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Unit1学校要举行英语演讲比赛。主题是:My life in ten years. 请写一篇短文,畅想一下十年后的生活,包括学习、工作、居住环境、生活等的变化。要求:1、语句通顺,语法正确。 2、不少于60词。 I think I will be a tour guide in ten years, because I like to travel. As a tour guide, I will go to different places and meet lots of tourists. I will take them to all beautiful and interesting places. I will live alone in Yunan. It is the most beautiful place in the country. I think I will learn a few foreign languages, because I will meet tourists from different countries. On weekends, I will probably go hiking because I like the nature. I am sure my life will be more wonderful.Unit2根据Judie 的电子邮件帮Dr.King回一封电子邮件。告诉Judie :1、白天尽量别喝茶或咖啡,可以喝些牛奶:2、睡前可以听点轻音乐:3、多锻炼。 4、70词左右。Dear Dr. King, Im too tired. I cant get to sleep well in the night recently. I dont know why except that I like drinking tea and coffee in the daytime. Can you help me? Thank you! Yours, JudieDear Judie. Im sorry to hear your problem. And heres my advice. You can try them. First, stop drinking tea or coffee in the daytime. You can have some milk if you like. Next, you can listen to some light music before you go to bed. Thats helpful. And I think youd better take more exercise. Waiting for your good news1 Yours, Dr. KingUnit3It was sunny and warm. One morning Tom took some books outside. He was sitting on the grass and reading a novel with the other books outside him. The book was so interesting that he forgot everything around him. When he finished it and wanted to change another one, to his surprise he found several books missing. Where were they? He stood up to see the books on the ground. He followed the books until he found a monkey. The monkey was sitting there and reading a book as Tom did a moment ago. Units1-3请预测一下50年以后的中学生活,用英语写一篇70词左右的短文。 Students life in 50 YearsI think the students life in 50 years will be quite different from ours today. They will not go to school to have some classes. They will stay at home to study on computers. They will ask their teachers or classmates for help by chatting on the Internet. They wont use paper, pens or exercise books. They will go to school to have sports together. For example, they will go to school to play ball games. But I dont like that kinds of life. I like to meet my teachers and classmates every day. Unit4假设你是Percy,今天拿到了成绩单。当看到年终考试英语成绩时,你感到很紧张,成绩很令人失望,尽管你想学好,但是不知怎么办。你现在的困惑:现在的课本GO FOR IT太难了,有那么多的单词和短语要记;有时你会说,但是到写时你却忘了;说、听的方面好些,但读的方面较差;有时做家庭作业时抄别人的。为此你给你的英语老师Martin写一封词数为80左右的信,并请他帮助你,请他给你提一些建议来提高英语成绩。Dear Martin, This is Percy. Today I got my school report card. When I saw my English result of the end-of-year exam. I felt very nervous. The result was every disappointing. It was the worst of all my subjects. I want to learn English well, but I dont know how to learn it. I have some problems in learning English. First , the textbook, GO FOR IT, is too difficult for me. There are too many words and phrases in each unit. I cant remember all of them. Then, I know how to say the word, but I forget how to write it. I am good at listening and speaking, but I am weak in writing. Sometimes, I cant finish the homework, so I copy others homework. I really want to learn English well, so I want to ask you for some advice. Please tell me how to improve my English. Thank you very much. Please write to me soon. I am looking forward to it. Yours, Percy Unit5题目:If I have a lot of money要求:请你就上面这个题目写一篇短文,表达自己拥有财富后将如何帮助他人,要抒发真实感。词语要连贯正确,语言流畅,书写规范。70词左右。If I have a lot of money, Ill buy what I need and do what I want to do. For example, travelling around the world, studying abroad, buying my parents a big house. My dream will come true. Of course, I can do a lot with the money, and I will do something important. Ill help those poor children who cant go to school. I hope they will not only change themselves in the future with the knowledge, but also change the world around them. At the same time, I think Ill help my parents enjoy their lives.Units1-5选择任意一个,给他或她一些建议吧Girl: I want to be a popular student. What should I do?Boy: My parents always argue. What should I do?