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1 abnormal a 不正常的 I m normal you re 2 abolish v 废除 CET Band 4 should be abolished A daydreamer 3 abrupt a 突然的 唐突的 Your manner embarrassed her 4 absurd a 荒唐的 What an idea 5 accessory n 附件 零件 Handbag lipstick etc are women s accessories What are men s Tie lighter and a fine purse 6 accommodate v 提供膳宿 How can a small town the Olympic Games 7 addict v 上瘾 I m ed tocomputer games Please save me 8 acquaint v 使熟悉 Are you ed with that MM 9 adhere to v 遵守 Adhere to your own principle 10 adverse a 不利的 有害的 Adverse circumstances can test a person s wisdom and courage 11 aggravate v 加重 Smoking s cold 12 alleviate v 减轻 No one can my pain 13 alternate v a 交替 的 a day of sunshine and rain Day and night 14 ambiguous a 歧义的 The policeman is looking fora man with one eye Why not use two 你知道此幽默在何处 15 amplify v 扩大 声音 16 analogy n 类比 by analogy 17 anonymous a 匿名的 I received an letter 18 applaud v 鼓掌 赞许 I your suggestion 19 apt a 易于 One is to make mistakes if given too much pressure 20 array n 陈列 一系列 the of fruit and vegetables in the supermarket 21 arrogant a 傲慢的 An man is a self importantperson 22 ascend v 上升 The balloons are ing 23 ascribe v 归因于 He d his failure to hissmall vocabulary 24 aspiration n 抱负 Your is your ambition or strongwish 25 assault n 攻击 袭击 A robber ed him 26 assert v 断言 He ed that the thief would comeagain 27 assurance n 保证 把握 I give you my that the product is safe and reliable 28 attendant n 服务员 随从 29 authentic a 真实的 可靠的 Is Clinton s biography 30 avert v 避开 转移 We ed a loss 31 bald a 秃顶的 A man is considered to be intelligent 32 barren a 荒芜的 不能生育的 Without dream life is a field 33 betray v 背叛 泄露 You ed me 34 bewilder v 使迷惑 The new traffic lights theman 35 bias n 偏见 Bias is prejudice 36 blaze v 燃烧 发强光 Thesummer sun is blazing 37 bleak a 荒凉的 凄凉的 a future 38 blink v 眨眼睛 闪烁 39 blunder n 大错 40 bluntly ad 直言不讳地 41 blur v 变模糊 Fog blurred my vision 42 bribe v 行贿 Who bribed the bride Bridegroom 43 browse v 浏览 a web page 44 brutal a 残酷的 cruel savage 45 capsule n 密封仓 胶囊 46 carve v 刻 47 casualty n 伤亡人员 Many casualties are reported inthe battle 48 cater to v 迎合 cater to the consumers 49 caution n 小心 50 cherish v 珍视 怀有 friendship the hope that 51 chronic a 慢性的 严重的 52 circulation n 循环 发行 量 Reader has the largest in China 53 climax n 高潮 the of the play 54 cling to v 紧紧抓住 依恋 坚持 墨守 The baby clung to his mother to the hope that 55 coincidence n 巧合 56 collaboration n 合作 in with 57 collide v 相撞 冲突 The two opinions with each other 58 commence v 开始 59 commute v 乘车上下班 I have to between theuniversity town and the downtown area 60 compact a 紧凑的 结实的 a car office 61 compatible a 相容的 兼容的 That husband and wife are very 62 compensate v 赔偿 The insurance company d theman for his injuries 63 compile v 汇编 编辑 a encyclopedia 64 complement v 补充 与 相配 The music s the filmwell 65 compliment v n 赞美 66 comply with v 遵从 67 compulsory a 必做的 education 68 conceive of v 构想 I can t of why he did such a stupidthing 69 confidential a 机密的 70 confrom to v 遵守 to the local customs 71 consensus n 意见一致 If everyone consents tosomething they reach a consensus 72 consequent a 作为后果 随之发生的 lack of electricity and the loss in economy 73 conserve v 保护 Ifyou conserve something youuse it carefully and will not wasteit In winter some people energy bylowering the heat at night 74 consolidate