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完成句子一 短语1. 07-6 She has an excellent (对名字的记忆力), which helps her quite a lot in her work.( memory)2. 12-9 Our understanding of education, work and society is _ of the earlier generation. (different) 我们对教育、工作和社会的认识和我们上一代人的不同。3. 14-6 .No other technological development has had _ as the growth of electronics on so many aspects of social, economic, and cultural development.(impact) 没有哪项技术的发展向电子技术这样,对我们的社会、经济以及文化等诸多方面产生过如此重要的影响。二 时态1. 07-4 Last night, John was answering the letters that (寄给他的) during the past two weeks.(arrive)2 09-5 .Iftimes_(变了),haveourwaysofthinkingchangedtoo?(change)3. 10-8 Last nights TV news said that by then the death of the missing people_ (未证实) yet. (prove) 4. 13-3 The chief engineer together with his colleagues _ new scientific methods of farming since five years ago. (look)五年以来,总工程师和他的同事们一起一直在寻找新的科学农耕方法。5. 14-2 So far the well-known journalist _ more than 4,000 interviews with famous people.(accumulate) 迄今为止这位著名记者采访名人已累积达四千余人次。三 语态1. 07-5 He believes that children (应允许学习) at their own pace.(allow)2. 08-10 At present, lots of food, water, tents, and medicine _(正在运往)from all over China and other parts of the world to the earthquake-stricken areas.(transport)3. 12-7 In response to the audiences great demand, the play _ in the theatre twice a week. (put) 应观众的强烈要求,这部戏将会在这个剧院每周上演两次。4. 13-9 It is reported in the newspaper that several new subway lines _ in Wuhan. (build)据报纸报道,武汉正在建设几条新的地铁线路。5. 14-5 .Hes the only student in the class _ to take part in the Model United Nations conference.(select) 他是班上唯一被选上参加模拟联合国大会的同学。四 一致1. 08-8 It is your efforts, not your intelligence, _(决定)your success.(determine)2. 13-3 The chief engineer together with his colleagues _ new scientific methods of farming since five years ago. (look)五年以来,总工程师和他的同事们一起一直在寻找新的科学农耕方法。五 比较级1. 07-8 The factorys output of cars this year is (大约是去年的三倍).(as, great)2. 08-1 _(最长的三条河流)in the world are the Niles, the Amazon, and the Changjiang River.(long)3. 09-6 .Attheawardceremony,Mr.Jacksonsaid,Forme,therehasbeen_(没有更大的回报)thanyoursupport.(great)4. 14-6 No other technological development has had _ as the growth of electronics on so many aspects of social, economic, and cultural development.(impact) 没有哪项技术的发展向电子技术这样,对我们的社会、经济以及文化等诸多方面产生过如此重要的影响。5. 14-8 Hes the only student in the class _ to take part in the Model United Nations conference.(select) 他是班上唯一被选上参加模拟联合国大会的同学。六 定从71. 1. 08-3 _(我成长的)is very hot and damp in summer.(grow)2. 09-10 .Learningstrategies,to_(老师们认为)importance,havenotyetdrawnenoughattentionofstudents.(attach)3. 10-7 My mother was so proud of all_(我所做的) that she rewarded me with a trip to Beijing. (do)4. 10-10 _(正如我们强调的那样) many times, “serve the people” is our first policy. (stress)5. 13-7 Through the course of my schooling, I met many teachers, two _ me greatly. (influence)上学时我遇到过很多老师,其中两位对我影响很大。6. 14-5 .Hes the only student in the class _ to take part in the Model United Nations conference.(select) 他是班上唯一被选上参加模拟联合国大会的同学。七 动名词1. 09-4 _(获得奖学金)gaveMartinthechancetogotoacolegeinoneofthenorthernstates.(win)2. 10-3 _(不会用) a computer makes it more difficult for him to do his academic research. (use)3. 12-8 The soldier was absent from his camp for three days without _. (ask) 这个士兵没有请假就离开营地三天。4. 13-5 As time is pressing, I think _ is the best way to get from here to the conference centre. (take)由于时间紧迫,我认为从这里去会议中心最好的办法是乘出租车。八 倒装1. 07-9 Not only(要帮助)the disabled to find jobs, but also medical treatment will be provided for those who need it.(give)2. 08-2 _(他们玩)video games ever since they entered college.(play)3. 10-1 Only if people of all the countries are united _(我们才能解决) the existing problems in the world. (solve)4. 11-1 Not until two days after the earthquake_(她发现)her mother alive(find)5. 12-4 Little _ what she looks like; all she cares about is her job performance. (care) 她不在乎外表,她在乎的是自己的工作表现。6. 13-6 So fast _ that we can hardly imagine its speed. (travel)光传播的速度快到我们难以想象。79. 7. 14-9 The Public Square is an eye-catching sight of the city. _many stone sculptures of famous historical figures.(stand) 大众广场是这个城市引人注目的景点,许多历史名人的石雕像矗立在那儿。九 复合宾语1. 