要求:1、书写工整,表达流畅,格式正确。2、词数70-80 3、正确使用表达建议的句型。Dear Ann, If you want to be a popular student, I think you could do many things. First, you should work hard and have a good performance at school, and your teachers and your classmates will like you. Then you could help others when your friends have problems. You can help them with their study and their daily life, thus you will get on well with your friends. Or maybe you could do many things for your own class. For example, you can clean your classroom when you are free, you can organize some parties to entertain others. If you do like this, I think you will be popular at school. Good luck!Unit6根据下列表格中的内容用英语写一篇短文,介绍两个人分别收集哪些东西,并把表格中其他的相关信息也反映出来。What How longHow manyBobshellsFor five years220Linda Theater and movie ticketsSince she was ten years old350Bob and Linda both like collecting things. Bob likes collecting shells, and Linda likes collecting theater and movie tickets. Bob has been collecting shells for five years. He has had about 220 shells. Linda has collected the tickets since she was ten years old. She has more than 350 tickets now. What wonderful collectors they are! By the way, whats your hobby? Do you like collecting things, too?Unit7假如你是Sally,请给Tom写一封信介绍自己曾被他打搅的经历,并给他一些建议。Dear Tom, Im very glad to be your classmate, but I want to tell you something about yourself. Would you mind not talking to me while Im reading? Because I really want to read quietly. Could you please listen to the teachers carefully? So you will not miss any knowledge. And would you mind not shouting in the classroom? Its very scary to hear your voice. Finally, you have to finish your homework in time, and you have to study harder. Thanks for listening to me.Yours,SallyUnit8根据下列表格提示,以“ My Favorite Pet”为题写一篇英语短文。Kind of petA dognameFidoWhat does it look like?Lovely, not all white, white and black, not very big but very fat, friendlyHow long does Zhang Hong have it?Two yearsWhere did Zhang Hong get it?A pet shopWhat did Zhang Hong train it to do?Catch a ball, open the door for peopleMy name is Zhang Hong. I have a pet dog. Its name is Fido. It is very lovely. Its not all white. Its white and black. Its not very big but its very fat. Its friendly to all the people. I have had the pet dog for two years. I got it at a pet shop. I train the dog every day. It can catch a hall and open the door for people now. all my friends and my family love it very much.Units6-8假如明天是教师节,你打算给老师买份礼物,但不知道选择什么样的礼物合适,因此向别人征求意见。写一篇短文,要求条理清晰、用词准确。Today is September 9th. Tomorrow is Teachers Day. I wanted to send our teacher a present, but I didnt know what I would buy. I asked my best friend Lucy.she told me that I should buy something for our teacher, such as a book or a dictionary. But I didnt think it was a good idea. Although our teacher likes reading books, she has many books. We talked about this all the afternoon. At last I decided to buy some beautiful flowers. We also wrote a card to our teacher. It said, ”Happy Teachers Day!” We will send it to the teacher, I think she must be very happy.Unit9根据提示写一封约60词的信。Note: you have just been to Daming Lake. Write a letter to your friend Li Lei. Tell him what you did, what you saw in it, and how you went there. Shengli StreetJinan 25000ChinaJuly 4th,2011Dear Li Lei,I havent heard from you for a long time. How are you? I have been to Daming Lake. It was really a wonderful place to take a holiday. We went there by bus. We have stayed there for a week.During the time we stayed there, we went fishing, swimming and boating on the lake. We really had a great time. There were many big trees and beautiful flowers around the lake. The air was fresh. The people there were friendly to the visitors. How about your vacation? Have you been to other places to take a vacation?Please write to me soon!Unit10假如你叫李平,曾在英语角认识一位外国学生Jim。由于他的帮助, 你的英语提高得很快。你写信向他表示感谢,并希望他能给你会信。要求:词数80左右 可适当增加细节,使行文连贯、通顺。