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仁爱版2019-2020学年八年级下学期英语3月考试卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)Its very important us to make a plan before a new term.Yes. You must try to make it carefully.A . ofB . forC . to2. (2分)Come on, children! Help to some . A . yourself ; meatB . yourselves ; chickenC . yourselves ; beefsD . yourself ; meats3. (2分)I dont eat junk food,_ I like junk food a lot.A . becauseB . asC . although4. (2分)Would you like _ with me tomorrow?A . to go fishB . going to fishC . to go fishingD . going fishing5. (2分)The only suspect had to _ more details when the police began to question his explanation. A . make outB . make upC . make ofD . make into6. (2分)- Do you know Nell Armstrong?- Yes. He is the first man on the moon.A . walkB . walksC . to walkD . walked7. (2分)-How do you like the soup?-Oh,its because its too hot.A . no goodB . very deliciousC . no useD . very important8. (2分)These wires _cables under the street. A . are connected toB . are made up ofC . consist ofD . make from9. (2分)In order to solve the job problem, the government has carried out many policies to _ young people more job opportunities.A . offerB . provideC . supplyD . make10. (2分)How do you study a test?I often study a group.A . to,forB . for,atC . at,inD . for,with11. (2分)Here two of my family. A . is; photoB . are; photoesC . are; photosD . is; photos12. (2分)_ was the population of Longwan in 2010? It was more than 930 thousand.A . WhatB . HowC . How manyD . How much13. (2分) Can you get me some juice to drink? Im thirsty. Sorry, there is _. Please ask Sally, instead.A . too muchB . too manyC . too littleD . too few14. (2分)- Dont keep water running when you wash hands.- A . I hope so.B . Im afraid not.C . Sorry, I wont.D . Its nothing.15. (2分)Hi! _Lucy?Yes, this is Lucy speaking.A . Are youB . Is thisC . Is itD . Is that二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分) Have you ever planted trees before? Every year, millions of people, both1, plant many trees. But this may not be the best way tomake your home a 2place.Last week we visited a park in Hebei. We were 3to find most of the trees had been burned. The workers told us that the trees4soon after they were planted because they werent watered well enough. 5workers burned them and cleaned the place for 6trees to be planted this year. 7a card found in one of the dead trees, a student wrote, I hope this tree will grow up with me to 8the backbone(栋梁) of our country.”The workers said that the survival of the trees was really more 9than the number of the trees that were planted.Some people in Beijing now have a new idea that they can donate(贡献) some money and let professionals (专业人员) plant and10the trees.(1)A . boys and girls B . the old and the young C . mother and father D . students and teachers (2)A . larger B . warmer C . greener D . smaller (3)A . surprised B . pleased C . happy D . interesting (4)A . planted B . grew C . bought D . died (5)A . When B . So C . Because D . Though (6)A . new B . old C . dead D . few (7)A . From B . Over C . Above D . On (8)A . hold B . need C . be D . plant (9)A . interesting B . beautiful C . impossible D . important (10)A . takeaway B . take down C . take care of D . take out 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)17. (10分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。The snow lasted until last Friday. I opened the window this morning and saw the sun but I felt much colder.“Youd better go to work on foot, dear,” said my husband, “It is dangerous for you to drive.”I thought him right and agreed. It would take me about forty minutes to get to my hospital. There was about an hour left, so I started, with a bag of sandwich for breakfast. In the streets there was thick snow and ice and the traffic was less than before and people walked carefully. Suddenly I saw a car going fast. The driver tried to pass the crossing before the lights turned red. Maybe he didnt see two boys in the middle of the street. His car knocked down one boy and stopped just in front of the police box.People crowded around the boy at once. I rushed out of the gathering crowd(聚集的人群) and was going to look him over. But a man pushed me aside and said, “Step back, please. Ive had a course in first aid.”I had to stand and watch his ministrations(救助) for a few minutes. Then I said to him, “When you need a doctor, sir, Im already here.”(1)Its today.A . snowyB . cloudyC . sunny(2)I left home this morning.A . after breakfastB . before breakfastC . as usual(3)People walked carefully because .A . it was very coldB . there was much trafficC . there was much snow and ice in the streets(4)The driver knocked down the boy because .A . he had something important to doB . he was afraid to be late for workC . he drove too fast past the crossing(5)The man thought .A . only he could give the boy first aidB . the hospital was far from thereC . he had a lot of knowledge of medicine18. (10分) Jeff Keith has only one leg. When he was 12 years old, Jeff had cancer(癌症). Doctors had to cut off most of his right leg.Every day Jeff puts on an artificial leg(假腿). With the plastic artificial leg Jeff can ride a bicycle, swim, and play soccer. He can also run.Jeff made a plan with his friends who had plastic legs, too. They decided to run across America.When he was 22 years old, Jeff Keith ran across the United States from the east to the west. He started running in Boston. Seven months later, he stopped running in Los Angeles. He ran 3,200 miles. Jeff stopped in cities on the way to Los Angeles. In every city people gave Jeff money. The money was not for Jeff, but for the American Cancer Society.Jeff is disabled, but he can do many things. He is studying to be a lawyer(律师). Jeff says, “People can do anything they want to do. I want people to know that. I ran not only for disabled people. I ran for everybody.”