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第 1 页 共 9 页 浙教版 2020 年备战中考初中英语训练专题 阅读理解 人生百味类 I 卷 姓名 班级 成绩 一 阅读理解 共 5 题 共 42 分 1 10 分 阅读理解 Many teenagers feel that the most important people in their lives are their friends They believe that their family members don t know them as well as their friends do In large families it is quite often for brothers or sisters to fight with each other and then they can only go to their friends for some ideas It is important for teenagers to have one good friend or a group of friends Even when they are not with their friends they usually spend a lot of time talking to each other on the phone The communication is very important in children s growth because friends can discuss some things that are difficult to say to their family members However parents often try to choose their children s friends for them Some parents may even stop their children from meeting their good friends Have you ever thought of the following questions Who chooses your friends Do you choose your friends or your friends choose you Have you got a good friend your parents don t like Your answers are welcome 1 Many teenagers think that can understand them better A friends B brothers C sisters D parents 2 is very important to teenagers 第 2 页 共 9 页 A To make children choose friends B Communicating with their friends C To stop making friends D Making phone calls 3 When teenagers have something difficult to say to their parents they usually A stay alone at home B fight with their parents C discuss with their friends D go to their brothers or sisters for help 4 The underlined sentence Your answers are welcome means A You are welcome to discuss the questions with us B Your answers are always right C We ve got no idea so your answers are welcome D You can give us all the right answers 2 6 分 2019 沈阳 阅读理解 The engine of a giant ship broke down so the ship lost its power The owner of the ship was very worried The owner of the ship was very worried He sent for one expert after another but none of them could figure out 弄清楚 how to fix the engine Then an old man who had been fixing ships since he was young was brought in The old man carried a large bag of tools with him When he arrived he went to work immediately He examined the engine very carefully from top to bottom The owner of the ship stood there watching the old man s every move After looking things over the old man reached into his bag and pulled out a small hammer 锤子 He tapped 敲打 something gently The engine started back up at 第 3 页 共 9 页 once He then put his hammer away carefully The engine was fixed A week later the owner of the ship received a bill from the old man for 10 000 So he wrote the old man a note saying Please send me an itemized 逐条记录的 bill The man sent a bill that read Tapping with a hammer 2 Knowing where to tap 9 998 Effort 努力 is important but knowing where to put the effort in your life is more important 1 How did the owner of the ship feel when the engine broke down A Excited B Worried C Tired D Interested 2 After pulling out a small hammer the old man A looked things over rapidly B reached into his bag secretly C tapped something gently D put his hammer away carefully 3 According to the itemized bill knowing where to tap cost A 10 000 B 9 998 C 9996 D 2 第 4 页 共 9 页 4 What s the main idea of the text A Effort is very important when you are in trouble B Fixing the engine of a giant ship costs too much C Putting the effort in the right place is more important D Losing the engine s power is the reason for asking for help 3 6 分 阅读理解 Barry is having a very difficult time in his life His wife recently passed away He is very sad Barry s neighbor a very old woman named Gertrude sees him from her yard one day She has not seen him outside for days Hello Barry Just look at this fence It is broken You are a strong man and you have some free time I want you to fix this fence for me Gertrude says Barry is angry He thinks the old lady is very selfish Still he knows she is a nice woman and he respects her He agrees to help her Barry works for days Gertrude brings him lemonade while he works When he finishes he smiles for the first time in months You did such a wonderful job Do you think you could paint it for me Gertrude smiles at him Barry cannot believe his ears Doesn t she know how sad he is But because he respects her so much Barry agrees He works hard in the hot sun but Gertrude s lemonade and encouragement are wonderful He feels proud of the beautiful fence he is making Over the next few weeks Gertrude keeps giving Barry jobs He even repairs her door All the neighbors pass by and tell Barry what a beautiful job he has done He finally realizes that she has never been rude She is really very wise He knows that simply getting busy with something can take sorrow away He helps her but she truly saves him 1 Why does Barry agree to help Gertrude to fix the fence 第 5 页 共 9 页 A Because he thinks Gertrude is too old B Because he has some free time C Because he is strong enough D Because he respects her 2 Barry does a lot for Gertrude but he doesn t for her A repair the door B fix the fence C paint the fence D buy lemonade 3 What does the underlined word sorrow mean in Chinese A 愤怒 B 遗憾 C 悲伤 D 喜悦 4 From the text we can learn that Gertrude is A selfish and rude B kind but rude C nice and wise D friendly but selfish 4 10 分 2018 八上 佳木斯期中 根据短文内容 选择正确答案 It s time to plant potatoes but I can t do all the digging 挖 by myself The farmer thought over and then had an idea He wrote to his wife Don t dig the fields This is where my gold 金子 is Don t plant potatoes until I come home A few days later the farmer got another 第 6 页 共 9 页 letter from his wife It said Two days ago about ten prison guards 监狱看守 came to our fields It looked as if they were looking for something They have dug our field The farmer wrote to his wife at once Now you can plant our potatoes he wrote 1 The farmer was put in prison A because he had done something wrong B because he had a lot of gold in the fields C The writer didn t say anything about why the farmer was put in prison 2 The farmer s wife was much worried about A her husband B their farm C planting potatoes 3 The farmer told his wife first A not to dig the fields B to ask the prison guards for help C to find the gold in the fields 4 Why did the prison guards dig the farmer s fields A They wanted to help the farmer B The farmer asked them to do so C They wanted to find out the gold 5 Why did the farmer ask his wife to plant potatoes at once A Because their fields had been dug B Because the gold was found out C Because the prison guards asked him to do so 第 7 页 共 9 页 5 10 分 阅读理解 An old man died and left his son a lot of money But the son was a foolish young man and he quickly spent all the money so soon he had nothing left Of course when that happened all his friends left him When he was quite poor and alone he went to see Nasreddin who was a kind clever old man and often helped people when they had trouble My money has finished and my friends have gone said the young man What will happen to me now Don t worry young man answered Nasreddin Everything will soon be all right again Wait and you will soon feel much happier The young man was very glad Am I going to get rich again then he asked Nasreddin No I didn t mean that said the old man I meant that you would soon get used to being poor and to having no friends 1 An old man died and left his son A nothing B some gold C much money D only a house 2 When the son was he went to see Nasreddin A short of money B quite poor and sick C in trouble D quite poor and alone 3 The young man was very glad because Nasreddin said that 第 8 页 共 9 页 A he would become rich again B he would soon feet much happier C he would become clever D he would have more friends 4 Nasreddin meant the young man A would get rich again B would get used to having nothing C would get used to being in trouble D would get out of poorness 第 9 页 共 9 页 参考答案 一 阅读理解 共 5 题 共 42 分 1 答案 略 2 答案 略 3 答案 略 4 答案 略 5 答案 略

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