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复习小学基础知识6第五册Book5:Unit 1: Come with me! 重点单词:1.farmer农民 2.factory worker工人 3.aunt姑妈,婶,姨妈,舅妈4.uncle伯伯,叔叔,姑父,姨父,舅5.cousin堂兄弟(或堂姐妹),表兄弟(或表姐妹)6.calendar日历 7.dictionary字典 8.diary日记9.magazine杂志 10.newspaper报纸 11.planner设计者12.fly飞 13.island岛屿 14.with和(一起) 15.badminton羽毛球Sounds and words:1.sun太阳 2.cut切割 3.fun有趣的 4.mother妈妈5.son儿子 6.month月份重点句子:(Target)1.Is this your dictionary? 这是你的字典吗? No, its not.不,它不是。2.Its Tonys dictionary.它是汤尼的字典。3.What does she do? 她是干什么工作的? Shes a doctor.她是位医生。4.Where are you going? 你打算去哪里?Im going to an island.我打算去一个岛屿。(Conversation):5.Lets go.让我们走吧。6.We cant fly.我们不能飞。7.Come with me.跟我来!8.Theyre swimming/playing badminton.他们在游泳/打羽毛球。Unit 2: Do you have any glue? 重点单词:1.staple(staples)钉书针 2.scissor(scissors)剪刀3.stamp(stamps)邮票 4.envelope(envelopes)信封5.paper clip(paper clips)纸夹,回形针 6.paper纸张7.tape贴胶带 8.glue胶水 9.sticker(stickers)贴纸10.postcard(postcards)明信片 11. but但是 12.rubber band橡皮圈13.any一些(用于否定句疑问句) 14.some一些(用于肯定句)15.something某样东西 16.fix修理 17.hang glider滑翔18.Hurray!好哇!Sounds and words:1.pet宠物 2.cat猫 3.carrot胡萝卜4.bat蝙蝠 5.rabbit兔子 6.parrot鹦鹉重点句子:(Target)1.Do you have any envelopes? 你有一些信封吗?Yes, I do.是的,我有。2.Do you have any stamps/paper clips?你有些邮票/纸夹吗?No, I dont.不,我没有。(否定回答)(Conversation):3.But I have some rubber bands.但是我有些橡皮圈。4.Does Jenny have any stamps? 珍妮有些邮票吗?Yes, she does.是的,她有。(肯定回答)No, she doesnt.不,她没有。(否定回答)5.Do you have any staples? 你有一些钉书针吗?Yes, I do.有,我有。 Here you are.给你。6.What are you doing, Gogo? Gogo,你正在干什么?Im fixing the hang glider.我正在修理滑翔翼。7.Are you making something? 你在制作东西吗?Unit 3: What do we need? 重点单词:1.juice果汁 2.rice米饭 3.salt盐 4.sugar糖5.meat肉,肉类 6.vegetables蔬菜 7.tofu豆腐 8.fruit水果9.need需要 10.Me,too! 我也是! 11.cook煮饭,煮食 12.and和13.food食物 14.Here! 这里! 15.Come on! 来吧! 16.Wow!哇!17.Cool!了不起! Sounds and words:1.toys玩具 2.noise噪音 3.boys男孩4.soy sauce酱油 5.boiling滚热的 6.coins硬币重点句子:(Target)1.What do we have? 我们有什么? We have some sugar.我们有些糖。2.Do we have any salt? 我们有些盐吗? No, we dont.没有,我们没有。3.We need some salt.我们需要一些盐。4.Do we have any tofu? 我们有些豆腐吗? No, we dont.不,我们不需要。5.We need some tofu/vegetables, too. 我们也需要豆腐/蔬菜。(Conversation):6.Im hungry.我饿了。7.Lets cook! 让我们煮饭吧!8.What do we need? 我们需要些什么?We need some rice and meat.我们需要些米饭和肉。9.But Gogo, where can we buy food? 但是Gogo,我们可以在哪里买食物?10.Here! Come on.这里!来吧。 Lets go.让我们走吧。Unit 5: Its cold in winter.重点单词:1.spring春天 2.summer夏天 3.fall秋天 4.winter冬天5.sunny晴朗的 6.rainy下雨的 7.windy有风的 8.cloudy多云的9.hot热的 10.cold冷的 11.weather天气 12.flower花朵13.leaves树叶(leaf的复数) 14.look at看Sounds and words:1.snail蜗牛 2.smell闻,气味 3.pencil铅笔4.tail尾巴 5.bell铃 6.hole洞重点句子:(Target)1.Whats the weather like in spring? 春天的天气怎样呢?Its rainy in spring.春天天下雨。2.Whats the weather like today? 今天的天气怎样?Its sunny and hot.天气晴朗又炎热。3.Is it rainy in fall? 秋天天下雨吗? No, its not.不,不下雨。4.Its windy.有风。(Conversation):5.Whats the weather like in summer in your hometown? 在你的城镇夏天的天气怎样?Its hot.炎热。6.Whats your favorite season? 你最喜欢的季节是什么?Fall/I like fall.秋天/我喜欢秋天。7.Look at the flowers! 看这些花朵!8.Its green in spring.春天是绿色的。9.Its hot in summer.夏天是炎热的。10.Look at the leaves! 看这些树叶!11.The leaves are red, yellow and orange.这些树叶是红色的,黄色的和橙色的。12.Its fall.是秋天。13.Its cold in winter.冬天寒冷。Unit 6: When can we go ice-skating? 