初中英语牛津版八年级下册Module2Arts and crafts Unit 3 Traditional skills同步练习A卷

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第 1 页 共 15 页 初中英语牛津版八年级下册 Module2Arts and crafts Unit 3 Traditional skills 同步练习 A卷 一 英英释义 共 5题 共 10分 1 2 分 2017 深圳模拟 The mother keeps on working although it is very late Yes She is preparing Christmas gifts for her children A continues B stops C remembers 2 2 分 Which picture means cloudy A B C 3 2 分 Mum I 10 dollars for the bag Can you give 给 me A have B need 第 2 页 共 15 页 C know D think 4 2 分 We must speak English possible after class A as many as B as soon as C as much as D as more as 5 2 分 2016 常州 Do you enjoy yourself at the concert Yes I have never been to one before A a better B the best C a worse D the worst 二 单项选择 共 10题 共 20分 6 2 分 2018 江西 Kids have to take many after school classes They hard to study for good grades A push B are pushed C are pushing D have pushed 7 2 分 2019九上 虹口期末 These invitations to the customers by the secretary yesterday A email 第 3 页 共 15 页 B emailed C are emailed D were emailed 8 2 分 Tom his father and his father young A looks like looks B looks like looks like C looks looks like D looks looks 9 2 分 2018七下 九江期末 Lucy her mother and her mother very young A looks like looks like B looks like looks C looks looks like D looks looks 10 2 分 Have you bought the best sell book in the store near our school Yes I it three days ago but I hear that they A have bought sell out B bought have been sold out C bought have sold out D have had have been sold out 11 2 分 is an unhealthy life style A Eating junk food B Drinking milk 第 4 页 共 15 页 C Eating vegetables D Exercising often 12 2 分 Children alone at home because they can t look after themselves A can t be left B not can be left C can t leave D can be not left 13 2 分 Trees and flowers every year to make our school more beautiful A plant B are planted C were planted D will be planted 14 2 分 Flowers along the road last year A plant B planted C are planted D were planted 15 2 分 He couldn t help angry when he heard that news A be B to be C being D been 第 5 页 共 15 页 三 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 共 10题 共 16分 16 1 分 English is speaking spoken as the first language as well as the official language in America 17 1 分 At school it is not allow to use mobile phones in class 18 1 分 It is three weeks since the flowers accept 19 1 分 He was made express his love to the young beautiful girl 20 2 分 Heat keep under the glass and can use as energy for each house 21 1 分 I was made read the text once more by Miss Chen 22 1 分 When shall I hand in my report As soon as it finish tomorrow 23 2 分 When the tree plant 10 years ago 24 1 分 A year divide into 12 star signs in Western countries 25 5 分 用所给词的适当形式填空 Did Peter s father give him some advice What happen to him yesterday I hope my husband can give up smoke In the modern world it is more important learn from others He was kick off by the national team because of his stupid mistakes 四 完形填空 共 1题 共 15分 26 15 分 2017九上 江阴开学考 完形填空 A wise man was walking from one town to another with a few of his followers and they happened to pass a lake So they stopped there to 1 for a while and the wise man said to one of his 第 6 页 共 15 页 followers I am very 2 Could you please 3 me some water from the lake The follower walked to the lake 4 the wise man requested Some people were washing clothes in the water and right at that moment several carts 手推车 started crossing the lake 5 the water became very muddy 泥泞的 Then he went back and told the wise man that the water was very muddy and not 6to drink After they had rested for about half an hour the wise man again asked the 7 follower to go back to the lake and get him some water to drink As requested the follower went to the lake again This time he found that all the mud had settled 沉淀 to the 8 The water was very 9and looked fit to drink So he 10 his water bottle and took it to the wise man The wise man took the water bottle and drank then looked up at the follower See what you did to make the 11 clean he said You let it be for a while and the mud settled down on its own 12 you could get some clear drinking water Your mind can also be like that lake when it is disturbed 被搅乱的 by something If you just let it be and give it a little13 it will most likely settle down on its own 14 being put in any effort 努力 at all to15 it 1 A rest B look C watch D see 2 A hungry B thirsty C happy D sad 3 第 7 页 共 15 页 A get B give C take D carry 4 A while B before C as D until 5 A However B Instead C In fact D As a result 6 A fit B able C important D interesting 7 A different B same 第 8 页 共 15 页 C other D left 8 A top B side C bottom D lake 9 A dirty B clear C fresh D sweet 10 A got B finished C reached D filled 11 A juice B water C food D drink 第 9 页 共 15 页 12 A so that B in order to C because D when 13 A water B money C time D air 14 A without B with C after D like 15 A prevent B calm C protect D fix 五 阅读理解 共 2题 共 16分 27 10 分 2017九下 四川开学考 阅读理解 第 10 页 共 15 页 Many