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小学英语(PEP)五年级上册Unit 2限时作业五年级_班 姓名:_Unit 2 My Days of the WeekNo.1 A Lets learn Lets play 一、写出下列单词的缩写形式 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )二、读一读,给句子重新排序:( ) We have math ,P.E. and English .( ) Its Thursday.( ) What do you have on Thursdays?( ) What day is it today?五年级_班 姓名:_Unit 2 My Days of the WeekNo. 2 A Lets try Lets talk一、把下列单词补充完整并写出汉语意思M day ( ) T day ( )W n day ( ) T day ( )F day ( )二、补全对话:A: What is it today?B: Monday.A: What do you on Mondays?B: We have , and . 五年级_班 姓名:_Unit 2 My Days of the WeekNo. 3 A Read and write Pair work 一、选出每组中不同类的单词。( )1. A. Friday B. Monday C. day( )2. A. father B. teacher C. mother( )3. A. today B. Tuesday C. tomorrow( )4. A. small B. ball C. tall( )5. A. mom B. strong C. sister二、连词成句:1、today , what , is , day , it (?) 2. have , do , on , Thursdays , you , what (?) 3.have,art , we , class , Wednesdays , on ( . ) 五年级_班 姓名:_Unit 2 My Days of the WeekNo. 4 B Lets learn Lets chant一、根据图片补充句子。1、What day is it today?Its . 2、What do you do on ? I often , and . 五年级_班 姓名:_Unit 2 My Days of the WeekNo. 5 B Lets try Lets talk 一、读一读,按问答的对应关系找朋友。( )1. What day is it today? A.we have P.E.( )2. What do you do on Sundays? B. Hes old and thin.( )3. What do you have on Mondays ? C. Its Tuesday.( )4. Whats he like? D. I often read books.二、选择题。( )1、What do you _ on Saturdays? A. is B. does C. do( ) 2、What do we have on Mondays? We have _. A. Friday B. science C. fruit( ) 3、 What _is it today? A. day B. today C. date小学英语(PEP)五年级上册Unit 2限时作业五年级_班 姓名:_Unit 2 My Days of the WeekNo. 6 B Read and write Group work一、按问答关系找朋友。( ) What day is it today? A. We have math and art.( )What do you do on Saturdays? B. Its Thursday.( )What do you have on Tuesdays? C.I often play ping-pong.二、读一读,把对话补充完整。A: ?B: Its Monday .A: ?B: We have math , music and art.A: What do you do on Sundays ?B: I often (做作业)and (踢足球).小学英语(PEP)五年级上册Unit 3限时作业五年级_班 姓名:_Unit 3 Whats Your Favourite Food?No.1 A Lets learn Groupwork一、看图片写单词: 我会写的食物类单词还有: 二、根据实际情况回答:A: What would you like for lunch ?B: Id like some and .小学英语(PEP)五年级上册Unit 3限时作业五年级_班 姓名:_Unit 3 Whats Your Favourite Food?No. 2 A Lets try Lets talk Talk and match 一、读一读,标序号( ) What do you have for lunch today?( ) Im hungry.( ) I have onions and green beans.( ) I have eggplant and tomatoes. What about you?二、最佳选择( ) 1、- ?- Id like some potatoes.A What do you have for lunch?B What do you like?C What would you like?( )2、Im hungry . Id like tomatoes and pork. A a B an C some五年级_班 姓名:_Unit 3 Whats Your Favourite Food?No. 3 A Read and write一、读一读,选一选。1、把学校的菜谱递给别人时,应该说:( )A. This is our school menu. B. Here is our school menu. 2、某件事听起来很不错应该说:( )A. That suonds good! B. That listens good ! 3、Amy: ?( )Jone : I have eggplant and tomatoes. A What do you have for dinner?B What would you like for dinner?4、Id like tomatoes and mutton .( )A. any B. some二、完成对话A: do you lunch Mondays?B: We have (西红柿) (豆腐) and (鱼).五年级_班 姓名:_Unit 3 Whats Your Favourite Food?No. 4 B Lets learn Lets chant一、看图片连一连。sweet healthyfresh tastysour salty五年级_班 姓名:_Unit 3 Whats Your Favourite Food?No. 5 B Lets try Lets talk Pair work 一.最佳选择( )1.- Whats your favourite food? A Grapes B Apples C Fish( )2. - ?- like poatoes.A Whats your favourite food?B What do you have for dinner?C What day is it today?