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牛津小学英语6B词组总汇Unit 1 Who is younger1.on Sunday morning 在周日早上2.go for a walk 去散步3.his cousin 他的表弟4.sit down under a big tree 坐在一棵大树下 5.have a chat 聊天6.my classmate 我的同班同学7.a twin sister 一个双胞胎姐妹8.look the same 看起来一样9.be as tall as 和一样高10.be taller than 比高11.twenty minutes younger than me 比我小20分钟12.one day 一天13.the only child in ones family 家里的独生子14.have got a brother 有一个弟弟15.ones family photo 全家福16.the man in black 穿着黑衣服的男士17.be the goalkeeper 做守门员18.thirteen years old 13岁19.165 centimetres 165厘米20.Try again! 再试一次!21.the tall girl in the yellow T-shirt 穿着黄色T恤的高女孩22.grow tall 长高Unit 2 More exercise1.be good at 擅长于2.do well in 做得好3.do not know how 不知道怎样做4.talk to sb. about sth. 与某人谈论某事5.need help with 需要帮助6.run faster than sb. 比某人跑得快7.run as fast as sb. 和某人跑得一样快8.a good football player 一个出色的足球运员9.jump very high 跳得很高10.jump higher than sb. 比某人跳得高11.some of the boys in my class 我们班的一些男生12.swim faster than sb. 比某人游得快13.Dont worry. 别担心。14.do more exercise 做更多运动15.get stronger 变得更强壮16.do better in 做的更好17.get up earlier 起得更早18.Thats a good idea. 那是一个好主意。19.jog to school 慢跑去学校20.play ball games 做球类运动21.after school 放学后22.the other boys 其他的男孩23.visit the zoo 参观动物园24.have a lot of fun 玩得很高兴25.dont be late again 不要再迟到了26.start our lseeon 开始上课27.read the new words 读新单词28.all of us 我们所有人29.have an English lesson 上一节英语课30.five minutes 五分钟31.in the sports field 在运动场32.red and white 红白相间33.Well done! 干得好!Unit 3 Asking the way1.ask the way 问路2.come from Australia 来自澳大利亚 3.be from 来自4.live in Nanjing 住在南京5.visit the History Museum 参观历史博物馆6.know the way 知道路线7.how to get there 怎样到达那里8.get home 到家9.at the third crossing 在第三个十字路口10.on your left 在你左边11.miss it 错过它12.how far 多远13.from here 离这里14.about a kilometer away 大约一公里远15.a long walk 一段很长的路16.get there faster 更快到达那里17.take bus No.5 乘5路公交车18.how many stops 几站19.only two 只有两站20.the bus stop 公交车站21.every five minutes 每次5分钟22.get to the post office 到达邮局23.on Zhongshan Road 在中山路24.in front of 在前面25.Youre welcome. 不客气。26.in Shanghai Street 在上海街27.get on 上车28.get off 下车29.a history museum 博物馆30.a shopping centre 购物中心31.a post office 邮局32.a primary school 小学33.a middle school 中学34.turn left 左转35.turn right 右转36.a train station 火车站37.the way to the 的路线38.go along 一直走39.at the crossing 在第个十字路口40.buy some presents 买些礼物41.last Sunday afternoon 上个周日下午42.in a bookshop 在书店43.buy a book about animals 买一本关于动物的书44.a short man 一个矮男人45.steal my purse 偷我的钱包46.run out of the shop 跑出商店47.follow him 跟着他48.Stop thief! 站住小偷!49.come to 过来50.run along the street 一直在街上跑51.start to run 开始跑52.get my purse back 拿回我的钱包53.city library 城市图书馆54.No.2 Hospital 第二医院55.at the hotel 在宾馆里56.No.1 Primary School 第一小学Unit 4 Review and check1.as tall as 一样高2.be taller than 比高3.how about 怎么样4.too big 太大5.smaller ones 最小的一个6.four metres 四米7.long jump 跳远8.jump father than 比跳得远9.the boy in red 穿着红衣服的男孩10.sing better than 比唱歌好11.get there 到达那里12.the Bank of China 中国银行13.50-metre race 50米跑14.the high jump 跳高15.be good at running 擅长跑步16.do well in jumping 在跳远中做的好17.a family member 一个家庭成员18.Class Six,Grade Six 六(6)班Unit 5 The seasons1.be going to 将要去2.next week 下周3.work there for one year 去那里一年4.ask some questions about the weather 问一些关于天气的问题5.go to New York 去纽约6.in summer 在夏天7.as hot as in Nanjing 和南京一样热8.what about 怎么样9.the best season 最好的季节10.like to go to farms 喜欢去农场11.in the countryside 在农村12.pick apples 摘苹果13.Sound great! 