重点单词:1.January 一月 2.February二月 3.March三月 4.April四月5.May五月 6.June六月 7.before在之前 8.after在之后9.when什么时候 10.winter holiday寒假 11.go ice-skating去滑冰12.now 现在 13.beach海滩Sounds and words:1.yell叫喊 2.year年 3.yacht帆船,大游艇4.yawn打呵欠 5.yogurt酸奶 6.yesterday昨天重点句子:(Target)1.Whens winter holiday? 寒假是什么时候?Its in January and February.在一月和二月。2.Is January after February? 一月在二月之后吗?No, January is before February.不,一月在二月之前。3.Lets go ice-skating! 让我们去滑冰吧!4.We cant go ice-skating now.现在我们不能去滑冰。(Conversation):5.Its May.是五月。 Its spring.是春天。6.When can we go ice-skating? 我们什么时候可以去滑冰?We can go in winter holiday.寒假我们可以去滑冰。7.Is May before winter holiday? 五月在寒假之前吗?No. May is after winter holiday.不。五月在寒假之后。8.OK. Lets go to the beach.好的。让我们去海滩吧。Unit 7: Whens your birthday? 重点单词:1.July七月 2.August八月 3.September九月 4.October十月5.November十一月 6.December十二月 7.1st一号 8.2nd 二号9.3rd三号 10.4th 四号 11.5th 五号 12.21st 二十一号13.22nd二十二号 14.23rd二十三号 15.30th 三十号16.31st三十一号 17.birthday 生日 18.date日期 19.party晚会20.grandma奶奶,婆婆Sounds and words:1.station车站 2.cone圆锥体 3.train 火车4.queen女皇,皇后 5.button纽扣 6.bone骨头重点句子:(Target)1.Whens your birthday? 你的生日是什么时候?My birthdays October 20th.我的生日是十月二十日。2.Whats the date today? 今天是几月几日?Its October 20th.是十月二十日。(Conversation):3.Today is my birthday.今天是我的生日。Its a birthday party! 一个生日晚会。4.Grandma, whens your birthday? 奶奶,你的生日是什么时候?Its March 4th.是三月四日。Unit 9: It was clean but its dirty now.重点单词:1.warm暖和的 2.cool凉爽的 3.wet潮湿 4.dry干燥的5.clean干净的 6.dirty肮脏的 7.tidy整洁的 8.messy凌乱的9.bedroom卧室 10.was(am,is的过去时) 是 11.were(are的过去时)是12.nice好看的,漂亮的 13.garbage垃圾 14.yesterday 昨天15.here 在(到)这里 16.there在(到)那里Sounds and words:1.mouse老鼠 2.cow奶牛 3.south 南方4.mouth嘴巴 5.house房子 6.loud大声的,喧闹重点句子:(Target)1. Your bedroom was messy this morning.今天早上你的卧室很凌乱.2.Is it tidy now? 现在整洁吗? Yes, it is.是的,它是(整洁)。3.My books were on the floor this morning.今天早上我的书在地板上。4.They are on the desk now.他们现在书桌上。5.Whats your bedroom like? 你的卧室是什么样的?Its nice.它很漂亮。6.What was your bedroom like yesterday?昨天你的卧室是什么样的?It was dirty.它很肮脏的。(Conversation):7.Come on. Lets clean.来吧。让我们打扫。8.Lets put the garbage there.让我们把垃圾到在那里吧。9.Its heavy.很重。10.Listen! The birds are singing.听!鸟儿们在唱歌。11.Yes, they were singing yesterday too.是的,昨天它们也在唱歌。12.Gogo! It was clean. Gogo!干净了。13.Now its dirty here! 现在这里脏了。Unit 10: I planted trees.重点单词:1.plant(planted)种植 2.watch(watched)观看 3.wash(washed)洗涤4.cook(cooked)煮 5.listen(listened)听 6.help(helped)帮助7.paint(painted)绘画 8.call(called)打电话 9.study(studied)学习10.did(do, does的过去时)做 11.use(used)使用 12.act(acted)表演13.carry(carried)搬,提,拿 14.last上一个,刚过去的 15. year年16.What?怎么啦? 17. tree树 18. Tree Planting Day植树节重点句子:(Target)1.Did you study yesterday? 昨天你学习吗? No, I didnt.不,我没学。2.It was Tree Planting Day yesterday.昨天是植树节。3.What did you do yesterday, Ben? Ben,你昨天做过什么?I planted trees yesterday.我昨天种树。(Conversation):4.Did you plant trees last year? 去年你种树吗?Oh yes, I did.哦是的,我种了。5.What did you do the year before that?那前年你做过什么?I painted.我绘画。6.Here. You can read this book!这里。你可以读这本书!7.What did Gogo do? Gogo做过什么?He helped Tony and Jenny.他帮助汤尼和珍妮。8.Did she wash her hair yesterday? 昨天她洗头发吗?Yes, she did.是的,她洗了。 No, she didnt.不,她没洗。Unit 11: What did you do, Gogo? 重点单词:1.use(used)使用 2.study(studied)学习 3.play(played)玩4.visit(visited)看望 5.practice(practiced)练习,锻炼6.talk(talked)谈论 7.jump(jumped)跳跃 8.clean(cleaned)清洁9.parade游行 10.trumpet小号重点词组:1.use a computer使用电脑 2.practice the piano练习钢琴3.clean the window擦窗 4.last night昨晚5.the day before yesterday前天 6.last Sunday上个星期7.of course当然Sounds and words:1.toad蟾蜍 2.goat山羊 3.row 划船4.road公路 5.boat小船 6.slow慢的重点句子:(Target)1.What did you do yesterday? 