A . good B . cheap C . delicious D . well (8)A . nothing B . everyone C . no one D . something (9)A . him B . you C . them D . themselves (10)A . what B . how C . who D . Which 五、 阅读理解 (共3题;共26分)18. (8分) How often one hears children wishing they were grown-ups, and old people wishing they were young again. Each age has its pleasures and its pains(痛苦), and the happiest person is the one who enjoys what each age gives him without wasting his time in useless regrets(后悔).Childhood is a time when there are few responsibilities(责任) to make life difficult. If a child has good parents, he is fed, looked after and loved, whatever he may do. It is impossible that he will ever again in his life be given so much without having to do anything in return. Whats more, life is always giving new things to the child- things that have lost their interest for older people because they are too well-known. But a child has his pains: he is not so free to do what he wishes to do; he is repeatedly being told not do something or being punished for what he has wrongly done.When a young man starts to earn his own living, he can no longer expect others to pay for his food, his clothes, and his room, but has to work if he wants to live comfortably. If he spends most of his time playing about in the way he used to as a child, he will go hungry. And if he breaks the laws of society(社会) as he used to break the laws of his parents, he may go to prison. If, however, he worked hard, keeps out of trouble and has good health, he can have the greatest happiness of building up for himself his own position(地位) in society.(1)What is the happiest person according to the passage?A . A child who can do whatever he likes.B . An old person who lives in a comfortable life.C . A grown-up who no longer expects other to pay for him.D . A person who never wastes his time in his whole life.(2)Which of the following is true, according to the second paragraph?A . Life for a child is fairly easy.B . A child is always loved whatever he does.C . If much is given to a child, he must do something in return.D . Only children are interested in life.(3)What is the main idea of the passage?A . Life is not enjoyable since each age had some pains.B . Young men can have the greatest happiness if they work hard.C . Childhood is the most enjoyable time in ones life.D . One is the happiest if he can make good use of each age in his life.(4)What will the fourth paragraph most probably discuss following this passage?A . Examples of successful young men.B . How to build up ones position in society.C . Joys and pains of old people.D . What to do when one has problems in life.19. (8分)根据短文内容,选择正确答案。AEvery year, thousands of students choose to study in another country. More than 30 percent of these students go to the United States, around 15 percent go to Italy, and 10 percent go to both England and Germany. A little less than 10 percent go to Australia, and around 5 percent go to Canada.No matter where a student chooses to study, there are some things universities around the world need. First, all students must graduate from high school before they can apply (申请)to a university. Most universities also need some kind of test for students to enter the university.Universities in the United States, Australia, and Canada usually need some kind of standardized (标准化的)exam,such as the SAT in the United States. Students who do not come from English speaking countries also must take a test such as the TOEFL in the United States and Canada to show they know enough English to study in English. England and Australia require students to take the IELTS.In most countries, students must apply to each university they hope to go to. However, students applying to universities in England can use one form to apply to six universities at one time through the British Council (英国文化协会). Many students like this because it can save them a lot of time and money. For universities in other countries, students must fill in different forms for each university and pay a fee with each application.(1)According to the passage, is the most popular country where foreign students would like to choose to study in Europe.A . the USAB . ItalyC . GermanyD . England(2)According to the passage,those who want to study abroad cant apply to any university until .A . they get their passportsB . they choose the first countryC . they graduate from high schoolD . they pass the TOEFL or the IELTS(3)If Chinese students want to apply to a university in Australia, they have to .A . take the TOEFLB . take the IELTSC . know enough EnglishD . study English first(4)One of the advantages for students applying to universities in England is that .A . it saves time and moneyB . they neednt pay for any applicationC . they can choose six countries each timeD . they have six chances to go to other countries20. (10分)阅读理解。House of Noodles We have three sizes bowl of noodles: small, medium and large. A small bowl of mutton and carrot noodles is 5 yuan. A medium bowl of beef and potato noodles is 7 yuan. A large bowl of chicken and cabbage noodles is 8 yuan. Welcome to our house.Lunch Special We have some great specials. The cabbage,tomato and rice lunch special is 3 yuan. The beef, carrot and rice lunch special is 5 yuan. The dumpling and soup lunch special is 8 yuan. Time: 11:00 a.m.2:00 p.m.Dessert House What kind of dessert would you like? We have 2 great new specials: Apple, strawberry and ice-cream. Banana, orange and ice-cream. And what size of dessert would you like? Small, medium or large? And we also have juice and tea.(1)If you want to buy a small bowl of mutton and carrot noodles and two large bowls of chicken and cabbage noodles, you can pay _? A . 24 yuanB . 13 yuanC . 21 yuanD . 