v 巩固 75 conspicuous a 显眼的 The girl in red in the snowfield is very 76 contaminate v 污染 If you something you make itdirty 77 contemplate v 沉思 凝视 You must the results of the action 78 contempt n 轻视 Before the competition Williams held the little known player in contempt 79 contend v 主张 assert The lawyer contendsthat the man is guilty 80 contradict v 相矛盾 81 contrive v 谋划 图谋 The terrorists d to hijack a plane 82 converge v 会合 聚集 meet at a common point The two rivers converge here 83 cordial a 热情的 84 corrupt a v 的 腐蚀 officials 85 cozy a 舒适的 a bedroom 86 counterpart n 对应的人或物 87 criterion n 标准 standard 88 curb v 控制 约束 restrain restrict I my curbed my appetite for food 89 cynical a 愤世嫉俗的 a young man is a angryyoung man 90 dazzle v 眩目 使赞叹不已 The sunlight dazzles me Her dance d me 91 deduce v 推断 92 dedicate v 献给 93 defendant n 被告 94 deficiency n 缺乏 不足 a vitamin in his diet 95 defy v 公然 违抗 The uniondefied the management and went on a strike 96 degenerate v 退化 97 degrade v 降低身份 98 deprive v 剥夺 You d him of his right toprivacy 99 descendant n 后代 100 destiny n 命运 fate 101 destructive a 破坏性的 The weapon has a great power 102 deteriorate v 恶化 His health has d 103 deviate from v 偏离 He d from the society bybecoming a drug addict 104 dignity n 尊严 105 dilemma n 困境 A doctor s to lie or to tell thetruth 106 diminish v 变少 107 disable v 丧失能力 108 disastrous a 灾难性的 109 discern v 看出 识别 the differences of the two 110 dispatch v 派遣 发送 a representative message 111 disperse v 分散 消散 驱散 my attention The wind dthe fog The children d after the class 112 disposition n 性情 temperament 113 distort v 歪曲 114 divert v 转移 使转向 A loud noise diverted my attention from the work 115 dizzy a 头晕的 116 donate v 捐献 Have you d blood 117 doom v n 注定 劫数 He is doomed to failure 118 drastic a 严厉的 measures 119 drawback n 缺点 disadvantage One of the s ofliving in the XIASHA is inconvenience in daily life 120 duplicate v n 复制 品 make a of the letter 121 dwell on v 总是想 详述 Don t on the past 122 elevate v 提高 抬升 An elevator can to the top floor very soon 123 elicit v 诱出 引出 the truth from the witness 124 eligible a 合适的 有资格的 qualified John is an bachelor 125 elite n 精英 126 eloquent a 雄辩的 Martin Luther King was an speaker 127 energetic a 精力充沛的 vigorous 128 epidemic n a 流行病 流行性的 Sars the bird s flu 129 erupt v 喷发 A volcano s The audience edwith laughter 130 essence n 实质 精华 the of his theory in 131 eternal a 永久的 perpetual permanent forever 132 evoke v 唤起 引起 elicit The song d a feelingof love in the listeners 133 expedition n 远征 队 考察 队 134 expel v 开除 驱逐 dismiss the trouble makingstudent 排出 emit expelthe smoke in the kitchen 135 expire v 期满 Your passport s in a month 136 expertise n 专门知识 137 explicit a 明确的 His statement is not implicit 138 extravagant a 奢侈的 过度的 You re while I m thrifty 139 fabricate v 捏造 make up fake The man s statement is d 140 facilitate a 使便利 The multi languages signs thetourists 141 fascinate v 迷住 I m d by the beauty of Li jiang and Da li 142 feeble a 虚弱的 weak faint 143 flaw n 缺陷 I can t find a the painting is perfect 144 fluctuate n 波动 145 fromulate v 构想 146 foster a 培养 develop nurture cultivate 领养 a child 147 fragile a 易碎的 脆弱的 148 furious a 暴怒的 149 glamour n 魅力 The of old town such asLiJiang Dali 150 glitter v 闪光 sparkle All that s is notgold 151 gloomy a 忧郁的 阴暗的 a day future 152 gossip n v 流言 说长道短 Gossips are