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九年级(下)册练习册里的短语、词组和重点句子Module OnePhrases1. departure lounge 候机厅2. Henan Province 河南省3. be full of 装满4. have to 不得不5. because of 因为6. Spring Festival 春节7. fly to 飞到8. take the boat to 坐船到9. quite a + adj. +n十分的10. go sightseeing 去观光11. the Summer Palace 颐和园12. go for a long walk 去远足13. get back to 回到14. have got有15. at the end of 在末尾16. plenty of 大量的17. take place 发生18. look forward to 期待,盼望19. dream about 梦到20. at the start of 在开始时21. write to 写信给22. as soon as 一就23. get there 到那里24. jump onto the train 跳上火车25. smoke a cigarette 抽烟26. look out of 看外面27. with a nervous smile 带着紧张的笑容28. in a strong voice 用更强硬的语气29. get off 下车30. be far away 遥远的31. even if 即使32. most of 大多数33. more than = over 超过34. be bad for 对有害35. do harm to 对有害36. tooto太以至于不能37. the number of 的数量Sentences1. Welcome back, everyone! 各位,欢迎回来!2. How was your holiday? 你们的假期过得如何?3. But the trip back was very long. 但是归途很漫长。4. Bad luck! 真倒霉!5. Why is travel so difficult in winter? 为什么在冬天旅行这么困难?6. And now, better get back to work. 那么现在,最好回去工作。7. Well have a great time! 我们会玩的很高兴的!8. The train to Beijing. 去北京的火车。9. Now its in front of him, to set off soon. 现在就在他的面前,马上要开车了。10. Lin nodded, unable to speak. 林点点头,说不出话来。11. He held in his arms. 他把津拉入怀中。12. With tears in his eyes, Jin pushed Lin away. 眼里充满了泪水,津把林推开。13. He pushed past them towards his seat. 他挤过人群走上他的座位。14. What should he do? 他该怎么办?15. Though he was sitting, he looked very tall and strong. 虽然他坐着,但是他看起来很高也很健壮。16. Ive got a long way to go. 我要做很长时间的火车。17. What do you think of? 你认为怎么样?Module TwoPhrases1. pen friend 笔友2. have a look 看一看3. not as as不如4. have got = have 有5. a swimming pool 游泳池6. be surprised at 对感到吃惊7. a secondary school 中学8. primary school 小学9. from to从到10. head teacher 校长11. make a speech 做演讲12. stand for 代表13. tell sb. about sth.告诉某人做某事14. have a break 课间休息15. have exams 考试16. as well as 除之外17. instead of 代替18. between and在和之间19. in ones final year 在最后一年20. such as 例如21. a parents meeting 家长会22. talk about 谈论23. expect to 期待24. do well in 擅长25. either or要么要么26. in the end 最后,终于27. ask for ones advice 请某人提建议28. on ones own 某人自己29. at the beginning of 在开始时30. the whole school 整个学校31. a fifteen-minute break 一次15分钟的休息32. in addition 除此之外33. at least 至少Sentences1. It was great to see her again. 能见到他真是太好了。2. Did you do anything interesting while you were there?你在那里做什么有趣的事呢?3. Whats it like? 他是什么样的?4. And neither school has anything the other hasnt got. 没有学校有彼此不同的地方。5. Ive been at Park School, London since I was 11. 我从11岁开始就在不同的地方。6. If I pass my exams next year, Ill stay here until Im 18. 如果我能通过明年的考试,我就要在这里待到18岁。7. Before I came here, I went to primary school. 我到这里之前,上了小学。8. I started primary school when I was five. 我五岁时上的小学。9. We spend the first 10 minutes in our classroom while our teacher checks which pupils are present or absent. 我们刚开始的10分钟在自己的教室,老师检查有没有人缺席。Module ThreePhrases1. free time 空闲时间2. in the past 在过去3. asas 和一样4. be good at 擅长5. too much太多6. work hard 努力工作(学习)7. do ones best 尽某人最大努力8. life in Beijing 北京的生活9. the role of women 妇女的角色10. all ones life 某人的一生11. go to work 外出工作12. factory worker 工厂工人13. want to 想要14. the whole of 全部15. working life 工作生涯16. three times a day 一天三次17. ready-made food 熟食18. helpwith帮助某人做事19. be good for 对有益20. fall off 从摔下21. pick up 拾起22. come from 来自23. get married 结婚24. the number of 的数量25. continue doing sth. 