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The survey on Employment status of building the price consults industryThe survey is mainly to know the health condition of the people in building the price consults industry and other relevant information, please according to your own feeling on the following questions, put a tick before you select the option, and finally thank you for your busy schedule to complete my questionnaire!一、basic informationGender: male femaleAge : 20 -30 30-40Position: middle general staff二、问卷正文1、How do you think your current physical condition?A good B General C not good2、How do you feel your own health?A satisfied B General C not satisfied3、How many times per week do you have to participate in physical exercise (including running, playing ball games, doing with equipment, etc.)?A Three to five timesB One to three timesC Less than once4、what about Your breakfast habits?A Eat every dayB eat if I have time C Basically do not eat5、What is the reason to affect your physical exercise A not interested B no time C no place6、what is the feeling of getting up in the morning?A energetic B general C Fatigue, did not wake up7、What is the feeling of the shoulder and neck in the usual days?A There is no discomfortB Occasionally feel stiff.C Often feel stiff, sore7、How do you feel the ability of sensitivity?A Better than before B just the same as before C become slow than before8 how do you feel the work load?A Work can be done easilyB work can be complete almostC More difficult, feeling the burden too heavy9、How do you feel your interpersonal relationship?A We are very harmonious B Generally, no contradiction didnt also are very good C Well, theres always a contradiction 10、do you feel your life is enrich?A EnrichB GeneralC Emptiness11、Do you feel some irritable depression?A No, life is very comfortable B just so so C Often feel irritable12、how is your weight change Since you come to the company?A Remains the sameB Fat less than 5 poundsC Fat more than 5 pounds13、do you hope your company to organize sports activities (such as basketball, badminton, table tennis, swimming, etc.)?A I wish to, Physical health is the capital of revolutionB makes no difference C I dont wish to, I like sleeping.14、do you want your company to organize culture activities (such as essay writing, speech, drawing competitions, etc.)A I want to, it can cultivate character, and relax mood B makes no difference C I dont want to.15、Do you want you Company to organize outdoor activities? Such as mountain climbing, hiking, outdoor barbecue, etc.?A Yes, it can relax emotion and promote the communication between ColleaguesB makes no difference C I dont want to.16、Do You hope the company to organize recreational activities with some other company?A I Hope to, know more friends B makes no difference C I dont want to.17、Do you think that last year the companys activities rich enough?A Very rich, with the job work and rest wellB Its not bad. Its something like thatC Not enough, just too little activity.18、Do you think the company take care of the staff life?A very careB GeneralC Dont care about the staff of life company19、Do you think your departments condition?A Very good, orderly, fair distribution of work alsoB In general, no feelingC Not good20、Do you think your departments working atmosphere?A Very good, very relaxed, very harmoniousB In general, no feelingC Not good, very depressedThank you again for your participation!

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