( )3.I like . Theyre healthy.A potatos B tomatos C potatoes二.连词成句1、Whats , food, your,favourite(?) 2、I , grapes, dont, like(.) 小学英语(PEP)五年级上册Unit 3限时作业五年级_班 姓名:_Unit 3 Whats Your Favourite Food?No. 6 B Read and write Group work 一.选句子补全对话A: Theyre sweet.B: Whats your favourite food?C: I dont like grapes.Amy: 1. John: I like apples. 2. Mike: Bananas are my favourite fruit.They are tasty.But 3. . They are sour.二.按照问答关系找朋友( )1.What would you like for lunch? A We have cabbage.( )2.What do you have for lunch? B Id like some pork.( )3.Whats your favourite fruit? C I like apples.( )4.Whats your favourite food? D I like fish and tofu. 五年级上册限时作业(No.1)五年级_班 学生姓名_课题: Unit 4 What can you do ? Part A Lets learn, Lets play, Lets chant一、英汉互译:1 扫地_2 cook the meals_3 打扫卧室_4 浇花_5 empty the trash_二、单项选择:1 - Are you _ at home, John?- Yes, I can.A help B helpful C good 2. I can _ the floor. A sleep B water C sweep 3. I can _ the flowers. A waters B is water C water五年级上册限时作业(No.2) 五年级_班 学生姓名_ Unit 4 What can you do ?Part A. Lets try, Lets talk一. 排列对话( ) What can you do ?( ) Great! You are helpful.( ) Sure.( ) I can sweep the floor. I can cook the meals.( ) Are you helpful at home, Chen Jie?二连词成句1 make, can, the bed, I (. ) _2. Sarah, helpful, home, at, is (. ) _3. you, can, do, what (? ) _五年级上册限时作业(No.3) 五年级_班 学生姓名_Unit 4 What can you do ?Part A. Read and write, Lets play一 翻译下列句子。 1 What can you do ? I can _(打扫教室)2 What can she do? She can _(做饭)3 What can he do ? He can _(扫地)二 连词成句。1 can, my brother, the, floor, sweep (. )_2. can, set, the table, I (. ) _3. make, can, the bed, she (. )_五年级上册限时作业(No.4) 五年级_班 学生姓名_Unit 4 What can you do ?Part B. Lets learn, Lets chant Good to know 一英汉互译 1put away the clothes_ 2. 洗碗碟_ 3. 摆饭桌_ 4. 铺床_二根据问句找答语( ) 1. What can your father do ?( ) 2. Can you do housework?( ) 3. What can Amy do ?( ) 4. Who can make the bed? A He can use a computer. B She can wash the clothes. C Sarah can make the bed. D Yes, I can.五年级上册限时作业(No.5) 五年级_班 学生姓名_ Part B. Lets try, Lets talk 一选择 1Mike can _ football. A play B plays C playing D is playing 2. _ Amy sing? Yes, she can. A Is B Does C Do D Can 3. My sister can _ the flowers. A waters B is water C water D watering 4. _can Chen Jie do? She can dance. A Who B Where C How D What二连词成句。 1 the, you, clothes, can, wash (?) _ 2. would, like, I, to, a, try, have (.) _五年级上册限时作业(No.6) 五年级_班 学生姓名_Part B. Read and write Group work Lets check读一读,选一选。( ) 1.Can you do housework? _. A. Yes, I am. B Yes, I can. C No, I cant( ) 2.Can your father do housework? _. A. Yes, I can. B Yes, she can. C Yes, he can.( ) 3.What can your sister do? _. A She can set the table. B He can cook the meals. C I can do the dishes.五年级上册限时作业(No.1) 五年级_班 学生姓名_课题:Unit 5 My New RoomPart A. Lets learn, lets play, lets sing 一英汉互译窗帘_ air-conditioner_mirror_ closet_ 床头柜_ 垃圾箱_ 二根据汉语提示完成句子。1我有一间漂亮的卧室。 I _ a beautiful _.2. 这是你的房间吗? Is _ your _?3是的。 _.五年级上册限时作业(No.2) 五年级_班 学生姓名_课题:Unit 5 My New RoomPart A. Lets try Lets talk Good to know 一 根据汉语完成句子。In my bedroom there are two _(壁橱),a _(镜子),an _(空调) and two _(床头柜)。二 读短文,选择适当的单词或短语填空。clothes, curtains, table, closet, trash binThis is my room. There is a big _. There are white _. The _ is near the table. Many _are in the closet. The _ is behind the door. The computer is on the table. Do you like my room? Whats your room like? Can you tell me?