继续做某事26. for example 例如27. play sports 做运动28. lead a life 过着的生活29. be interested in 对感兴趣30. hear about听说31. grow up 成长32. thousands of 成千上万33. the population of 的人口34. instead of 代替35. be close to 与接近36. each other 互相37. have to 不得不38. most of 大多数39. in the streets 在街上40. as a result 结果41. be pleased to 对感兴趣42. raise money 筹钱43. more than= over 超过Sentences1. Nearly finished! 快要完成了!2. Thats true. 是真的!3. Is life today better or worse than it was 50 years ago? 现在的生活比起50年前好些还是坏些。4. What do you think? 你是怎么想?5. The advantage is that we know more about medicine today. 优点是我们今天对医学知道得更多。6. And that makes life more dangerous and less healthy. 那使生活更危险,而且没那么健康。7. What about work?工作怎么样呢?8. Why dont you ask Mrs Li downstairs?为什么不问楼下的李太太。9. Thats a good idea. 那是个好主意。10. Families have changed a lot since I was young. 从我还小的时候,家庭就已经发生了巨大变化。11. Looking after us is a full-time job, so she stayed at home. 照看我们是一项专职工作,所以她只好待在家里。12. Today its normal for women to go out to work, but its less common in the past. 如今,女士外出工作很平常,但是过去就不很寻常。13. My sister was the eldest child and she left school when she was only 12 to help my mother at home. 我姐姐是最大的孩子,她12岁就辍学在家帮妈妈的忙。Module FourPhrases1. have on 穿着2. put on 穿上3. in red 穿着红色的衣服4. look forward to 期待,期盼5. go shopping 去购物6. in front of 在前面7. designer clothes 品牌服装8. look cool 看起来很酷9. big name 名气大的,知名的10. catch ones attention 吸引某人的注意11. spend on 在花费12. personal look 个人的外表13. best-known 最有名的14. all over the world 全世界15. in fact 实际上16. preferto比起更喜欢17. care about 关心18. for example 例如19. of course 当然20. make a lot of money 赚很多的钱21. above all 首先,最重要的22. because of 因为23. millions of 数以百万24. make sb. do sth.使某人做某事25. show off 炫耀26. some of 一些27. think about 考虑28. on websites 在网站上29. mobile phone 移动电话30. pop stars 流行明星31. sports stars 体育明星32. so that 以至于33. in order to 为了34. try not to do sth. 试着不做某事35. turn off 关掉36. refuse to 拒绝做某事37. no longer不再38. advertising company 广告公司39. instead of doing sth. 代替做某事40. talk about 谈论Sentences1. Me too! 我也是。2. How about that new shopping center in Wang fujing? 王府井新开的购物中心怎么样?3. And have you decided what to wear to the school leavers party? 你决定了穿什么去毕业晚会吗?4. Its the right size but its a bit bright. 尺寸合适,但是颜色亮了一些。5. Lets see if they have one in blue. 我们看看是否有蓝色的。6. Its that girl with long hair, over there. 店员是那边长头发的女孩。7. Can I help you? 有什么可以帮助您的吗?8. No, I dont think so. 对不起,我想没有。9. Come this way. 请这边来。10. Oh, take a look at that amazing skirt. 哦,看看那条漂亮的裙子。11. What do you look for when you go shopping for clothes? 你上街买衣服的时候寻找的是什么呢?12.Do you go for this years colours? 你会选择今年的流行色吗?13. Many young people today care about the way they look. 如今许多年轻人在意他们的外表。14. Whats the logo on your trainers? 你的运动鞋上是什么商标?15. They are on the radio and TV, in newspapers and magazines, on buses and buildings. 收音机里、电视机上、报纸和杂志上、公共汽车和建筑物外面,到处都是广告。16. Most people wear in a way that shows off their personality. 大多数人都采用展示他们个性的穿着方式。Module FivePhrases1. be worried about= worry about 担心2. something to eat 一些吃的东西3. personal safety 人身安全4. enjoy oneself 玩得高兴5. hurt oneself 伤到自己6. walk along 沿着走7. on ones own 自己8. have breakfast 吃早餐9. at noon 中午10. go rock climbing 去攀岩 11. think about 考虑12. have breakfast 吃早餐13. fall asleep 睡着14. in the middle of 在中间15. look out of 向外面看16. nothing to see 什么都看不到17. get up 起床18. listen to 听19. come back 回来20. pick up 拾起,捡起 21. tidy up 把收拾干净22. move on 搬走23. make lots of noise发出很大的声音24. make gesture 做手势25. above all 首先26. in the forest 在深林里27. go for a walk 去散步28. seedoing 看见做某事29. in the same position 在相同的位置30. wake up 叫醒 31. be involved in doing sth. 参与做某事32. in order to 为了33. at the same time 同时34. hundreds of 成百上千35. plenty of 大量36. throw into 把扔进37. expert sb. to do sth. 期待某人做某事38. help sb. to do sth. 帮助某人做某事Sentences1. Listen up!注意听!2. Is that clear? 