like rumors 153 grief n 悲伤 sorrow 154 hamper v 妨碍 hinder Rescue work washampered by the heavy rain 155 handicap n v 缺陷 残疾 妨碍 He survived the accident buthas a now 156 haul a 用力 拖 用车 托运 157 haunt v 萦绕于心 He was ed by the terriblescene 158 hinder v 阻碍 No difficulties can me 159 hoist v 升起 吊起 160 homogeneous a 同质的 The population of Japanis 161 hospitality n 好客 162 immerse v 沉浸于 She d herself in English 163 implicit a 内含的 含蓄的 If it is it is implied 164 impulse n 冲动 165 incidence a 发生率 166 indignant a 愤怒的 167 infectious a 传染的 168 ingenious a 人 灵巧的 设计等 巧妙的 handicraftsman 169 inherent a 固有的 the defects of planned economy 170 initiate v 开始 发起 a new plan 171 integral a 构成整体所必须的 不可缺的 Rice is an part ofChinese diet 172 intelligible a 明白易懂的 173 intensify v 加剧 The noise intensified 174 intermittent a 断断续续 the rain showers 175 intimidate v 恐吓 176 intricate a 错综复杂的 177 intrinsic a 固有的 value 178 intuition n 直觉 Your is your sixth sense 179 invalid a 无效的 an license 180 invariably ad 不变地 始终 181 irritate v 使恼怒 annoy 182 jeopardize v 危及 endanger You your job bybeing late often 183 junk n 废物 food 184 kidnap v 绑架 185 legend n 传奇 186 legitimate a 合法的 legal lawful 187 liability n 责任 legal obligation 不利条件 drawback 188 literacy n 读写能力 189 literally ad 逐字地 确实地 190 litter v 乱扔 No littering 191 magnify v 放大 扩大 the photo 192 manifest v 显示 表明 The illness s itself with ahigh fever 193 marginal a 微小的 194 masculine a 男性的 195 mediate v 调解 He d in a salary dispute betweenthe union and the management 196 merge a 合并 197 migrate v 迁徙 移居 Birds migrate with seasons 198 mingle v 混合 199 mobilize v 动员 200 na ve a 天真的 innocent 201 negligible a 可以忽略不计的 the cost 202 norm n 标准 reach the 203 notable a 著名的 204 notorious a 臭名昭著的 If one has a scandal hebecomes 205 nourish v 养育 206 obedient a 顺从的 If you are ready to obey orders you are 207 obscure a 费解的 模糊不清的 不著名的 Is the sentencestill to you His name was 3 years ago 208 odor n 气味 I smelt a strange 209 offset v 抵消 compensate for 210 optimum a 最佳的 211 orient v 使适应 oneself to 212 overwhelm v 感情上 使受不了 压倒 be edwith sadness majority 213 paradox n 自相矛盾 contradiction 214 participant n 参加者 215 patent n 专利 216 patrol v n 巡逻 217 patriotic a 爱国的 218 pave v 铺路 the way for women s Lib 219 permeate v 弥漫 渗透 A bad smell s the building Water d all the books in the room 220 perpetual a 永久的 221 pertinent a 有关的 relevant skills to theprofession 222 plead v 恳求 法庭 申诉 223 ponder v 思考 She ed his marriage proposal fora week 224 portray v 描绘 describe depict 225 precede v 先于 226 precedent n 先例 227 preclude n 阻止 from 228 predecessor n 前任 229 predominant a 主导的 230 premise n 前提 your is wrong 231 prescription n 处方 232 prestige n 威望 enjoy high 233 prevalent a 流行的 234 prey n 捕获物 235 probe v 探究 a matter to the bottom 236 proficiency n 熟练 237 profound a 深刻的 深奥的 238 prolong v 延长 239 prospective a 预期的 未来的 his father in law 240 provocative a 挑衅的 His language provokedPeter 241 random a 随意的 at 242 reap v 收获 harvest reap crops 243 reassure v 使放心 244 reconcile v 使和解 245 rectify v 纠正 246 refrain from v 抑制 247 refute v 驳倒 248 remainder n 剩余的部分 249 repel v 使厌恶 击退 排斥 The odor s me The odor can mosquito 250 reproach v 责备 blame 251 resemblance v 相似 252 resent v 怨恨 He resented being called hisnickname 253 retort v 反驳 254 retrieve v 取回 get back bring back 255 reunion n 团聚 get together an occasion forfamily 256 revelation