听起来很有趣!14.most of the time 大部分时间15.which season 哪个季节16.like winter best 最喜欢冬天17.make snowmen with my friends 和我的朋友一起堆雪人18.Its great fun. 这很有趣。19.colder than in Nanjing 比南京冷20.need some warm clothes 需要一些温暖的衣服21.the weather in New York 纽约的天气22.a lot of rain 许多雨23.the four seasons 四个季节24.in each season 在不同的季节25.the English Club 英语俱乐部26.turn green 变绿27.go rowing 去划船28.get shorter 变得更短29.go jogging 去短跑30.in your hometown 在你的家乡31.in the centre of 在的中间32.start to fall 开始掉落 33.kick a ball 踢球34.lots of snow 许多雪35.the cold winds 冷风36.blow and blow 吹呀吹37.stay at home 呆在家38.wait for spring 等待春天39.the fine weather 好天气40.swim a lot 经常游泳Unit 6 Planning for the weekend1.on Saturday morning 在周六早上2.have school 上学3.call sb. 打给某人4.talk about sth. 谈论某事5.plans for the weekend 周末的计划6.this afternoon 今天下午7.join us 加入我们8.shall we 让我们9.meet at one thirty 在一点三十见面10.in front of the Garden Theatre 在花园剧院前11.by the way 顺便问下12.in the school 在学校13.play the violin 拉小提琴14.at the concert 在音乐会上15.play the piano 弹钢琴16.of course 当然17.come with sb. 和某人一起来18.different weekend activities 不同的周末活动19.have a picnic 野餐20.go on an outing 去一次外出21.see a play 看一个戏剧22.see a Beijing opera 看北京歌剧23.take part in a singing contest 参加唱歌比赛24.take part in a sports meeting 参加体育运动会25.after school 放学后26.see his parents 看他父母27.buy some presents 买些礼物28.near their school 在他们学校附近29.go with them 和他们一起去30.watch a race 观看一场比赛31.have a class outing 有一个班级外出活动32.go to the zoo 去动物园33.tell sb. about sth. 告诉某人关于某事34.a class project 一个班级课题35.meet at the bus stop在公交车站见面36.look at the monkeys and the elephants 看猴子和大象37.a new zebra 一批新斑马39.be from Africa 来自非洲40.come home 回家41.I think. 我想。42.a board game 一个棋类游戏43.the yellow bowl 黄碗44.watch the snow 赏雪45.by the window 靠着窗Unit 7 A letter to a penfriend1.a letter to a penfriend 给笔友的一封信2.yesterday afternoon 昨天下午3.read about sth. 阅读到关于4.in the newspaper 在报纸上5.a penfriend in China 中国笔友6.be his penfriend 成为他的笔友7.some writing paper 一些信纸8.Here you are. 给你。9.an English boy 一个英国男孩10.live in London 住在伦敦11.listen to music 听音乐12.make model planes 做模型飞机13.have the same hobbies 有同样的爱好14.be good friends 成为好朋友15.I hope so 我也希望如此16.my favourite subjects 我最喜欢的科目17.our new house 我们的新家18.e-mail address 电子邮件地址19.of course 当然20.penfriend wanted 征友启事21.Liu Taos study 刘涛的书房22.a fax machine 传真机23.a telephone number 电话号码24.an envelope 信封25.What for? 为何目的?26.write to sb. 给某人写信27.collect stamps 集邮28.write a letter 写信29.draw a picture 画画30.make a kite 做风筝31.do ones homework 做作业32.find a penfriend 寻找笔友33.at the Penfriend Club 在笔友俱乐部34.show sb. sth. 向某人展示某物35.show sth. to sb. 向某人展示某物36 read his letter 读他的信37.ask for penfriends 寻找笔友38.twelve years old 12岁39.some other subjects 一些其他科目40.finish primary school 小学毕业41.go to middle school 上中学42.only three of us 只有我们三人43.know everything about you 知道你的每一件事44.write to me soon 尽快回信45.with best wishes 给予最真诚的祝福46.a few days later 几天后47.thank you for your letter 感谢你的回信48.would very much like 十分想要49.know more about you 更了解你50.hurt her finger 伤到她的手指51.turn black and blue 变得又青又紫52.read much faster 读得更快53.speak much louder 说得更大声Unit 8 Review and check1.a photo of ones family 全家福2.six people 六人3.the man in the brown shirt 穿着褐色T恤的男士4.the woman in the green dress 穿着绿色连衣裙的女士5.the girl in the red skirt 穿着红色短裙的女孩6.a middle school student 中学学生7.the boy in the white T-shirt 穿着白色T恤的男孩8.play baseball 打棒球9.row boats 划船10.go cycling 去骑自行车11.in rivers and lakes 在河里12.put on warm clothes 穿上温暖的衣服

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