清楚了吗?3. You mustnt go off on your own. 你们一定不能自己走下去。4. You must keep to the path. 你们必须沿着路走。5. You mustnt walk along the edge because you might fall and hurt yourself. 你一定不能走在边缘上,因为很容易摔下去。6. You have to keep together. 你们千万不能走散。7. Can we have something to eat? 我们可以吃些东西吗?8. Im starving. 我饿死了!9. Ok, I think thats all. 好吧,我想就这么多。10. Come on! Ill lead the way. 过来,我来带路。11. On our first evening, the three of us were tired after walking for about eight hours. 第一天晚上,在走了差不多8小时路程之后,我们3个都很累了。12. If I reach out, I can just touch him. 如果我伸出手去,我可以摸到他了。13. For the next 10 days, every time there was a sudden noise, my blood went cold. 在后来的10天里,每次突然听到声音,我都会感到很惊恐。Module SixPhrases1. wait for 等候2. catch up 赶上3. in a few minutes 几分钟后4. go back 回去5. look for 寻找6. fall over 倒下7. call for help 请求帮助8. had better do sth. 最好做某事9. thanks to由于10. expect to 期待11.longer than 比更长12. in the 19th century 在19世纪13. run across 跑过14. in front of 在前面15. tooto 太以至于不能16. plan to 计划17. go up 上到18. come down 下来19. at least 至少20. every day 每天21. keep fit 保持健康22. in the field 在地里23. in the past 在过去24. at the same time 同时25. think about 考虑26. plenty of 大量27. above all 最重要的是28. put on weight 增重29. one of 之一30. at weekends 在周末31. general health 总体的健康32. be worried about 担心33. talk to 和谈话34. stop doing sth.停止做某事35. in fact 实际上36. want to 想要37. ask sb. to do sth. 叫某人做某事38. stop smoking 戒烟39. look up 查找40. find out 找到41. be bad for 对有害42. as well 也43. as a result 结果44. more and more 越来越多45. because of 因为46. give in 屈服47.try to do sth.试着做某事Sentences1. My legs are aching. 我的腿疼。2. Whos missing? 谁不见了?3. Whats happened to them? 他们发生了什么事?4. Wait a minute! 等一会。5. Help! 救命啊!6. He has had an accident. 他发生了事故。7. His shoulder hurts and I think hes broken his leg. 他的肩膀疼,我想他把腿摔断了。8. Ok, show me where he is. 好的,带我去看他在哪里。9. How do you feel? 你感觉如何?10. Wed better get you to hospital. 我们最好送你去医院去。11. Hes got a wound in his leg and he may get a fever but its nothing serious. 他腿上有伤而且可能发烧,不过没大碍。12. Hell soon be OK. 他很快就没事了。13. Be careful! 小心!14. Its comfortable to sit on the couch and watch TV. 坐在沙发上看电视很舒服。Module SevenPhrases1. a traditional dish 一道传统菜肴2. be allowed to 被允许3. be made by sb. 由某人做的4. do as 按照做5. in the west 在西方6. at the start of 在开始时 7. Chinese food 中餐8. be filled by sb. 被某人装满9. the edge of 边缘10. as soon as 一就11. be worried about 担心12. take time 慢慢来13. in the middle of 在中间14. talk about 谈论15. at the end of 在结尾Sentences1.It will be held on 30th May. 它将会在5月30日举行。2. We are all invited.我们都受到邀请了。3. In fact, I have been chosen to look after the dance music.实际上,我已经被选去看舞会了。4. I suppose it can be heated up in the school kitchen, but it should be cooked at time. 我猜想可以在学校厨房里加热,但是应该在家做好。5. Its made with chicken or pork and vegetables. 它是和鸡肉或者猪肉,加上蔬菜一起做成的。6.That means you have to eat it with your fingers. 那就是说你必须用手来吃。7. Oh, soups no good. 哦,汤没有什么好的。8. It was invited in Italy, not England. 它发明于意大利,而不是英国。9. I see what you mean. 我明白你的意思。10. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. 入乡随俗。11. In Spain, its usual to eat lunch at 2 pm and dinner at 10 pm. 在西班牙,下午2点吃午饭,晚上10点吃晚餐都是很平常的事。12. Help yourself. 自己随便吃!13. No one will be cross. 没有人会生气的。Module EightPhrases1. between and在和之间2. at the end 在末尾3. decide to 决定做4. a pair of 一对,一双5. at the back 在后面6. in the row 在前排7. something to eat 一些吃的8. entertainment capital 娱乐之都9. plenty of 大量10. come from 来自11. such as 例如12. have to 不得不13. one of 之一14.be well-known for 以而闻名15. all types of 各种各样16. some of 一些17. in the open air在露天18. a huge number of 大量的19. in fact 实际上20. by boat 坐船21. take a ferry 搭载渡轮22. find out 发现23. more than 超过24. in the 18th century 在18世纪25. Atlantic Ocean 大西洋26. because of 因为27. be famous for 以而闻名28. be proud of 为骄傲Sentences1. How was the play? 