n 揭示 257 revive v 使复苏 economy 258 rigorous a 严格的 training for doctors 259 rip v 撕裂 260 ritual n 仪式 ceremony routine His morning is to make coffee take a shower and have breakfast 261 robust a 健壮的 262 rot v 腐烂 decay 263 safeguard v 保护 264 savage a 野蛮的 not civilized 265 scent n 香味 The scent of women Oscar 影片 266 scrutiny n 细看 267 setback n 挫折 268 shatter v 使粉碎 It shattered my dream 269 simulate v 模拟 270 skeptical a 怀疑的 271 slack a 松弛的 272 sneak v 溜 偷偷地做 273 sober a 未醉的 I m enough 274 specifications n 规格 说明书 275 spectacle n 景象 大观 276 spectator n 旁观者 277 spontaneous a 自发的 278 stability n 稳定 279 stagger v 蹒跚 280 stationary a 固定的 281 stimulus n 刺激 282 straightforward a 坦率的 a reply 283 stubborn a 倔强的 284 stumble v 绊倒 285 subordinate a 从属的 286 subscribe to v 订阅 287 subsidy n 补贴 288 subtle a 微妙的 the difference of the twowords 289 supervise v 监督 290 suppress v 镇压 抑制 291 tangle with v 争吵 纠葛 292 tariff n 关税 293 tease v 取笑 294 temperament n 气质 295 tempt v 引诱 296 tentative a 试探的 297 terminate v 终止 298 texture n 质地 299 threshold n 开端 on the of 即将开始 300 timid a 胆小的 301 tolerant a 宽容的 302 toss v 抛 甩 303 tow v 拖 304 toxic a 有毒的 poisonous 305 trait n 特点 特性 personality 306 transaction n 交易 307 transit n 运输 308 transition n 过渡 转变 309 transplant v n 移植 310 trivial a 琐碎的 311 tumble v 跌到 翻滚 stumble 绊倒 312 turbulent a 混乱的 313 unanimous a 一致的 314 underestimate v 低估 315 undermine v 暗中破坏 316 undergo v 经历 great changes 317 underlying a 潜在的 318 uphold v 支持 world peace 319 vent n 排放口 give to 发泄 320 verge n 边缘 brink on the verge ofbankruptcy 321 versatile a 多才多艺的 322 vicinity n 附近 in the 323 visa n 签证 324 visualize v 设想 325 vulgar a 粗俗的 326 vulnerable a 易受伤的 327 warfare n 战争 328 warrant n 授权令 理由 The policeman has a toarrest you 329 weary a 疲劳的 330 wrinkle v 起皱 331 accelerate v 加速 332 accessible a 可接近的 可进入的 333 acknowledge v 感谢 334 acquire v 学会 335 address v 向 讲话 336 alert a 活跃的 b 机警的 c 外国的 337 allege a 推断 b 断言 c 联合 338 allocate a 准许 b 位于 c 分配 339 appeal v 有吸引力 340 applicable a 适用的 341 assess v 估价 342 assumption n 假定 343 successor n 继任者 344 bond n 联系 345 bounce v 反弹 346 breed v 培育 347 bump into v 碰见 348 campaign n 运动 349 category n 种类 350 cease n 停止 351 chaos n 混乱 352 component n 部件 353 confess v 坦白 354 constitute v 构成 355 consistent a 一致的 356 consultant n 顾问 357 controversial a 有争议的 358 convert v 转变 convert the hotel into aapartment building 359 defect n 缺陷 360 deliberate a 故意的 on purpose 361 depress v 使沮丧 362 detect v 发现 363 descend v 下降 364 dim a 昏暗的 365 disguise v 化装 366 dispose of v 去掉 处理 367 distress n v 痛苦 368 diverse a 多样的 369 document v 证明 370 dominate v 支配 371 drain v 排走 耗尽 372 discard v 丢弃 Don t the drink cans carelessly 373 exaggerate v 夸大 374 rival n 对手 opponent 375 exploit v 利用 376 external a 外在的 377 extinguish v 熄灭 378 feasible a 可行的 379 fertile a 肥沃的 380 flourish v 茂盛 繁荣 381 fragment n 碎片 382 furnish v 提供 配置 provide He furnished mewith a lot of useful infromation 383 genuine a 真的 384 grope v 摸索 385 harbor v 心怀 386 harmony n 和谐 387 hollow a 空的 中空的 388 hostile a 敌视的 389 illusion n 幻想 390 imaginary a 虚构的 391 ignite v 点燃 392 impetus n 推动 393 immune a 免疫的 394 incentive n 刺激 395 indulge v 沉溺于 oneself in 396 induce v 引起 诱导 397 ingredient n 配料 the s of pizza 398 initiative n 主动性 You should take the 399 intimate a 亲密的 400 intervene v 干预

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