13-4 When I work on the farmland in the daytime, I always _ to a tree on the riverbank. (keep)白天干农活的时候,我总是把羊拴在河边的树上。十 非谓1. 09-1 _(多亏了)herassistance,wesucceededinstartingtheengine.(owe)2. 09-2 Whenyouarefinishedwiththeelectriciron,dontforget_(关掉它).(turn)3. 10-2 _(油漆成) red, the building stands out among the rest and looks very attractive. (paint)4. 11-3 It was cold and dump, the man pulled up his collar and put his hands to his_(冻僵了的脸.(freeze)5. 11-4 _(把钥匙握在手上),he looked for them everywhere(hold)6. 11-7 A number of paintings in this castle are believed_(被毁掉)in a fire in 2009(destroy)7. 12-2 Popularly _ American films ever made, The Godfather is a milestone of cinema. (regard)教父被普遍认为是美国有史以来最好的影片之一,是电影界的一个里程碑。8. 13-2 Not _ my parents, I failed to go to a drama school, where my interest lay.(persuade)由于没有说服我父母,我没能上戏剧学校,而那才是我的兴趣所在。9.14-1 The community college has to cut down on staff_.(save) 为了省钱,那所社区学院只好裁员。10. 14-5 Hes the only student in the class _ to take part in the Model United Nations conference.(select) 他是班上唯一被选上参加模拟联合国大会的同学。11. 14-8 This novel was once the _book in high schools in the United States.(read) 这部小说曾经是美国高中阅读最广泛的书。十一. 固定1. 07-1 They sat together around the table, with (门关着),(shut)2. 08-6 Youd better go and _(把你的轿车洗洗).No, Ill do it myself.(wash)3. 09-3 During his last lecture, thescientist_(觉得)easiertoexplainthetheorytothosewithsomebackgroundknowledge.(find)4. 10-5 After she completes the project, shell have _(没什么要担心的). (worry)5. 11-2 _(没有必要)call me when you arriveJust come up to my houseIll be at home all day.(there)6. 11-10 _(比较这两把牙刷)and youll find the purple one is softer(compare)7. 12-1 With _, some animals are facing the danger of dying out. (cut)由于越来越多的森林被砍伐,一些动物正面临着灭绝的危险。十二. IT1. 08-4 _(我花了)one thousand dollars to buy the painting last wek.(cost)2. 09-3 During his last lecture, thescientist_(觉得)easiertoexplainthetheorytothosewithsomebackgroundknowledge.(find)3. 11-8 _(他突然想到)that he had an important conference to attend the next morning(occur)4. 14-3 Sometimes _ to use examples to explain abstract concepts.(helpful)有时候举例也许有助于解释抽象的概念。十三. 名从1. 07-2 I havent the slightest idea (他正在说什么).(talk)2. 07-3 The fact_(他失败了数次)makes him very upset. (he, fail)3. 07-7 (他是否出过国)doesnt make much difference.(he, abroad)4. 08-7 With the rapid development of science and technology, I cant imagine _(我的家乡会是什么样子)in ten years.(what)5. 09-7 _(任何计划好了的事)issuretochangeasoneputsitintopractice.(whatever)6. 10-4 The news _(房价将要下跌) has caused many people to sell their houses at lower prices. (fall)7. 11-6 _(令球迷欣喜的)was that the young player performed extremely well in the table tennis tournament(delight)8. 12-10 Things arent always _. (appear)事情往往不是它们看上去的那样。9. 13-1 Knowing _ reduces the risks of failure and it works like an insurance policy for your own ability. (do) 知道你正在干什么,能降低失败的风险,这就像给自己的能力买了份保险。74. 1014-4 The police will reward _ useful information to catch the robber.(provide) 任何人提供有用信息帮助抓住劫匪,警方将予以奖励。十四. 强调1. 08-8 It is your efforts, not your intelligence, _(决定)your success.(determine)2. 12-3 I dont know _ in the novel that made him burst into tears. (what)我不知道是小说中的什么东西使他突然泪如泉涌。十五. 情态1. 07-10 .It is possible that the King of Stonehenge was linked to the stones: he (可能参与) in planning the monument, or in helping transport and pull up the stones.(hand)2. 08-9 He looks sleepy. He must _(熬夜了)last night, writing the essay.(stay)3. 10-9 Its said that they have swum to the island from the continent, but they_ (不可能做到) because the ocean in between is too wide. (do)4. 14-3 Sometimes _ to use examples to explain abstract concepts.(helpful)有时候举例也许有助于解释抽象的概念。5. 14-7 You_ the meeting to tell me that; you could have come to tell me afterwards.(interrupt) 你不该打断会议来告诉我那件事,你本可以会后告诉我。十七. 壮从1. 09-8 Suchknowledgeisstiluseful_(当应用)tosimilarsituationsinothercountries.(when)2. 11-9 Be careful! The machine starts_(你一按)the button(moment)3. 12-6 However _, I could not read his handwriting. (try)不论我怎样努力,还是没法看清他写的字。4. 13-8 I dont often lose things, so I was quite surprised _ my wallet and found it wasnt there. (reach)我不常丢东西,所以当我拿钱包却发现钱包不在时,大吃一惊。5. 14-10 It was several minutes _ what he was saying/(take) 过了好几分钟,我才理解他说的是什么。

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