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Chapter Eleven “有”动词一. “有”动词:1. “有”动词可以分为两种: there be 和 have/has2. there be某地有某物,后面一般有地点,无主语;have/has某人拥有某物,前面必须有人作主语;3. 有时两种句子可以句型转换:二.there be结构:A. there be结构的陈述句,根据be后面的名词的单复数而确定;B. there be 的将来时: there is going to be /there will be C. there be 的否定句: there be + notD. there be 的一般疑问句: be there +?E. there be 的特殊疑问句有两种:There are two boxes on the table. How many boxes are there on the table?There are two boxes on the table. Whats on the table?三.have/has结构:1.have got = have has got = has2.have/has的否定句: 主+dont/doesnt+have+其他 have/has的一般疑问句: Do/Does +主+have+其他;练习:一. 将下列句子改成否定句:1. There is some milk in the glass.2. There are many toy planes under the desk.3. There is a boy in the tree.4. There are many foxes in the forest.5. I have some good books.6. He has got a big dictionary.7. My sister has some ink.8. Linda has three brothers.9. They have English on Friday.二. 用there be适当形式填空:1._not any milk in the bottle.2._some paper in the desk.3._any letters in your bag?4._a cup of tea on the table?5._many workers in the supermarket.6._many birds in the tree?7._not many pictures on the wall.8._some bananas in the box.9._a big tent at the camping site.10._some milk in the glass.11._some boys beside the school bus.12._one spoon and two forks in the cupboard.三. 用have/has, there be正确形式填空:1._a carton of juice in the fridge?2. I _many good friends in our class.3._some doctors in the hospital.4. Tom_big blue eyes.5. There _a little dog at the door.6. Lanlans friend_a black coat.7. Our parens _many nice coats.8. My teacher _two blue blouses and one yellow sweater.9. He _some balls in his hand.10. _there any teachers in the office?11. There _a big classroom beside the office.四. 用所给的词,选择其恰当形式填空:have, has, there is, there are1._a postman at the door.2._many flowers in the vase.12. Can I _a cup of tea? Im thirsty.13. A table_four legs. Four tables_sixteen legs.14. How many erasers _in your pencil case?- Only one.15. Jim and I _some new story books. Do you want to_a look?16. Excuse me. _a bathroom near here? Yes,nest to the bank.17. Our classroom_eight windows.18. _not any bread on the plate.19. _any mangoes in the basket? Yes, _some.20. _no milk in the fridge now. Lets go and buy some.21. How many doctors_in this hospital? It _about eight hundred doctors.五. 中译英:1. 教室里有一些学生,他们在写字.2. 我的铅笔盒在课桌上,里面有几支铅笔和一块橡皮.3. 吉姆有五个桃子,很甜.4. 在墙上我们有很多美丽的画.5. 昨天桌子上有三只玻璃杯,里面有一些果汁.6. 谁有尺?李新有. 有几把?只有一把.7. 看!床下有一只猫.它在做什么?在睡觉.8. 你有面包吗?不,我没有.那你有什么?我有一块蛋糕.六. 将下列句子改成疑问句:1. Tom has a nice cat.2. I have a beautiful pencil-box.3. My little brother has many apples.4. Your sister has a new hat.

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