years ago an enemy army came north from England to make war on Scotland The Scots a brave people loved their country very much They fought hard to drive the enemy 敌人 out of Scotland But the enemy was very strong It seemed that the enemy would win One night the leader of Scots led his men to the top of a hill We will rest here tonight he said Tomorrow we will fight again We must win or we will die They were all tired so they ate their supper quickly and fell asleep There were four guards on duty but they too were very tired and one by one they also fell asleep The enemies were not asleep Quickly they gathered at the foot of the hill Slowly they were up the hill taking care not to make a sound Closer they came to the sleeping Scots They were almost at the top Suddenly one of them put his foot on the thistle He cried out and his sudden cry woke the Scots In a moment they were on their feet and ready for fighting The fighting was hard but it didn t last long The Scots beat the enemy and saved their country The thistle is not a beautiful plant It has sharp needles all over it Few people like it But the people of Scotland like it so much that they made it their national flower 1 One night the leader of Scots led his men to the top of a hill to A fight against the enemies B see the thistle there C have a good rest D build their homes there 2 The enemies took care not to make a sound because A the Scots were sleeping on the top of the hill B they didn t want to be found by the Scots C the Scots would become very strong when they woke up D they were afraid of the sharp needles of the thistle 3 One of the enemy soldiers cried out because 第 11 页 共 15 页 A a snake bit him B he fell off the horse C he put his foot on a thistle D he fell into a deep hole 4 The underlined sentence means A They took off their shoes B They were all standing in line C They got up and quickly made their minds clear D They looked for their shoes 5 People in Scotland made the thistle their national flower because A it has sharp needles B its fruit can be used a medicine C people can sell it for money D once it saved Scotland 28 6 分 2017 长安模拟 阅读理解 Everyone may meet a person like this He can eat more than his usual amount of beer an Italian pizza an ice cream and a big sweet cookie The next morning he remains to be there without putting on a pound in weight A new study shows that people s bodies act to the same food in very different ways Even if you give two people just the same diet 饮食 they won t necessarily weigh the same says Dr Judith Kroner director at the Weight Control Center at Columbia University Medical Center Good genes 基因 work greatly You think you eat the healthy diet but you are still not happy with the way your body looks when you keep your healthy diet that is because of your mom and dad Dr Kroner says your gene decides your weight first If you try to change that weight your body 第 12 页 共 15 页 surely fights against it You may feel surprised that some people around you are thin though they eat much That s because they re eating less energy foods It can look like someone s eating a lot they have a big bowl in front of them but the bowl may be full of vegetables chicken and no spices 调料 It looks like they re just eating and eating and eating but their foods are lower in energy than you think Now you see when people say they eat whatever they want without putting on weight They re not lying So please remember the best diet is always the one that works for you not someone else s plan 1 What can you learn from Kroner s words A People should be given the same diet every day B People should eat much more food than usual C People put on different weights from the same food D People will have the same weight with the same food 2 Dr Kroner thinks that decides your weight first A your sports B your sleep C your diet D your genes 3 Which of the following is True according to the passage A The thin people are eating less in their real life B The thin people like to use the big bowl for food C Less energy food is the first choice for the thin people D People surely put on weight after eating much food 六 书面表达 共 1题 共 5分 第 13 页 共 15 页 29 5 分 2017八下 广西期中 每年的 3月 27日是全国中小学生安全日 请你以一个中学生的角色 写一篇短文 就平时大家缺乏交通安全意识而经常发生的交通事故 谈谈中学生该如何注意交通安全 现象 很多学生过马路时不看红绿灯 跑着过马路 原因 以为汽车会让他们先走 以为他们能足够快通过马路 不想等红绿灯 措施 遵守交通规则 过马路时先左右看看 词数 70 词左右 开头已给出 不计入总词数 提示词 红绿灯 traffic lights 跑着过马路 run across the road 遵守交通规则 follow the traffic rules 先左右看看 look around first Now a lot of traffic accidents happened among the students 第 14 页 共 15 页 参考答案 一 英英释义 共 5题 共 10分 1 答案 略 2 答案 略 3 答案 略 4 答案 略 5 答案 略 二 单项选择 共 10题 共 20分 6 答案 略 7 答案 略 8 答案 略 9 答案 略 10 答案 略 11 答案 略 12 答案 略 13 答案 略 14 答案 略 15 答案 略 三 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 共 10题 共 16分 16 答案 略 17 答案 略 18 答案 略 第 15 页 共 15 页 19 答案 略 20 答案 略 21 答案 略 22 答案 略 23 答案 略 24 答案 略 25 答案 略 四 完形填空 共 1题 共 15分 26 答案 略 五 阅读理解 共 2题 共 16分 27 答案 略 28 答案 略 六 书面表达 共 1题 共 5分 29 答案 略

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