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初三英语寒假复习教程(一)1、第一册词组与知识点的归纳2、语法(名词)3、同义句的转换1、词组与知识点的归纳(1)This is a picture of a classroom.of在句中表示“的”。主要用于表示无生命的东西的所有关系。如:the door of the room , the chair of my room.(2)时间的表达What time is it ? 相当于 Whats the time?Its 9 oclock . 九点了。Its a quarter past four . 四点一刻。Its half past six . 六点半了。Its ten to eleven . 十点五十。(十一点差十分)Its two twenty . 二点二十。(3)look after 照料,照顾look after的近义词组是take care ofYou must look after your clothes.The children are looked after ell by parents.(4)taketo 把带到Could you take the bags to the car?She has taken the old man to the hospital.Lets take the bag to the next room.(5)give sth. to sb. 相当于give sb. sth.Ill the letter to my father as soon as he comes back.Please give the book to our teacher.Give me the card,please.(6)Its time for sth. 该的时候了Its time to do sth.Its time for sb. to do sth.Its time for class.Its time to have supper.Its time for Kate to go to bed.(7)take off脱去(衣、帽等)反义词组为put on.Take off your dirty shoes.He hurt himself , he couldnt take off his clothes.(8)want to do sth.想做某事I want to buy some food for supper.He wants to be a scientist.(9)have a look 看一看have a look 只表示动作,而see表示看见,强调看的结果。Can you see the bird in the tree?I cant see the watch. Its too small.(10)have a look at 与look athave a look at表示“看一看”,而look at表示“注意看”Please look at the blackboard.Let me have a look at the blackboard.(11)netor 即不也不/不/不She is only five . She cant read or write.He doesnt like swimming or skating.(12)Now I have no arms , no hands , no legs and no feet .I have no brothers and no sisters.句中 no=not any(13)What about? 怎么样?/好不好?What about her? 她怎么样?What about the bike? 那辆自行车怎么样?What about going out for a walk? 出去散散步怎么样?What about something to eat/drink? 吃点/喝点东西怎么样?(14)Sometimes I have no time to go home for lunch.有时我没时间回家吃饭。The boys have no time to play football.We have enough time to watch TV.(15)some 和 anysome和any两者之后都可以跟可数和不可数名词。但some用于肯定句中,any则用于否定句和疑问句中。I would like some apples.Theres some meat in the bowl.Do you have any food ?We cant see any books in the bag.2、名词(1)可数名词复数形式有以下几种情况A)直接加-s:Cards , hills runners , fridges , keys , mouths , Germans , humans , houses , subjects.B)以o , s , x , ch , sh结尾的名词,加-es:bus , box , class , glass , grass , match , church , beach , dish , fish , wish , guess , progress , tomato , potato.注意:radio , zoo , photo , bamboo , piano直接加-s。C)以辅音字母+y结尾的名词,变y为i,再加-es:baby , family , factory , city , country , frisky , dictionary , story , history , body , diary , library , pigsty , spy , century , party.注意:key , play , day, monkey , chimney直接加-s。D)以f或fe结尾的名词,变f或fe为v,再加-es:knife , leaf , wife , life , shelf , thief , yourself , wolf.E)不规则变化 Sheep-sheep fish-fish deer-deer Chinese-Chinese Japanese-JapaneseF)特殊变化: Child-Children foot-feet tooth-teeth man-men woman-womenFrenchman-Frenchmen policeman-policemen Englishman-Englishmen(2)不可数名词paper , ink , ice , salt , silk , sugar , air , fish , bread , meat , pork , beef , rice , tea , milk , chicken , wool , food , wood , news , snow , matter , water , cotton , mutton , fire , chalk , money , hair , land , earth , noise , music , metal , sand , space , juice , information , porridge , glass , grass , smoke , soup.当他们表示一定数量时,要与一些量词连用。a piece of news , a glass of milka cup of tea , a bottle of watertwo pieces of paper , three bottles of orange juice3、同义句转换(1) He goes to school by bike.He goes to school on his bike.He ride a bike to school.