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Unit 1 This Is My DaySection B Lets learn & Lets chant导学案课 型词汇教学课 时第4课时主备人审核人复备人本周行为训练重点大胆展示班 级小 组姓 名学习目标知识目标:能够听、说、读、写五个四会动词短语:climb mountains, go shopping, play the piano, visit grandparents, go hiking.能力目标:(1)能够听懂会说句型:When do you do on the weekend?I usually /often play football .Sometimes I go hiking.并能在实际情景中运用。(2)能够说唱Lets chant 部分的歌谣,并能理解其含义。(3)能够听懂并唱歌曲“Weekend”。情感目标:引导学生养成良好的作息时间.重、难点预测重点:五个四会动词短语。难点:正确拼写单词mountain 和grandparents .知识链接-What do you do on Sundays/Saturdays?-I often play ping-pong ,read books ,play football ,play computer games and do my homework.教具准备教师录音机学生每组准备一套本课时的单词卡片时间预设导学2分钟 自学15分钟 互学15分钟 评学8分钟学习过程师生笔记一、导学21、Warm up: 听P7 Lets chant部分的录音,有节奏的跟读,并理解其含义。2、介绍本课学习目标。二、自学15Step1:I can read (我会读)2 聪明的我,可以根据以前读单词的方法读出下面的词组。 climb mountains ,go shopping , play the piano ,visit grandparents , go hiking .Step2:I can line(我会连)4 细心的我发现单词的音标规则 (我会读:like ,fish ,由此我也会读shopping, hike,我可以根据下面的音标边连边读新词。climb ,visit , piano , shopping , hike , grandparentpno vzt grndprnt klam p hak 我发现有个单词字母_不发音。Step3:我会听录音,试着按音标读。4Step4:我会熟读单词。并在自己不会读的单词打上“?”。Step5:I can read (我会读)2 我会把五个动词短语正确、流利地读给我的同伴听。Step6:I can show (我会展示)3 我会在小组内大声的读出“Lets learn中的五个动词短语,并借助肢体语言描述其意思。三、互学15Step1:I can teach (我会教)5 同学们可轮流当小老师领读单词,验收其他同学是否会读。我们组读的最好的同学是:_.Step2:Games (游戏)4例如:A说:climb B说:climb mountains C说:I often/usually climb mountains . D说:I often/usually climb mountains on the weekend.小组长负责,督促小组内的每一位学生都参与。Step3:I can use (我会用)3 两人一组练习对话。 A:What do you do on _? B:I usually/often _.Step4:I can write (我会写)3 我能快速的根据音标读单词、写单词。_四、评学8Write the words (写单词) (1)爬山_ (2)去远足_ (3)购物_ (4)弹钢琴_ (5)看望(外)祖父母_ (6)周末_2、Answer the questions (回答问题) (1)What do you do on the weekend? _. (2)What does your father do on the weekend? _3、我会唱 学唱P12的“Let s sing”“Weekend”。PEP 小学英语五年级下册Unit 1 This Is My DaySection A Lets try & talk导学案课 型对话教学课 时第5课时主备人审核人复备人本周行为训练重点大胆展示班 级小 组姓 名学习目标1、知识目标:能够听懂会说句型:When do you do on the weekend?I usually /often play football .Sometimes I go hiking.并能在实际情景中运用。2、能力目标:(1)、能够在Lets find out 部分用本课时目标语言询问他人周末的活动安排,从而找到能在周末共同活动的伙伴。(2)、能够听懂Lets try部分的录音,完成听音写名字的练习。3、情感目标:引导学生养成良好的作息时间.重、难点预测重点:熟练运用句型:What do you on the weekend? I usually /often play football . Sometimes I go hiking.难点:频度副词:sometimes ,often ,usually 的使用,以及对句型“Lets .together next Sunday .知识链接_What do you do on Sundays/Sundays?_I often watch TV and read books.教具准备教师录音机学生每个小组准备usually ,often ,sometimes的单词卡片。