18 yuan(2)If you go to the House of Noodles, you can buy a medium bowl of _ noodles. A . beef and carrotB . beef and potatoC . chicken and eggD . mutton and cabbage(3)If you have only 3 yuan, you can have _ at lunch time. A . the cabbage, tomato and rice lunch specialB . the beef, carrot and rice lunch specialC . the dumpling and soup lunch specialD . a small bowl of mutton and carrot noodles(4)If you want to have some dessert, you can _. A . go to the House of NoodlesB . get a lunch specialC . go to the Dessert HouseD . go to the Dumpling House(5)At the Dessert House, you can also buy _. A . juice and milkB . juice and teaC . dumplingsD . noodles六、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)21. (10分)补全对话, 每空一词。A: Hello. May I _to Mr Brown, the headmaster(校长), please?B: _is Mr Brown speaking.A: Hi! This is John. I want to _for a student in your school. Can you help me?B: A student? _does he look like?A: Well, hes tall and fat. He has big black eyes and short black hair. He _very friendly.B: Oh, I see. _Li Lei. But why are you looking for him?A: Yesterday I _ill on my way home. At that time he met me and _me to the hospital. So I want to find him and _him.B: That _exciting(今人激动的). I think I will help you.A: Thank you very much.B: You are welcome.七、 短文填空 (共1题;共5分)22. (5分)根据短文内容,从短文后所给的六个选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余选项。_Education should be aimed to make better citizens instead of making money. Money can be earned by starting business. Its time to abolish(废除) the industrialized education so that all the people can benefit from real education._Concrete(具体的) measures should be taken to lessen(减轻) the students heavy burden. Not empty talks but concrete and solid policies can guarantee(保证) all the students grow soundly._My parents are farmer-turned workers. I think we should be treated equally with the local children. We should have equal chance to go to both the local public schools and take the national college entrance exam rather than go back to our native places._School choice has become a serious educational problem. To solve this problem, we must stick to the balanced development. The government should offer more support to weak schools and exchange teachers among all the schools._The governments unwillingness to spend enough money on education makes key schools turn to parents for money to build new buildings and increase teachers income, widening the gap between key schools and common schools. Therefore, in order to realize the balance of education, the government should offer more help to weak schools.A. Offer more aid to weak schools.B. Children should share the same educational rights.C. Heavy load is supposed to be taken off the students shoulders.D. Bring the industrial management of education to an end.E. Balanced education may stop school choice.F. Key schools and classes are unreasonable.八、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共10分)23. (10分)阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填写表格 (每空限填一词)。Good morning, boys and girl. Today Ill talk about going online.We know that there are too many net bars around us. The Internet can make our lives interesting and enjoyable. Many of us like going online very much because we can learn how to use the computer. We can learn English and read some newspapers and magazines to know more information around us. It can make us clever in playing computer games. Also we can send e-mails to our friends quickly. It can help us contact(联络,联系) people from all over the world.But some students spend too much time in playing computer games and some stay in the net bars all day and all night. Some girls even get to have boyfriends or some boys get to have girlfriends online. They write too many letters to each other. It takes them too much time to chat online so they do worse in their lessons and they dont study well any more.I think we mustnt get online when it is time for us to study. We can do it in summer or winter holidays. I think we should get online with our teachers or parents.At the same time, if we have lots of free time, we can do some activities after class. We usually have activities from 4:50 to 5:50 in the afternoon . You can play basket ball or football. We also have some interest groups in school, such as drawing, singing and dancing. We can go to the English corner on Monday afternoon. We hope we can spend more time on our subjects or on such activities that we can learn a lot from and less time on the Internet.Title: A _about going online。Advantages Make our lives interesting and make us _our lives. Learn how to use the computer and can get more _. Send e-mails to our friends _. Help us keep in _with people from all over the world.Disadvantages It _too much time to play computer games. Some students write too _letters to each other and spend too much time _online so they do worse in their lessons._Do it in summer or winter holidays; do some after-class activities and have some _groups in school.九、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)24. (5分)写作。寒假将至,请根据以下提示用英语向同学们介绍你自己的寒假计划(My plan for the winter holiday)。生活1. 每天八点起床;多吃健康食物;2. 多做运动,有利于健康;3. 帮父母做家务;会见好友。学习1. 完成作业,读书看报,练习跳舞;2. 活动1. 和家人一起举行大聚会庆祝中国新年;2. My plan for the w inter holiday要求:1.词数 100 个左右。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。(1)所写短文必须包括以上要点,省略处适当发挥使短文通顺流畅。(2)文中不得出现真实的人名、校名、地名等相关信息。Winter holiday is coming. Now I want to say something about my plan for the winter holiday.That will be fun in the winter holiday! I cant wait!第 23 页 共 23 页参考答案一、 选词填空 (共2题;共18分)1-1、1-2、1-3、1-4、1-5、2-1、二、 单项选择 (共12题;共24分)3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、三、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)15-1、四、 完形填空 (共2题;共20分)16-1、17-1、五、 阅读理解 (共3题;共26分)18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、六、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)21-1、七、 短文填空 (共1题;共5分)22-1、八、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共10分)23-1、九、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)24-1、

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