那场戏怎么样?2. I was pleased to see it, but three hours is a long time to stay still. 我很乐意看戏,但是三个小时坐着不动太久了。3. What was the best bit? 最精彩的片段是什么?4. Im impressed. 我被感动了。5. The best way is to read the play before you see it. 最好在看戏之前读一遍剧本。6. We tried to do that, but there wasnt time. 我们想这样做,但是没有时间。7. No such luck! 没有那么好运。8. I was starving! 我饿极了。9. Madision Square Garden is the place to watch the New York Knicks Basketball Team and the Golden Gloves boxing competition. 麦迪逊广场花园是观看纽约尼克斯篮球队和金手套拳击比赛的地方。10. To watch basketball, go to the Yankees Stadium.要看篮球,去杨基体育馆吧。11. Remember to spend a day in Central park watching a play by Shakespear. 记得用一天去中央公园看一场莎士比亚的戏剧。Module NinePhrases1. in fact 事实上2. a lot 很,非常3. be proud of 为而骄傲4. above all 最重要的5. a foreign language一门外语6. continue to do 继续做7. next year 明年8. have been to 曾经到过9. English corner 英语角10. no matter how无论如何11. come from 来自12. in the world 在世界上13. international business 国际贸易14. a quarter of 四分之一的15. the worlds population 世界人口16. all over the world 全世界17. in recent years 在近几年18. either or 要么要么19. as as 和.一样20. more and more越来越多21. in place of 代替;取代22. at least 至少23. even though 即使24. belong to 属于25. make a great effect to 努力26. spend on在上花费27. make a good progress 取得进步28. communicate with 与交流29. each other 互相30. at work 在工作31. in the free time 在空闲的时间32. not at all根本不Sentences1. How much progress in English do you think youve made this year? 你认为今年你在英语上取得了多大进步?2. In fact, I think Ive achieved a lot, and Im proud of what Ive learnt. 事实上,我想我进步了许多,而且我为我所学到的感到骄傲。3. Above all, its the subject that Im best at, although my handwriting could be better. 最重要的是。这是我最好的科目,即使我的还有待提高。4. I dont think its really difficult to learn English, although its a language which looks simpler than it actually is. 我认为学英语不很难,虽然它比看起来的要难些。5. There were some people whose level was fairly low. 那里有些水平相当的人。6. And you can meet some people who come from the UK or the USA. 你可以在那里遇到英国人或者美国人。7. Anyway, what I like most is that you can use English wherever you go in the world. 我最喜欢的就是,无论你到世界的那个角落,都用得上英语。8. I wonder if there will soon be more people speaking Chinese. 我想知道是否会有更多人说汉语。Module TenPhrases1. look lovely 看起来很可爱2. a nice handbag 一个漂亮的手提包3. want to 想要4. go back to 回到5. head teacher 班主任6. a bit 一点7. make a speech 作报告8. Its time to 是时候9. say goodbye to 向.告别10. be sorry to 遗憾地11. at the end of 在结束时12. junior high school 初中13. would like to想要 14. have a lot of fun 有许多的欢乐15. many of 许多16. each other 互相17. in the future 在将来18. senior high school 高中19. thank for为感谢20. stay in touch 保持联系21. thank for为.感谢22. bothand和.都23. prepare for为做准备24. pay back 回报25. be strict with购物中心26. role model 行为榜样27. shopping center 购物中心28. look for 寻找29. so that 以致30. grow up 成长31. all sorts of 各种各样的32. for example 例如Sentences1. I dont know when well be back in this hall together again. 我不知道我们什么时候还会团聚在这个大厅。2. Its very enjoyable. 这很有趣。3. Im going to miss my classmates. 我会想我的同学们的。4. But Wherever you go, that will happen. 无论你去哪里,离别都会发生。5. Its got a great beat. 节奏太棒了。6. Even if I go back to the UK, Ill come back and visit you all. 即使我回英国去,我还是回来看你们的。7. What are your plans?你有什么计划?8. Come on!过来!9. Im very proud that I have been chosen to speak to you all today. 我今天被选来做报告,感到十分自豪。10. Strangers are only friends that you havent met yet. 陌生人只不过些没有遇上的朋友。11. So from the bottom of my heart, I think you all and wish you success in the future. 我中心感谢大家,并祝你们将来成功。

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