(2)Does your father go to work on the bus every day? Does your father go to work by bus every day? Does your father take a bus to work every day?(3)Jims mother goes to Beijing by plane every year. Jims mother goes to Beijing by air every year. Jims mother flies to Beijing every year.(4)Xiao Wang doesnt often go to school on foot. Xiao Wang doesnt often walk to school.(5)Are we all here? Is everyone here?(7)Can I help you? What can I do for you?(8)How many do you want to buy? How many would you like to buy?(9)Where is Mary from? Where does Mary come from?(10)What is your uncle? What does your uncle do? What is your uncles job?(11)She is in a white blouse. She is wearing a white blouse.(12)The house has four rooms.There are four rooms in the house.(13)The e-mail is from Tom to Lily.Lily gets an e-mail from Tom.(14)Its time to have a meeting.Its time for a meeting.(15)We are working now.We are at work now.(16)We have lunch in the middle of he day.We have lunch at noon.(17)He has no money.He hasnt any money.He doesnt have any money.(18)It is seven forty.It is twenty to eight.(19)Whats the time?What time is it?(20)Please give me a bottle of juice.Please give a bottle of juice to me.练 习、写出下列名词的复数形式并总结出名词由单数变为复数形式的规则。1.bike_2.tree_3.car_4.bus_5.box_6.watch_7.boy_8.city_9.story_10.knife_11.leaf_12.radio_13.photo_14.piano_15.tomato_16.man_17.woman_18.child_19.foot_20.sheep_、根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空1.There are two _ in my home town.(factory)2.The doctor has saved many peoples_.(life)3.How many _ does Mrs Green have?(dress)4.I had two _ for supper yesterday.(potato)5.There were several _ at the meeting.(German)、将下列词组译成英文。1许多胡萝卜_ 2、一些短裙_3八篮子蛋_ 4、七公斤豌豆_5五瓶橘汁_ 6、四杯茶_7六盒小刀_ 8、五条裤子_9九袋大米_ 10、三张纸_、选择填空( )1.There are some _ behind the door. A. box B. boxs C. boxes( )2.How many _ are there in the street? A. policemans B. policemen C. policeman( )3.A horse has four _ , doesnt it? A. foots B. feet C. feets( )4.Do you like American _? A. foods B. food C. a food( )5.We have a lot of _ to do. A.work B. works C. worker( )6.He has three _ under the bed. A. pair of shoe B. pairs of shoe C. pairs of shoes( )7.There are two _ and three _ in the room. A. American, Japanese B. Americans, Japanese C. American, Janpaneses( )8._ come from England. They speak English. A. Englishman B. Englishmans C.Englishmen、完成下列句子。1、讲台有两盒粉笔。 There are _ _ _ _on the teachers desk.2、十分钟休息后他又继续工作了。 After _ _ _,he went on working.3、迈克是一个五岁男孩。 Mike is _ _ _five.4、她是我母亲的一位朋友。 She is a friend of _ _.5、这些外国朋友是德国人。 Those foreign friends are _.6、十年过去了,我发现她有许多白发了。 Ten years had passed, I found she had _ _ _ _.7、初二年级有五位女教师。 There are five _ _ in Grade Two.8、我昨天在我叔叔家打电话给你的。 I called you at _ _ yesterday.答 案、1.bikes 2.trees 3.cars 4.buses 5.boxes 6.watches7.boys 8.cities 9.stories 10.knives 11.leaves 12.radios13.photos 14.pianos 15.tomatoes 16.men 17.women 18.children19.feet 20.sheep、1.families 2.lives 3.dresses 4.potatoes 5.Germans、1.many carrots 2.some shirts 3.eight baskets of eggs 4.seven kilos of peas 5.five bottles of orange6.four ups of tea 7.six boxes of knives8.five pairs of trousers 9.nine bags of rice 10.three pieces of paper、1.C 2.B 3.B 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.C、1.two boxes of chalk 2.ten minutes later 3. a boy of 4. my mother 5.Germans 6.lots of white hair7.women teachers 8.my uncles

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