昨天你做过什么?I played basketball.我打过篮球。2.What did you do the day before yesterday? 前天你做过什么?3.I played basketball, of course.当然,我打过篮球。4.What did Tony do last night? 昨晚汤尼做过什么?He used a computer.他用过电脑。(Conversation):5.I like parades.我喜欢游行。6.Lets watch.让我们去观看吧。7.What did you do in the parade? 在游行队伍中你做过什么?I played the trumpet!我吹过小号!8.We danced.我们跳过舞。I.Read and choose. (“魔法石”是第二件礼物,它能帮你照出下面哪些单词是同族哦!) Chinese grass closet math curtain cloud air-conditioner P.E. forest1.English : _ _ _ 2.sky: _ 3. mirror : _ _ _II.Read and write. (没有了魔法石的指点,这回看你的真本事了!看图写单词。Come on!)1. There is a new _ _ a _ _ bin behind the desk.2.My Chinese teacher is very o _ _ and k _ _ _. 3.We have t _ _ _ for dinner on Thursdays.4.There is a small h _ _se in the forest.5.Its _ _ _day today .III.Read and tick or cross.(幻影显形!判断下面的图片与句子是否相符。真真假假,画“J”或“L”。)1.Is there a chair in front of the desk ? Yes ,there is. 2.Whats your principal like ? He is young and tall . 3. What do you have on Tuesday ? We have music class. 4. Are there any mountains in the picture ? Yes, there are.5. What do you do on Mondays ? I often do the dishes. IV.Arrange the sentences. (哈利波特玩咒语了,单词乱飞,你有本事把他们放回原位置,恢复原句吗?)1. set you Can table the ?2.English Whats like teacher your ?3. day is What today it ?4. Is a village there river in the ?5. your favorite Whats food ?V.Read and tick. (飞机终于到达目的地啦!究竟是哪块神奇的领域呢?一起去看看吧!正确的打“T”,错误的打“F”)Hi! My name is Linda. I am 12 years old. I study at Brighton Primary School. I go to school from Monday to Friday .My favorite day is Friday. We have art and P.E. class and we have beef for lunch. Beef is my favorite food. Its tasty and healthy. My favorite teacher is Miss White. She is our English teacher. She is tall and pretty. Her class is so much fun.Im very helpful at home. I can sweep the floor and wash my clothes. I live in a small village. The sky is blue. The air is fresh. There is a river in my village. There is a path near the river. There are no ducks in the river .But you can see many fish .1. I go to school five days in a week. ( )2. We have art and science class on Friday. ( )3. My favorite teacher is tall and pretty . ( )4. Mutton is my favorite food. ( )5. Im very helpful at home. ( )6.There are many ducks in the river. ( )(左右匹配)(1)( )1. Where are you going ? a. Its in January and February. ( )2. Is it rainy in fall? b. We need some vegetables( )3. Does Jenny have any stamps? c. Its nice.( )4. Whens the winter holiday? d. No, its not.( )5. What do we need? e. Im going to an island.( )6. Is this your dictionary? f. No, I didnt.( )7. Whats your bedroom like? g. No, it isnt.( )8. Did you study yesterday? h. Yes, she does(2)( )1. Whens your birthday? a. He s a doctor.( )2. Did she wash her hair yesterday? b. Fall( )3. What does he do? c. Yes, she did.( )4. What are you doing, Googol? d. Its rainy in spring.( )5. Do we have any salt? e. Its October 20th.( )6. Whats the weather like in spring? f. Yes, we do.( )7. Do you have any glue? g. Im fixing the hang glider.( )8. Whats your favorite season? h .Yes, I do(3)( )1. What does she need? a. Its in Juiy and August.( )2. Whats the weather like today? b. Shes a nurse.( )3. Whens the summer holiday? c. Yes, he did( )4. What does she do? d. Its cold.