根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。(1)Jeffs right leg was cut off because he had_.A . TB(肺结核)B . an accidentC . cancerD . a serious injury(2)From the passage we know that Boston is _.A . in the westB . half between the east and westC . near Los AngelesD . in the east(3)It took Jeff _ to run from Boston to Los Angeles.A . about four and a half monthsB . over two hundred daysC . almost twenty-five weeksD . less than half a year(4)The underlined word “disabled” means _.A . 优秀的B . 劳累的C . 残疾的D . 无能为力的(5)The fifth passage tells us that _.A . people should give him more moneyB . people can do anything they want to doC . some disabled men will become lawyersD . disabled people also can run19. (10分)阅读理解A TrapMr. Smith left his car outside his apartment one night as usual, but when he came down the next morning to go to his office, he discovered that the car wasnt there. He called the police and told them what had happened, and they said that they would try to find the car.When Mr. Smith came home from his office that evening, the car was back again in its usual place in front of his house. He examined it carefully to see whether it had been damaged, and found two theater tickets on one of the seats and a letter which said, “Were very sorry. We took your car because of an emergency.”Mr. and Mrs. Smith went to the theater with the two tickets the next night and enjoyed themselves very much.When they got home, they found that thieves had taken almost everything they had had in their apartment.(1)What did Mr. Smith find one morning?A . His car was missing.B . The door of the car was open.C . His car was in the garage.D . His car was outside of the garage(2)What did he do then?A . He got in and drove it.B . He closed the door of his car.C . He called the police.D . He looked everywhere for it(3)What happened when he came home from his office that evening?A . The police was waiting for him.B . His car was back.C . His car was damaged.D . His car was stolen.(4)What did Mr. Smith find on one of the seats in his car?A . Some books.B . Some tickets.C . Some money.D . Some food.(5)What did Mr. and Mrs. Smith do with the thing(s) they found in their car?A . They sold them.B . They gave them to their friends.C . They threw them away.D . They went to the theater with them.四、 单词拼写 (共1题;共5分)20. (5分)根据句意及首字母提示,完成句子。 (1)The farmers are busy harvesting the crops in the f_. (2)“Are you the driver of this v_, sir? asked the policeman. (3)It is a good activity to r_money for the poor children . (4)The airplane l_at the airport on time yesterday. (5)Id like to b_some train tickets, please. 五、 选词填空 (共1题;共5分)21. (5分)选择方框中的单词填空,使句子的意思完整与正确。(5分)have, am, small, spell, meet(1)How do you _ pencil?(2)They _ round faces.(3)Jane has a _ nose.(4)Nice to _ you.(5)I _ in Class Two,Grade Seven.六、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)22. (5分)根据描述,给每个人选出合理的建议。 _Carry She doesnt like eating the American food every day. She dreams that she can taste food from other countries. _Mr. Smith An old man. He is living in the city, but what he likes is the country life. _Ben He hates hot weather. He feels pleased when he walks on the sand. _Jack A young man. He is not afraid of danger. And he feels like watching difficult actions like jumping through the air or walking on their hands. _Miss Green She has nothing to do this Saturday. She thinks watching films is a good way to kill time.A. Visit Hawaii Visit long sandy beaches. Climb the mountains. Daytime temperatures 24C-26C, only a little cool by late evening.B. Come to Austria Enjoy the whole village, soil, the forest and the mountains in a clean and not expensive hotel. 20C-25C in the daytime, but much cooler in the evening.C. Acrobatics(杂技) Exciting! Dangerous! See you at the City Theatre on Saturday morning at 10:00, free.D. Movies at the Museum Two Indian movies will be shown on Saturday afternoon at the Museum Theatre. THE GRAND CANYON: 2:00; THE BUILDERS:3:50 Tel:367899E. International Picnic Are you fed up with(对厌倦) having the same food? Would you like to enjoy food from all over the world? Its delicious and not dear. Just come here.七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)23. (5分)书面表达绿水青山才是金山银山,我们的家乡衢州经过“五水共治”后,天更蓝了,水更绿了,吸引了更多的外地游客来游玩。作为衢州的一员,我们该怎么做才能让家乡变得更美?请自拟题目写一篇有关衢州环境保护方面的短文(80词左右)。第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、四、 单词拼写 (共1题;共5分)20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、五、 选词填空 (共1题;共5分)21-1、21-2、21-3、21-4、21-5、六、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)22-1、七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)23-1、

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