Dear Jim,I still remember that morning I met you at English corner in my city. Thank you very much for your help. You were so kind, Im very thankful for your advice on how to improve my English. I followed what you said, and it has worked well. I have made great progress in English. And I have made up my mind to learn it well.This is my first letter in English. Im not sure if there are any mistakes in it. But I do hope youll write to me soon.Yours,Li Ping期末测试一近年来,一些学生在过生日的时候,举办大型的生日聚会,这可能会带来一些问题。2请你根据提示内容,用英语写一篇短文。 问题1、花许多钱,家庭不富裕的学生感到烦恼2、浪费时间,不利于学习3、容易染上抽烟、喝酒的恶习。建议提示词汇: 染上恶习 get into bad habits;庆祝celebrate; 浪费waste写作要求;所给提示内容必须全部用上,并适当发挥,词数在60左右。In recent years, some students hold big birthday parties to celebrate their birthdays. I think this may bring some problems.First, they spend lots of money in celebrating birthdays. The students from poor families will feel worried, for they cant afford an expensive birthday party. Second, they waste a lot of time in celebrating activities, which is bad for their study. Third, it may be easy for some students to ger into the bad habits of smoking or drinking.I think its a proper way for us to celebrate our birthdays by simply giving paper cards as birthday presents. As students, we should spend our money and time on study.期末测试二下面是一封刊登在校报上的信, 写信人想通过报纸找到解决问题的最好方法。请仔细阅读这封信,并就他的几个问题提出你的建议。注意信的格式,最后签上你的姓名。Dear friends, What a terrible day today! This morning I was late for school and my headmaster was very angry with me. Then I found my maths book was missing. Since I stayed up late last night, I fell asleep in class this afternoon. I could hardly hear what the teacher said. These will be a football match on TV tonight, but my mother doesnt want me to watch it. I really dont know what to do. Could you please give me some advice? Yours, Looking For HelpDear Looking For Help,Heres some advice for you. There are a lot of things you could do. First, you should say you are sorry for being late for school. You should try to be at school on time. You could borrow a math book from your friend or maybe you should buy a new copy. You should go to bed early to get enough sleep. And you can listen to the teachers carefully, you wont fall asleep. And I think your mother will allow you to watch the football match if you finish your home work.Good luck!YoursYang Mingyan跟踪测试卷八年级下学期期末测试 Etiquette Everybody should follow the etiquette. For example, when we arrive at a bus station, we should wait in line. We should never cut in line. When we are in the restaurant, we shouldnt talk loudly. When we read in the library, we should never talk, its better for us to keep quiet. As a neighbor, we should help each other. We shouldnt throw rubbish here and there in our neighborhood. As a friend, we should always be honest to each other. When our friends are in trouble, we should try to help them, and when we are in the hospital, we should never smoke. When there is litter on the ground, we should pick it up. If everyone follow the etiquette, our world will be much better.综合测试一假如外宾要来参观你们学校,请用英语写一篇介绍你们学习的文章。内容要点如下;(1) 学校概况:建于1973年,现在40个班,100多名教师,近两千名学生;(2) 教学情况:学生努力学习,积极参加各项活动,互相帮助,互相学习;教师对工作认真负责,对学生态度和蔼(3) 学校今年来的变化:新建了教学大楼和实验楼各一栋,现在比以前漂亮多啦。Our school was built in 1973. Now there are 40 classes, more than one hundred teachers and nearly two thousand students. In our school, we all work hard at our lessons and take part in all kinds of activities. We help each other and learn from each other. The teachers are strict in teaching and very kind to us. We have built a classroom building, a lab and a small garden in front of the No.1 Teaching Building in the past few years. Now our school is much more beautiful than before.综合测试二回顾初中两年来的成长过程,你感受很多。 请你从学习、生活、兴趣爱好等方面用英语作自我评价。词数;70 左右。 I have studied in my middle school for 2 years. I have learned a lot. I learned not only how to make friends but also how to talk to others. I have many hobbies. I like sports. I often play ping-pong, volleyball and football with my friends. Football is my favorite. Of all my subjects, I am best at English and Chinese. But my math and physics are a little weak. I think I will try my best to learn them well.


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