时间预设导学2分钟, 自学15分钟 , 互学15分钟 , 评学8分钟学习过程师生笔记导学21、日常口语练习:A:What do you do on the weekend?B: I often.2、介绍学习目标.二、自学15三、互学15Step1:3 我会和同伴一起读三个频度副词:sometimes ,often ,usually.并照书本中的例句仿写三句话。 _. _. _.Step2: 我能拓展4 我能用已学过的知识替换Lets talk中的句子。(以下词组供参考:)-do homework ,play football ,play computer games , play ping-pong ,watch TV ,read books.-A:_?B:_.Step3:4 小组合作完成“Lets find out”。 相互询问:What do you usually do on the weekend?要提问到同组的每一个成员。然后完成填空。Step5:4 我会听P8“Lets try”,完成听音写姓名的练习。然后和其他同学一起交流。我们组最善于聆听的学生是:_. 四、评学8 1、选择_What do you do _the weekend ? _I often play football. A. on B. in C. atSometimes I _the piano. A. do B. play C. can_What do you do on the weekend? _I _mountains and _my grandparents . A go ,climb B. climb, visit C. climb ,go2、根据实情回答问题。 When do you do on the weekend?_.听P13的“Story time”,理解故事意思。PEP 小学英语五年级下册Unit 1 This Is My DaySection B. Read and write & Lets play &Lets check导学案课 型阅读教学课 时第六课时主备人审核人复备人本周行为训练重点大胆展示班 级小 组姓 名学习目标1、知识目标:能够听、说、读、写本课时句型:What do you do on the weekend ?Usually I watch TV and go shopping .Sometimes I visit my grandparents . I often play football .Sometimes I go hiking.2、能力目标:(1)能够听、说、认读句子:The weather report says its going to rain tomorrow. I cant play football in the rain .I cant go hiking ,either .(2)能够看懂Lets play 部分的指示语,做Chain talk游戏。(3)能够完成Lets check部分填写作息时间表并选出周末活动的练习。3、情感目标:引导学生养成良好作息时间.重、难点预测四会掌握句型:What do you do on the weekend? Usually I watch TV and go shopping .Sometimes I visit my grandparents.学法指导逐字逐句的慢慢读,由生疏到熟练。教具准备教师 录音机学生Zoom和Zip的头饰时间预设导学2分钟 ,自学25分钟,互学8分钟 ,评学5分钟学习过程师生笔记一、导学2复习B部分的五个动词词组。介绍学习目标。二、自学25Step1:8 1、我会读懂Read and write部分的内容,把不会读的单词和不懂得词句分别用不同颜色的圈出来。并能正确翻译下面句子的汉语意思。5 (1)But not this weekend . _ (2)The weather report says its going to rain tomorrow . _ (3)I cant play football. _ 2、我能根据短文内容独自完成Zoom和Zip周末的活动安排。3ZoomZipStep2:4 我已大致读通P9页的对话,我会向小组内的其他同学或老师请教自己不会读得单词或不理解的地方。Step3:4 我会把短文准确、流利地读给同伴听。Step4:5 我们会分角色朗读课文。一人扮演Zip,一人扮演Zoom.Step5:4 我能和同伴一起快速的口头翻译短文。三、互学8Step1:8 小组合作完成“Lets play”传递练习。 A:What do you do on the weekend ? B:I often go shopping . What do you do on the weekend ? C: I usually clean my room .What do you do on the weekend ? D:. 我们小组内_反应得最快。四、评学5我会听 我会听P11“Lets check”部分的录音,完成填充作息时间表和选择周末活动两项练习。对话配对( )1、When do you get up ? A.I am a policeman.( )2、What do you do on the weekend? B. Usually I get up at 6:40.( )3、Lets go hiking together next Sunday. C. Sure.( )4、What do you do? D.I often visit my grandparents .( )5、Can I ask you some questions? E. Great/Ok.

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