五年级上册限时作业(No.3) 五年级_班 学生姓名_课题:Unit 5 My New RoomPart A. Read and Write Lets play 1 根据提示完成句子在架子上有一些书。There _some books _ the _.在课桌上有一台计算机。There_ a computer _ the desk.2 选一选,填一填。have, There is , There are(1) _ a book and two pencils on my desk.(2) In my room, I _ a mirror.(3) In my room, _ a shelf and a sofa.(4) In my room, _ two blue curtains.(5) _ two bedrooms in my flat.(6) I _ two end tables in my bedroom.(7) _ some books and pencils in my bag.五年级上册限时作业(No.4) 五年级_班 学生姓名_课题:Unit 5 My New RoomPart B. Lets learn Lets find 一英汉互译 1. 在床上_2.在壁橱前面_ 3. 在镜子下面_4.在客厅里_ 5. near the chair_ 6.behind the door_ 7. in the trash bin_8.blue curtain_二填空并试着画出图片。 1The woman is _ (在下边) the tree. 2. There is a man _(在前面) the car. 3. The pen is _(在旁边) the book. 4. The dog is _(在后边) the cat. 五年级上册限时作业(No.5)五年级_班 学生姓名_课题:Unit 5 My New RoomPart B. Lets try Lets talk Lets practice一给下列句子排序。( ) Hello, everyone ! I have my own room now. ( ) Whats on the table ? ( ) There is a bed, a table and a big closet in my room. ( ) Its near the bed. ( ) Theres a new computer and I work with it. ( ) Really? Whats it like. ( ) You are great! Where is your closet?二连词成句。 1. this, kitchen, your, is (?) _ 2. bedrooms, there, two, are (.) _ 3. end, table, the, is, where (?) _3. closet, clothes, in, are, many, the (.)_五年级上册限时作业(No.6) 五年级_班 学生姓名_课题:Unit 5 My New RoomPart B. Read and write Lets find out 一选择适当的单词填空。 is are have has 1. They _ a big house. 2. There _ many pictures in my books. 3. My father_ a new car. 4. There _ a trash bin in the room. 5. I _two big eyes. 6. There _ three chairs over there. 7. His friend _ a good book. 8. There _ an air-conditioner on the wall.五年级上册限时作业(No.1)五年级_班 姓名:_Unit 6 In a nature parkPart A. Lets learn Lets find out Lets sing 一、根据汉语提示完成单词拼写。1.天空_k_ 2.云cl_ _ d 3.山脉m_ _ nt_ _ n 4.河流r_ v_ _ 5.花fl _ _ er 6.草 g_ _ ss 7.湖泊l _k _ 8.森林f_ r_ st 9.小道p_ th 二、看图用there is/are写三个句子。There is a lake in the nature park.1._2._ 五年级上册限时作业(No.2)五年级_班 姓名:_Unit 6 In a nature parkPart A Lets try Lets talk Pair work 翻译下列句子A:在城市里有个自然公园._B:在公园里有一条河流吗?_A:是的,有._B:有一个森林吗?_五年级上册限时作业(No.3)五年级_班 姓名:_Unit 6 In a parkPart A.Read and write Group work Story time 一、听老师读句子,补全句子。1. A: Is there a _ ? B: No,there _.2. I cant find a _ here.3. We often _ in the _.4. There is a _ in the nature park.5. There are green _ and many beautiful _ in the city.二、看一看自己的图画写出五个句子1._2._3._4._5._.五年级上册限时作业(No.4)五年级_班 姓名:_Unit 6 In a nature parkPart B Lets learn Pairwork Good to know 一、 补全单词1.村庄 v_ ll_g_ 2.城市 c_ty 3.房子h _ _ se 4.桥 br_ dg_ 5树 tr_ _ 6.公路 r _ _ d 7.建筑物 b_ _ lding 二、观察自己的教室,看看教室里都有什么,用英语写一写。(用there is/are写)_五年级上册限时作业(No.5)五年级_班 姓名:_Unit 6 In a nature parkPart B. Lets try Lets talk Lets play Lets check按要求完成句子。改为一般疑问句。1 . There is a story in the book. (变为There are结构) 3. There is a park in the city. (改为一般疑问句) 4 .There are some bridge in my village. (改为一般疑问句) 2. There are some tall building in the city. (改为一般疑问句)_五年级上册限时作业(No.6)五年级_班 姓名:_Unit 6 In a nature parkPart B.Read and write Group work Story time 一、将汉语与对应英语连线。1. white cloud A.在农场上2. blue sky B.白云3. on the farm C.蓝天4. in the city D.在草地上5. on the grass E.在城市里6. near the village F.山7. path G.自然公园8. mountain H.在村庄旁边9. nature park I.小道10. fresh air J.新鲜空气

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