( )5. Did he jump last Sunday?. e. He used a computer.( )6. Whats the date today? f. He needs tofu.( )7. What did Tony do last night? g. No, it isnt.( )8. Is May before winter holiday? h. Its March 12th.(4)( )1. Is May before winter April? a. Yes, he does( )2. Is it windy in fall? b. I need some meat( )3. What do they do? c. Yes, I can.( )4. What do you need? d. She needs some fruits.( )5. Whats he doing e. No, it isnt.( )6. Can you swim? f. Theyre factory worker.( )7. What does Jenny need? g. Hes listening to music( )8. Does Tom have any salt? h. Yes, it is.(5)( )1. What do you do on Monday? a. He played basketball.( )2. Does she want a guitar? b. I planted trees.( )3. What did you do yesterday? c. Its 7:30.( )4. Where are you going? d. No, she doesnt.( )5. Do you like reading books? e. Im a nurse.( )6. What time is it? f. I play the violin on Monday.( )7. What do you do? g. Im going to the bank.( )8. What did your father do last night? h. Yes, I do.(6)( )1. Do you like tennis? a. I want to be a doctor.( )2. Wheres my skirt? b. Its January 1st.( )3. What do you want to be? c. Yes, I am.( )4. What time do you go to school? d. No, I dont.( )5. Whens her birthday? e. Its on the bed.( )6. Are you happy? f. Its Monday.( )7. What did she do last week? g. She visited her grandma.( )8. What day is it today? h .I go to school at 7:30.(7)( )1. What did you do in the parade? a. Its warm.( )2. Do you have any paper? b. Yes, there are. ( )3. Is it eleven oclock? c. Theyre painting.( )4. Whats the weather like today? d. Yes , it is.( )5. Are there fourteen bananas? e. I like art.( )6. Does he have plates? f. No, I dont.( )7. What are they doing? g. No,he doesnt.( )8. What subjects do you like, h .I played the trumpet.(8)( )1.Do you have staples? A,No,it isnt.( )2.Whats the weather like? B.Yes,I do.( )3.What do they need? C.I want to visit my uncle.( )4.Where are you going? D.Its October 19th.( )5.Did she wash the door? E.Its windy.( )6.Whens your birthday? F.No,she didnt.( )7.What do you want to do? G.They need some water( )8.Is February after March? H.Im going to China.(9)( )1.Is this your house? A.Yes,it is.( )2.Where are you going? B.I cleaned my room( )3.Do you have any glue? C.No,I watched TV.( )4.What do we have? D.Its cold.( )5.Whats the weather like in winter.? E.Yes,I do.( )6.Whens your birthday? F.Im going to an island.( )7.Did you listen to music yesterday? G.We have some meat.( )8.What did you do? H.Its in October.(10)( )1.Is this your dictionary? A.Hes watering the plants.( )2.What does he do? B.She goes to Guangzhou.( )3.Do you have any envelopes,Tony? C.They need some salt.( )4.Does Lisa need any juice? D.No,its not.( )5.Whens winter holiday? E.Hes a factory worker.( )6.Where does she go? F.Yes,I do.( )7.Whats the man doing? G.No,she doesnt.( )8.What do they need? H.Its in January and February.(11)( )1.Is this your diary? A.Hes a doctor.( )2.Is it cold in summer? B.Its January 10th.( )3.Whats the date today? C.Its clean.( )4.Who is that man? D.No,we dont.We need some salt.( )5.Whats the air like near your home? E.Its in November.( )6.Do we need any sugar? F.No.Its Kates diary.( )7.Whens the girls birthday? G.Hes my uncle.( )8.What does Tony do? H.No,it isnt,Its cool.

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